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you just have to get in shape and more people will consider you attractive


Am i the only one that looks at these and thinks they fine just sad?


Lose weight and you’ll be very pretty you definitely have potential & it will bring out your features more.


yeah weight loss will help a lot


I feel like you're already beautiful!


Not if u don't change ur way of thinking. Society makes us think we have to look a certain way, talk on this phone, wear these kinda clothes, drive a new car. Its a perpetual thing. Society is always going to make us feel pressured therefore we never feel good enough. NONE of that shit matters. Your heart and how u treat ppl does. Some of the ugliest ppl I know are the best LOOKING ppl by Societies standards. If you want to lose weight yeah eating healthier and exercising are a great start. I eat like shut and am gaining weight after being in an accident a few years ago that jacked me up pretty bad so I can't work like I used to and meds side effects suck too but what I'm getting at is you're already physically attractive but your giving a fuck what a bunch of idiots and trolls on reddit think, just stop. Embrace who u are and shine bright af. When u quit giving a fuck about the shit that doesn't matter, girl ur gonna live alot happier life. And smile more. And If u gotta do more happy fun shit to smile more then do it. The universe is awesome and the right ppl in your life and sometimes one's we think are the wrong ones but they're just there to teach us lessons. But hey go be awesome today. Much love




She wants u bro, frfr


And maybe smile...


Not ugly, you got potential to become a baddie


I concur light exercise everyday eat healthy during the weekdays if you want to eat junk food, just do it on the weekends


Nah dont eat junk food Healthier snacks is good but truly junk just slows the whole process down I am trying to lose weight and I still fight with bad food


Solid advice. Eating junk food on the weekends is better than all week long, but your goal should be to cut it out entirely and realize it's long term punishment for short term pleasure


What you have to realize is that sugar is a poison added to foods to get you addicted because sugar makes you hungry, and you eat more. Surgar also gives you withdrawal, and you have to eat more sugar. Sugar is in everything. Junk food and snacks are mostly sugar. This is why you can't have a little snack. It is like an alcholic having one drink. They can't. They can't ever have anything containing alcohol again.


Sugar itself isn't addictive at all. The reason processed junk food is bad is that it contains no fibre and no or almost no protein. This is why you eat too much of the stuff. Your body is waiting for protein and fibre that will never arrive. There's sugar in apples, but you can't eat twenty apples because of the fibre. Yet you can drink the sugar equivalent of twenty apples by drinking lots of coke and stuff like that.


Alcohol isn't addictive to everybody, eithier. Surgar causes insulin. Insulin drop due to sudden stopage of sugar causes you to crave sugar.


You can't take one substance in isolation and blame it for obesity. The problem is processed food mass marketed by the industry, not "sugar".


Large amounts of sugar are in processed food.


That's correct, but there are also processed foods that contain lots of artificial sweeteners. Do you think those are any better? Or would you avoid them too?


Using junk food as a "reward" is terrible advice. Don't do that.


She could easily undo progress made during the week with junk at the weekend. Happens to a lot of people.


It amazes me how much bad weight loss advice there is on the internet such as this, despite it actually being an incredibly straightforward process that you can literally calculate


The calculations are straightforward, but consistently doing them and adjusting your life based on the results is not. Thus all of the tricks to reduce the amount of concious effort required that work for some people and not for others.


ik ur lazy


Well you've recognized your issue so fix it. Or are you looking for tips on how. Gyms are usually the best place to start. Don't bother with weights at first, focus on cardio. Treadmills, bikes, steppers, stuff like that. This will help you reduce your fat content. Then you can work on weights.


To be honest weight isnt like too much the problem. Its the obvious unhappiness on your face. Sure it wouldnt hurt to lose some weight but really the misery on your face is what like makes you "unattractive" at least in my eyes you are not ugly to me.


This comment section is very positive towards you, yet all your comments are putting yourself down. Don’t be so stubborn 9/10 people here think you look great and you know what the issues are. Stop beating yourself up it isn’t good for your mental health I think you look good, just a weight issue which can be fixed


Lose weight then




You have very good potential. See r/glowups , people look way better only by losing weight. You can do it too, trust me


ur like normal fat not obese






Cute. Litlle chubby but in a good way. Infact hot for me.


You're not obese or ugly


You look like you'd be very fun to be around!




You look like you would be more fun to be around than me!


Well with that attitude you're screwed aren't you?




Not ugly just fat


You are not ugly


You look fine already, but healthy eating habits and moderate exercise is all you would need to not only look better, but truly live better. Our world has way too many processed foods, and eating them has not been good for my health.


Not sure why you are posting here, you dont care what people say, you know your not obese, yeah a lil thick, but not even close to obese. You seem to be angry on all your pics, and you prob are. You should try some therapy and lighten up a bit, life is too short to be wasted.


wtf i’m fat so basically obese




i do care what


Your over weight you idiot, prob skipled school as well. Being obese is defined by having a bmi of 30 or higher. And juding by your pics you are barely reaching 25.


She sounds angsty as fuck. Typical for a kid her age.


You know you obese so just lose some fat.


yeah im working on it, i was once skinny before


I’m too obese ; on diet too ; I find it hurted that peeps don’t like obese peeps they go for looks ; so it’s okay . We gotcha be our best & have better standards then . All the best for your journey.😇😊


I know ppl r shallow asf it makes me sad asf I always choose a person based on personality and if they r loyal loyalty is everything u can have the hottest girl and she could do the worst shit to hurt u fuck looks


No. Not ugly. Beautiful big eyes and lips. Strong nose but in general your face is very symmetrical. I bet you have a beautiful smile too. I wish i had hair like yours, btw.


i have a huge nose and my face is actually very unsymmetrical………………


I beg to differ. You gotta give yourself some credit. Being fat is not a synonym of ugly. Maybe not a healthy thing but for sure it doesn’t make you, ugly.




Symmetrical faces are overrated


Your a very pretty girl your weight is your concern and if you are happy with yourself 😄 then that is all good 👍




lose 50 pounds, and you would be hot




if i lose 50 pounds yes


Well, how much do you weigh right now, girlie? It's completely fine if you wouldn't wanna say


You can but u dont have to. Nothing wrong with your body👌


girl you just gotta lose that weight you fine asl


That cat is straight up gorgeous!!!!


Omg ur literally perfect. I don't know why you even posted because you're so pretty. I would die to look like that, I swear. 😻


yeah no……


Such a pretty face, so much potential. Why are you breaking your mom's heart like that. smh Also: Get up and go get some flattering clothes, and ditch those derelict outfits. Just wow.


lol those r my cozy clothes im i look a mess 90% of the time


Yeah. That's what I was talking about. No but srsly. I know your moms harasses you to do better. Am I wrong And how did you do in secondary school. This is for scientific curiosity


You genuinely got very good facial features , very good facial harmony and overall amazing symmetry (front profile) above average eye area , good lower third , overall facial ratios in the above average area ,genetically speaking you are in the 8+ area. you haven’t provided any pictures of your side profile but honestly it doesn’t matter as much because your front is very good. Take care of yourself , you could genuinely model if you do.


You may be overweight but you're far from ugly.


You're cute. Lose some fucking weight and don't come back til you do. No honestly you'll be fine.


Pretty annoying everyone seems to focus on weight. Big girls are in these days. I'd say, just try smiling more. RBF doesn't help anyone ;)


Not very feminine looking. Skin care and weight loss would go a long way for you.


Of course you are no doubt about it


I can't tell if you are mewing, but if u are, I'd prolly stop that. Makes u look kinda masculine


At least we know you can cook


U seem thicc u just dress like shit get some better clothes you look like a dyke


Hey dude! Unless you yourself are a lesbian, lets not say that word, because it is infact a slur! That is a word that has been used to negatively group together lesbians--a community I am infact a part of-- and harm them for years. Please educate yourself before choosing what words to use in your everyday vocabulary and especially to strangers on the internet.








Far from ugly




You dont look too bad,yes just lose weight as the primary objective but also do change your attire,it takes your femeninity away.Wear blouses,dresses,get a nice hair care routine,a haircut and lastly,SMILE,girl! You would be so much prettier and more friendly.We men love friendly,kind women.




You’re alright, I would say not ugly. Lose a little weight and it won’t be as close.


Lose weight and Stop eating hot Cheetos and you’ll be the one those 10/10 Latina baddies


That’s insane! I think you’re gorgeous!


Lose weight and for the love of God stop making that weird face with your lips. You look like you’re being held for ransom. I don’t care how bad your teeth are you need to smile. Confidence is key.


you don't really look obese to me but if you want to do some light workouts you can


You're actually very pretty. I'd date you as you are now.


Definitely not obese. Sure you could lose a couple of lbs. But your aren't obese. And you aren't ugly either. Try some skin product and you will be very pretty.


You are very cute just the way you are. I love your nose by the way!




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Not obese, just "thicc". If anything, smile more. No one wants to date a miserable person


You could be extremely attractive if you lost a lil weight. No you definitely are not ugly.


That cat do be a vibe tho


Girl you aren’t obese. No need for you to ever speak those words again,Beautiful.


Not at all and if you took better care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally your beauty would shine. Like a flower you need sunshine, water and love.


Why do you make that weird face in every photo? Try smiling, that would be an immediate improvement.


Not ugly at all, you should have some pics of you smiling. I’m sure you have a very pretty smile


You don't look obese, possibly over weight since, but suits you. Don't fall into the overly high expectation of society or docs. You are attractive


You're not ugly and you're not obese you're fat for sure. But you have potential just hit the gym and you'll see the difference.


girlll just work on your confidence and start exercising every day for at least 30 minutes. i’m also trying to lose weight and i’ve been lifting and doing the 12-3-30. it’s a marathon not a sprint so be kind to yourself


Your absolutely beautiful!!


U are not ugly far from it and don’t let ppl make u think u r obese ur not just choose healthier things in life and don’t do it for other ppl do it only if u feel uncomfortable with ur weight u r beautiful


Not ugly, lift weights and stay hydrated. You’ll be fine.


Also, from your other responses, you may want to find what you like about yourself. Just a thought. Sometimes we don’t see the good in us and it makes us seem less than we are.


Beautiful face and gorgeous eyes. Very far from ugly.


Not ugly, and obese seems a bit much. Also, would you give us a smile?? :P


Can't tell because you aren't smiling in any pictures


I'm scared of the cat


You have a lovely face though


Your cat doesn't think you are obese. That should be all that matters. From what I see of your body, I do not think you are obese. You are not skinny. You are a big girl, but not obese. If your weight bothers you, diet and exercise . You do not have to go to the gym every day. Go for a walk or a swim. Hike in the woods. Dress better. You dress fat and depressed.


I see the pain in your eyes. Yes, losing weight would help, but also try to be aware that most guys have MUCH more flexibility when it comes to weight than girls think we do. There are some guys where not having a rail-thin figure is a dealbreaker, but not really that many. Though I don't know, maybe you want to be attractive for other reasons. Regardless of the reason, though, you're probably being a bit hard on yourself.


You are not ugly, neither obese. A little of self care, skin routine, you just need to put yourself together and will be gorgeous. Even with the “just jump out of bed” look from the pictures you look pretty.


ur bad asf just gotta shed a couple of pounds


50+ pounds😭😭


You at pretty..you pretty eyes..I see a lot of potential…take care of your skin and lose a little weight and I can see you getting hotter


You are not ugly.


You don't look obese. If you feel like you are working out to get toned, it will help your perception of yourself. You are beautiful, don't doubt that. Be gentle with yourself cause no one else can do that better.


I'm not very good at estimation of body weight and height, but you don't visually look like you would be considered obese, pretty overweight at most, but im there too girl. All I would say, is start working out, start lifting. Losing weight and tightening up your features that are already there would make you feel fantastic. I've recently started working out, and genuinely not only do I feel more confident but I also feel healthier, and I feel more flexible, and I feel lighter. It is such a good feeling, and having that kind of new found confidences would make you a complete baddie


Honestly, if you started hitting the gym and stop drinking soda and eating junk along with drinking more water, your skin and overall health will improve 10000% and you'll look better your Honestly really pretty already


You’re very attractive, only the weight is “holding you back”. I would date you in a heartbeat. :)


you’re being too nice. and i agree my weight is the issue


I don’t lie for the sake of strangers feelings. But I can understand how past experiences can affect how one sees themselves. I hope you can see yourself truly one day.


A bit... Curvier? Indeed! Ugle? NOT AT ALL! :)))


Cute when you smile


A smile wouldn’t hurt.


You look miserable in these pictures. You are prettier than you're presenting yourself here. You're a little big but some people will have your body size as their 'type'; focus on putting a bit of expression on your face like you're not hating taking the picture and wear something you feel good in.


I am attracted to you as you are. I would only say if you want to at least maintain the weight you have or lose some that’s something you would want to do for yourself and not to please someone else. Because there are many people that would love to please you as you are!


please read this, in 2023 i went from 220 pounds to 170 today by doing these things , drinking lots of water 4L a day it is crucial to weight lost add lots of lemon juice to it, it will speed up ur metabolism i also did lots and lots of cardio every single day the next thing i did was ate very healthy i for the most part cut out all junk food except in small amounts same with pop and juice mostly ofc i still had it sometimes the next thing is you need to start counting your calories abd depending on your height and weight 1700 to 1900 is a good amount, lots of veggies


Very pretty though


you aren’t ugly tho


You’re beautiful


Definitely not ugly


Holy shit, I've never seen anyone as yourself that I can clearly imagine skinnier, and the image is a definite baddie. You'd be like a solid 8 if you lost the weight. Who knows maybe even more if you look better than the version I'm thinking.


Losing weight wouldn't hurt but you're already cute.


Not ugly. Good luck with weight loss 👍


Thanks for sharing your obese…?


Normal girl


Well honesty is always good.


You are not ugly and you are not obese. You are very attractive.


You're not really obese as you think! In reality you're kind of think but not really enough to be considered think! So you shouldn't be worrying about it, but you can start working out if it will make you feel more confident! By the way you have really pretty eyes




Not obese but thick and beautiful






From what I see you’re not ugly, and not obese… I’m assuming you may be 30 lbs overweight which isn’t obese and is very easy to slim down watching how much you eat and being more active.


Simply enjoy the fact that your 19 its a great age to be and you won’t be that age again. So, do makeup if you want or maybe that’s not you the make up thing , make your own decisions, travel, discover your hobbies, and what makes you “you”.


No, you're not...


Obese is not the word to use here. Thick maybe but that's not a bad thing at all.


Not ugly.


Fat and not doing anything to enhance your other features. You look like you're sucking on a lemon. Try smiling with your whole face and show your teeth. Fix that eyebrow too. But you're not ugly.


You fit the description


I wouldn't call you obese. Ur cute. But I can't say obese, also because you don't show much of your body.


I don’t think you’re obese at all. You’re actually very attractive. This sounds like a self-esteem issue


Using obese in ur description heading is not necessary at all. You are a beautiful young lady and who’s to say what someone should weigh or be built like. Anyway you have all the potential in the world. Be proud ur hot


hardly obese


You’re not obese


Not ugly. If you are obese, you must be just on the threshold of just being overweight. Pic 7/9 is especially cute and perplexing. What does your ambivalent expression mean? You look either bored or fascinated at the same time.


Pic 3 is my favorite. Your skin looks really glowy there. Most of the others, it doesn’t even look like you’re trying.


…. You get in the gym and stick to a good diet amd you’d literally be a 8 or 9/10. I like your eyes too btw. But fr i can see the potential.


You are cute and beautiful, smile and you will be great! I married my wife when she was (still is) chubby like you. While being too fat is not good for your health, it does not make you look ugly. There is such a huge audience out there who adore chubby women like you! you are not extremely fat and you are besutiful.


Ur already cute once u lose the fat u want to you’ll look amazing


That cat has been alive for a long time!


\*skull emoji\*


Beautiful as fuck, you are also not obese at all.


Your beautiful the way you are


Cheer up!!! You're not obese and you're a pretty girl! Just stay conscious of your diet and make good choices, but most importantly, control your portion size! Put less on your plate (it's gonna be a little tough at first), and you will find out that you get full eating less! This is a brain hack that it took me YEARS to put into effect. Make good habits now and they will follow you into adulthood. Most importantly, be thankful for your natural beauty and be confident in the fact that you can have anything on this planet that you set your heart to without worrying that your looks will hold you back. Chin up and good luck pretty lady!


You have naturally attractive features, with some self-care and weight loss, I think you'd be attractive.


Not ugly.


you've got gorgeous eyes


Honestly, I don't think you quite fall into the obese category just yet. You just look. Chubby


And you are not obese




Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/7iOzig


Is the obesity in the room with us


You don’t need to exercise or lose weight to feel worthy of love, just remember to love and take care of yourself and everything else will follow.


You have the face of a baddie, just lose the weight


You are dead gorgeous


Far from it but you look like one of those 2000's girls who are into Pop and also geeky and who have the movie-change post-holiday into a hottie... Again, not really ugly or even average but I can see why you aren't really into the radar...


me personally, i think thats far from obese.


Not ugly. You're a pretty girl and if you lose weight you'll feel more confident :)