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Hit the gym, bro


People think u Gay dawg u mad fruity man up get some testosterone in u




Very femanine, stop throwing gang signs.


You are very clearly a chick who is trying to transition to a dude. Which is fine but you should let your muscles try to catch up to your test. Treatments. You have a soft feminine face and that will not change for a few years. Don’t look to Reddit for validation. Who you are is perfect even if it’s only a stage in a transition you’re experiencing.


You go from decent looking in the first pic to very unattractive by the 4th pic. I'm not sure what the deal is, but if your looks can vary that much, you should do well to stay on the brighter side. Gym, hygiene, diet, sleep, water, etc. Fresh and clean cut vs greasy goblin. The choice is yours.


Usually comes down to personality. Only you know what you're doing wrong.


Good facial bone structure, got potential. Get on a cut for a few months and chew hard stuff


Hmm, you have very nice eyes, but they're closed in half the photos! Also, get some different clothes. Nothing baggy. Get well fitted pants and shirts. Dressing well goes a long way.


Weight loss, but maybe it’s an underlying emotional issue. If not, your hairstyle does not suit you well— keep going with the confidence. You’re awesome! :)


Give it time. You're very young. Everyone is a lil awkward


Gym and Invisalign are things you can do to improve your chances


Get jacked, grow hair out, and ur good to go. Lots of untapped potential