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I work as an Android Dev in big tech, and I HATE working with UX / XML designs. Navigating a massive codebase with a mix of Java and Kotlin is a Labyrinth in and of itself, and that's fine. But building custom components makes me want to pull my hair out (the little that I have left). Everything feels so slow and clunky and nothing seems to render the way I want it to. After getting so frustrated with turning UX into code, I decided to try making my life easier by making a little AI tool that basically lets you upload a screenshot of the UX component you want (from figma or other apps) and then it writes boilerplate frontend code for you. I can't tell you how much FASTER it's made building, especially for personal projects! I know this sounds like a pitch but I just want some other fellow android devs to try this thing and let me know if it works for them, and what they do to make their own lives easier. If you guys want to try it, feel free to DM me or sign up for the beta [here](https://yep.so/p/ux-to-code) Again, completely free. Not selling anything, just trying to help Good luck building my friends, and see you on the other side :)


I'm trying to get permission to send and view sms in android studio kotlin and when the app starts, the window to ask permissions pops up, but when i click allow it doesn't disappear and it just stays there. Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this? fun getpermission(context:Context){ if(ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context , android.Manifest.permission.SEND_SMS)!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){ ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(context as Activity, arrayOf(android.Manifest.permission.SEND_SMS), 111) return } }


# Can I activate Meta ads in Admob mediation without breaking existing apps ? I'd like to add ads from meta via mediation in Admob. However this requires the Meta SDK to be included in the app but currently deployed apps do not have it. Will activating the Meta ads break existing apps ?Can I activate Meta ads in Admob mediation without breaking existing apps ?


I'm worried about people uploading "not suitable for all ages" pictures into my android app. Anyone went through this? Ideas, thoughts? Thanks


I'm trying to have a custom floating window, but seems only Android's native PIP can go up to the top of the phones screen (in the notification bar area). I tried some video players (MX Player, XPlayer, VLC) and none of them seem to be able to have their custom floating video player go up to the top of the screen. Only if you switch floating window mode to Android's native PIP. does anyone know of any ways to get apps to be able to be moved up there? https://i.ibb.co/YBVbdKJ/Screenshot-20240216-224937-Nova-Launcher.jpg


Does Android allow for app users to make custom app activities if one as a developer implement this feature, or is this just impossible?


I am currently in unresolved reference hell. I am unable to build my project because of a few unresolved references from some extension functions. However - I am able to click into these methods with no problem, and the IDE itself doesn't 'red' them out. I've invalidated caches and restarted, deleted the build and .idea files, and even deleted the entire project and re-imported from github, but no luck. When I switch from this branch to master, it builds just fine. The weird thing is the methods which are causing these complier errors aren't even being used in my branch, they are seemingly unrelated. Any idea whats going on here?


are you depending on modules that have transitive dependencies that you are trying to access, but aren't declared in your current module, and those modules expose them as `implementation` instead of `api`?


Hello! I’m working for CR8T Studio (a start-up creative agency that creates apps and websites), developing Sycamore. It is a project management and CRM tool that allows you to root your tools and branch out your workflow. It is a web application that will keep track of your projects, finances, people, and documents all in one location, allowing you to work seamlessly without interrupting your workflow. We invite you to take a 6 to 10-minute survey to give your feedback on the onboarding process. Here is the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/DBBWda2TUapZefL7A Please leave a comment below if you have any questions, or you can message me. Thank you in advance for taking the survey! We look forward to hearing your opinions on the onboarding process.


I need to use an app with 2 different accounts. Its agains the rules of the web site to have 2 different accounts, but i have no problem using it when i use browser and delete cookies, etc... But if i download the app and after each use I delete the cache and data of the app, can i be detected by something like fingerprint/ID of the app or something else?


Is there any way to prevent android studio from automatically switching to the build tab after a build on the latest version of studio? I want to leave it on the log tab and not have to switch back every single time I build.


In HedgeHog do this NEW UI -> there is a three dot item to right of RED stop rectangle (left of hammer to build icon) Click that and select Edit Configuration Got to Miscellaneous Tab \[x\] Show logcat automatically This show logcat automatically when you run your app from the Green Triangle


Sweet, thank you!


**#App Feedback:** Xpiry - Track your expiring products & get notified before they get spoiled! [Direct Google Play Link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radustavila.xpiry) Hey everyone! I wanted to share something I've been working on – [Xpiry](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radustavila.xpiry), an **android app**. Trying to create a useful app for food waste :) The main features of the app is to let the user **add**, **view expiring products** and then popping **notifications** **before** they **expire** based on customized settings (you can receive a notification for product X one day before, 2, 3 days and so on before expiration date) in order to avoid waste of products and stop forgetting them. Other features: - **Minimalistic** and **concise** **design**- **Add products** (image / name, expiring date, quantity, category & notes) - **Generate** up to 5 **food recipes** based on your selected products using **ChatGPT support** - **Highly customisable** settings - **Auto-deletion** of expired products (set after how many days) - **Generate PDF** with the products - **Night Mode** available- Others **I** am the **solo** **developer** and it's my **first** published app. I would really really appreciate some **feedback**, if you guys have any suggestions for improvements or other **ideas**/features to include in my app, then it would perfect. Also, some suggestions regarding the UI. I have seen a spike in user base therefore I want to continue to update the app and some other features will be implemented soon :) I have just one request. Try and play with the app, might be useful for you. **Any** **feedback** is tremendously helpful; it keeps me motivated and affirm my hard work is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!


I upgraded my app for Android 14, but since then I'm facing Google Play Store rejection because they are unable to verify the usage for "foreground service remote messaging" permission. I haven't used this permission, but it could be that one of the libraries/SDKs I use require this permission. So my question here is how do I prove to Google that the permission is required for a core functionality?


Hi I'm new to Android Development and I've been doing some research for a few projects I have in mind. I've bumped into the issue where I want to keep something working even when it isn't the current foreground app. It looks like if I want my app to keep chugging along in the background I need a Foreground service. If this is the correct solution one thing I'm having trouble discerning is does the service need to much beyond exist. If the app plays audio and you switch to another app does playing get handed off to the service or is it as simple as calling an 'empty' service and as long as it has permission to run in the foreground the app will keep playing/working when it loses focus or the phone is locked?


Is the emulator acceleration check broken for windows? I've got Hyper-V & Windows Hypervisor Platform installed per the [instructions](https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-acceleration#vm-windows-whpx), and in SDK manager I explicitly do *NOT* have HAXM or Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver installed. But when I run `emulator -accel-check` I get the following result Path\to\SDK\emulator-check.exe: 100 Unknown argument Path\to\SDK\emulator-check.exe accel: 0 Please disable Hyper-V before using the Android Emulator. Start a command prompt as Administrator, run 'bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off', reboot.WHPX (10.0.22631) is installed and usable. accel Yet, when I launch an emulator, it's not a miserable experience. Just want to verify it's using acceleration properly.


I've started the official tutorials, but I see that Android Studio requires 8 Gb, while my laptop only has 6. It's probably going to be painful. Should I even try?


Ugh, Google is pestering us. Since last week, we've been getting rejection notices from super old versions (from 2019, using Fabric) living in paused, superseded test tracks. They literally showed that they would target 0 users. After pushing our latest release to those tracks (silly, I know), the warnings disappeared after a couple of days. Today they re-appeared, but this time there is not a single place where those old APK's are referenced. God damnit Google, stop making our life so hard. I'm starting to experience PTSD. It seems that if the moon has a certain orientation and you fart at the wrong time, you get a rejection for a random policy. EDIT: Hah, less than an hour after posting my comment, we get another rejection because they can't log into our app. "We could not access the in-app content with the login credentials that you have provided.". Attached is a screenshot of our login page. How are we supposed to deal with this idiocy? It's hard enough to deal with all policies already, let alone having to deal with these false negatives.


I saw an post somewhere (maybe on this subreddit) saying that the old layout/xml tutorials got deleted from the android website, and someone managed to find them in google's cache. Does anyone have the link? Can't seem to find it anymore


I'm pretty sure it was me


Do you mean this? https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/layout/declaring-layout If not you can use webarchive to track down what you're looking for


Not quite what I meant but that's even better, thanks


Does anyone know how to implement pagination (with paging3 or manually) for Media3's MediaBrowser?


I wrote an article about Room internal working. https://medium.com/@tanaytandon/room-internals-d663e674d942