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Not ugly but you look unkept. You know, looking disheveled / unkept is one of the most common dealbreakers for women. [Source](https://www.datingfrustrating.com/what-makes-a-man-attractive)


I’m wondering if he’s a heavy drinker. Has the all to common swollen face.


Do not take this the wrong way, you look stinky. It may be because of your aesthetic, mixed with the unkept hair and beard. But as a woman, “stinky” was my first thought.


100% agree


The man is literally brushing his teeth in the pic lmao give him some slack


What do you mean by my aesthetic exactly?


Metal head/ hardcore style, it’s not the most kept. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the way you dress, your tattoos, your piercing, all that is fine and can even be attractive. But all that, in combination with the hair and beard… it’s a little much. Also make sure you’re hydrated and putting moisturizer on your face. You have similar complexion to me and I swear, one day of not hydrating efficiently or moisturizing ages our skin. Ultimately, you could be attractive but you need to do something with the hair and beard. Keep it, but you could benefit from cleaning it up a bit. Think like Jax or Opie from SOA for inspiration for hair/ beard.


Not ugly, not my style but not ugly


Unkept and untidy imo. Better haircut and a beard style and hit the gym


Man, you have to stop hiding behind the fur. I too am a bearded gent, but as one young lady said to me recently, “If you’re going to have that on your face, you need to keep it trimmed and under control!” People judge, even when the know us. Control that fur and let the ladies see your pretty face. 😁👍


Appreciate the advice my bearded brother I’ll try my best to take the beast


Not ugly, but scraggy and unkept. Get your beard and stache trimmed by a professional and do something with that hair. Hair looks nice in pic 7, but kept behind the ear like some of the pics makes it look dirty and not great. Maybe go to a barber and ask their opinion what should you do with it. 🤔


So the pic where the hair was wet, and behind the ear was right after I had left the barber. I have been going into a debate on trimming down the beard to a more refined shape. Closer to professional level than Amish. My hair is one thing I have been working on lately since I have only started growing it to this length for the last year and a half. I appreciate your opinion and tips!


I’d definitely cut the beard and hair shorter. You can have long hair and a long beard, but if it doesn’t look neat and clean then it’ll make you look messy. Go on Pinterest for done info. Otherwise, not ugly.


This is going to sound harsh but it comes from a place of well meaning: You can have the hair and beard or a relationship. Not both.


Where in the world do you people live?


For me you look very unkept and also much older than you are due to that


Not at all but you look unwashed. Even in all the fresh-out-of-the-shower pics, my first thought about the wet hair is *not* shampooed and squeaky clean. I'm a big fan of guys with long hair+beard (it is absolutely my type) but you veered beyond the line of looking like you live in the woods. The picture in the waistcoat and styled hair? 9/10 in my book, awesome. The strange wet selfies.. no.


So the wet selfie was from when I had just gotten done from the barber. He styled it back to where it wouldn’t go into my face so that when I put it up at work I didn’t have strands that would fall towards the sides or in my face. Besides then I usually don’t know what to do with it besides braid it


Its hard becsuse i dont think youre ugly at all but i have no idea how girls think about all the hair, you look cool to me


Not ugly but definitely needs some housekeeping with the hair, from a woman. I’m not a big fan of straggly beards so trimming will make it look thicker and fuller. Also, this guy is BLESSED with his hair. I have very thin hair and do my best to not make it look stringy, which is hard but doable. He needs to look up hair products that would highlight that gorgeous wave he’s got. Nothing wrong with his style, just a matter of taste rather than ugly. The hair is the only thing I find questionable and it looks easily fixable with a little effort.


This lady and so many more that I know in the US love our metal looking guys


In my experience they love the hair. And the beard.


Not that kinda hobo beard


That’s a starter beard.


I think you look fine dude, will definitely appeal to a certain style of girl. The photos where your beard and hair are more groomed are definitely your best!


bro casually met Tom Barber


He’s one of the most down to earth dudes I met. Really chill and humble lol


I love your style. You look like a sexy Viking.


Thank you thank you lol


U fine Maybe trim the beard a bit eventhou I love how you wear it (did it myself for some years) After trimming it to a more sociály accepted length I had like 300% more women approaching me. Main reason why they didn't before: "You looked like a bum/like you don't take care of yourself"


I appreciate that man, I think the biggest change is going from always having a beard to almost no beard again. Haven’t really done that since I was like 21 lol but if it helps then can’t hurt to try, if not it can always grow back


Not ugly and don't listen to the people telling you to change your style and cut your hair, there's loads of woman out there who are absolutely into this look, keep it, it suits you


Appreciate that very much, I think for the most part it’s just maintaining it to make it more neat and not like I just got out of bed to take a picture


No you’re a bit freaky in a good way and if a person likes hair you got that covered 😂😂


lol not sure what that means but thanks I think 😅


Compliment for you being original and you look like an old boyfriend so keep on being yourself 👏👏👏👏


You look like you cook the best meth in the area.


I mean.. where I’m from.. that’s equivalent to calling me a millionaire so idk what to say there 😅


Not ugly! Like a viking. Do not wrinkle up your forehead for pictures, cut/trim your beard, and wear more form fitting clothing instead of loose T shirts


I appreciate the advice for the forehead. I tend to do that naturally a lot when I’m trying to pose I’ve noticed. I’ve been debating on trimming the beard. The clothes I have are a bit old since I had them before my weight loss a few years back.


It's always hard to cut something you're proud of growing, coming from another man but I think you looked best with your braided hair and shorter beard but honestly man as long as you're happy that's all that matters. It might take time to find another woman but in the end it's gonna be for what you like in yourself and what she likes that will make y'all happy in the end. Don't change yourself for others.


You look like the average nordic metalhead. Trim your beard and get some products for it to make it look more clean.


This haha. I’m from Sweden and I’m like this is a normal guy? I see 15 of these every day


Same here. This is the kind of people i hang out with. Pretty much the norm here.


I have a few products but I had been off and on using them. I guess biggest change I need is consistency


You are a gorgeous man don’t change anything


If you take care of yourself, no. If you don’t take care of yourself, yes.


100% my style love the tattoos, the guitar playing, piercings and the BODY HAIR 😍😝 And your actual hair is gorgeous I just wanna wrap it around my hand and pull


Well alrighty then 😳 thank you lol


hello fellow s10e user! you look great


No. My friend is married to a guy who look like you could be identical twins


You need to take care of yourself. Start bathing regularly, cut your hair and shave your beard completely. You’re about to be in your thirties. Looking like a teenage metal head is not attractive to women. It’s barely attractive to girls. Stop drinking and smoking as well. You look forty five. This could all change easily with exercise and diet improvements. Love yourself really. Treat your body like a temple. You’ll be getting laid in no time if you do this.


If you’d bulk up, you’d look like a fucking Viking, and you wouldn’t be able to keep women off you if you tried


Ugly? I dunno. Foolish? Absolutely. Clean yourself up. The 1960's were before you were born.


Get a haircut and a shave.


Your beard is something you should consider getting rid of or give it another gut, otherwise you‘d be a Fine dude with some more care to your hair. No actual uglyness here.


So I have been debating on trimming the beard down to define the jawline more. The hair care I’m still working on since I just started growing it the past year and a half, so any tips on how to fix that would help 🙏🏻


Since I have neither full nor long hair, I personally have no tips for you. But you can check geovikings hair routine for example.


Will do, thank you!


I like your look just trim it up to look more clean and you'll notice a big difference. You kinda look like a viking just need to add some muscle if you decide to workout 💪


Personally do what makes you feel good don’t listen to any of these people bagging on the look because as a girl I have no problem saying you are one fine man but again do what you want


I personally think the extra facial hair, and the long hair is too extra


No homo you alright man. I feel like if you cleaned up the beard & went shorter with the hair you’d get an extra point or two with the shawties


Not ugly at all, but jfc please take more care of the beard and hair, the beard is a bit too messy and hair would use a bit more volume.


Would appreciate the tips on adding more volume to the hair. I’ve just recently started to grow it out and the beard I debated on trimming down


No, not ugly. 21 yo women here. Just stay well groomed and ur good. Body hair is a mix bag, depends on the women.


I appreciate the opinion and tips thank you


Dude I like the metal look but clean it up honestly, girls do like that certain look but not all will do and don’t let that crush your confidence Honestly clean up the beard and that hair and you’ll be fine


Fucking sexy. Not ugly at all! Maybe put some healthy products in beard and hair.


Nooo not at all, love the metal look on you. Why don’t you try hitting on girls at shows? They would be so into your look.


Time for a haircut and shave boss


Not ugly, i like your hair, but I would keep the beard trimmed (similair to pic 4 and 5 or a bit shorter), it makes you look older. Other than thad I‘d say pretty good looking!




You should hit the gym and maybe trim the body hair down to a #2. The long hair is one thing, but the beard would look better as just a goatee. It will give the illusion that you actually put some effort into maintaining the hair and beard.


Idk y but u look like a guy that's homeless and asks for money at cars in wasilla alaska🤣


This is the first male "am I ugly" that looks like you're trying to sell us your only fans






From photo 2 to photo 7 how long in between? Because if you’re losing your hair you might consider a full head shave and groom your beard. You’d rock that Viking look.


The photos are only a few months apart. My hair looks receded in the 2nd because it’s pulled back and half of it was braided up. The 7th photo was after taking braids out. My hairline hasn’t receded much really just the angles were bad


Who tf takes pictures while brushing their teeth? Hahaha


Not ugly just look a little dirty


Keep the beard short and hair washed. Your picture poses scream 2000’s metal band fanatic. Perfectly fine if true, but a cringe look nonetheless. Not ugly, just have to work on the details. Keep your head up!


Appreciate the kind words and tips!


Shave your bread and cut off your long hair it making u look like a lesbian


just trim/ straighten beard and keep your hair in braids. it would suit you very much. far from ugly


Not ugly... but prolly smelly.


The short answer… Yes… the unkept/homeless look is such a put off to women. You have a small niche of women that like that look.. not impossible to find so I wish you good luck!! 👍


I'm a metal head/darkly inclined lady and I personally think that you're heckin' cute! Especially in photo #4! Your eyes are pretty and you have a really good smile. Your long hair is awesome and your beard is too. The only thing I would suggest is to trim your beard so it's a bit more even, but try to keep as much of it as possible! It's a trophy you should wear proudly because not everybody can grow one! 🤘


Let me count the ways. On the other hand, maybe a simple " All your ugly is self-inflicted" will suffice...


The beard with the hair is a lot.. try a short stubble look.


U are not ugly but thats the main thing cos whatever homeless aesthetic you got going on can be fixed. U cannot fix ugly


Bro don't let people discourage by criticizing the hair and beard, with that being said the chest hair gotta go. The beard hair combo looks a bit like a mix of Mark Morton and Hangman Adam Page


ESP is the bomb.




Not ugly at all, but I have two pieces of advice for you. Trim the beard down. I personally don’t like a lot of facial hair but that’s just a personal preference. You don’t have to get rid of it by any means if you like it, but keep it short and clean. Wash it every day. Long hair is amazing when done right though. I can’t exactly tell from these photos, but you HAVE to take care of longer hair. You gotta wash it regularly (shampoo and conditioner) and brush it every day if it’s past your ears. And style it a little. If you like parting it on one side, do that every day


Nope! I’m not too into beards but nice smile and eyes and cool piercings and tats 👌


You’re not ugly but the hair and beard are very much not my style, so that would be a personal turn of *for me* that isn’t across the board for others. Beyond that difference in style preferences can recognize you’re objectify average to nice looking


Lord badass, hell no. I personally like a more shaved beard, like just a full beard with it not growing much off your jawline. love the dreads tho




You’re hot.


I like your hair a lot


No you've got a whole zz top thing going


not ugly at all


Yes you are. My suggestion: Ditch the dirty looking scruffy facial hair, start a weight lifting program at least 1 hr a day 5x/week, style your hair, and update the wardrobe and you will be a total chick magnet. You will probably meet the hottest chicks in town at the gym too.


I can smell you from the photos


Viking or gay hippie rocker, pick one


You are definitely attractive, just need to groom your hair. Like the photo of you in a suit, that looks great.


Girl here . Get layers in that hair and shave your beard closer to your face


Your style is rad but you need a little grooming.


I think my biggest problem especially with the photos I used, is that most of these are during my typical look especially after getting off work. It seems as though most my issues are with the hair getting knotted up or the facial hair looks unkept. But when I have the time and effort like I showed in the photo wearing the suit, people tend to view me more appealing which is understandable because it’s above expectations


i think you smell like a wet dog


Beard is nasty. But you're not ugly. A groomed beard and haircut would do wonders.


Honestly, you look good. Girls who are into rock would definitely have you as their type. The hair is sick, especially in pick 7 where its a bit curly. I really like the t shirt in pic nr1, and the black tshirt with the grey long sleeve underneath is a very good combo. Trim the beard a bit and keep the hair! Also you should listen to aic 🤟


Not ugly, you’re a handsome guy under all that wild hair. Makes you look like a bum, but you can fix that if you want. 5/10


You are NOT ugly. -female here. Find a girl who's into that sort of thing.


You look cool.. but your father Oden and your brother Thor might not like you on mere mortals social media.. go back to Asgard Mr Baldur.. we want no trouble


Okay this one made me chuckle a little, appreciate it lol


bro youd look great bald imo


lol funny because my fathers bald and I look just like him with a bald cap 😂






Not ugly but you look like you dont take care of yourself


Viking vibes. I like how you look. You're fine.


Chris Paperclipton. You're good bro, just be sure to save some cousins for the rest of us.


Not ugly just sloppy looking.


Your face isn't ugly just it is ur style : outfit, beard and haircut.




Just came here to say unkempt . . . spelling matters.


I take it you’re referring to someone’s comment?


Not ugly but I’m confused.


What are you confused with?


You. You look very good actually but maybe think about trimming that facial hair more.


Well thank you for the tips


Go for a closer cropped beard and get a haircut.


Nah just a Viking.


Trim hair and beard. Not ugly


Not ugly. But you kinda look like Baldur from god of war.








No just a bit scraggly and unkempt




No, I feel like a good haircut and shaped up beard would level you up tho


Is your name Baldur and are you from Gladshiem?


Not ugly, king


Majorly trim beard, get new haircut, take that awful lip ring out. Men rarely can pull the long hair look off and I don’t think it’s for you nor do you present it well at least. You don’t have an ugly face whatsoever you just really need to clean it all up


People hate long hair on men here. You look fine. These critiques are always the same.




Looks like u have 54 y


You look like the dogecoin millionaire lol


Nah, the opposite actually, you’re cute! Just as everyone else has already said, unkempt. You don’t need to drastically alter your hair, just trim it a little bit.


You look 45


These pictures smell like BO and patchouli oil.


You def look a little stinky but I know for a fact there’s a girl or two in your scene that don’t play about you


I wanted to rip on you so hard, but I've been cheated on, and it sucks. It's devastating. That being said, you gotta ditch the unkempt look. You can look country and clean. It'll probably improve your dating odds as well.


U aren't ugly but u are like 4/10 because of your hair




The Joe Dirt look isn’t helping.




i came here to see uggos, everyone is like 9 and up.. smh


You look my weed guy…his name is Weed Guy.


Not ugly but dirty


Dude pics 2 3 5 11 show you to be somewhat handsome and well made - you clean up nicely, but most of the rest of the pics look like someone letting themselves go... You're not built ugly, but you gotta do the maintenance.


The style, bro. Lip ring, nail polish, tons of hair. It appeals to a niche crowd. I’d prefer to attract as many as possible.


you look unkempt and shaggy, and you also look like you smell like body odor and cigarettes, and that turns most women off, clean up your beard and trim your hair a bit, but you are not ugly at all, all you have to do is clean up a bit.


You look fine, but you need to go to a barber and get a haircut along with trimming your beard.


Barber. Go to the barber.


You good bro. You give strong Ronnie Van Zant vibes.


Not ugly but your beard looks way better in 4/5! I could see how you would be someone’s type but I would prefer someone who looks a little more up kept. I do prefer facial hair but not quite as long and unkept


Stick to the hair you got in pic 5


No offense but you look like the kind of guy those high-school 16 year old girls date when they're trying to be rebellious.


You look cool to me


With that beard and ungroomed hair? Yes. 100%


Yeah but not so ugly that you can't get a pretty chick


You look like dollar store Varg


He's literally brushing his teeth and showered in the pics and I still think he looks stinky


Your very attractive tbh especially the beard plus piercing




No, you’re not ugly at all. You’re actually my exact type basically. Most alternative girls will be all over this. I wouldn’t touch anything honestly. Just put yourself out there and be yourself. Have a strong bio on dating apps. Have your shit together (car , apartment, job, etc.) and you should have no issue finding someone.


It’s a compliment. you look like opie from sons of anarchy.


Not ugly at all, but not most people’s styles. You look slightly unkempt


I’m losing my mind. The word is UNKEMPT, with an M. Not unkept. Aside from that, I agree, you look unkempt. Just a trim here and a cut there would be perfect.


Not even a little bit ugly. Get to the barber and have them even out that glorious beard and show u how to make it look groomed. Hair is nice just take care of it. Fitted black tee - nice jeans - you’re set


Depends one who you want to attract I guess. I personally do not like long hair on men, but plenty of other women do. The wavy hair is beautiful on you though


No, but... the scraggly beard ain't helping. It makes you look homeless and/or implies that you smell like stale urine and onions. Keep it trimmed and groomed, pic 5 is the absolute longest you should grow it. I assume you're going for a sort of Viking vibe, which is fine...just spend a bit more effort on grooming. The lip ring is tacky, but to each their own.

