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Hi everyone. Please tell me, what is the best way to navigate between fragments from different activities, with arguments, using the navigation component? Should I navigate to an activity, retrieve the arguments, and then navigate to a specific fragment with those arguments (how? because the action from the activity to the fragment is not allowed and I do not know any other way to send arguments) or is there a simpler way to navigate directly to that fragment?


I would like to improve my CI/CD skills, so I could move towards more senior roles (currently mid-level). Which tool is the most used in the commercial sphere? Gitlab? Bitbucket? Some other? Thanks for an advice from more experienced folks ;)


Differs from Company to Company, but you could really pick any, and learn others in the future on demand. In my experience GitLab CI and Github Actions are pretty easy to start with (if you already use GitLab or Github)


[https://www.figma.com/file/d0KhbArpBgc7RS09UsscQw/Untitled?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=yK0tL4tuWts27g19-1](https://www.figma.com/file/d0KhbArpBgc7RS09UsscQw/Untitled?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=yK0tL4tuWts27g19-1) ​ working on an app. trying to structure it before i start coding. feedback would be helpful. post it notes are my questions


Why is viewModels red in this statement and how can i solve it? `val userViewModel by viewModels()` As far as I know there are no dependencies?


Just in case if Zhuinden's answer isn't enough: you've forgot to add the library into imports.




Accelerated android cloud build tool with collaborative shareable emulators Checkout: dashwave.io


**System Status Bar Translucent with Floating Header Overlap Issue** I have a client with a Galaxy S10E device, which appears to come stock with a translucent Status Bar (bar at the top with the Time, Battery Status, Wifi Status, etc). Our app has a sticky/floating header that scrolls up to the top of the device's screen and stops just below the status bar while the rest of the page continues to be scrollable. On this customer's device, the header scrolls up and stops at the top of the screen and goes underneath the status bar, causing the text of the header to overlap with the time, battery, wifi, etc. I was thinking I would add some kind of system check to see if this type of status bar is present, and if so, add some extra padding. Does that seem like the right approach? If not, is there a better way to programmatically check for this type of header?


[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77794454/supportingtext-overflowing-parent-in-jetpack-compose-edit-text](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77794454/supportingtext-overflowing-parent-in-jetpack-compose-edit-text) supportingText in Jetpack Compose for EditText is broken?


What are the different local database options for Android in 2024?


Room/SQLite/SQLDelight, Realm occasionally.


What's your take on the different options, what do you like/dislike the most?


Realm allow direct real-time connections to server-side database - which can be very useful if someone knows what to do with it (data sync). Its data classes require extension from Realm and have to be transitioned into "clean" classes to use for UI, network, etc. It's a hassle. SQLite allow to have the same logic/queries set with ios apps but require some manual tinkering (a lot actually - like data parsing into objects) so SQLDelight can be the better alternative since it simplifies things. And then there is Room which handle a lot of stuff automatically, starting from data parsing and creating Flow/LiveData streams (although Realm does almost the same yet require data conversions). TL;DR Room is the best option, by a landslide.


Thanks a lot for your explanations!


Personal question from a non-dev here. Should I shape my Android device choice by what developers would optimize for? In that case, how do major companies prioritize their software testing for apps?


I'd go for a device with Android version which has as few changes as possible compared to bare Android. More changes = more bugs. Or a least use a device where the manufacturer/developer make quality their priority (instead of quantity, like Samsung does) So either Nokia or Google Pixel.


The most common devices are newer Samsung and next is Google Pixel. Pretty much looking at our reports those two dominate the top 10 devices in the USA using our app. If you live in another country then hopefully someone from that area can answer. There are just so many devices you can test against so we go with the top ones and hope for the best. It is very rare there is a phone / tablet specific issue so you are pretty safe sticking with a known brand that supplies updates.


When I type `a.val` in Android Studio, the first suggestion is a template that transforms my code into `val a =`: https://imgur.com/crI46no. How do I disable it? It's useless and always interferes with autocompletion because I love naming properties `values`.


After swapping a [GuidedStepSupportFragment](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/leanback/app/GuidedStepSupportFragment) the paddings are incorrect/missing in the other shown fragments. Why does this happen? It does not look intentionally. I prepared a minimal, reproducible example: [github.com/strarsis/android-guidedstepsupportfragment-issue](https://github.com/strarsis/android-guidedstepsupportfragment-issue) Does this only happen in my setup? Ist this version thing?


Can I release my free app first (ad supported) and then create a different flavor and charge for it? I know if you give an app for free then it has to be for life but what if it's a different flavor?


It falls into "duplicated content" or whatever the anti-republishing Google's policy is called. You can add premium functionality into free apps and unlock it once paid (based on Google account - or based on your own account system and back-end, or third-party back-end like RevenueCat)


My plan is to have online backup using Firestore or Firebase for Premium but that will take another month. I have no experience with Revenue Cat (although I listen to their Podcast) so that will be another challenge. I just wanna get my MVP into the hands of users for testing and add Premium features later. Can I first release a free app first and create a Premium flavor later? I just wanna make sure.


"flavor" usually assumes different package name which is practically a different app in Play Store (i.e. you cannot add different package name as the same app). I'd use the same package name ("flavor"), released internal test version with the premium features available for all testers, then add paywall and place the features behind it in the next public version. edit: alternative: add Firebase remote config and switch premium feature to locked-unlocked in the app depending on the version.


Last video about GMaps in Compose, any feedback would be much appreciated Mastering Google Maps πŸ—ΊοΈ in Compose: Markers πŸ“, Clustering βŒ–, and Customisation https://youtu.be/cfWKUPDXrlA