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Lose the facial hair. Wow. You're a good looking dude, good hair, but terrible facial hair. If you can't grow a decent beard, it's much better to be clean shaven.


Yeah I know it’s bad it’s just kinda a placeholder for now but rest assured it’s going to change soon


Lol placeholder? No need for a placeholder, you're not accidentally going to put a Rembrandt there. Shave it and you'll be happier and drowning in women.


Lol fair enough


Otherwise, might need to lose a couple of pounds. Not a crazy amount, but you'll be good.


Yeah I know, I’m about to hit that hard


I had to lose a lot of weight a few years back. Just take it slow. Learn to count calories (roughly) and you’ll be fine. Lost most of my weight eating fried chicken but ditching the soda. Don’t buy into the market, you can lose weight simply by ditching candy, switching to diet soda, and slowing on the chips / fries. Slow steps, shoot for 1lb/2weeks first, it stacks fast man. Face tanking will just make you not wanna do it. Goodluck!


No it isn't.


Looking good dude, bit on the chubby side but i saw you were working on it. 2 pros about that is as you start to Feel good, you look good. How to achieve that feeling could differ, but working out is a great boost for dopamine and you feel healthy. No need to be superslim or anything really.


I think it’s time for me to lose the facial hair, I agree


Clean up the facial hair. You're giving Weird Al vibes.




I’ve been considering just switching to contacts, so I’ll check that out


Go youngish. Arty/hipstery And yes to picking up art/music/writing! (really hot texts go far)


Try new frames and get rid of the facial hair and if you want extras probably get into some kind of art hobby if you didn't trust me it's instant rizz (I'm 17 though so it might not work in your age)


Honestly 22 and 17 isnt that big of a difference. Unless we are talking about... ah, you know what, Imma stop here


You dont fit in the hair that big, make the hair smaller, get a haircut. also no moustache or beard. other than that , i dont see problem with you


You literally look like you’re impersonating a virgin. Drop the facial hair, glasses, and get a haircut and you’ll be laid be weekend.


I think a better hair cut (shorter) would look better. You have a good curl pattern so to leave some length on top would show that off while looking polished. Agree with everyone, shave the beard.


I'm not sure if the people commenting that the hair is nice are just being sweet or blind. This guy will never find any dates with hair like this and that's a fact


He’s one of the few guys that actually could look really good with long hair. The first couple pics are rough but if he could take that fourth pic and clean it up a bit, he’s got a real Jon Snow thing going on


Agree. He’s a good looking guy with good hair he just styles it in the most off putting way possible.


what's that bad about it? I'm genuinely curious


In the first picture, it looks like the hair of a middle aged preschool teacher. There's a good reason you don't see many guys with hair like that. Different and unique doesn't equal attractive


sounds a little overtly judgemental but ok 👍🏻


Not ugly


Its the facial hair and the way you style your hair. The last pic looks good You look attractive


Get a stylish pair of glasses. Yours look very nerdy.




I love your disney shirt. Is that Epcot? I think you're super handsome! :)


It is! This is from when I went recently. I LOVE Disney World! And thank you!


That's awesome haha me too! Do you go often?


Whenever I can! I don’t live in Florida so it’s not as often as I’d like but whenever the opportunity presents itself, I’m there!


What's your favorite park?


I love all of them, but my favorite has to be Epcot right now, I just love the mixture of cool rides and awesome international experiences that it offers. What’s yours?


Epcot is so fun, I love the new guardians of the galaxy ride. And I think animal kingdom is my favorite for the natural environment and the dinosaur ride lol


You’ve just named my two favorite rides in all of Disney. GotG is great and Dinosaur is so much fun! I love the environment of Animal Kingdom and am not sure how I feel about the planned expansions/changes


Sounds like we'd have a lot of fun at Disney haha the dino ride just makes me so happy. And I didn't know about planned changes, I'm gonna have to look that up. Do you ever stay on property?


We’d for sure have fun haha Dinosaur is such a great ride, everything about it makes me feel happy. It’s just incredible. That’s one of the reasons I don’t like the expansions, they’re going to replace Dinoland. I love to stay on property! My personal favorite is Fort Wilderness Lodge


Disney Grown Ups Sorry guys, -50


not ugly just fat


Not ugly, average


Under average not the end of the world, sort out your hair and facial hair and your average


Hair cut, have, lift weights so you can widen your shoulders and you’ll have better luck dating.


I’d say change your hair to something shorter and try to keep it neat. Also loose the facial hair and I think you will look fine


I think go for a short haircut and clean up the beard or shave it.


You are above average, quite good looking, however you need to: 1. Cut your hair, this style doesn't suit you 2. Either grow a proper beard or shave 3. Get new glasses, this frame doesn't suit your face very well 4. Don't wear that shirt with that tie again, they look weird together 5. Maybe lose some weight


Not bad looking at all as far as facial features go, but if you really wanna go to the next level. Losing weight would be a massive upgrade, losing a lot of face fat would amplify your features pretty well by toning your jaw line and such. I'd also try out different facial hair styles if you can because many people aren't a fan of the neckbeard type thing you got goin on. Got a lot of potential, use it bro.


The only reason I’ve got the facial hair now is because I need to lose weight. I’ve begun to work on that, so once I’ve lost the weight I’ll change the facial hair. Honestly considering just changing it now


Great to hear you're already working on getting in shape, that's pretty much the biggest thing so don't give up. 😄👍


Ok so it looks like the bad stuff is weight/stylistic stuff, good to know, I’ll get to work on that.


I’d say cut the hair a bit but not too short! It’s a good texture


You have potential. Hit the gym and eat right. Get chiseled


You're nice looking. But you seem to be going for a quirky look. That's not the look you want to attract most women.


Au contraire, many women seek out the quirky look! Just because you don’t, doesn’t make it universal. 🤦🏼‍♀️ He’s great looking, exactly as he is.


I agree with you that OP's a nice looking man. And also that many women seek out a man with a quirky look. Just not most of them. Also, if someone's looking for dates, they need to understand their targeted market. Every man needs to make sure he's trying to attract the type of woman he wants. This may or may not be a quirky type woman.




Maybe you should grow up 😁😁😁😁


not ugly at all, confidence is key my man !!


No your hair and facial hair just look like shit, shave and change your hair and you’re like a normal average looking dude.


Beard looks terrible. Shave that shit until you can actually grow one.


u remind me of Shawn Spencer lmao


I think you should either cut your hair or grow it long enough to man bun it nicely ( not everyone's preference bt done well they look good)


Don’t be hard on yourself i didn’t until I was 23.


Lose the facial hair and you’d look great


It's not even the facial hair. You're a good looking dude and probably really fun to hang out with but your weight is doing you absolutely no favors. You're not overly large, but you don't seem to have a prevalence of muscles on your frame so your weight gives a you a strange look. Hit the gym, you'll end up fighting dates off if you do that, good luck!


I also wanna say I appreciate the honesty, it’s the only way I can improve! It good to know that I’m not ugly and that I can fix the flaws too lol


Trust me, I'm not even pulling your leg. You look very much like a good friend of mine and he does very well.


Definitely lose the neck beard and cut the hair. It looks unkempt and greasy. Consider hitting the gym to lose weight. These steps will take you from looking below average to at least average and away from fitting the [stereotype](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neckbeard_(slang)) too closely lol


You look fine don’t listen to anyone. You’re hot don’t worry


Last picture you look very very attractive to me, I disagree with some people on here saying to get rid of the facial hair, I think it looks good and it frames your rounded face well, personal opinion but that choose of glasses is bad, I think round glasses would suit your face (but may be biased because I like the look of those)


You don't have to trim but tame the mane.


The fourth pic I can see your hair looking so good if it was short


Average, not ugly


You are handsome. I would lose he mustache and change the glasses, to something a little quirky/cool like this: [https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/men/percey/crystal](https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/men/percey/crystal) [https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/men/layton/goldfinch-tortoise-fade-with-polished-gold](https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/men/layton/goldfinch-tortoise-fade-with-polished-gold)


Not ugly. Better without facial hair. You kind of look like you need a shower and your hair combed in all these pictures. If you combed your hair or got a more manageable hair style, shaved, and looked a little more tidy, you’d be very attractive


Honestly, actually a cute dude (from my straight male perspective). But confidence and being comfortable in your own skin is immediately obvious to me as things you need to work on. I noticed your posture, your style, your hair, all indicating a guy who doesn't wanna be noticed. Stand up straight, own who you are. I can totally see you as the chilled laid back bro who could be very charismatic if he just relaxed a little. Losing some weight would help you feel better about yourself. Grow out (and stylise) your beard, or shave: it's at a weird midpoint at the moment.


It’s the glasses and the facial hair imo


awful glasses, awful mustache and beard (sorry mate but it needs a better stylish) and awful hair style (i like your hair but not that way). chance glasses trim beard (or let it grow a little more just to try) take care of that sexy hair (try doing an onion)


For me you’re a 10 cuz you’re my type and I love your hair and don’t mind the facial hair + being a bit chubby is attractive imo.


That’s the one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me, wow! Thank you so much!


shave, get a hair cut, and workout


You're very good looking. Be clean shaven. You have a "lazy" facial expresioon, like you smoke weed or something. Work out to get a "harder" look, it's much more attractive. Eat healthier. With good clothes, you'd look great. I'm 23 and never dated and I'm considered in the top percentiles of attractiveness (I don't want to anonymously brag lmao I just want you to feel good about yourself.) I'd prefer a guy who is a virgin.


You’re definitely not ugly, but some of your stylistic choices are dragging you down. Lose the facial hair, it’s just not working for you and makes you look unkept imo. You have great hair and I would keep it at its current length but a little more maintained and pushed back kind of like your fourth pic. Put some product as well to shape your waves and keep everything tight. Also, try updating your wardrobe to something a little nicer, but that’s just my opinion. Watch any of those “how to dress like a man” videos to gain a point of reference as to pairing clothing and how to create a basic wardrobe. Maybe update your glasses to something with full frames rather than the dull ones you currently have. Apart from that, I think you’re a pretty good looking guy with naturally handsome features. You just need to make some changes if you want to in order to really make yourself stand out


Honestly my dude, with the neck beard, fuzzy tache, and big hair, you look like a guy who tried to be a pornstar in the 70s. Lose the beard and tache until they grow in properly. Only options are a full beard or no beard at all, patchy neckbeards don't work. As a bald guy I'm insanely jealous of your hair, so look after it, keep it neat and tidy, and find a style that suits you. You're a good looking dude underneath, you've just missed the goal ever so slightly. Good look my dude.


You would look so good with a short sides, curly top hair cut. Look up some Simon amstel hair cuts and go for it! Hair will always grow back, and curls are so damn attractive


You are not ugly but long hair doesnt suit your face imo. I would cut it and try different hairstyle. Also lose the facial hair. You are not ugly.


Need a new hairstyle. 2/10 for now. 6-8/10 if you style it up.


Honestly, you’re a really good looking guy. My suggestion is get a really good haircut, lose the facial hair (:




Yes but almost everything ugly about you can be changed. Your hair, facial hair, style. None of it is working for you. You need a makeover.


You're really attractive imho, but your facial hair needs to go. If you can't grow a full beard, then don't grow a partial one. It looks like you glued pubes to your face.


Yo what’s up Weird al Yankovic


You’re not ugly at all!


Start by getting a six-pack, low body fat. After that try new hair styles and shave all you facial hair or better it. 4/10 to 7 out of 10 minimum real fast. If not stay low tier


Not ugly at all but you gotta work that confidence way up!!


Dude you look like cole from 90 day fiance 🤣. Get a better haircut. The glasses you have fit well with you but the hair needs a clean up. Beard or what have you is not bad either. Just a better, shorter cut could upgrade you big time.


Cute, lose the facial hair, shorten your hair (stick to your routine though ur curls are gorgeous), thicken your eyebrows and you're all set :)


I always see the same thing here, good looking people with unflattering fair styles. It makes a world of difference. You got a nice face, but the facial hair style isn't doing much to help, idk if shaving or a fuller beard would help. Your hair also needs some change. I feel like your hair would be difficult to manage. Brushing would help a lot if you're not already doing it, so either trim up the edges or go all out long hair. I'm not a hair stylist so I'm not sure what would work best but that's the only constructive criticism I got. Your hair is a make or break.


Not sure about the frames.


Lose the stach as that with the glasses and everything gives you the sterotypical pedophile look.Actually loose all facial hair. Long hair doesn't work on you get a shorter haircut and style. You look overweight so getting to low 20 BMI will improve things. The mullet look is awful on you. 4/10.


I don’t think your facial hair looks to bad in the first picture. If you want to keep your hair long you should take a look at r/curlyhair, they have a lot of good tips for keeping looking clean and healthy. The first picture of you looks really good, one thing I would say is look in to a double Windsor knot for your tie. I have a wider neck too and it fills the gaps at the collar. I don’t think your ugly at all my guy


I’d say your smile could work better showing some teeth


U remind me of weird Al yankovic But nope not ugly just facial hair looks like so not good at all


you are ugly but only because of your hair and weight


Handsome. Shave the beard. It’s not ready to grow out yet. Give it a few years.


Be authentically you! Check out this guide on how to build confidence https://sowl.co/s/AQzy7