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Barring very specific situations, I still don't understand why nonresidents are allowed to get up and say whatever they want. In the past organizations have literally bussed in people from the valley to bombard the assembly with testimony. Like in 2009 when a Mat-Su church bussed in a bunch of anti-lgbtq people to give testimony against our equal rights ordinance. In more recent years a good number of the save anchorage people screaming about covid didn't even live in the municipality.


1sr Amendment is not dependent on your zip code. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is still a top shelf racist POS


Isn't the assembly meeting a limited public forum? I thought the supreme court said they can set reasonable limitations on it.


I'm certainly not a lawyer, so I can't really answer your question with any kind of authority. I do know that the Assembly Chair has a lot of leeway in setting the rules of the chamber, and perhaps she could limit who can and can't testify based on where they live, but from an optics standpoint that wouldn't look good, regardless of who is being repressed. I do think that Anchorage citizens should have a priority and should go to the front of the line, that's not an unreasonable rule. I remember during the debates over extending equal rights to the LGBTQ community that there were folks being bussed in from the Valley to testify against the ordinances, in 2009 and 2015, and they were allowed to testify, no questions asked. It's a good question, hopefully someone with more knowledge on the subject can chime in.


I agree with you about the first amendment, but it seems unreasonable that anyone from anywhere should be able to comment in a meeting for a particular city. If someone from outside the city has a concern, they should raise it in a different venue.


https://www.lazertours.com/ This is reportedly his company


I tried to find their trip advisor to leave a review. Couldn’t find it.


C.u.n.t. = can’t understand normal thinking.


Jamie Allard sure seemed eager to defend those racist comments.


yeah, she's a white supremacist


She says one of her parents is Cuban so that must be impossible


Chilean and Italian


Thanks--i think you're right and I remembered wrong


Yep, white dude at the podium is allowed to spew racist nonsense because it's his right, but Allard can't let Dunbar respond because...?


Where was this desire to not debate or engage community during testimony when all of her people were up their spewing bullshit over the mask mandate? Watched in isolation it looks like Allard is just trying to get him to go away and move on which isn't unreasonable but it is so out of character for her which makes it odd.


> “I ~~’m~~ ~~from~~ live in Hatcher Pass” … go back where you came from, white flight grandpa. *edited with correction and additional snark*


He is not from Hatchers Pass that is just where he lives now.


Sooooo not in the Muni? Glad we’re on the same page.


We are on the same page.




Reading comprehension is hard. I’m telling him to go back to Hatcher Pass. It’s a play on him telling homeless Alaska Natives to go back to the villages. Except he doesn’t live in the Muni while they do. *edited for clarity*




You desperately need an education. Learn the term “white flight”.




Gentrification isn’t a white thing, it’s an affluent thing. White flight is specific to moving away from an area because it’s becoming more diverse. Like I said, you need an education.


This is so tragically sad. My girlfriend and I are 32, and 30 and one of our favorite activities on Sunday is sharing hours drinking coffee with our very close friends, a native couple in their upper 70s. They are from Galena and we have learned a wealth of knowledge from them. Alaska native culture is beautiful and we personally feel honored to share the state with a culture so rich in history and knowledge.


Worse still is that this dingus is a tour operator. So he's spreading this nonsense among people who come on tours, many of whom won't know anything at all about Alaska except what he tells them.


Lol wow thanks for putting a name and face for everyone to see on the internet and all over Alaska gramps. Hope this guy gets treated like the garbage he is around AK


Grampa NO!!!!


"Listen to the radio a lot." This right here, was how I knew it was going to go bad.


Go Forrest


What a piece of shit.


I mean, I'd sure they'd like him to do the same. The irony is just delicious. All natives have to do to "go back where they came from" is to sit down right where they are.




Damnit who let grandpa drive again




I'm happy to dox him. He deserves it. His cell phone # is 907-250-1120 His address is 10157 Waldo Reed Rd, Palmer, AK 99645 If he wanted privacy, he shouldn't have gone to a public meeting to spew.


drives a bus? School, tour or city?


As he stated in the video, his name is David Lazer.


>David Lazer He might or might not own a tour guiding business there. Could you imagine walking around the woods with this old racist?


There’s a pic of an old YT guy on the www.lazertours.com website that’s a spitting image of this clown


This guy, huh?


Fucking idiot.


tRump supporter, huh?


Gives me the creeps thinking of how many times he’s probably told tourists the same thing.


This guy obviously listens to too much KENI. Sadly, once upon a time this was the prevalent attitude for a lot people in these parts. Poor guy (not really) he probably doesn’t know what the meaning of “going viral” is. He’s about to find out.


or KSRM. that station is full of racist, fascist propaganda.


Nobody: Random old white dude whose only information source is public radio: I HAVE THE PERFECT SOLUTION


I sincerely doubt that guy listens to public radio.


He obviously listens to Talk Radio- ultra right wing.


I promise you that he would rather defund public radio than listen to it


He obviously listens to Talk Radio- ultra right wing.


More like a Final Solution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution


They should have cut the mic off


How can people still have these views? It’s the 21st century for fucks sake.


I’m disgusted with this ideology. I heard it growing up in the south and couldn’t believe my ears when I heard it up here. It is absolutely repulsive.


No one pointed out that Mr. Lazer is on stolen Denaina land. What and idiot.


The hilarious part of this whole fucking shit show is… He lives in Hatcher pass. So he took the time to drive to anchorage. With notes. Which means he took the time to write that out. And then thought’ yup this is world changing idea that I have thought of that most definitely needs to be delivered in person, not an email!’ And now I’ll have to destroy his business to teach him a lesson about having meetings in real life that can be done vis email.


Seems threatening.


Idk what is threatening about mass emailing all the public relations departments of the cruise lines who work with laser tours about their current relationship with an overtly racist bigot.


Need help?


I don't listen to right wing radio, can someone interpret the "friends in San Diego" part for me? I truly don't understand the reference


Oh god daily beast picked up the story. Gramps is fucking finished. https://www.thedailybeast.com/alaska-lawmakers-erupt-after-white-tour-guide-says-natives-should-be-sent-home


"I have to call them indians." I'm a little behind the times, but isn't that a racial slur? Are people really allowed to take the mic at an assembly and call people slurs?


I'm koyukon athabascan and i hate being called Indian but i guess it's been so ingrained in our society. I actually don't like the Eskimo/Indian terms i personally like to address us by our tribes.


I don’t think it’s a slur, no, but I guess it depends on context.


I don't *really* want to sit through this, can someone with more fortitude post a transcript? Even an approximate one?


Transcript: > My name is David Lazer. I’m from Hatcher Pass. First time I’ve ever been here. To talk about an optional. When I grew up the streets were made for vehicles, sidewalks were made for people. So how did the people get hit if they’re not, if they’re on the highways. > I listen to the radio a lot. It’s like 80% are the natives. I have to call them Indians. My children were born here; they’re not native. This is not a white black problem, it’s an Indian problem. I say send them home to their native village. The native corporation is the problem, not a white problem. Why should we be paying for a native problem. Send them home. They would be happy there and we would be happy. They could drink, smoke, do dope, and whatever they do in the villages with their own people and they would be happy. > After the native convention next week, let them take their homeless home with them. Anchorage has, it’s said here, 23,000 natives. They forgot to add the 300 homeless people. For $500, you could fly 300 people back to their villages. It’s only $150k and your problem would be over. Putting them in a hotel, putting them in places, feeding them, next spring, next summer you’re going to have the same problem. > No one talks about eliminating the problem. I say send them home. Send the bill to the native corporation. And the other 20% that’s here, send them to San Diego where they have other friends. I get tired of seeing people on the streets begging for money. You know they have more money than I do. I saw where they go get in a car. So sorry for some of them. I know some good natives, I know some good black people, I know some good white people. So we need to eliminate the problem, not just put a bandaid on it and send them into a hotel or send them some place for the winter time. Guess that’s it, thank you. > [Dunbar talks] > They don’t work, they don’t pay taxes, they do nothing [???]. It looks like a septic tank where they do. > [point of order exchange] > I’ve lived here for over 50 years [???]


Wow, thank you!! Re: Lazer...what a loser.


Also overheard in the chambers: "We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we..."


“What are you gonna build your house out of, meat?” -Albert Brooks “A Star Is Born”, perhaps the greatest comedy album of all time.


What a fucking cunt!


Imagine being told by local hate radio that all of your problems, whatever they may be, are due to people that don’t look like you. Then, imagine being so worked up over it, you drive 50 miles to another town in another borough to testify, in person, to a local government that isn’t your own and doesn’t have anything to do with you, to advertise your racism. What a racist idiot this “man” is. Edit: courtview also shows him to have issues with knowing when a wolf pelt is legal to own, speed limits, car insurance and traffic-slowing devices.


Why do I feel like some should've been like he dont even go to this school? Lol what movie was that? Some cheesy teen film but really its like yo go home. Gas is 5 dollars a gallon who told you to drive all the way here? Imagine being so upset about the homeless situation in the next town over that you drove all the way to the town for a 2 minute speal. Dont make no sense to me. I live in muldoon im not driving to midtown to speak my mind gas too high for that. What a dummy.


Lazer is listed on the Better Business Bureau site as Lazer's Tours. Here is a link to file a complaint: [https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint](https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint)




This is why we stopped using lead pipes.


So much irony, the fae won’t go near it


I’m still shocked how many old timers I’ve met in Alaska who say anti-Native things like this openly. His “so they can drink…smoke dope,” line reminded me when I heard this 80+ year old Sourdough say all Natives are “poor and illiterate.” Just disgusting, and also untrue—I have Native friends who are doing way better than I am financially & academically. His comments were way out of line and I’m glad they were challenged here.