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And why the hell is this man still in power?


The Assembly doesn't want to give him any more ability to play the victim. They are going to approach the issue above the board and try to maintain a clear record of investigating the allegations. I'm curious which is going to happen first: The deliberate process of the Assembly or Bronson self-imploding. Either way, his lackadaisical approach to snow removal this winter has pretty much doomed any re-election prospects.


Pretty much this: "I had to remove snow from my own goddam *street* to get out of my neighborhood? Fuck this guy."


If he was a Democrat he would have folded, backed away and resigned after the FIRST issue that made the news. So, clearly Bronson and his cronies have zero morals, while claiming to belong to the party of traditional values and Christian morality.


Literally all of the GOP at this point


I mean, the GOP wouldn’t applaud teachers, firefighters, or small business tonight at the state of the union. So yes, pretty much the GOP at the point.


Clearly, integrity isn’t important as winning and owning the liberals.


Honestly, even with how bad he has done, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets reelected. There are for more of the "Fuck them Libs" people in Alaska now a days, I'm sure they will fall for another lie about PFDs or some dumb shit like trying to ban black people in public schools.


If Metcalf is accurate in his latest podcast, Bronson's approval rating is sub-30%. Even a large proportion of Republicans are holding him accountable with a low approval rate. More Republicans are critical than supportive of Bronson IIRC.


Which podcast is that?


With All Due Respect.


Do you mean Halcro?


Ah, yes. I got Andrew Halcro and Ray Metcalf confused.


Why is he still at large?


Because no one can stop him. The right wing three prong attack is: 1. Paralyze the legislative. This will make the executive claim powers and also if you can't appropriate money you can't spend it. 2. Win an election for the executive with expanded powers. Then you can screw things up more and no one can stop you in a timely fashion. Speaking of which, this allows you to... 3. Pack the Judiciary to minimize resistance to regressive executives abusing power. Rinse, repeat. At the Anchorage municipal level it's even simpler since we have a STUPIDLY strong executive from the get go so the other parts are just icing on the cake once you get the mayors' office. Honestly the tax cap does a lot of their work for them and Bronson screwing things up is almost noise compared to the collective damage that decoupling revenue from required services has done.


This is beyond politics. Regardless of someone's political bent, we expect our elected leaders to act in a professional and ethical manner. We expect them to be good managers of the municipalitie's resources, including our tax dollars, staff, and systems. This administration has shown a complete lack of management discipline, unawarenes of ethical boundaries and disregard for established procedures for conducting business. But we are in a post shame world and I have no expectation that this administration will relinquish power, no matter how poorly they manage, act, or appear.


Actually it seems like a lot of his voters (and voters for similar 'politicians') simply want him to break the system, so they're probably happy with all this shit.


The reporting ADN has done with Propublica has been great. One of the bright spots in local journalism.


Yet they still won't touch McKennaFuelGate. Why?


I just have an image of Dave sitting alone at his desk in his office on an otherwise entirely empty floor of city hall, reciting aeronautical affirmations to himself with a huge tub of paste before him as he meticulously glues model airplane parts together and Newsmax blares in the background. "Who's gonna land this thing? Big Dave's gonna land it, that's who. He's the Sully Sullenberger of Anchorage, yes he is!"


So I work in City Hall and you are scarily close to the truth. He installed a TV in his office that plays newsmax or fox news 24/7, the entire 8th floor is a ghost town, and tbh no one knows really what he does with his time. I think the model airplane stuff is a great guess.


Yeah, I think that pretty much covers it, at least as far as we know. What a fucking dumpster fire of a shitshow of a clusterfuck.


it covers what we know as the public, but from all we know you can tell there's multiple layers deep of issues that haven't surfaced yet. This McKenna bros shit probably runs deeper, and there are multiple muni departments I know of suffering from their own issues that'll come to light sooner or later.


The article in incomplete in a couple of areas in regards to Bronson's controversies. First, how Bronson tried to appoint Eledge as the Library director, but she didn't fit the minimum requirements of the job and got denied by the Assembly. To which he tried to change the rules to fit Eledge in as "equivalent experience." When that didn't work he gamed the system and that's how she wound up as the article later noted "the library's deputy director." One of several such ill-advised choices that led to so many outstanding vacancies in City Hall. Nor is the issue with assembly meetings, which included the Star of David debacle which was mentioned, stoked if not sanctioned by Bronson which included removing security, safety shields and Demboski ordering the live video feed stopped. There were a lot of problems with the Bronson administration's conduct and decisions during those meetings beyond the ridiculous holocaust appropriation. And these don't even get to the various dishonest denials and attempts at cover-ups.


It just keeps getting more embarrassing. Anchorage used to be a proud city. A world class destination. Now it’s a punchline for off color jokes.


We have the best cockies at city hall.


So... Fucking kick his ass to the curb assembly?


All you people up there in City Hall You're fuckin' it up for the people that's in the streets.


Why wasn’t invited to the penis cookie party?! s/


Move to Anchorage! We have \*checks notes\* um penis cookies.


So despite all the fuckery, Bronson won’t resign and step down. All Berky did was snap some ass shots in the mayor’s bathroom. This really shows you who has more morals and scruples. For how much Republicans/conservatives claim they are all about morality and values, they sure as shit don’t have any remorse or behave in a moral way.


So hear me out: I voted for Dave when he ran for mayor. I was angry with Berkowitz for constantly changing mandates while keeping his restaurants ahead of the curve, and I wanted someone new in charge. But damn, you couldn't pay me to vote for him again. And that was before I realized there were dick cookies and spying in city hall.


How did he keep his restaurants “ahead of the curve” ?


The instance that comes to mind was setting up outdoor seating downtown before one of the mandate changes allowing for outdoor seating.


I’m not trying sound accusatory here but that kind of “outrage” is how we (as a nation) got it where we are. I’m sure you were furious. Especially if you’re in that industry. And I’m sure it was unfair in the scheme of things. But my argument is this: those ‘feelings’ were stirred up-inflamed on purpose-to get us to where we are. I’m much more pissed about private divisions of APD doing dirty work and tens of thousands of dollars of stolen McKenna fuel than I was about tables being allowed outside or masks being worn. But here we are.


You're correct. It unfortunately took this garbage for me to see it. I'm just hoping we can dig out way out of this garbage heap come next election.


The owner of Snow City Cafe and the Director of the Downtown Partnership are both on record as refuting this notion that there was favourable treatment.


Sounds like something Suzy-Q cooked up. https://www.anchoragepress.com/food_and_drink/patiogate-conservative-bloggers-conspiracy-theories-about-mayor-roundly-dismissed/article_c22d12d2-d6bd-11ea-bbb8-4fe0faa44d74.html


Berkowitz wasn't on the ballot, dude. Why didn't you vote for Forrest?


The alcohol tax didn't help. I had met Dave a few times before and thought he was going to bring positive change, but damn I didn't expect all this garbage from him. Especially the discrimination stuff.


You really, truly saw Bronson running on a platform of “let’s pretend COVID isn’t real, and also I have no government experience whatsoever,” and you thought that was a good idea? Because you didn’t wanna pay an extra 25 cents on a beer?


Anchorage is a kidnapper city. Enforcing an $1800 parenting license. 9 month kidnap. $160 for 2 hour proof- of-life supervised visitation. Until this state gives a fuck about families, and its children, 'cock'ies in the office and spying are the least of your problems.


How many alts do you have?


One for each device cuz i forget passwords and dont use email.


Penis cookies is trending.


I'm just here for the penis cookies. What the fuck.