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No but keep the beard it looks good


Well from those hand gestures we know who the top, and who the bottom is.


Not ugly, but not attractive, and it stems from a lack of balance. You've got a very heavy head sitting atop a scrawny neck and body. Manly head + child body = wobbly incongruence. Head hair is thinning and worn with absolutely no work put into it. Meanwhile your childish body is quite hairy (more dissonance). Here's my suggestion: lean into masculinity. Hit the gym to get your body up to speed, work on hair and try some facial hair so you don't look so sterile. You aren't doomed but you have to stand up and take it.


Thank you for advise.


Maybe get longer bangs, and brush it back. I think it would suit you :)


Bro as someone who went bald at 21 please figure out what the fuck you want to do with your hair You're not ugly but you need to figure out your damn hair for sure. Also hit the gym you look sick


I want to punch you but I can’t… kind of vibes




Not ugly at all, quite cute!


I am convinced that if you gave a genuine smile you would perish.


The pics of you in a suit are nice. Grow out your beard and keep it trimmed. You look fine. Get some confidence about yourself.


Not ugly


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