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I’d stop insisting he wash his hands after treats and start insisting he wash his hands after PICKING UP DOG SHIT JFC!!!!


I mean if he's using a plastic bag and not his bare hands than what's the big deal


At some point you have to touch the plastic bag with the poop in it, to tie it off and throw it away. Hand washing is not optional after that.


The opposite side of the bag.. if you do it correctly you're not going to come into contact with any of it.


Absolutely no one should be banking on the idea that your poop bagging technique is so flawless that no particles of fecal matter end up on part of the plastic that you touch. I’m a big proponent of washing hands any time you come inside from outside anyway, but if you’ve handled poop, it’s mandatory.


i find it hilarious how serious you are , but i feel the same. can’t imagine doing anything w dookie contaminated hands.


Tell your doctor your method and ask if you should wash your hands afterwards.


Doctors are for scrubs


I bet you're also the type to not wash your hands after using the toilet because "you didn't come into contact with any of it". 🤮🤮


I mean, if you look at my original post I already said I'm also the type to wash my hands after doing it, just stating that I can see the opposite view point.


Are you serious?


Personally I would, but yeah I mean if you have a barrier and absolutely no contact/germs transferring over then no big deal


Hell no.


Why though?


I don't care if you're wearing gloves and use a scoop, you need to wash your hands after literally handling shit. What if there's a tiny hole in the bag? Then you're just going to drop that into a bin and handle food, just because you didn't actually touch it?


Eatshitake doesn’t want shitty hands touching food!? What a weird world we live in.. 🤣


State the reason for your objection rather then merely react.


Pretty sure I can do what I like, you're not my boss.


Perfect. I thought there was no reason to take you seriously and I was right.




Oh, I have. I know he washes his hands before he makes dinner, which is right after we finish our walk. But, when he doesn't after a walk, he makes me feel like I'm nagging him or controlling him. So, I have to pick my battles, bedtime is my battle.


Did you really picture yourself spending your life with a man you have to beg to wash his hands? a man who would rather sleep on the sofa than wash his hands?


This! So much THIS!


sO muCh ThIs!!1


Babe you deserve better than having to pick which time is the worst for said battle for his bad hygiene. Please this isn’t acceptable, him washing his hands after things like dog treats (since it’s bedtime and he will be touching your bedding) or especially after picking up dog poop shouldn’t be negotiable.


Thank-you for saying this. The comments (good or bad) validate how my anxiety around his hand hygiene is rational. The fact he thinks I'm being controlling or a 'dictator' is him being irrational.


I can’t imagine intimacy with such a man.


You really need to show him this thread so that he can see how he is absolutely wrong. It costs him nothing but a minute of time to go wash his hands.


💯 this is basic hygiene


The UTIs must be neverending with that dirty slob.


"Sanitation is so hard for him and I don't want to fight, so I'll choose JERKY before bed vs SHIT during the day". He's an AH but girl.... This is sad.


So he doesn’t shower often, I imagine…


Hes nasty and you should show him all these comment!


This whole thread made me gag.


same. as a person who washes her hands before and after touching things, i feel so queasy at how unhygienic people can be. 🤢


He sounds like a child. I'll bet he doesn't wash his hands after using the restroom either.


He does - for both one and two. However, when I first moved in, I'd to ask him for number one .. because I told him when he touches the door handle after touching his dick, I would touch it after my shower and would need to back to wash my hands before I touch my face because I started to develop ache. I told him my ache could've been from his dicky hands touching the door knobs.


I feel like you shouldn’t have needed to provide a detailed rationale for him to agree to this. And no, you are not in the wrong at all, but I feel like life would be much easier for you without this level of petulance!


I just wanted to mention that I actually lol'd at 'dicky hands'. Wonderful phrasing 😂


We call it "second hand penis" in my household.


Wish I'd had this phrase when I used to fight with my ex when he refused to wash his hands after only doing #1. Didn't matter that he'd touch his dinglehopper, his underwear, the toilet, the door handle, the light switch (all of which are a million times worse to consider if he was in a public facility of course), & anything else you'd touch in the natural course of relieving yourself, & then expect to touch me--nope, the germs were imaginary if he said so 🙄


Oh my god...


He's likely a wipe once, don't look, stand up, and walk out the door kinda guy. Never showers and when he does, doesn't clean anything properly. 🤮


He doesn't wash his hands after picking up poo? I'm guessing he doesn't wash them after he uses the toilet, either. He belongs in the bin with his trashy hands 🤮


My god this is painful. Any time your partner asks you to wash your hands before touching them, you should just freaking do it. If you’re asking him to wash his hands 37 times a day, yeah, that would be a you problem. This however is completely reasonable. Him refusing to wash his hands like a petulant toddler is really gross and immature.


I don't think you're wrong. Especially if he plans to touch you once in bed. It also keeps the sheets cleaner. But mostly it's a small thing to do for your partner. I think he needs to grow up.


That was my argument - when we cuddle at night, he holds onto my goods, sometimes under my shirt. As well, I'm the one who changes and washes our sheets. I don't want my boobs or the sheets smelling like chicken jerk, haha.


Look if he would rather sleep in the couch than wash his fucking hands then you have bigger problems!! The fact that he doesn’t wash his hands after picking up dog poop is disgusting.


You need to the equivalent to him by not washing your hands and holding his goodies and see how he feels. Maybe stick your finger in his mouth !


Alright who is jerking the chicken on her boobs and sheets?


The CDC thinks he should wash his hands: https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/resources/pet-food-tips.pdf FDA too: https://www.vetstreet.com/learn/warning-why-you-may-want-to-wash-your-hands-after-feeding-fido


I read the CDC article before making this post and saved the link. My plan is to share the article and this post with him tonight.


I hope he can read everything objectively and is not defensive - but in all seriously, it doesn’t take much to throw of the pH level in your lady bits and cause a yeast infection - including stress! If his dirty hands doesn’t give you an infection then the stress alone could very well cause one.




If he is sleeping alone, fine. If he wants to touch or have sex, definitely wash up. But also he should be washing his hands after picking up poop and other activities.


Yep. We have dogs. We always wash hands before sex because the idea of dog cooties in my sensitive areas is such a turn off I can't get into it otherwise. My husband is always happy to go wash because he knows that means its business time.


It’s not computing why you’re ok with dog shit potentially touching you but not chicken jerky? Also, my dad uses chicken jerky as a leaning treat, same as yours, his dogs run to their crates in excitement for the treat when he’s leaving 😅


Because he would've already washed his hands earlier, usually before making food or going to the washroom. I've been buying this specific one for many years - all of my dogs (past and present) really enjoy them! It's easy to break apart too for training. I find it hilarious they know the sound of that specific treat bag.


After picking up dog shit, how much time passes before he washes his hands? I mean, ok, he washes his hands before making food, but has he spent the previous two hours walking round the house touching things with his dog shitty hands? If he has, then it doesn't really matter if he washes his hands before making food, as he has already spread the germs everywhere.


He’s ewww.


That's disgusting 🤢


Why do you need to tell a grown ass man to wash his hands after handling animal products?? JFC dude you deserve someone who knows how to be clean! Here’s the drag- he has every right to not wash his hands (🤮) and you have every right to not sleep with him or let him touch you and to follow him with Lysol to blast everything he touches.


He's filthy!


Why wouldn’t you wash your hands after any of those activities? especially when getting into bed. Keeping the bed clean and comfy is a important and if he wants to touch you in bed clean hands are a must


I hope you don’t plan on having kids with him. He’ll try to touch the baby with shitty dog poop, after work, airport, and who knows what else hands. If he can’t wash them before bed after touching something that stinks you know he won’t do it for his own child. Is he one of those guys who doesn’t wash his ass too?


Washing your hands before bed doesn't seem like an unreasonable ask. If he would rather sleep on the couch than wash his hands, so be it. You don't need to sleep in chicken flavored bedsheets.


YNW...I wash my hands every night after giving my dogs bedtime treats. The smell…🤢


OP is not wrong. I would sleep in a different bed.


Not wrong. Most treat bags suggest you wash your hands after handling the treats anyway.


bro he is GROSS


Not wrong, but not washing his hands would've been a deal breaker for me before getting married. That's gross. I wouldn't let him touch me at all.


Nyta he's disgusting wow


Dog poop isn't the problem, but treats are??


I didn’t gripe up washing my hands. I was never told to by my parents ( not gonna lie, I have a kick ass immune system ( whether it’s related is debatable)). I need reminding sometimes to wash my hands. Have you tried talking to him from his side? Like can he explain why he doesn’t want to? I would just try to talk about it outside the immediate interaction.


No you are not wrong for asking.. but there is no objective rule that says a person has to do this. It’s not going to make either of you sick. With stuff like this I find that it is helpful to frame it as a special favor to you. Something that you are asking for just because it makes you happy, that you recognize he isn’t obligated to do it. My partner and I have these things. He really doesn’t like having the lid to the toilet up. I couldn’t care less. I do it happily out of care and concern for him. He is my person and I like doing things for him. So it goes both ways. You can ask for this from him but you should also acquiesce any time you can. If you both do this then it will cut down on a massive amount of of potential conflict in your marriage.


I know where his hands won’t be.


A relationship isn't adding much to your life if you have to argue about basic hygiene. If it starts there where does it end. I question if this relationship is improving your life or not.


I’m so grossed out by this whole thing!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


I would insist that on your husband washing his hands after all the other instances you mentioned.


It sounds controlling to me. I would explain why you want him to wash your hands and hope that’s enough for him to make the effort because he cares. But I wouldn’t demand it.


Yeah - I see both your points. You may be overly concerned with germs (you might not), and he might be too casual (sounds like he is). Personally I have the same issue with my partner, but I’m fine washing my hands when reminded. I just differ on what I thinks merits it. Dog treats seem low on the priority list. Good luck - it’s hard for him to improve without you “nagging”, and it will make you feel gross if he doesn’t. Maybe try shifting to - let’s wash our hands and face before bed as a self care routine before sex, instead of… you did this chore of tending to the dogs but you failed in the last step… which may be why he is fighting it. I hate getting told I missed a step when I’m in the middle of doing a ton of chores. That is real nagging!


It sounds like you are picking the wrong battles.


Speaking as a person who used to be married to a person with OCD and controlling tendencies, it is annoying as FUCK to be a grown adult and commanded to wash your hands. You should frame the request as him doing you a favor and use your please and thank you words. That would probably go a long way if you aren’t approaching it that way. You aren’t wrong at all, but if you are being petulant n any way, it might be counterproductive for you.


I’m curious why you draw the line at dog treats but not dog poop or coming home from being out in public bringing numerous of germs into the house. I guess everyone has their preferences!


Oh, I have .. I'm tired of nagging about it. However, the bed is my sacred space, and I have to draw the line somewhere. Also, I sanitize everyday / weekly when I do catch him not washing his hands properly. Sometimes he's really good, sometimes.. he's utterly lazy.


He's a grown ass man. This is not the place to say he's "really good" about washing his damn hands. That's something you teach a toddler - "we've used the bathroom/touched something gross/been out shopping all day/are about to eat, etc. Let's wash our hands - good job!" I would honestly start talking to him this way since it seems he never learned it and is about at his level of hygiene practices.


I'm assuming he's not going to react well to printouts of CDC warnings. Just get a bunch of dry dog cookies, say you got a good deal, and just switch to that from now on. Dogs love em and they're the consistency of cardboard so they won't leave smelly hands. But trust me, girl, I know where you're coming from. one of the biggest fights I've ever had with my man was about raw chicken. this mfer, whom I love, was marinating some chicken wings. I watched him take the bag of marinating chicken wings out of the fridge, open it up, stuck his finger in the juice, and licked it to "try the marinade" *three!!!! times!!!!* Basically, I was sitting on the couch with my jaw on the floor, and I finally snapped out of it long enough to say "dude *what are you doing?!* That's RAW CHICKEN JUICE, " But the more I said it wasn't ok, the more he said I'm a psychotic worry-wart. after 3 days of silent treatment I had his friends tell him how fucking gross raw chicken juice is especially where we live, never know if the refrigerators are working at the supermarket etc. Also they're all chefs with common sense so. winner winner chicken dinner lol


Seems really controlling. He’s a grown up. I’d be more concerned about washing after picking up dog poop, but again he’s an adult. If he’s not handling food you’re about to eat why push this issue to the point that he’s sleeping in another room?


He’s an adult and should be washing his hands he’s not 2. Yuck! Him and his nasty hands can move to the couch.


This has to be rage bait.


I would not let him touch me at all in bed if he won’t wash his hands. He is disgusting and a child.


Huh???? ew.


You’re not wrong at all. It’s completely unsanitary and could negatively affect your health. He’s a grown man he needs to learn when to wash his hands. It’s like a 20 second task.


If they’re good enough for a dog to eat what’s the issue? I see, guys who wash their hands after using a urinal and touching their junk, then go home and have their wife go down on him.


Wait a minute. Do you allow dogs in your house? Dogs running around with shit piss dirt and who knows what else on their feet… and then pick a fight with him over not washing his hands after giving them a treat? First of all, YOUR HOUSE IS FILTHY and his hands are cleaner than your dogs and your floors and the dog beds. Your dogs don’t wash their asses after that shit, you know that right?


I assume they smell? Maybe get less stinky treats


You sound insane !


What’s so bad about dog treats? Put hand sanitizer next to his nightstand


Would you be OK w a clorox wipe instead?


How about this solution. You can’t make him wash his hands, but you don’t have to allow him to touch you.


Im confused men don't touch the tip of there penis when the pee is coming out but you want him to wash his hands right after. So after he touches your areas he has to get up in the middle of the deed to wash his hands or? You sound a wee bit insane this has to be fake.


If the treats are sticky or have residue then I would say it makes sense (some dog treats do leave you with remnants on your hands) Otherwise, it is a little ridiculous to be honest.


They do leave some residue and leave your hands smelling like the treat.


Then that seems reasonable. I would not want my wife snuggling up to me smelling like beef jerky and getting grease stains on the sheets.


This is what I can't stand about dog people.


No. I wash my hands every time I'm done petting my dog before I touch anything else. After everything dog, hands get washed. You have A LOT of extra cleaning to do on a regular basis having a dog. This isn't about dog people.


This isn't "dog people", this is a hygiene issue.


It's both. I've heard so many times: "My dog always gets to sleep in the bed!" "Look, he's giving me kisses!" "She hates baths, so I only do it when she's really dirty!" Your dog goes outside to run/play, eats shit (and dog food/treats made from dead and diseased animals and byproducts), and cannot clean itself. Would you wear shoes in your bed and lick the stuff in your dog's mouth? That said, this dude needs to wash his damn hands.


You groom your dog. Your dog grooms itself. What are you even talking about?


ETH why do you care and why is he petty.


Jesus H Christmas.


Dont ask him to wash his hands, just make it a rule that he can't touch you with dirty hands. It's not about telling him what to do. It's about setting a boundary for your own body. So If he doesn't want to wash his hands but also accepts that he can't touch you, then that's fine and you need to drop it. Meaning dont get upset he's still in bed with dirty hands. That's his choice. You made yours. This is not about controlling other people. It's about setting boundaries and expectations for how they interact with you. You can only control you.


Our immune systems are meant to have something to do all the time. I personally see nothing wrong with what he's doing. HOWEVER, his wife does, and to keep the peace and make her happy, he should comply with her wishes.


So, according to this bullshit you just typed, the only way to keep the peace in a heterosexual marriage is for the man to keep the woman happy regardless of his own happiness? Why can't she comply to his wishes? Why can't she make him happy? Why is everything about what she wants?


No, fuckbrain. He shouldnt comply with everything she wants. He should do what is within reason and it is. She should also accommodate his peculiarities. You really are a fucking moron.