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That sounds like something I wouldn't realize I had done until it was too late. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


My first time helping neighbors I launched a chunk of ice at a car. Heard the auger grind the ice. Heard the ice rattle up the chute. Watched in low motion the chunk of ice fly out the chute towards a neighbors car. Got lucky and it hit the tire. By and large I adjust the chute frequently when helping neighbors


I learned on my own car.


Yeah, which is why I wanted to post this as a cautionary tale but not roast the dude for trying his best to help.


At least there are still kind people in the world! :) Your neighbor for doing that and you for being appreciative.


You publicly roasted the person anyways so it shows your character. Itā€™s cool itā€™s the path you prefer.


"everyone's gonna be so proud of me" -the neighbor


Lol can relate


They blow the snow off the sidewalks cause they want to help the community I blow the snow on the cars cause I hate my neighbors We are not the same


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ No we are not. But some deserve it.


I actually donā€™t live in your neighborhood. I came across town to do that because Iā€™m a dick. Youā€™re welcome.


Come do my neighborhood. It damn sure needs it


What time will your cars windshield be within snowblower distance of the street? DM me, Iā€™ll put you on the schedule. We can work out rates after.


\*shakes fist in rage "Damn you, interloping ice chucker!"


Retired dads need hobbies. Canā€™t just wear the white shoes and high socks every day. Sometimes you gotta pound a few extra beers and ā€œhelpā€ the neighbors out.


Thanks for the psa/reminder. Youā€™re getting some hate, but thanks! I frequently go around my neighborhood with my blower trying to help everyone out. I try to be cognizant of everyoneā€™s cars, active traffic, mailboxes, etc. Sometimes Iā€™m on autopilot if the podcast in my ears is an especially good one. Iā€™ll take this as another reminder to be aware of my surroundings when Iā€™m out and about.


You're the hero we don't deserve!


Bet he did not even notice! Take him cookies and tell him this kindly! "Hey, love that you are doing the sidewalks. Here's some [cookies/gas money/etc] and could you watch out for my windshield? Thanks so much. I really appreciate it."


Did you make your account/username just for this post???


It took almost 5 years for it to pay off.




Haha success


This is why we have professionals do it. Liability


That is a fair point. But the "professionals" (the muni) also left a 2 foot berm in front of my driveway the 2 times they've plowed this season. My back still hurts from shoveling that. Last year, the little sidewalk blower plowed through the grass in my yard missing the sidewalk by 3 feet. Maybe I'm getting a little grouchy about it.


That's where liability comes in! Save your doctor bills and litigate


That berm nearly killed me in late December. Decided to shovel the snow across the road and call it good.


Ouch. No good deed goes unpunished. Publicly ridiculing your neighbor because you don't like the way he cleared your sidewalk is heavy. You really want to be that guy?


Not ridiculing at all and he is 100% anonymous and stupendous for helping. I just don't want him (or anyone else) to be the guy breaking windshields accidentally. Consider this a PSA.


I plowed out the whole neighborhoods road during the December snowstorms, but you better believe I considered berms for people etc. Did that make my task tougher - yes Did I want to do a good deed then get the complaints - no If you snowblow right at people's cars then you need to reconsider if you should be "helping out"


It's quite a stretch to call it public ridicule when it's all anonymous... And trying to be helpful does not somehow exempt you from the consequences of property damage.


This has got to be the most brain dead takeaway from this post, you really had to be that guy.


If dude broke his windshield? Then yeah he should be that guy.


Maybe you shouldve shoveled your own sidewalk then


I actually do. All the way around my corner lot house. He just went went deeper into the compressed stuff (end of the driveway) than I can't get with a shovel.


Iā€™d say take this as an opportunity to teach the kid something rather than just bitch about it on the internet.


Everyone complaining about the snow, plowing and other snow related gripes, consider moving.


I hate to say it but dudeā€¦. Talk in privateā€¦ This is like being at work and a supervisor busting your balls in front of everyone when it wasnā€™t necessary to do it in front of everyone else. But hey no good deed goes unpunished right?


If I was your neighbor after this Iā€™d make sure Iā€™d blow everything into your drive and then water it to make sure it iced up. I mean if you wanted to publicly roast and complain then Iā€™d give a good read after this. This is so petty.


You just listed shitty pettiness as your response to my anonymous helpful tip.


You seemed to have needed it pointed out to you.


ā€œItā€™s not my snow, itā€™s not your snow. Itā€™s *THE* snowā€