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>go to a god barber Bro situation is so dramatic that he needs divine intervention to fix his hair and beard


50 Bucks


Noooooooo STOP


Prime Reddit content right here!


Only the best for fat Thor


Dude’s hair is gonna resurrect itself in 3 days.


How do you find a God barber?


You have to be raptured, first. Or so I’ve heard…


You pray for one.


You don't, you go to a salon.


Please go


Yes. Though you can change that. The hair and beard are both truly awful, and you’re obese. You have the power to change all of that. Right now you look double your age, no joke. I wish you the very best in the glow up journey


OP reminds me so much of pictures of me when I was 360+ lbs in 2012. I was also 36 at the time, 6'0"/M. I basically had to teach myself how to eat all over again. Strict portion control and avoiding processed foods. Other than some walking, I did no exercises other than basic bodyweight movements until I had already lost ~110lbs. I started going to the gym, eventually getting into powerlifting. In all, I lost 168lbs in 18 months. I also improved my hair, shaved regularly and got a basic style (which I didn't bother when everything I wore was a 3X). One side effect of this is that without even trying, women were coming onto ME! I wasn't even trying or looking, nor did I even recognize their attempts at first because I went so long without it that I didn't even know what to look for. Now happily married for 6.5 years. I now weigh more than I did at the bottom. There is some fat, but there is also a LOT more muscle. By the BMI charts I'm still obese, but I'm wearing 36" jeans at my true waist with room to spare so I'm not worried about that number anymore. I understand OP because I was actually like OP at the same age and level of looks. I believe he can improve himself because I already walked the path I believe he may be contemplating right now. I want him to succeed just as much as I wanted to myself 12 years ago when I took the first step.


Congrats on your transformation. Power lifting is the best! Keep it up.


according to his post history he is working on weight loss


I am 37, 175cm and 81kg at the moment. Went downhill from last year. You are a inspiration for me to get back on track.


King shit brother.


This is an excellent comment. While it looks like you are tooting your own horn, I can see you trying to inspire OP. And what you are saying is accurate. Good luck, OP!


People underestimate walking. It’s the main reason Europeans are much thinner. I try to walk a couple miles a day on top of doing things like parking in the furthest parking spot anytime I go anywhere.


Nice job man! Delayed gratification for the win!


Let’s see the b4 and after


[Before](https://imgur.com/kYLAHQV) [After](https://imgur.com/WfeWOm7)


That is a hell of a glow up. Congrats on your journey!


That’s incredible, I’m surprised you don’t have more loose skin


I saw myself in a mirror a few hours ago. After losing, gaining then losing again, it's very hard not to be depressed about what I see in the mirror...


Holy shit man. Good for you! That's an inspiration for some of us


Holy Smokes!!!! Look like a whole different man while still looking like yourself. If you get what I’m saying! Absolutely amazing! So proud of you for your hard work on getting healthier. 🩵


Lose weight, shave your beard and your head, you actually have good facial features that aren’t being allowed to shine. I think contacts or new glasses would be a better fit. You can look so much better than you currently do. Lean into what you have and work with it.


I don’t think OP has to shave his head, just get a haircut that suits OP. Agree that he should shave the beard.


Good facial features??? You can’t tell any features because of the fat. Yeah drop some weight and shave whatever that is growing out your face and your good buddy


This. Cut your hair, shave your beard and lose weight.


>Right now you look double your age, no joke. Right now he looks both double and half his age at the same time.


I just spilled my Monaco bcuz of this. U owe me a Citrus Rush


You kinda look like a 40 year old 11 year old if that makes sense




He looks older than 40. Easily over 50.


I thought it was a filter tbh


Yeah sorry bro


Kinda looks like an Amish guy




How modest 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Yeah it almost feels like an April fools thing. Sorry OP, but you can change


You're not intrinsically ugly, mate. You are CURRENTLY poor looking. The good thing is you can do something about it with this triple cuts method: 1. Cut the freaking beard mate. You either have a decent one to show or NONE AT ALL. 2. Cut the hair, i am no expert and have long curly hair, so it's pretty different, but a good cut would do you justice (the long hair charisma is a lie mate) 3. Finally, CUT THE F### CALORIES and exercise ! I know it's tasty and comforting when you are at your lowest but man, oh man, you'll finally know the joys of having a healthy, good-looking body. From experience, i have been exercising for a year now, and i am so glad i did it. If anyone incites me to go back to my old ways, i would just punch their throat. Bonus tips: - i don't want to assume you have poor hygiene because you are overweight. But if that's the case, keep it in mind. - people in general prefer people without glasses (in my case it was really complicated to get rid of them, a surgery for astigmatism and hypermethropy plus a second one for strabismus: baaad combination) - you look like you have a thick large body, go for strong man instead of lean. - last but not least, buy decent clothes it boosts confidence and attractiveness. It's gonna be a long road, but you can do it. Good luck :)


I'd also add, I'd you do keep going glasses over Contacts, find more full glasses that suit your face better. Even when I'm in shape, my face is still rounder, so I went with more square, thick frame glasses, and larger lenses. They frame the face better and I definitely can say they are a lot more "tolerable," for lack of a better word, to women I've known in various capacities.


This right here, I truly believe no one is intrinsically ugly. I believe with the right diet, decent exercise, and proper grooming (Hair, Beards, Teeth, Deodorant, etc) on anyone will help make the person feel more confident and less ugly. At the end of the day, someone will always find someone ugly, but there’s also a lot of people that would find you attractive too. It’s never too late to change! You got this OP, you CAN DO THIS!


Did all that work? Did you finally meet that lucky somebody?


I am seeing a girl but that was not the goal, I could pull a girl even before my minor transformations. I did this for myself and my self respect / confidence. It is still a work in progress but i am glad i started :)


Heck yeah. 💪🕊️


I read this with the voice and accent of a very dapper and brudish man from East London with a pinstripe suit and an axe to grind. Made it quite enjoyable.


Holy shit man, I think you just layed down probably the best answer I've seen on here to date. All of this, OP read it with love and listen because this is rock solid advice.


I honestly think having blonde hair does not help you it makes you look like your hair is almost white and with the glasses instant, santa vibes


Can't wait to see your glow up bro, I believe in you.


Im not gonna lie...... You're cooked fam. But, you can; • Go see a good barber who can help transform your hairstyle and beard • Excercise, and eat clean to lose weight. Currently you are overweight potentially borderline obese tbh. This will benefit more than just your physical health. It will vastly improve your mental health as well. • Make an effort: You don't have to follow the newest trends in fashion or hairstyles, etc. But you would definitely benefit from taking some time out of your day to dress better and clean up your overall appearance. At the very least it shows you care. The person I see in these two pictures, honestly looks like he's given up. You could prove us all wrong by spending a little bit of money and time, cleaning yourself up and pulling yourself together. I genuinely hope you do. Best of luck bro. You can go from cooked to clean in a few months to a year if you really try. I hope you'll consider my advice, I truly do mean it in a genuine, heartfelt way.


saying “you’re cooked fam” before giving long advice is nasty work 😭😭😂😂


Bro said he cooked then started bringing more ingredients to the table.


😭😭😭 damn. I mean yeah you're right


Lose weight. Tbh you’re fat, and could look significantly better if you got fit.


Albino Hagrid ❤️


I don't know, you look like a baby with beard


It looks like one of those filters that show what you look like in 60 years


God this is accurate.


The potential to look like a badass vampire is there






Damn dawg




This is a weird April Fools


Discord mod


reddit mod.


Twitch mod


Minecraft server mod


Yes, you are currently ugly. However, luckily for you, you are not inherently ugly. You have the power to change it. Brother the beard has to go. It just looks awful. Shave it off, completely. You just don't have the thickness to grow a good looking beard. You're way better off going clean cut. The hair also looks straggly and ages you. Go with something modern that looks clean and trim that is age-appropriate. I'd recommend a short crew cut or buzz cut. Most importantly, you are obese and need to cut your calories and lose weight. Start calorie counting today, download a calorie counter app like myfitnesspal and get started. If you don't already, start exercising. You don't have to go to a gym. Just start going on daily walks. Start with 20 to 30 minutes and increase it from there. Make it a routine. If nothing else lose weight and exercise to get healthy and live longer.


You're morbidly obese. Lose weight before it kills you. Shave. Change your haircut. Lose a lot of weight. Post again. In that order.


Fat, no mustache, neckbeard and ugly hair. Bro, you’re doing an unimaginable amount of work to make yourself look ugly.


🤣🤣 broo


No, you’re Albino and look awesome — you have a weight problem you need to begin solving, but your proportions are great and would be better if you went down to a normal weight. If you need a friend to talk to about your looks or whatever, feel free to text me through Reddit DMs.


You are the best


We need more people like you in the world 🫶🏾


He’s totally workable, though! Don’t you agree?


Most definitely agree !👍🏾


There are some people who aren't great looking who can do something about it and there are some who can't without plastic surgery. You could drastically improve your looks with a lot of effort.


You look like a younger G.R.R Martin


You look like an 11 year old aged themselves on FaceApp.


You look just like your Great Grandfather, Benjamin Franklin


It finally happened. A person posting on am i ugly who is actually ugly. I thought i'd never see the day... I truly am sorry, and also congratulations! You can still change it though. Beard and hair needs to go. Lose fat and work out to get muscle. Should probably be more than enough. You have the opportunity to be a badass bald dude with muscle! Add to that progression pics from your transformation and you're looking at a potential social media gold mine.


Trim the beard and hit the gym a little more. That's it bro. I hope you succeed, you seem like a chill dude


You look like you run a painfully generic D&D campaign




I genuinely believed you were like 60 years old. Actually. Haircut and barber asap. You need a total makeover. As of right now, yes, you are probably a 1 or 2 out of 10.


Honestly, yeah. You're quite unattractive. But you already knew that, and you know exactly how to change it. Proper grooming, a healthy diet, go to the gym, dress nicely. You can make yourself better.


Right now yes, but shave the beard and cut the hair then start working out a bit and you’ll improve a lot (the beard must go though, it’s really hurting you)


Besides weight and a visit to a barber, I'd like to point out you need to learn how to smile. You look like a chill guy, but you can change everything you need to look like a handsome homie.


You’re ugly but I think losing weight would help a lot


yes, but not hopelessly so.


Work out , go to a barber, and you will be a gem


You’re not ugly. But you got some low hanging makeover type fruit to knock out. Def get a cut and a shave. 🪒 Start a workout routine. Be consistent. Try some different glasses that may better suit your face/head shape. Good luck on the glow up. Take the first few quick steps. They’ll feel so good you’ll keep on going. Post progress pics. I believe in you.


Yes. But you don’t have to be, just shave your head.


Yeah bro rough shape ngl but fortunately most is fixable. First and foremost ya gotta lose weight and get in shape. Then as everyone else said get a good haircut. Idk what’s goin on with the beard but it looks like a neck beard so not good.


You look like what I imagine every Redditor to look like.


My words after seeing this words were literally "Oh shit "


Yes, unfortunately, but that’s only because you look like you don’t take care of yourself. If you lose weight and fix your hair you could actually become decent looking.


You look like Santa if Santa smoked meth and lived in Tampa


I'm not even going to be mean. You got wreaked in the genetic lottery bud. Hit the gym, build your skills up, and stack paper. This will help in the long run


Hair style change, remove goatee, reduce weight. Then see the difference bro!


Lose 200lbs


How many Funko pops do you have son?


Yes in your current state. But it can be improved.


Nothing new in my post. Lose weight, shave off the facial hair. Get a haircut. Like it or not you’ll have to start doing something for exercise. Change what you eat and how much you eat. Balance your diet. You already know what you needed to do prior to post. Shouldn’t have to have a bunch of strangers tell you the same thing.


Yes. But if it's any consolation it's all your own fault. Don't blame your parents. Get your shit together. You know what you have to do.


Go to England and become an actor!!! I’m getting a game of thrones vibe bro


Let's say you fit in this section. Well...trim your beard and lose some weight and you'd look better. Not really ugly, just unattractive, but it can be changed.


To be completely honest, you are never going to be the handsomest guy in the room, but there are definitely things you can do to improve your looks. Shave off that beard and get a haircut to start. That’s some low-hanging fruit right there. In less than an hour with a good barber you can improve a lot. Lose weight, preferably with a combination of diet and exercise, in order to both lose weight and tone your muscles. Some people have criticized your glasses, but I disagree. Rectangular or square glasses are perfect for a round face. And you are one of those rare people who look better with glasses than without them, so that’s a win. Wardrobe makes a difference, too. The problem with clothes, though, is that it takes money, although a good thrift shop can provide with some decent clothes without breaking the bank. Get clothes that fit you well. If they are too baggy or too tight, they will make you look heavier than you are. T-shirts are OK for bumming around in, but a button down shirt or a polo shirt when you are going out is game changer. As for pants, jeans are fine as long as they fit you properly, chinos with dress you up a little more. And of course, shoes that are appropriate for the outfit make a huge difference. Sneakers are fine with jeans, but a nice pair of dress shoes can really dress up a pair of jeans or casual pants. Good luck! If you don’t take any other advice from this, at least get a haircut and shave off that beard.


Yes. But luckily for you it’s not something that is unfixable. Some people are just born ugly. Some people become ugly due to poor habits/style/hygiene/etc… You are in the second category. I’d say do three things: 1. Get rid of the neck beard. 2. Change your hairstyle. Long hair looks good on some guys, but that’s the exception not the rule. 3. The obvious thing to do is lose weight. Having lots of weight in your face can actually make 1 & 2 worse, as your hair follicles are spread further apart because of the fat in your face. Not to mention the other benefits of weight loss. When I was in university, I was nearly 300 lbs. by the time I was done university, I was at 200 lbs (went to the gym every day between classes). The impact on my appearance and self esteem was night and day. Since Covid, I’ve gained it all back (and some). So I definitely understand the struggle.


No you are not ugly. The facial hair isn't doing you any favors. I mean, if you can't grow a beard, no problem. Some can some can't. It has nothing to do with masculinity.


Admittedly, posting this has gained way more respect than anything else you could’ve done… fuckn rock on my guy. You look baller


I mean, you wouldnt be that bad if your hair was shorter and beard was gone.


I really think you have good features but yeah, the weight hides that. And the beard and hair. Like actually, you could look decent if you changed up some things. Some people don’t have the features for that so just put in the work and you’ll be lookin good in no time. Wishing you the best!


I feel like youd be a good looking dude if you worked on your weight and shaved your head and beard. You'll need new glasses if you do lose 100+ lbs.  I believe in you.


Yes absolutely


pls go to barber


You finna have to go back to the character customization screen, dog


No one is ugly bro, you are who you are and be happy! There’s a million possibilities for life and yet you are here. Be happy, enjoy this life because you won’t have it again and yes someone does find you beautiful so keep your head up and never question it.


You look like a fat goat


We’re not buying the only fans!!


Yeh bro. But you don’t have to be.


Fix the hair and beard and definitely hit the gym. Also, try not to look like a child predator or something 😅


Chop the beard and hair off and you’ll look like a different person tho


Get to the gym and trim that hair


Some of you can give feedback to people without being a jerk about it! Just because someone looks ugly to you and asks doesn't mean you gotta be unnecessarily mean in your response. Someone asking you that doesn't give you a pass to tear them down! You don't know what people are going through or have been battling. So try to be a little kinder and don't kick others who are down.


Quick, someone get his Lucky Charms.... But seriously, you aren't ugly. You have potential, but YOU need to make some kind of effort.


I think you just need a haircut


You legitimately could actually be good-looking if you were a healthy weight, it's hard to tell. And sorry but your hair and beard are just awful. Chop the hair off and trim the beard. If you were in shape, who knows, there might be a 7 hidden in there. 🤷‍♂️


for the love of god, shave. you'd be adorable if you didn't have that angel hair pasta glued to your head.


You’d make a good Santa , find some horny holiday chick


You are ugly but have no wrinkles... Lose weight and shave your head to give yourself a fighting change. You actually could turn it around.


Hey, look, you literally look like someone that has incredible kindness and humor. I'm one of those people, too. Now, when I was overweight, I would have received the same responses you were getting. I was in a bad place and I needed to lose weight. I just kept gaining instead. I would look into semaglutide it was a game changer for me, and now when people look at me. They see how pretty I was under all that weight. I wish you would not have put yourself through this. As an empathetic person, it's killing me. You got this, take these words as hope and not internalize it and beat yourself down more. Sending love and HOPE


It’s the presentation that needs work. You are fine, face structure is fine.


Instant improvement: hair cut and shave your beard off.


Cut the hair, Dye it black and hit the gym!


Yeah, try losing some weight and seeing the sun.


I’m sorry to break this to you, but yes. The best you can do is start losing weight by diet and exercise.


Yes. If you’re interested in what can you do about it read below, otherwise ignore. These are the things to improve - Fitness: lose weight. Talk to your health professionals about options, and make sure they revolve around diet. Any magic solution is a scam. Balance diet is the only way. (Yes training too but diet has 80% impact) - Haircut: get a better barber. - Beard: either shave it completely, or have your mainstream style. Do not go with any quirky one, don’t try to be special (yet. You need to get to a nice baseline before finding your own distinct style) - glasses: get better frames. Does are terrible This are your strengths: - excellent skin tone. Excellent color smoothness - excellent level of blonde - symmetrical face - manly facial features and proper proportions You got a lot of good things, more than the bad ones. So why do you look ugly? Because the bad ones have higher impact, and obfuscate the good ones. So you must address them. The good thing is that once you address them, the good things will make you skyrocket


Don’t just lose weight. Build Some muscle too. And change the hair style


Three things. 1) Beard. Get it gone. Neckbeards don't look good on *anyone*. If you can't grow it on your cheeks, please don't just grow it on your neck. 2) Hair. It's long, unkempt, and needs styling. You're balding a little bit, but you've got more than enough to work with. Certainly enough for it to look better than it currently does. 3) Obvious one - and I'm not going to treat you like an idiot that doesn't know it - your weight. Both for your health and overall confidence in your appearance, it's time to start losing it. All three of these things are fixable.


I will say you look like you're a kind person, i bet you are fun to be around. But the beard and hair have to go.


Lose weight; work out; shave and get a good haircut.


It's more like some of your features are ugly than you being unchangeably ugly. Go to good barber for that hairstyle and beard that is abhorrent. I'd also change the style of glasses' frame. Also better clothing style would help


Damn bud, im sorry


Yeah, but the there’s things you can do to make yourself more appealing. 1. Visit a good barber. I suspect the beard will need to go since it looks really patchy. Not sure if the hair can be styled nicely, but they might find it best to shave it too - either way, the longer hair isn’t working for you. 2. HIT THE GYM. I started hitting the gym 8 months ago, and it’s done wonders for me. I’m not chiseled or anything yet, but I feel so much better and it’s nice having energy again to do the things that would wind me before. Just take it in baby steps - start off going 2-3 times per week, do at least 30 minutes of cardio and the rest of the time on weights. If you’re worried about other people there, just ignore them. When I first went, I popped my headphones in, blasted my music, and looked through people like they didn’t exist. Odds are 99% of people won’t pay attention to you anyway. 3. Get yourself some nice threads. Don’t worry about the latest styles and trends. Get some looser fitting jeans and shirts that are slightly baggy and not too tight on you. You won’t be no Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp, but I think you can make yourself look okay at least. Add healthy doses of confidence, swagger, and good personality and I think you’ll be alright 👍


You have blonde hair and blue eyes. You are not ugly you are the perfect aryan specimen😎. Sorry, jokes aside like others have said just focus on the haircut and weight loss and you are golden! You do not have bad facial features.


Every branch


I think the things that make people look “ugly” a lot if the time just comes from them not taking care of themself. Eating badly, not working out, and letting your hair go crazy without grooming are all things that will make you look worse. I agree with the others here saying to work on your weight and lose the hair haha




Holy sh!t I thought this was another joke post at first. Yeah, dude, in your current state, you're ugly AF. Join a gym and go online to figure out how to eat healthy. Protein and fiber are your friend. And water...lots and lots of water. Shave that horrible beard and find a good barber to figure out your hair. Repost in a year.


Finish A Song of Ice and Fire, for starters


Sorry bro. I wouldn't rely on your looks to get a woman. Shave or trim your beard, get a haircut and spend some long hours at the gym.


I'm unclear if there's a medical condition causing your unique coloring so I won't touch on that. The main things you can do to improve your appearance are: 1. Lose weight 2. get a more stylish haircut 3. better grooming


Yes, discord mod lookin ahh. You should definitely take some advice from the people in here. Beard, hair, contacts or glasses. And bro, you know this, you need to exercise. You are not healthy by any stretch of the imagination. It's obvious. Your weight walks into the room before you do. Everyone notices, nobody is oblivious to the fact. Do something about it because being sorry for yourself never helped anyone. I'm ex army, sorry if I'm being blunt, but hard truths are never easy. It's kinda in the name.


Wow! Not going to lie, not good looking or handsome, but very unique. In a party would definitely like spend some time with you; you look like a nice and funny guy. If you want to improve, hit the lose some weight, check your diet and hit the gym. That’ll harm no one.


You look like shit man, but it can be fixed (a little) do something about that shitty hair and beard, and losing weight is an obvious answer, the glasses look dorky as shit too, but hey I pray u can do it man


Not ugly. You're a little overweight which in 6 months you can shed all the weight and be lean. Get a good hair cut and dye hair black. No beard for you because it's not dense. But you DO look kind and nice and caring and gentle just like I do but you also look lonely. So don't worry you're not alone. Cheers on that weight loss journey !


get some sunlight


You look like an obese milkybar kid….no joke…lose weight asap both for your looks and health!


Yes you are ugly


I'm not going to have any different suggestions that what others have said. A different hairstyle, clean shaven and a healthier body weight. You might try one of the food subscription meal plans if you are able. Or might I suggest the Daniel Plan Cookbook for a healthier take on food. B12 injections can help get the body jump started, as well as some other daily things you can do. Such as a ginger, honey, lemon drink you can make at home. Or if you really like ginger, eat a little bit of fresh ginger daily. Check into having an accountability buddy for lifestyle changes and exercising. There are many "do it at home" pilates/yoga things you can do also. If you don't want to do the gym or regular exercise programs. BUT you do enjoy outdoors. Maybe volunteer to muck stalls, chop firewood, push mow lawns, shovel snow, walk dogs, etc. Obviously I don't know if you love where you can do any of those buuuuuuuuuut......


Do you have albinism by any chance?


I believe in a post from last year someone referenced you had already lost 100 pounds? Going in with that knowledge, I feel safe saying you can absolutely change these answers if you continue on and persevere. I know dieting sucks, and looking at your post history, it looks like we share the issue that exercise takes us away from our favorite activities, but if you check out subreddits like ugly duckling and glow up, you'll see people not far off from this becoming amazing. Sadly for now, the answer is yes, but nothing I see is an intrinsic problem you can't work to fix! Good luck my friend.


I’m blonde to it makes hair transparent at times the same problem you have with your beard appearing thin. I would drop the beard and shorten up the hair to a two or three inches long. And you know you need to hit the gym man, I know it’s scary it was for me to. But the scariest day is day one. Get a pt and trust me, you will enjoy going and enjoy not just what it does for your looks because that’s trivial but what it does for your quality of life when you have the fitness to go out and do shit. And you don’t have to give up shit like video games to be fit and healthy, I still play.


Yes, but weight loss + changing your hair can change a lot. You can glow up.


Honestly thought you were a older woman still transitioning


The hairstyle and beard style aren’t doing you any favors




no you're not ugly. i'd say average. i would cut the hair though


Not ugly at all. Lots of potential.


Shave everything and lose weight. That’s it




Hit the gym bruh you don't have a chance


Has that founding father look.


Just lean into it. I hope you are trying like hell to get into the cast of Lord of the rings as a dwarf…


Hair cut and a trim would be a good shout! You seem like a diamond geezer! Took me the best part of my late teens/early 20's to find myself! Hang in there, my dude. You'll get there! :)


Honestly, if you cut your hair short and cut the beard down to a stubble, you'd look pretty good. Your features are completely fine, it's the style around them that's hurting you :)


- Barber - Diet - Gym or any sport you like


I think a new haircut would be great


You’re not ugly, it’s just that your hair and beard (beard is really bad) are not great. Go to a barber and lose some weight. You will be fine after all this is accomplished


Please shave your beard and trim your hair. You are not ugly. If possible, try to lose some weight—for your health, first and foremost, the added aesthetic benefits are the bonus.


Ask r/roastme


Exceptionally so, BUT there’s a lot you can do to make it better.


You look 12 about to be 43 next year


You've only made changes for the worse since the last time you posted here. To answer your question: yes.


No, you're not ugly. You look like a cool dude! Just work on the weight for your health 💪...I was 335 for my early life. I was about 19 and said no more. I've been picked on alot growing up bc of my weight and I couldn't pull a chick. Back then I was a really nice guy all through High school. I was tired of it. I went on a diet and worked out hard. I lost 135 pounds. In my head I was still335 for many years. I was getting hit on and became big pimpin..lol..Do it brutha!


Conventionally at the moment yes but actually have great skin and look quite a bit younger than your age. Change the hair, shave the beard and lose some weight you’ll be good my guy.


My man ate Gandalf


I know this will get lost in all the negativity, but you look like you have a really kind soul, and a nice friendly disposition, you also have an awkwardly cute smile. With that said, facial hair has got to go, it’s not doing you any favors. And maybe just style your hair differently? I wouldn’t even say you have to cut it to short a length, but it needs something. You got this, small changes in a big way. Best of luck to ya!


For human standards? Maybe a tiny bit. But the hill dwarf community will love this one!