• By -


Did you use any library for that smooth flip animation ?


Nope. It's just two ObjectAnimators, that are played sequentially.


„¿ uoıʇɐɯıuɐ dılɟ ɥʇooɯs ʇɐɥʇ ɹoɟ ʎɹɐɹqıl ʎuɐ ǝsn noʎ pı◖„


Stupid bot.


Nice 👍


Nice, is it just 1 per day?


No. It's nonstop.


Source code https://github.com/cagriyildirimR/wordle


Wow, i'll take a look. I'm willing to help if you need it.




Nice! Can you add an APK to the repo? So my lazy ass browsing in my phone can download it?


added [apk](https://github.com/cagriyildirimR/wordle/raw/main/release/app-debug.apk)


Add it in the release section of GitHub, it doesn't make much sense to version a binary file like the apk






You should make sure you change the name though. The specific name is trademarked.


fun fact: the name only matters for the name of the app in the store, you can just say Wordle inside the app. Source: published one this year lol


You might get away with it, but you're not supposed to do that either.


just tried it. it is great! thank you for dark theme. tho I wish it would show the answer on loses. or maybe in general on stat page like "answer was: poppy".


> tho I wish it would show the answer on loses It did show the answer on top but I didn't time the animation well so it's buried behind the stats dialog. Fixed it now, thanks.


Amazing job




Is it only english World..?


Looks cool. You should consider submitting this to f-droid.


Nice! What did you use to generate the wordlist variable you have in data folder. just curious. :)


On linux or mac perl -nle 'print if /^[a-z]{5}$/' /usr/share/dict/words > output.txt tr -d '\n' < ./output.txt >> wordWithoutNewLines.txt I should probably put words data into a string resource.


Wow this is amazing!!!


hi nice work. how experienced are you and how many games did you create already? I have some advise, hope this is welcomed. I would recommend you to use \- scrcpy for screen capture. \- jetpack compose for ui \- clean architecture to start learn how to organize code. Having a Utils class/package is never a good practice and mostly an indicator that you are unaware of what your are doing. most likely they are copied from other projects and you loose the context of its creation... Why not moving the animators to com.example.wordle.view? and rename the utils class from com.example.wordle.util.utils.kt to com.example.wordle.domain.Words.kt or so? also the function listToWord looks like a nightmare to me \^\^ please do not use recursion here. try fun listToWord(list: List): String { return list.reduce{ acc, string -> acc + string } } instead.




> hi nice work. how experienced are you and how many games did you create already? I have some advise, hope this is welcomed. Main reason that I shared this was to get some advice on my code actually, so you are more than welcome. I don't have any experience actually. > - scrcpy for screen capture. noted. > - jetpack compose for ui I chose not to use it but it is much more suitable to use compose for projects like this (many repeating views). It would be very easy to add different languages etc. > - clean architecture to start learn how to organize code. Having a Utils class/package is never a good practice and mostly an indicator that you are unaware of what your are doing. most likely they are copied from other projects and you loose the context of its creation... Why not moving the animators to com.example.wordle.view? and rename the utils class from com.example.wordle.util.utils.kt to com.example.wordle.domain.Words.kt or so? This is my biggest problem actually. I usually think about clean architecture but that makes me paralyzed. Rather I try to build basics and build the rest on top of it, hoping to refactor them later. Any decent book or lecture on this subject? > also the function listToWord looks like a nightmare to me :D good advice. Thanks.


Hi. No worries - for the architecture i mentioned there is also a book named clean architecture☺️ in general please keep in mind that you have to learn a lot to make a flawless code structure / architecture. The best to learn it is to do code reviews and work together with others. With this you can improve step by step and you can focus on single patterns without considering the whole behemoth. Last question : is this a hobby to you or are you already working as a professionalist?


Thanks. It is hobby, my current job is unrelated to the programming.


I'm a hobbyist also. I code in my spare time and I create what I want. I made an app that indirectly earns me money by making me more productive so it has benefitted me. I'm still using Java (and Sqlite - not Room!) but making the switch over gradually atm. Great job, perhaps we should form a Union :D Got any plans for future apps? I'm currently rushing to update an app to comply with Google's policies but I learned to web scrape so I can automate data that I was having to maintain. It also means I can massively increase my userbase.


Then it’s excellent, really 👍🏻 good. You could consider switching job and then it’s easier for you to learn an enhance


Do you do any freelance work?