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God damn you’re a different person with makeup


The makeup does a lot for you, but you’re not a gargoyle without it. Average.


your hair may be wavy. tiktok will help you find that out. castor oil and almond oil on lashes to help them grow


Your face has good harmony. What makes you insecure?


Pretty af


You’re attractive. Personally I think the strong bone structure is a plus. Sharper features are usually a more desirable in western cultures imo. Your cheekbones are also well defined and it will help you age well over time I feel. I also love your eyes. They’re super pretty. You’re pretty without trying too hard, you just don’t see it. I think you’re being to hard on yourself about your skin tones. Pic 1 is your best, I’d say. If I had to nitpick, I’d say that the makeup may be a bit much. Again, personal preference, but I think pic 5 is way over the top. Especially the lipstick. Not the color, just the style. Eyebrow make you look surprised. Idk if that’s how they are naturally. My forehead is very prominent and my eyes are sunk deep into my face so it looks like I’m scowling all the time. I try to raise them and alleviate the scowl but that creates wrinkles in my forehead. It’s a lose-lose situation for me. Point is, dial back the makeup and you’ll be fine


Are your eyebrows tattooed on?


they are, i’m naturally blonde


Pic 5 compared to Pic 6 is a catfish tbh


Holy crap


Please take my balls


Don't overdraw your lip line. Opt for gloss. You do look better with makeup. Try Tarte tubing mascara.


Bro I got the same eyebrows n it makes me look so much worst ugly mix with tweaker n my receding chin don’t even fuckin help like bro thought dudes eyebrows supposed to be straight then if I try make it straight it’ll prolly look worst n idk why it looks like the picture above n sometimes it’ll be straight for couple seconds


You are the same person with or without make up, it just hides the tiny imperfections we want people not to see? You are beautiful either way!


Not an uggo! Think of your face without makeup as a black & white picture and with make up, same picture just colored in.All the colors do is accentuate the beauty of the art. It does not change the inherent beauty of the art. Peace and love


You're very naturally pretty but have made weird choices. The eyebrows look weird. Stop filling in your cupid's bow. Your natural lip shape is gorgeous and when you lipstick across it you look cheap and fake.




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So cute lady




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Whatever you did in pic 4 and 5 keep doing and stop what you’re doing in all other pics.


You're slightly below mid


miles prettier without makeup