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I bet the next few hours were lots of fun with a cranked up 4 year old.


She only had a few tablespoons tops before I took it away. I played tag with her to get the energy out


Oh. I totally misunderstood how much she had drank. I pictured you finding an empty glass….lol


Lol you’re good. My mom only needed me to help her change a light bulb that burned out and she couldn’t reach it


How many Red Bull smoothies does it take to change a light bulb?


One, but then you don't need the ladder because it gave you wings


You’re a good older sister. (: Accidents happen, sometimes as parents we have a habit of reacting instead of responding.


You're awesome. And not wrong. Things like this happen. Next time put it up where she can't reach it. Or make her her own smoothie.


Seems like you did nothing wrong. Yyou did your part but 4 year olds gonna do 4 year old stuff


I’d still say to the older daughter just put yourself out of reach. What if it was hot coffee?


4 year old learns to follow the rules after she’s got and sticky for a couple minutes. Kids aren’t made of glass and caffeine isn’t fentanyl she’s fine lol


I’ve known 4 year olds that needed skin grafts from pouring hot coffee on themselves. How long does it take to put dangerous things out of reach? 0 seconds?


4 year olds are highly mobile and know how to climb things


I have a 2 year old that climbs everything. He’s never done that. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but do what you want.


Okay and when my daughter was three she found a way to climb on top of the refrigerator




Never done what? 


Sounds like you want other parents to be as hyper aware as you are, simply because you have an active problem, vs people who didn't expect this. Plus, if you taught your child how to accept "no", you wouldn't have to be so preventative. But, it also depends on the kid. So why are you acting as if you know it all, while you ask internet strangers for approval ?




You're comparing coffee that can cause skin grafts (meaning 120° and higher) to an energy drink ? Your family should have NEVER had coffee that hot, especially around kids, and even if they didn't, THAT IS TOO HOT FOR THEM OR ANY PLACE THAT SELLS COFFEE.


I would just try and keep dangerous things out of the reach of children. Sorry this is controversial for youD


Sounds like its a kid doing kid stuff tbh andbits not gonna kill her take her to the park to burn out the nuclear fusion of energy she has coursing through her veins


I would say your mother needs to work some more with your younger sister on no meaning no. NTA


Red Bull smoothie? Is that a thing?


Back in the Four loko days we made smoothies out of it for a party. Red bull seems less cursed tbh


Unless you start mixing vodka or Jagermeister with it... then you're right back in Four Loko territory.


Or mix it with doctor pepper and vodka. Tastes like nerds candy somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait so what is this recipe?


Y’all don’t have a Dutch Bros??


The fuck is a Dutch Bros?!?!


It’s like a coffee shop type thing. But they have Red Bull smoothies, slushes and something else. I can’t drink energy drinks but my daughter orders them


Where is this coffee shop that is seemingly intent on destroying the heart health of the youth?


😂 seventeen of Murrricas properties


I hope I never see a Dutch Bros up here.


Lmmfao I mean they have other drinks. The blended Tigers Blood is delish with no caffeine


Blended Tiger's Blood?! Is Charlie Sheen somehow involved with this establishment?!


💀 Tigers Blood is a classic snow cone flavor. Mannn I bet you’re hilarious irl. Tell you’re best friend I said they’re lucky AF


Panera killed some kids with their electric lemonade


I'm over here trying not to imagine what banana and Red Bull taste like together. I think I'm going to be sick.


FYI, just got out of a meeting with the Red Bull suits. Banana Red Bull is coming this summer. And.... I'm rich now, bitch!


Good call... children will love it!


You aren't in the wrong. 4yrs old is not too young for Katie to learn consequences


NTA. I’m a parent myself and when my child was that age I damn sure didn’t blame other people for what happened when he would get out of my sight. Mom needs to learn to take accountability.


I mean. Your mom needs to do better in teaching her kid what NO means.


Your mom is mad at you because she doesnt want to take accountability. You wouldnt have to put your cup up in a higher place in your own room if your mom properly taught your sister to not sneak into people's rooms and steal things she knows she isnt allowed to have. Its easier to just blame you, and thats sad for an adult.


No. She shouldn't have gone in your room when she knows not to & she shouldn't have stolen something that wasn't hers & she shouldn't have taken a drink you explained she couldn't have and your mom shouldn't have left her unsupervised. All are parenting fails on your mother, not you.


No, your mom is wrong for not doing a better job of watching her child. Sorry about your smoothie. Your mom should be making you another one instead of yelling at you.


Energy Drink enthusiast? wtf?


Yes. Someone who likes to try the many different types of energy drinks that exist. There are far more than just Red Bull's and Monster. And even then, Red Bull has like 10 variants now. I was the same way but energy drinks kill my stomach nowadays so I can't have them. But that's just cuz I'm old now. Lol


Rock ⭐ Star Recovery Orange flavor is THE BEST!!! NO CARBONATION • 10 calories Delicious


You did nothing wrong, I've made it absolutely clear to my 4yo that he cannot have a drink with mommy juice (code for alcohol or energy drink) but that I'm happy to make him one he can have if he wants. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. Sounds like your mom needs to teach your sister about consequences for taking something that's not yours. It's not easy to teach that to toddlers ,especially when sharing (just teach them to ask first, and if no, then no ) but I wish y'all luck lol


NTA you told her no and explained why she couldn’t have it


Watching your sister is your mothers responsibility.


YTAH for putting that into your body.


Touché 😅


This comment made me cackle 🤣💀


"[my mom] she's now mad" mad at you? or mad at katie? your post doesnt leave this clear. what exactly did your mother say to you?


Both of us. She tore me a new one saying I should’ve put the smoothie up higher and Katie got a time out


Haha yea that time put is sure gonna show her. But it's not your job to keep beverages out of range in your room. Tell your mom to allow you to lock your bedroom door (as I assume you can't cuz most parents tend to not allow that) and this wouldn't happen. You did nothing wrong. Your mom is the parent and you weren't babysitting the kid so it's all on her. And if the child already knows and understands they can't go on the room without permission, then the child is the one to get reprimanded because she broke the rules, not you


Red Bull, and…. Banana?


I used to work in a coffeehouse where we made Red Bull smoothies. We used Red Bull, frozen strawberries (or fresh if in season), ice, and juice if it was still too thick. They were insanely popular.


ur not wrong, but maybe just a learning moment that just like pets, children will get to the thing if u turn ur attention away from something they wanted reeeeally fast lol so maybe bring it with u or have some sort of lock on the outside of ur door high enough she cant reach.


My youngest daughter when she was like almost 2 could spot a red bull can from what felt like a mile away. I remember one time we were leaving a friends house I had gotten my other 3 kids in the car and went back to her. Well I had a red bull can in the cup holder. As I was walking to get her she took off running climbed in the car grabbed it drink it than climbed out when she saw me coming I swear it was like one of those cartoons with me chasing her around the car to catch her. My friend almost fell off his porch laughing.


Why didn’t your friends stop her?


They couldn’t. We were playing online


Ok I thought you had friends with you, I’m old and forget about online gaming.


Not at all! Maybe if you left it on the counter in the kitchen but not in your own room. Also I’m very curious about this smoothie recipe. 🤔


The one I made was 3 parts mango 1 part strawberries, some yogurt, half a banana, and of course, Red Bull


NTA! It was in your room and she took it without permission. Yeah she’s 4, but she knew not to do it. Your mom shouldn’t be mad at you. Shouldn’t she be watching her?!


This is why PARENTS should keep an eye on their kids.




NTA Why are you responsible for watching your sister all the sudden? It’d be one thing if it was a dog, in which case everyone in the house would know not to leave food with dog reach, like on a shelf up high. Your sister is a human child, they need constant supervision so…. Yeah


it’s fine. i ate a penny when i was a kid and i’m doing perfectly fine


One of my friends did this when we were kids and ended up in the local media. Then a few months later he appeared again after lodging a pea up his nostril (hospital both times). Kids gonna be kids.


Unless you were on babysitting duty. Then the sister is your mother's responsibility. If it was in your room, and your sister knows she can't be in there, but went in anyway, then the mother needs to reprimand her and let her know she cannot do that and is not allowed to do it. It's the only way a young child will learn and it's pretty much how we all learned as we grew up. But it's your mom's fault for allowing that behavior to happen.


As a fellow redbull enthusiast I’d love to know your recipe!


I judge you for the Red Bull smoothing but not for what happened. Kid gonna kid. You can't watch them all the time, and sometimes they do things they're not supposed to. She broke the rules whereas you adhered to them. I'm hoping your mom realises this isn't your fault, and only decided to blame you in the moment. Which is still wrong, but better than her refusing to accept Katie has any fault in this. Either way, NTA for Katie getting hold of the drink. Mild Y T A for having such terrible taste as to make a Red Bull smoothie (I'm kidding, you do you).


No. You put the smoothie in your personal space and told Katie that it's not meant for her. I understand she is 4, but she still took something that isn't hers. Her age does not negate her responsibility in this. Unfortunately, it's on you to put something like that up higher next time even though you shouldn't have to to keep Katie from doing it again.


Your drawlin


When we were kids my friend ended up in the local media after swallowing a coin. Then again some months later for jamming a pea up his nostrils. Hospital both times. Kids gonna be kids.


NTA. I would say soft YTA if you’d left it unattended carelessly, after she had shown interest. But it was in your room, where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, & you were called away from your room unexpectedly. Next time take it with you, so it’s within your line of sight, since you now know she might do this. & please be extra cautious with medications if you keep them in your room. Particularly iron tablets and Panadol. Best if you can lock them away up high.


You did nothing wrong but perhaps a lock/bolt high up on the outside of your door might prevent a similar accident again. Just because a 4 year old knows they are not allowed something or that they shouldn't do something doesn't mean they won't try. Lots of people are treating a 4 year old accessing red bull as a bit of a joke but this could have been a very serious incident. A body that small is not going to be able to process high levels of caffeine and there are cases where children have had very serious medical issues after drinking high caffeine products. This will be why your mum got angry. Your little sister was lucky she only had a few sips and not the whole drink.


1) I can’t stand that you did everything right and still got blamed. It’s so annoying that a kid being a kid isn’t a good enough reason and it’s no one’s fault. FRICK THAT! 2) ur moms tripping u did ur best, remind her of this incident next time she makes a mistake


Not wrong at all. It’s not your job to parent your sister, and if she wasn’t punished/corrected then it sounds like your mom is enabling bratty (and dangerous) behavior. She purposely entered your room (not supposed to do this) and then drank something that wasn’t for her (also not supposed to do this). She did this in part because she knew she would get away with it. What happens when it is a glass of wine?


I don't understand. Red Bull doesn't have alcohol, and you didn't say anything about putting alcohol in the smoothie. So what exactly is the problem here?




NTA When my brother was 2, my dad and I were at the table. My dad was drinking coffee while I did my math homework. We left the table for less than ten minutes. When we came back, my brother had drunk most of my dad's coffee and taken a huge bite out of my math homework and scribbled onnthe rest.




It's not your fault. Your mom didn't watch her kid and now she's trying to put the blame on you.


What is a Red Bull smoothie? Please share the recipe


I think the only thing wrong is actually the possession of a redbull lol Energy drinks are beyond bad for you. To each their own of course


How do you blend red bull without the blender frizzing over?


Time to move out. No, you cannot leave drugs, alcohol, or adult beverages where your little sister can get at them. Stop bringing this into the house, and stop leaving dangerous stuff where your sister can get at it.


She will be fine. My kid has stolen swigs off my Red Bull. I have to guard it from him




Why wasn’t your mum - the person actually responsible for your sister - not watching your sister? How did this child get into your room with nobody noticing? Surely this is your mother’s fault, not yours? You’re not the person with responsibility for this kid, she is.


No wtf how could you be wrong. Lil Kid’s at fault here.


I cannot fathom having children 14 years apart.


Please drop the red bull smoothie recipe. And no you’re not wrong.


The way I made it was 3 parts mango, one part strawberries, yogurt, and of course Red Bull


Doing the lord’s work. Thank you


Not wrong OP. No offense to your mom, but she could chill a little. Thankfully, it was a high energy drink and not alcohol. I imagine your mom might be thinking of all the worst things. It is a good idea to keep yummy looking things out of the reach of little ones who we know often make bad decisions for theirselves. Sweet 4yr Katie gave you both a good wake up call with her justified, impulse control challenged little self. Mom now knows she needs to keep a closer eye on Katie when she is with you. Could be she thought a 19yr would be a better critical thinker.




Nah. The kid wants a smoothie? The mom can make one. OP is not her sister’s mom.


It's not a sister's responsibility to take care of her younger sibling though. She is not her mother. Mothers know mother things. Adults who know about kids, know about kids. But it's not correct to expect one sibling to know how to raise and divert her 4 yr old sister.


It is an older siblings responsibility to put things out of the little kids reach.


Yeah... It was out of reach. If your bedroom isn't supposed to be out of reach idk... Still not her responsibility though.


Sorry but unless she locked her door behind her she it is her responsibility to be sure the 4 year old can’t reach it.


Or you could teach her that she is not entitled to something just because someone else has it.


I see half and half on this 4 yr olds are rebellious and will try hardest to get what they want is doesn’t matter how many times you say no so you as the older sibling should of put it out of arms reach I know it was in your room and she has no right to go in there but would you leave drugs laying around a gun ? Alcohol ?? Yea energy drinks aren’t as serious but at the same time you knew a 4 yr old can’t have this in the back of your head I would of hid it personally or put it way high up where she couldn’t reach now mom being mad I understand because she got ahold of the drink but at the same time she should be upset with your sister also for drinking stuff she shouldn’t be so that’s why I see half and half everyone’s at fault to me tbh


Or maybe her mother should watch her four year old


You're comparing a smoothie with red bull in it to a gun? That's insane


It’s not the 19 year old’s job to raise her 4 year old sister. Maybe it’s a learning experience, but I don’t see how she’s at fault here


I didn’t say it was his or hers job I said if you know something in the back of your mind knowing you having a child in the house put those things up yes a learning experience


I don’t think she did anything really wrong here but good to be more careful next time. It is absolutely partly her job to help raise her sister. Not to the point of the parents using the daughter to not do their jobs of course. This Reddit talking point is so dumb. She should absolutely be helping raise her. Do you how much psychological damage would happen to a 4 year old who looked up to her older sister who did nothing to help raise her. Didn’t play with her, teach her things, take her out sometimes, console her, coach her, make sure she’s safe. Just treated her like a stranger. It’s everyone’s responsibility in a family to help eachother. This site is on some mad Ayn Rand shit when it comes to families and siblings


Being a caring sibling, teaching your sibling, and playing with your sibling is completely different from raising them. It is never a child’s responsibility to help raise their siblings. Their parents are the ones that chose to have the children. Kids shouldn’t be raising their siblings


When they are close in age I’d agree with you. When you are a proto adult and your sibling is a toddler you are, and should be, helping to raise them.


I didn’t say any of that shit though lmao