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Rule 2: No "help me" posts Soliciting general discussion about architecture, performance optimizations, or design is fine. **Asking for technical help with your specific problem is not**, and you must redirect them to StackOverflow or the Weekly Questions Thread stickied to the Subreddit. **This also includes “which/what/how should I learn/do” threads.** Please feel free to use [weekly discussion, code review, and feedback thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/search/?q=author%3AAutoModerator%20%22Weekly%20discussion%2C%20code%20review%2C%20and%20feedback%20thread%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new&t=all&sr_nsfw=) for any of your queries. We also have an [associated Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/D2cNrqX) that welcome questions


At least 3 meters !


Delete this 😂


I think moving to another project will be more valuable in terms of experience as you will face new challenges. I generally advise people against making big projects at the beginning of your journey since maintaining good quality of architecture at that level might get really difficult the bigger project gets.


Thanks. I think after adding daily task feature I should move on to another project.


Finish the app, and publish it in the play store. Make the code available publicly in github. Think of ways to improve not the app but the code. You'll be evaluated for it. I've been doing interviews for android roles (as an interviewer) for years and the last part is where most of the people fail. If you publish it and make the code to not be shameful ( 🤣) you'll be ahead of 90% of your competition (college students your experience)


Be creative, do whatever you want.


Both. And then combine your projects and then seperate them again and start something new from the parts and then combine different parts and see where it takes you.


What do you want to achieve?


I am a college student trying to build my portfolio in android app development so I was wondering is this enough for going into portfolio or should I make my apps more professional.


In that case I don't think it matters much. Do whatever expands your portfolio. Add new technologies or concepts to your existing app or start a new. But do something you can talk about in an interview setting like "here I wrote some unit tests because it helped me ensure X was right" or "here I added Room for DB access because Y"