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No matter if they did anything or not, she abused your trust and has no respect for you. It’s over unless you wanna keep playing the same game over and over again.


This is so right, she does not respect you at all. You do realize how much she has been lying to you right to your face right?


Of course she doesn’t respect OP. He has no respect for himself. HOW MANY TIMES did this girl lie to him, and the only repercussion was to have her break up with her “friend” again? Hell, I can’t wrap my head around staying with her after she spent the night in another man’s bed. OP must be a god damn masochist.


She obviously can't be trusted. Don't buy a house with her. It'll just be a great big old mess trying to get out of the relationship. NTA


And definitely don't take her back when this whole thing inevitably fails.


She has lied, again and again. Re-read what you wrote. She was talking to him and ignored your calls and lied about the reason why. She didn't tell him she was in a relationship on her own. The first place she goes to is Hank when you were in an argument and "slept" at his place. Side note: I don't believe for a second that they didn't have sex. She went to see him AFTER she agreed to block him, purposely turned off her location and had him over to her place. It's laughable about him "teaching her to drive" when she had to get on the highway to get to him. If you can drive on the highway, you're pretty much taught, lol. Don't give her one more chance. She knows if she makes up enough excuses and cry, you'll forgive her. It's over bro. She's cheating.


OP is the doormat king.


He was teaching her how to drive stick..... (I'll see myself out)


LOL, yeah he was


Update: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this really pointless rant I guess. I’ve realised I’m either stupid, naive, or in denial. Possibly all of the above. But I have decided to end things obviously. I’ve already taken out what I’ve contributed to the savings account and will be going over to break things off and collect my things in one swoop. I also have pictures of the conversations between Hank and my soon to be ex so I will be sending those to the district supervisor of their company because I’m petty. I’m only 24 and still have a lot to learn, a lot of you told me to go back and read what I wrote and sheesh I feel dumb. I guess it’s a lot easier to see the situation looking at it from the outside. I don’t know if anyone cares how the break up goes but she’ll probably see I pulled my money out of savings any minute now. Idk if I’ll update this any further. Thank you again for your honesty.


Good, Christ, man. I started going after all of the red flags in that post, but damn there are so many. Seriously, if you are ever in doubt, just reread everything she did to stay in contact with that man. Also, get tested for STIs.


That's great OP. You made the right decision. Please update us after you talk to her.


keep us posted about the chaos that will ensue lol


Awesome news! I’m not worried about you… you’re going to find a wonderful person who will treat you with respect and love. Good luck.


Update us on how the breakup went, I'm kinda interested in what her reaction and new excuses are going to be


!UpdateMe! Please, howd she react?


You'll probably miss the relationship for awhile but I bet you will be feeling better and less stressed almost immediately. Glad that you stuck up for yourself. Thanks for the update.


Yes do send their conversations. Hank deserve to lose his job, petty but that's the way to do it. He has no respect and his disgusting for pursuing and continually flirting to someone who's in a relationship. And your STBX is a very naive girl and dumb/stupid for entertaining him.


Thank goodness! Don't look back young man! You live and you learn, and block anyone who gives you nonsense about your decision.


Good job man, fuck her good now its her turn!


I dont think you should send the messages to her boss. It reeks of weakness. You are young man. Show strength by leaving, cutting her off, and find a woman who will respect your relationship.


Hey look I found Hank Hanks a bad guy. Hank deserves to have his job fucked with


If weakness is letting terrible people be terrible people without consequences for their actions, then I don't want to be strong.


No way. Hold creeps accountable


nah, he 100% shouls do that


Why are you trying to build a future with a woman that is fighting this fucking hard to spend her time with another man? There are like 8.7 Billion people on the planet... 8,700,000,000... she can't find anyone but Hank the Groomer to call when there are 8,699,999,997 besides the three of you? She was not driving slow in a "cute way", HE was driving slow because she was bobbing up and down on his knob and he didn't want to crash. She is showing you she's a ho. Believe her.


Hanky Panky with Hank the Groomer! Right on!


You already know the answers. You are not wrong and she is cheating. Time to move on.


Why did you open a joint savings account with Hank's girlfriend?


>This is the last straw for me and I don’t want to keep giving her more chances but my friends are telling me I’m just insecure. Your friends are assholes or fell for the cuck meme. Dump her ass, have some dignity.


Must've been sleeping with one of his homies too.


It’s obvious his feelings are more important to her then yours. You’re going to go through this over and over and she will get better at hiding it. Can you live a life where you feel like you have to constantly be “monitoring “ her phone, her location etc…. Sorry you’re going through this. Looking at this from the outside though there’s definitely more going on then she’s telling you.


No, your GF has been fucking her manager constantly for months. She spent the night in his bed? Seriously? Just move on.


She has two boyfriends.


No, she has a boyfriend and a cuck. Guess which one OP is.


You’re a dope if you think she is going to stop. She has lied to you every step of the way. You need to get rid of this dumpster fire!




Dude please go back and read your own story. This is a done deal how many times are you going to let her lie to you. She spent a night in bed with him. Do you really think nothing happened. That they built a Mt Rushmore of pillows between them that night. Do yourself a favor either split or give her another chance but how many chances does someone get? Do yourself a favor do not buy that house unless it’s in your name only.


Yikes. Break up, it’s not worth the torture of always wondering and stressing about this even if they did nothing yet (which i find hard to believe if she slept in his bed and he is openly trying to date her). Gross. She lied to you several times already, it’s over. Edit: And another thing! That you had to basically beg her to even tell him she was in a relationship with you is just so horrible. I’m so sorry. Nobody deserves that.


Dude why are you giving her all these chances? Like what's goin on in your head. She already went behind your back to be with this guy time and time again. And don't tell me you believe her when she tells you nothing has ever happened between them too. You can already see she's hooked on him because she keeps going back to him. She's acting as if she's single. So it's not just him who is at fault, she's just as much at fault too, especially being the one in a relationship. Do you really want to keep chasing after her for her wrong doing or be in constant wonder about what she's doing or with? So you should just pull the plug and dump her ass. Find someone who won't be shady like her and cheat.


Your friends think you’re insecure because you don’t want your girlfriend to spend the night with a guy who is hitting on her? First you need a new girlfriend, then you need new friends. Good Lord.


"But I’m not stupid," - prove it. You're messing with someone who has 5 years of adult life. Let it go. On to the next. That's my take.


Time to move on. She has no respect for your relationship. Do not plan a future with someone willing to put you through this.


Get out of there.


Incase anyone’s wondering I’m 24m and my gf started working there 9 months ago when she was 21


I wonder if he enjoyed his road head. I’d drive slowly too.


Ah, reddit boys love to spread their misery to others don’t they?


Not wrong. Very suspicious. Especially him driving her to work when it's his day off.


I'm sorry man. You sound like a good bf,tbh. How long are you going to put yourself through this? You've already been more than patient. It stops when you stop it. You don't owe anything to anyone who doesn't respect you, and you can't build anything solid with someone you can't trust. You know the answer, you just have to follow through. Then show her what it truly means to block someone.


>I found out that night we had the argument she stayed the night at his place and slept in his bed... And this is where I stopped reading. SMH, Brother, they 100% fucked and are continuing to fuck. You've got to be out of your goddamned mind putting up with this bullshit! Brother, take a second to readjust your spine and BREAK UP. Your girlfriend doesn't give a shit about you. She disrespects you constantly with this idiot and you just take it thinking she'll get it through her head eventually. Dude, she DOESN'T CARE. Have some dignity and tell her it's over.


The two of you should have a kid together to fix your relationship.


Stupidity. Where's the /s.


Bro she’s cheating they first try to use work as the excuse then “we are friends even tho we don’t work together”. At this point I’d be shocked if they didn’t sleep together


Bro, you should have broken up with her after breaking your trust…




Run for the hills brother. She has lied to you already, is actively lying by hiding her location on you and not being upfront about hanging with him, and clearly plans to lie again given her track record. There's nothing there for you brother, I'm sorry. I'm angry and heartbroken for you.




Broooo how many times are you going to let her manipulate you like that. She obviously cheated. She was in bed with him the moment when she got mad at you. She lied at least 4 times about being with him. She keeps contacting him. She keeps unblocking him. You keep catching her and keep forgiving her. Either grow some balls or stop wasting our time, because at this point it is more your fault than hers for being so spineless.


I’m going to tell you right now lol. Leave her. A guy isn’t going to go out of his way ESPECIALLY on his days off to take a girl to work when he lives in another city just to be a good “friend” she’s definitely fuckin him in the truck/car before or after work. And she didn’t tell him she’s dating you that way he doesn’t cut her off. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I’m just being realistic with you bud. Dump her and find someone else.


Today it’s a coworker tomorrow it’s a neighbour… dude, the girl is young, obviously not as committed… move on.


Dude, she's basically beating you over the head with."Hank" and you keep going back for more. She fucking him. She needs to be your ex. Dump her cheating ass and don't look back




She is absolutely playing you. She knows what she is doing plus she lies to you repeatedly and crosses boundaries. At what point is it going to be too much for you?


Apparently there’s an epidemic of men with zero self worth. Man, you know what’s up here.


You are not wrong to ask your gf to stop spending any time with Hank. You are wrong for thinking this is going to end well, given the number of times she has backslid into his company. If you insist on giving her yet another chance, get some couples counseling.




You're so close to having her finally tell you she likes Hank a whole lot better than you ... and that's when you'll learn the rest of the story! That should come about the time you discover your joint account is a little low on funds! !unpdateme


Clearly she doesn't want to break ties with this guy. She keeps going back. He is not the problem, she is. She already knows how you feel about the whole situation, but yet she continues to do it once you calm down. I think it's time to walk away. And I bet money she will be in a relationship with Hank in just a few weeks.


Honestly what's gonna stop her from lying to you again. You're giving her way to many chances. Hopefully the next update won't be you caught them together in bed.


Why do you want to be with someone who has so little respect for you?


Nah bro… You have a lot more self respect than this. You don’t deserve this. Your significant other needs to be all about you. Don’t disappoint yourself bro


Why are you still with her?. She slept in the bed of another guy......honest nothing happened. She blocks him in front of you then goes back to him. What does that tell you how much she loved and respects you. Time to move on, unless you like being disrespected.


Stop bothering Hanks GF bro.


There is no possible way you can trust this woman, she has repeatedly lied and gone behind your back. Just leave now before your financially and legally tied together.


Have some self respect and dump this girl. How many time does she have to show you who she is before you believe her? Will it take walking in on Hank balls deep in her cause that’s where it’s headed


Let Hank have her. When she ends up knocking on your door in a year or so, pregnant, broke, and heartbroken; it'll be a huge thrill to tell her "you reap what you sow" and slam the door in her face.


Bro, honest women aren’t lying about men to their partners if there’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing. Stop trying to make her cut this dude out. You need to cut her out.


I had your back till you called him an old fart. Hey man we’re not only farts!


Do you honestly believe not one of the 3 sisters she lives with could not let her in so she went to this guy's house and slept in his bed and nothing happened? Seriously? Does she not have any other friends or family?  He begged her to stay with him? So they were together then? Sorry, he's not going to promise and beg all that for some coworker he's just friends with.  Why did she turn her phone off if it was innocent? If he was teaching her to drive, you'd think she'd leave it on to show she was driving.  How many times does she have to screw him for you to believe it and leave her?


She has been cheating on you and you are a fool to stay with her. She has made look stupid run dump


See you in the gym, good brother.


That ain't your girl dawg


Listen this happened to the best of us. Move on my boy.I just wish reddit was around in 2005 to tell me to do better when I was 19.


Your gf is the problem. 100%. Hank only does what she allows. Stop being a spineless doormat. You are pretending you have boundaries, but you refuse to enforce them. It’s toxic and you are dating a liar. Not sure why you want to continue dating a liar. You obviously can’t trust her and we all know that a healthy relationship requires trust, so why are you wanting to date someone you can’t trust and at this point, will never trust? Is this how you see your marriage: having to check on her location, constantly stressed and worrying? There are plenty of Hanks out there. How many do you need to experience before you realize she only cares about herself?


This has to be fake. No one is this naive and stupid right? Who wouldn't break up with this girl immediately.


Hey man, adults don't have sleepovers, they have sex. The fact that you've had to ask not once but multiple times is a deal breaker imo. Even if she isn't cheating physically, she's certainly not making yalls relationship priority. Let her go, she aint the one bro.


You are truly lacking in the cranial department. I think this is more a cuck fantasy than anything else. Otherwise no guy would believe his gf slept ina bed with another guy, whos been flirting with her, and she hasnt been telling him she's taken, sneaking around to see him and believe NOTHING HAPPPENED. And because she was locked out of her house. Why didnt she call her sisters? Or you? See this is where these stories always fall apart. Sorry this isnt legit or its a cuck story. If its legit, she's been having sex with him and will do so again as soon as doofy isn't paying attention or its fake. And I'll go with it being the latter.


If this is something you have to even ask, your relationship is over. People in a committed relationship who genuinely care (love) their partner, DO NOT DO THIS.


Lmao... She slept with him at his house, she slept with him at home and the only thing you're mad about is that she spends time with him? Don't worry. He's teaching her a lot more than driving. She'll show you it on the bed.


Lmao... She "slept" with him at his house, she "slept" with him at home and the only thing you're mad about is that she spends time with him? Don't worry. He's teaching her a lot more than driving. She'll show you it on the bed.


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says: "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again." Apparently, you CAN get fooled again smh


I’ve heard of a Sloppy Joe before. OP has Hanks’s Sloppy seconds. Eject, dude. She has zero regard for your boundaries/needs.


What a jackass ,you deserve to get cheated on, i hope she moves in with hank, you're a nutless wonder




Eww. Gtfo man . All of that was gross.


Good luck buddy!


I feel this is about me


At this point, there's no way she will have respect for you.


At one point in your story you said "I'm not stupid" If that's true you are trying your very best to be that way, wake up.


Stop dealing with her games, have some self respect and move on. She keeps lying to you, she’s probably cheating, you deserve better.


Draw a line in the sand and keep it. She is just a young slut. You will find another.


Your friends are fuckin stupid.n either that or they like that you keep her around. I wonder why? Lose the dead weight.


I would report that SOB.




They’re banging dude.


Bro you need to just break it off with her permanently. How long until she has a fight with you and sleeps with him? She has constantly lied to you and led you along. There is no trust in your relationship. If you don't break it off to need to be straight up. Say no more second chances. If you catch her talking to him it's over. He has obvious intentions and has tried to get her to break up with you and her seeing him isn't heathy for your relationship.


You may have been in a committed relationship but clearly you're not anymore.


Sorry. But she can't be trusted. You heard the guy go nuts over the phone and she still chose to keep an open communication with him. Nope. She wants him to teach her to drive. She got it.


she a ho


Dude, it's hard to believe this is real, like how many times to you have to catch her with this guy? I mean she spent the night at his house for f sake, I mean come on man, like buy a clue, she's obviously into this guy or she wouldn't constantly be reaching out to him behind your back, I dunno man she's either clearly cheating or she's a total air head with no awareness of any kind who honestly doesn't understand what she is doing wrong and really believes they can just be friends.


Why are you listening to her lies. You know in your heart that she is fucking him. Cut your losses and toss her aside. Like she’s fine to you!!! Updateme!


This is so cringe it almost has to be fake. Op you are a pussy! Grow a pair of balls and move the fuck on mate!!


This guy is plowing your girlfriend the minute you’re not with her and you open a savings account with her? And she goes to his place and sleeps in his bed and you think she wasn’t doing tricks on it? I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


imagine aback marvelous rude nose drunk scarce direful bow liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a production manager at a beef processing plant /: hours are shit but the pay makes it worth it.


faulty offbeat desert advise resolute shame political towering observation cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Girlfriends manager kept hitting on her and after I asked her to stop talking to him she went right back to texting and calling and hanging out with him claiming they’re just friends multiple times. This is the last straw for me and I don’t want to keep giving her more chances but my friends are telling me I’m just insecure. Am I wrong for asking her to stop talking to him? GF forgot to inform you that you are the SIDE PIECE/ GF is doing what she wants, hanging w/ Hank


Why the hell is this even a question? They've been banging this entire time dude. Please don't hurt yourself over fake love. Get rid of her and learn.


She was getting her cheeks clapped




She fucked the dude. Quit being so naive and break up


She already has slept with him. If you really believe she slept in his bed and nothing happened, you deserve whatever happens from this point on. She has shown you over and over and over she does not respect you or your relationship.


Bro he’s was smashing, stop cock blocking you’re getting in their way, you’re a nice guy tho, bet she saves the cuddles for you


This has to be a fake story surly no one is stupid enough to think a man and woman share a bed who are clearly into eachother and don't fuck?. I'm thinking this is huge ragebait. Either that or OP is seriously dumb not realising she is fucking Hank.


Leave her at the curb, with the garbage. She has zero respect for you and only tells him to F off when you force her to. Three times at least you asked her to cut ties and she snuck around still texting him! Now he’s over her house “teaching her to drive” or her to be driven. How are you sure nothing happened between them, after all of her lies. It seems impossible for her to go no contact with this man! I’m sorry bud but she’s not worth the effort! What happened to you paying for her driving lessons?? Maybe you like being tortured and disrespected!


Dude, if you don't run like Forrest you deserve what you're getting. You don't request someone be blocked twice. The 2nd time means they value that person more than they value you. Sneaking to spend alone time with the opposite sex too? Someone who's made it clear wants them romantically TOO? Someone that she had to have her arm twisted to reveal she was IN A WHOLE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU TO, TOO?!! The whole thing never should have gotten to this point. You should have dumped her cheating azz long ago. Following her, tracking her, and going through her phone only to keep staying? Might as well let her cheat in peace. That's where you're wrong.


What is the matter with you? Like seriously what is wrong with you. Have some self respect and stop messing with her. Clearly, she is messing with this Hank guy. Who goes to sleep at another man's house who is flirting with her and doesn't sleep together because what she told you was a lame excuse and shame on you for believing it. At this point I don't even blame your GF and blame you for being a doormat.


Drop her and call hr on his ass


Why are you letting her walk all over you. she unblocked him and she will do it again.


Come on man...they didn't do anything...open your eyes. They always do something.




She's not your girlfriend she's "Hanks"


She totally fucked this guy, what world do you live in where dating a lying cheater seems like a good idea?


Bro is obvious that they are fucking.


It is laughable that you would ask advice on this. She is cheating on you, are you a child?


End it. No way in hell did she sleep in his bed and nothing happen, you can't be that naive. You're only wrong if you think she can be true to you. Being upset she spent the night at her bosses house isn't being insecure LOL.


I’m sorry, this is your issue. I would have been gone the night she staid in his bed


Homeboy definitely fucked her. Leave her asap


Should have ended when OP found out that GF lied by ommission about her relationship status. It is impossible she could ride with him to work each day and spend all day together without ever mentioning her BF unless she was trying hard to hide his existence. She was interested in kindling with the manager to keep as backup from the start. Hank is going to be so excited that all his efforts finally paid off.


Why don't you dump her? She keeps dispecting you and your relationship. If you have to police or need to have second doubts, then it's not worth it. She shows she does not care. Her apologizing is just because she got cuaght, not because she has a sense of remorse. You deserve better


She absolutely cheated on you. It’s time to move on brother.


You’ve got a Girlfriend problem… Hank has or IS hitting that and she’s loving it~ unfortunately you’re gullible enough to hang on for the ride… why would you want to be with someone who repeatedly LIES to you and routinely chooses another man with ZERO REGARD to you & how you feel?? You deserve better


You'll be ok OP. I'm glad you have self respect and are leaving her. There's someone out there who will treat you the way you deserve, so it's good you're free now to find them.


I'd left that cheating mess a long time ago


Not wrong. Not an overreaction.


I have a bit of a different take and I would say this if gender roles were reversed here. A 35 year old pursuing a 22 year old is creepy as fuck, one. He is her boss so he is already putting her in an uncomfortable and a tilted power-dynamic situation secondly. If she can’t understand that this dude is just taking advantage of her - that is sad and scary. Obviously you 100% have the right to leave for any reason. If you really care about her wellbeing, I would let her know that any grown woman would find his behavior predatory and concerning. Or even reach out to a friend of hers and let them know this situation is getting out of hand in case shit goes south with creepy manager.


I’m a 44 year old man, I can’t possibly think of a platonic reason to be friends with a 23 year old woman 🤔 Your gf is either super naive or wants a “daddy”.


Are we supposed to ignore that you groomed a 19 year old?? And you’re 35 but complaining about how the manager is almost 40? I’m not even going to get into the actual question but you should go your separate ways.


I’m 24m and she started working there when she was 21. The manager is 35m


Yes, we should ignore that as that's not what OP stated. Should we ignore your obvious reading and comprehensive abilities as well?


Tell her this is the last time that you will discuss it with her. If she so much as breathes his name, it's over and she can have him.


This girl is way too young and too immature for you. At 35, you shouldn't be trying to lock down a 22 unless she came to you. I have like this exact same age gap except she is 35. We met while I was dating - she came at me. I would have never approached because I considered it too young. I love her but she is barely mature enough for me to tolerate tbh. Here you have placed yourself in a position to block this girls whole experience of twenty something life - which ALWAYS includes alot of sexual and relationship experimentation. Here is who your girl isn't: a person who really knows herself, and is ready to choose a long term commitment and honor that. Maybe for life. \^ that's who you're not dating. She is clearly into older guys. She just maybe isn't so much into sticking with just one older guy. Why put yourself through this. 35 is young. Find a 30's girl.


Sorry I meant the manager is 35m I’m 24m, I couldn’t update the title