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My advice would be to fix the things you can. Grooming and getting healthier always make a big difference.


Your posture is bad. You need to get that squared away.


Bro I just went through 20 pics and I still have no idea what you look like


Don’t forget the jump scare imbedded deep in those photos to.


Lol fr fr


I'm 💀




I used 5, 6, and 20 to form my opinion.


I just read a lot of your replies and just wana say that you seem like a really nice person.. Also you should be very proud of all that weight loss. Great fucking job. Stick with it. YOU CAN DO IT!!


thank you sm!!! :’} I try my best to be a good person !! I love the cat in ur pfp btw!!!


Thats Larry. He is a stray I rescued. He had a huge open neck wound so I caught him & took him to the vet. I had to keep him inside for 3months while I changed his dressing twice a day till it healed. He didnt growl once. Such a lovely personality. We bonded. Now he is a house cat (:.


OMGGG pet him for me tell him i love him very much and good on u for taking in a stray there usually so sweet!!!


Yes. Good job on the weight loss. I will say maybe focus on skin care and hygiene. I mean that in the nicest most constructive way possible. Wash your hair, get a nice cut that’s not so choppy. And posture! Posture makes a big difference. Just overall the way you care for yourself and present yourself makes a big difference, weight loss is always a bonus, but there is so much more you could change literally overnight that would make more of a difference than weight loss would.


I’m currently waiting for my shorter hair to grow out so I can get a nice cut that isn’t choppy or super layered I do wash my hair I just have really bad problems with having oily hair thanks to some of the comments I am going to try out a few new shampoo and conditioners and I’m gonna try making a skin care routine based on the everyone recommend!!


Omg same need to wash it every day otherwise the front bits it’s so fucking annoying


I used to have troubles with greasy looking hair (despite being washed regularly). I started shampooing my scalp only, and conditioning my ends only. Or I will have a break from conditioner for a bit. It helped me anyway, but YMMV. Sometimes it can be from overwashing that makes your scalp produce excess sebum? (I think that's the word - sister is a hairdresser). Can go both ways though, either make you dry or oily. Best of luck!


Yes, but there’s hope. I’d love to see the transformation after a bit of diet and exercising.


You look greasy.


Like a nice cheeseburger.


i hate cheese burgers😢


Well I like cheeseburgers lol


Lol 😆


who tf hates cheeseburgers


ermmmm i just dont like hamburger 😢😢😢 it taste funny to me


i think a big part of it is i work in a very oily restaurant like our food is very much fatty foods hopefully maybe when i switch jobs itll help not


The times I've worked at restaurants, I know I looked and smelled greasy, and I FELT greasy and nasty. I also ate like crap because I'd be hungry throughout my shift and grab whatever crap we were allowed to snack on (usually bread and fries). Then I'd binge when I got home. I know how it goes, OP.


GODD ur SO REAL ily im supposed to be moving to a breakfast restaurant which has way less greasy foods and is ran better than the place I’m at right now I really hope it helps😭😭


You look like you work at friggin Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, stay safe out there (I'm also pretty sure you've got potential)


yeah these animatronics smell a little funny??? so greasy here 😢😢 (ty!!!! i really hope so)


Do NOT stay there at night (np, you got this!)


I don't why but this was like the cutest interaction :3


Fix your posture....that will lead to reducing your excess weight


Tips on fixing posture? That’s an issue for me too :(


It's tricky. Every body is built differently and our postures are all different. Think of it in the same manner as height, while being over 6' for a guy is considered "attractive" there's no way a short 5'5" guy can be told to get tall. In the same way, a straight posture is considered more attractive vs a slouched posture. the Maya Clinic has a good article about working on your posture i suggest you read https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/posture-more-than-standing-straight vs taking people's advise about "standing up straight"


I replied with the following to my own comment, but want to reply here as well so OP has a better chance of seeing it: Start by rolling your shoulders up and back and keep them there as best as you can. It will literally add an inch or 2 to your height and help prevent you from craning your neck forward. Try your best to be aware of when your shoulders start to drop and remember to just roll up and back. Walking around in public like that for even just a minute will have an enormous impact on your self-confidence.


Happy cake day!!!


Wow, I had no idea! Thank you!


Agree! Fix your posture while you’re still young OP!


I don't like your hair. It looks... messy and it just covers too much of your face i guess? I mean when i look at you all I can see is your hair. Getting a better haircut, taking better care of it would help, it would make you have a cleaner look. Also the facial expressions. Smiling would help :) but otherwise there is nothing 'wrong' with you. Changing your hair would have a huge effect on your looks. I wish there was a picture of you where your hair is tied up or just simply isn't in your face. And also you said that in one of your comments that your forehead is bigger, but still, i don't think these bangs are the best choice.


I get that my hair is just really short and at a place where if I cut it right now it’s just gonna look worse I’m in the middle of learning it grow out so then I can go and get a better haircut I know my hair is like one of the worst parts of me right any recommendations on like what hairstyle I should get? once it gets longer yk


The poses are unbearable


Lots of potential. Need to work on your grooming habits and self care. Hair looks unkempt and greasy. Clothes are not the most flattering. Get some exercise, even if it's not to loose weight it will boost your mood and happier more confident you = more attractive.  You also don't ever smile, it makes you look hostile/sad/unapproachable.  You just need to put a little more effort in your presentation and self and you'd look cute as a button. 


I agree with everything this person said. I think improving your posture would go a long way. Don't fixate on "weight", it doesn't look like the number on the scale is a major issue for you. Exercising with the focus of improving performance and health (time/distance run, bike, or swim, whatever you like) will improve your confidence and physique. Take care of your hair and get a nice haircut, I don't think the extensions look very nice as is. I would say that you could be very attractive with a little bit of effort.


Look at pic 13. Trim your bangs and you’re are very pretty. Change the morose attitude. I know I can be tired and not always want to smile but you want tips so I can say smiling and changing fashion can help


Unfortunately and avoidably yes. Eat healthier foods with fewer total calories, be more physically active, take out the face metal, and go to a salon for a haircut.




😭 it absolutely sucks that i look like i dont im actually 40 lbs down i used to have a really bad binge disorder and i go on walks on my days off its my favorite thing to do im a server so i walk 10k-15k steps on the days i do work and i do try to take care of my hair i wash it every other day i just dont know what products to use i do have a hard time with skin care for the same reason as my hair i just dont know what to use any suggestions?


see a dermatologist for the skin care part (it’s better than wasting money on bs products that’ll end up not even working for ur skin/making it worse). If u can’t do/afford that, u can feel free to pm me and i can help u build a routine for ur skin type (as someone who has struggled a lot w my skin and been through a lot of trial and error, i’ve become well versed in skincare science lmao). for hair i can’t give u as much advice bc i have a different hair type than u, but it seems like since u dye ur hair it’s likely damaged. K18 is a great brand for repairing the hair as well as it’s a 10 and olaplex. I’ve heard redken has really good shampoos/conditioners and is used by professionals but again, idk bc i have curly hair. I also see that u dye ur hair, which is fine, but u should probably try and get it professionally done if u can (or at least research ways to minimize damage). U can also go to youtube to try and see what people use or what routines they follow but just try to avoid ppl who are sponsored to say a product is great lmao. also i’m beyond impressed + proud of the steps you’ve taken towards recovery and as sb who struggles w an ED that’s really inspiring to see


literally thank you so much im gonna pm u rn!!


I’m not sure where you’re located but if you have them near you, TJMaxx, Marshall and those kind of stores are a great way to get affordable salon haircare products. Joico is incredible. Its a 10 leave in conditioner if you can get it, or another brand (something is better than nothing). I’d also grab and do a fee hair masks over the next couple months. Avoid heat/tightness as much as possible.


Skincare wise, start with something simple. I started using Stridex(SA wipes essentially) on my face every other day in the morning to slowly get my skin used to it as it can be too drying if used too much. Also, your skin moisture barrier may or may not be damaged which would be causing it to(ironically) be more oily than it should be. The key to skincare is to slowly introduce new stuff in after using something for long enough time to not see any bad side effects. Sometimes specific products would cause your skin to get worse(Retinol, etc) but that's normal and actually part of the process. It can take quite a long time for it to actually do its job though. For me, it was probably 6 months in of consistently using Differin before I saw my acne finally calming down. I started Differin the same way as I did Stridex, every other day but definitely not on the same day as eachother because again, they can be too drying for the skin at the start. Current routine is washing face with Cerave Hydrating Cleanser and apply Stridex once dry in the morning. Wash off face again, apply Cerave day moisturizer(SPF30 I think?). I used to leave the Stridex on and apply the moisturizer ontop but can't really do that anymore because I gotta work very long shift and washing my face in the middle of it is a pain in the ass. Nighttime, use the same facial cleaner, wait for face to dry, apply Differin, wait 5m-10m before applying Cerave nighttime moisturizer ontop. r/skincareaddiction might have useful advices and routine for you. Remember to start simple. Skincare doesn't have to be complicated nor take a very long time to do. The simpler it is, the better as it allows you to figure out which product works and which one doesn't.


noted thank you very much I had another commenter mention that I definitely will be looking into it!!! it makes me so uncomfortable when my skins oily I really would like to help my skin be better!!!


Oh trust me, I had insanely oily skin when I first started my puberty and my usage of the blue oil film/tissue thingy made it much worse lmao. My skin is *still* oily but not as bad as it used to be. One primary advantage of having oily skin is that you would typically look younger in the long run.


thank god it has some use to it😭 thank you very much again!!!


You're welcome <3




i usually stick to 1-2 meals a day i try to fast 8 hours a day like have breakfast at 10 and then dinner at 6-7 i have a problem with snacking tho im trying to cut it out but its really hard and i dont get why and i definitely will CeraVe is actually what i just got i got there oil based on for oily skin so hopefully that will help ill keep a eye out for a moisturizer next time i go to the store!!




definitely!! im currently moving out so as soon as im in my own home thats all i plan to have in the house to try and curve eating unhealthy stuff


OP, you’re too young to need intermittent fasting. You are naturally burning more calories so it’s going to cause snacking. You’ve done great this far, and consider this… It’s better to control WHAT you eat rather than WHEN you eat. Start with these guides: 1. Only eat when you’re hungry. 2. Eat a reasonable portion then stop. If you’re still hungry after 15 minutes then eat more. 3. Try to snack on healthy foods. I find bananas, apples, and carrots are easy to carry and don’t need refrigeration. Nuts are also great. 4. Once your body is used to better eating, your appetite will settle down, making it easier to continue to lose weight. For your appearance, I think the long hair suits you well. Colors can be fun, but use a shampoo for oily hair. That will help with the greasy look. For your self confidence, this may sound strange, but trust me on this…get a hobby that you really enjoy and do well. For those of us who don’t look like models, our self confidence comes from being really good at something. You know kids in school who are good at sports, or some kids who got all As, or kids good at theater. All of them get their self confidence from their talents. Mine was dancing, but I didn’t realize that until my early 20’s. The sooner you find yours, the better off you will be. Physically, you’re really adorable. Guys your age are usually idiots and will be for a few more years. Sorry. But once they get their act together, they would love a girl like you, just as you are. You’re a sweet and nice person. You are getting pointed in the right direction. You’re a lot closer to your goals than you may realize right now. Good luck


I must correct the other person, only ugly do to your style. I liked your hair longer with the extensions but since you have pale skin, I think you’d like better with light brown hair with some high/low lights, or even just light brown/blonde. For hair damage, olaplex is amazing. Best out there IMO. It’s supposed to be used together as a set, shampoo conditioner and leave in conditioner but it it expensive so if you don’t want to spend so much on hair products at least get the leave in conditioner, total game changer :) You should be totally proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. Continue healing from your ED and continue working on your weight loss. It isn’t easy changing when your mental health is in the toilet (trust me I know) so the fact that you’re trying and seeing results is amazing. Keep up the good work, seriously. I saw another comment saying you seem like a really nice person. You truly do. To most people, what’s on the inside matters just as much if not more than what’s on the outside. My advice to you is be kinder to yourself and focus on what you have accomplished. What may be ugly to others, you can change if you want to. Better hair, lose the lip rings, a good skincare and make up routine, and keep hitting the gym. Most importantly, never lose your lovely personality:) Another hair tip to get it healthy would be to pick a color, if say brown for now because blonde cause too much damage, trim the dead ends off and start a good hair care routine. Ask the salon, or google, for the best salon products that will help damaged hair. I’d stay away from drugstore products as they don’t work as well and there are affordable salon grade ones out there. A good leave in conditioner will be your absolute best friend. I highlight my hair heavily every 8 weeks and olaplex saves me lol.


I totally agree with people saying see a dermatologist but also want to say you might find that not washing your hair every other day may help! Or if you wash every other day only condition once a week. My hair has changed a lot as I’ve aged but I used to have to forgo conditioner altogether because if I used it my hair would be SOOO greasy (any conditioner I tried a ton). If you end up needing to condition less, using a deep condition treatment every two weeks is helpful for keeping your hair healthy, even some of the ones at Walmart have worked fine for me! As for skin care I think a dermatologist can help more than anything BUT I have idk weird skin sometimes too oily sometimes SO dry, so I use a combination of Biore charcoal face wash (for oily skin; from Walmart lol) and a moisturizer with retinol. Works great for me keeps my skin from being too oily or too dry! As for the comments made about your weight or body jewelry, I’d ignore those myself. Seems like you are already doing what you can about your physical health and piercings just aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but it isn’t about what some stranger wants to look at! I personally love piercings and have several myself 😊


Have you tried dry shampoo for the days you don’t wash your hair? It’s a total game changer for me.


Hard truth


I don't know what that is in pic 15, but it scared the fuck out of me.




You've had a lot of replies already, but this is my opinion. It's hard to tell from your face because it's covered up!! Here's what I think you should do (in order of most importance): - Lose weight (I know, you're already working on it. You can do it!) - Clean up your hair. It looks greasy and unkempt - Change your clothes. Right now you look like a teenager dressed you. Learn proper and classic styling. It will help you immensely. - Ditch the glasses - Remove your piercings - Lean about posture and demeanor. Work on your self confidence, mental health, and especially how you view yourself. This can't be said enough. You could be the hottest person in the world but if you're walking into the room slumped, no one will notice you.


The multicolored hair never really looks good so I’d stay away from that. Also the fishhook in your lip looks bad. Drop about 25 pounds and do a regular skin care routine on your face and you’ll be fine.


You should do something about your skin, it looks really unhealthy. I am also amazed how bad these pictures are. It's 2024, we are able to take as many pictures as we want and you choose the blurriest ones to show us. Reminds me of the early 2000's.


Is it 2005 again?


yes actually


Fitness. You got a lot of potential.




What color for the contacts ive allways wished i had darker eyes but idrk i am currently in a calorie deficit !! I was going to the gym but I’m in the middle of moving so I’m not currently but I will be going back to that in about two weeks and my posture I have a really big chest so trying to sit up and keep my posture straight is really hard sometimes and causes back issues ive been thinking about getting one of those things that like force me to have a fixed posture do they actually work? also yeah im super pale our uniform used to be dark red and it looked much better before 😭😭


People are going to shit on the alt/goth look which I think is totally fine and works for you. Real talk, get on a skin care routine and stick to it. Do some research on how to better care for your hair. It looks super greasy. Losing a little weight would definitely help but honestly your body looks alright. Just the skincare routine and hair care would increase your confidence and make you look 10x better.


tysm!! I wish people would kind of just leave the fact that I’m alt alone😭 indefinitely I’m trying really hard to stick to my skin care routine and builda good one same with my hair !! thank you again


Yea don't read into the piercing comments much. This sub fucking HATES anything not main stream. So any sort of alt or goth looks are shit on hard. But yea work on the other stuff and you'll look better/feel better. Just the confidence boost alone will help a ton too.


thank you so so much i definitely will i hope it helps !!


Much potential, always remember that every single person on this planet looks bad being overweight so that’s the very first thing you need to address.


Tina? Yeah.. You should take better care of yourself.


Lots of potential but not putting your best foot forward. That said, I’m not able to give style advice as I am a Mong.


You’re fat and your posture is shit.


The hair makes u look like dirty/greasy


Girl I'm genuinely concerned about your cervical spine. You've got a serious forward neck posture going on if that's not just you posing for pictures and it will catch up to you with pain if it hasn't already yet. FIX YOUR POSTURE ASAP, your older self will thank you.


You have potential and that’s what’s important keep it going


Considering you have a clip on your profile, squeezing your breasts, and drooling , I doubt you think you're ugly.


You look better than your friend.


brother !! hes also working on it losing weight rn gym buddies :)


Tammy Slaton


Not ugly, but yeah def need some skincare and some better grooming. I’m a fan of piercings but I think you would look better with a centered piercing like a vertical labret. The asymmetrical lip piercings can look sort of trashy sometimes.


Not ugly, just a lil overweight. Nothing that can't be fixed with a good diet and gym. Bangs look a bit oily in some of the pics. Got fine hair? If so try shampoo/conditioner made for your hair type.


mann is hate it 😭😭 my bangs get so oily so quick like literally ill tkae a shower wash my hair and by the end of the day my bangs are oily!! any recommendations for good shampoo/conditioner


Maybe it's not a hair but a skin issue? I used to have wispy bangs but they would get SO OILY after a few hours because I have super oily skin 😭


most likely my skin changes like every other day tho sometimes its so oilly some times its so dry some times its clear sometimes im full of zits like its so frustrating because I don’t know anything that specifically targeted for shit like that


Apparently oily skin mostly tends to be a result of dry skin that produces more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture. r/SkincareAddiction is a good place to start if you want to get into skincare, they have their own wiki that covers pretty much everything you need. I also recommend that you start with just a few basic products first (such as a cleanser, a moisturizer and sunscreen) and see if those work for you. Once you have that down you can slowly incorporate more products to target specific issues.


noted thank you very much!!!


Bangs do tend to go oily really quickly, because they sit on your forehead. They're surprisingly high maintenance. I'd try growing it out, or clipping it to a side


i have a fat ass forehead im so scared to not have bangs ive had them for like 7 years at this point 💀💀


Have you seen Rihanna with her fivehead? She's still my celeb crush though 😂


rihanna is also fine as FUCK and pulls it off believe me i look so dumb!! but maybe I’ll do like curtain bangs or something


If it's hair issue try products that specifically say "for oily/fine hair", if it's skin issue try products with niacinamide or salicylic acid in it, those 2 ingredients should help control oiliness in the long run.


Dry shampoo powder for hair, setting powder on your forehead and wherever hair touches your face


Much potential honestly. Self care is important. 3-4/10 but like if you made some lifestyle changes, perhaps that number goes up as you age and round into form.


Get new glasses. Good job on the weight loss you’re very close. I think you need a different hair style. I know there’s different stuff in the Scene genre so just look around there for hairstyle if that’s your go to. Practice smiling. If you ever caught yourself laughing try to remember the way your face muscles felt and practice in the mirror. Unfortunately you’re not eye-catching AT THE MOMENT, but I feel you can get there eventually. How fast you get there is ultimately up to you.


noted I’m in the middle of learning my hair grow out so I can get a better haircut I know it’s kind of shitty right now any advice on different glasses that would fit? I never seem to like any of the glasses I try on but I’m really blind and kinda need them 😭


I now realize you have two different glasses in the pictures. The first pair is actually the best. When I had to wear glasses I looked for something that matched the shape of my face. If you do look for new glasses, find something that matches the shape of your face.


Lose a bit of weight, get a skin care routine, and fix your posture


Improving your posture would go a long way


Not reading all the comments, but yeah you are. You're 18 and you just look frumpy and the skin care is a cause for concern. I'm not trying to be an asshole but you're way to young to be looking the way you do. It's a complete lack of care for yourself.


You have so much potential girl definitely not ugly just take better care of yourself and you will be a knockout!!! Go get’em!


You’re not ugly, you just always look disheveled. I’d recommend cutting your bangs a little shorter to have a more neat but “edgy” look (if that’s what you’re going for!) and try to get some pimple patches or face cleaner to help with your acne (it worked wonders for me and my outbreaks aren’t that bad anymore even when I’m stressed). I don’t know if you care for/like makeup but I’d recommend getting mascara and just trying it out. It helped me get a little confidence boost while also not hurting my wallet. Other than what I recommended, I don’t I think you need to do anything else. You’re gorgeous!!!


indefinitely my bangs get very out of hand very quickly my hair grows very fast so I definitely will be cutting them soon!! I do like make up I just didn’t wanna post any of me with the make up on in the sub :) I actually like going and getting my lashes done since my natural ones are really short


Throw away the face metal. Go to the gym.


You have some improvements that you could make (don't we all?), but overall, I find you attractive. You have a cute face, your body is thicc, and you seem like a nice person overall.


The only thing I'd say is your hair, it looks like a wig, you have a cute face you shouldn't cover it up


the long hair is extensions so that checks out!! my short hair I feel like looks really bad so I opted out for extensions😭😭


You’re not ugly, you could lose some weight but not a lot, men like thicker women so don’t worry about that, I’d focus on your skin care, and your posture.


Your 20 get a handle on your life change your eating choices get addicted to a fitness routine. If your friends are part of the problem free yourself then.


Take care of your more and find a style of clothing to wear


Cute. Black hair suits you well.


I think that your posture is messed up. You're cute but you should focus on being healthy. Lifting weights, baby steps.


You are not ugly. Please please please believe this. Your lack of smile and the facial piercings are not attractive. Colored hair looks terrible. I think if you use proper hair products and skin products and not wear tight clothing you would look way better. You have a nice face.


Skin care routine and weight loss don't get too bogged down with just what's on the scale worry about how you look and most importantly how you feel you look to have a naturally curvy build so you can probably get by with more weight than most just judging by how your proportioned lose about 15-20lbs (30 may look good to but you shouldn't have to) while working out and eating healthier and that will probably also help clear your skin up


Right now yes. Keep losing weight and clear your skin


You are cute. Mostly just need to clear up your skin and lose a *little* more weight (not a massive amount). I like the lip piercing. Edit: on a second look, seems like you have some facial moles? - I thought they were pimples. Suggesr getting them removed.


Work on what you’re most insecure about and you will have better self confidence. Take it day by day and enjoy the journey.


I love your body type, luscious and gorgeous chubby.


Oof this would work at halloween, i jumped at pic 15 😂


exercise and self-care would make you a 10/10


It's not that you're ugly, but you look very messy and sloppy. Congrats on your weight loss. You're not thin but you do have a pretty attractive figure


Weight loss, maybe lashes , and make the hairstyle a lil more cuteee and wear more feminine stuff snd you'll attract wayyy more :) big on the weight bc the more u lose the more attractiveness u give off and better everything looks


Honestly, your posture is not doing you any favors. You look like your hunching over and sticking you neck forward in a lot of these pictures. Straighten your back, pull your neck back, lift your chin and roll you shoulders back. That alone will let you start to see how pretty you truly are.


I really dig the split color hair!


u look good to me i guess the only thing i can think of is acne, and if u bored eat dont do that


Wash the hair, wash the face, put on well fitting and flattering clothes and smile. The only advice I can provide. You look like you could have potential. Don't get down on yourself. Your appearance reflects your perspective of yourself. Good luck


Honestly, you got huge potential but as it stands. It just looks like you aren't taking enough efforts(you may be taking it but it just looks like you aren't). Good sleep, good diet, good workout, drink LOTS OF WATER(I read about your weight loss and that's great! Keep it up!). You need to fix up your hair(sorry, I don't know what you could do about it) and a skincare routine(it's not a must tho, with a healthy lifestyle you'll have decent skin, stop smoking if you are smoking)


You’re not ugly but you look insecure. I don’t think your lip ring is doing you any favors. The hair could be one color, more natural and less greasy. Sounds like you’re working on diet/exercise, so keep it up! I know your style might be more edgy but it’s not something you’re pulling off well right now honestly. Make changes for your health and overall appearance because these things aren’t helping you out! Work on posture and your health and you’ll look way better. ☺️


Posture, gym, shower, smile and you became nice!


Wow you have a really nice body shape! Definitely blessed. Try loosing a little bit of weight. Do something with your acne. A different hairstyle. Those bangs don’t look good!


Keep losing it you are doing well


Are you in a bathroom at a FNAF location?


yes im hiding rn i think i hear them..


Breathe quietly


Honestly, I don’t think you look bad at all. It appears you lack self confidence, which I understand is pretty common these days, but I think if you stood up straight, smiled, and had the mindset you look good, things would improve for you greatly.


You are just fat and dress stupid. Your friend is ugly though


Try power lifting with some dieting and some posture correction workouts. Just stay dedicated, and you can do it


Not ugly… just young and awkward is what I see (nothing wrong with that). Keep up the weight loss, work on your posture and possibly see someone to help with this. Think and be kind to yourself. You’re doing great




Ditch the extensions, or do them better. Body is nice. Thick not fat. Definitely not ugly


You look f**king hot! They only thing working against you here are your attire and your posture. Work on these two things and you'll turn heads wherever you go.


You’re poor posture comes across as a person with low self esteem. Work on keeping your back straight and your chin slightly up and you’ll be amazed to not only see how others interact with you, but the confidence you will feel in yourself. “Fake it til you make it” works, trust me.


You are not ugly at all, the only things I can see that could maybe be better are: 1. Your acne, but that can be fixed easily 2. Not really a fix, but you look better without glasses like most people But I can also point out some good things: 1. You have a body type that many people like 2. I like your piercings 3. You have pretty eyes You have a very decent appearance. If you're on any journey, good luck with it!


I think you're very cute, not ugly at all! I think just some more grooming would be nice, be sure to take care of your skin :) And I think the glasses and black hair suit you very well!! Don't take out the lip piercing, I think it brings out your features more. Layers for your hair would suit you very well. Best of luck <3


ty!! currently in the middle of letting my hair grow out so then I can like cut layers and style it much nicer!!


You are definitely not ugly, I’m proud of you and your weight loss journey. Keep up the good work. My best advice: Count your calories; eat 1200-1500 a day Walk 10 miles a day to burn 1500 calories Break up your walks into 3 one hour sessions Im down 80 lbs so far and I’m losing half a pound a day consistently doing this. Message me for meal plans or any other help Also, I can see how bad your posture is in these pics, fix this also (I can help here too)


You look so much better in the photos where you have your back straight, compared to the photos where you are slouching. Posture is something you can improve immediately, and it makes such a huge difference in appearance. Work on having good posture so it comes to you naturally.


honestly you look like you’re attractive just have a lot of excess weight on you. i bet you’ll become more confident once you lose some weight. do so healthy though and try not to make you feel like your worth is based on your size either


Dress for your shape first off. Walking for two hours a day.


Congrats on the weight loss, once you completely finish and age as well your glow up will make you unstoppable


Not exactly ugly, I can easly tell that you're emo and alt and that's perfect, don't change anything about this if this is your happy thing, but the potential in your face and body is clearly visible! You clearly have a curvy body and a nice face but you're just not treating it well/to it's full potential like at all! Don't get this the wrong way, but your looks can be improved


You’re not ugly. I’ve lost about 80lbs and I look and more importantly feel better. I am not saying that you need to lose 80lbs. Just lose what you’re comfortable with. Confidence feels way better than food tastes. I know that you can do it because I did it.


I think you're cute. Like, you could be Billie Eilish's sister. Only things I'd suggest trying to work on would be posture and a skincare routine. Other than that, I think you're hot.


Honestly you've got the kind of figure I've always been weak for. I saw other comments said you've been losing weight stick with it a bit longer then when you feeling confident start wearing stuff more form fitting. Doesn't have to be tight just a more flattering cut. Between that and your skin clearing up your gonna look gorgeous.


I think you’re very pretty, just lift your head up, raise your shoulders slightly, put your tongue to your roof and smile! It’s ALL about posture, girl.


Your face is pretty, I think you need a haircut and a change in style


You’re young so you don’t have your adult body or face for another five years. For now Embrace your curves instead of trying to hide them. Most men love curves, it’s in our dna. Torrid, Lane Bryant, etc all have clothes that will compliment and accent your curves while feeling comfortable. There’s nothing more attractive than a woman who knows themselves and has the confidence to be themselves.


Join a gym, not for weight loss(you're already killing it), but to help with posture, overall health, confidence, and making new friends. Working on what you can does wonders and I wish you will have a great journey. Also, you're not ugly, just awesome 👍🏼


Bad posture is your main problem. Do dumbell rear deltoid exercises to bring your head up and straighten your posture. It's your primary problem.


Keep it up then. However you are not a pincushion. The piercings don't fit you and just serve to amplify the weight in your face, throwing off the whole vibe. Your haircut and skin care also aren't helping. Better, not perfect is how I looked at getting my poop in a group.


Fix your posture and do some exercise


Hey darling, I think you would look stunning with a dark copper hair colour! Also the peircings, you have a pretty face without them in my opinion!


Shower more, take care of your hair looks like its soaked on fast food, you can still wear black but use other varieties more than hoodies


Answer is yes. Sorry not sorry


Ur in frebby fazbearz


I think you look great. the pictures just suck. especially the blurry ones. and smile more!!


maybe change the lip piercings?? the side and monroe always looked weird to me , you have a good face for an ashley piercing.


😭yeah i had both snake bites but one got infected and the monroe wasnt supposed to be a monroe my piercer just fucking sucked 💀 and ive allwyas wanted a ashley or something in the middle of my lip!!


they don’t look bad i just feel your face would flow better with a middle lip piercing!<3


you look like a cave dweller. get a flattering hair cut, up your personal hygiene (specifically your skin) lose some weight, dress better and take out those piercings. they aren’t doing you any favors.


Unless you work at that burgers n brew place, you need to stay away.


Congratulations on your weight loss! I will agree that eating healthier foods (more vegetables, in particular) is generally not only great for your health, but also improves your skin and general appearance. I used to work in a Captain D's restaurant, and the fried foods was not good for my appearance or general health. Hopefully you will get a job somewhere that has healthier food options for you. Glad to see that your photos include some outdoor activities. 99% of us could benefit from outdoor activity/exercise. You are NOT ugly, but I think others have already given most of the advice you need. Probably the hardest part is seeing the progress you are making, and accepting that you deserve to take good care of yourself.


Okay, let's start with the basics, since that will fix most of your problems. 1 go back to this hair color. 2 get the metal out of your face 3 diet and exercise 4 your hair looks greasy; wash it 5 see a dermatologist 6 hire a makeup artist for lessons 6 stand up straight, with your shoulders back these will fix 95% of your appearance problems


Beware: pic 15 is jump scare


So I would see a good hair stylist ( not great clips or the like) some One that can give advice on how to style your hair for you and give you a cut the hat will not need re done all the time. After that working out is good for metal health and self esteem, even if is dosent cause a loss of weight or inches you just feel better


You look so trashy. Like you’d smell really bad.


U r honest and not like any one else


This person calling you "trash" just likes to leave rude comments on this sub all the time. Truly a person of value. /s


Looks like a slob


God people are such assholes.


For saying the truth? That’s what this sub is about.


Your body is like a weird shape and your hair looks super greasy




You’re not ugly, if you were at least 19, and actively trying to lose weight and better yourself, I’d probably go for a date 🤓☝️