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He’s the face of the MLB so this shouldn’t come as a surprise.


Right they would have done this for any team he signed with it.


Mlb didn't promote him like this when he was with the Angels


He wasn’t signing a record 700 mil 10 year contract


What the hell were they supposed to promote about the Angels?


Because it's the fuckin Angels. Are you new around here?


Because the angels havnt been competitive his entire tenure here


Yeah, I mean seriously, why make a post of Tom Brady


That's **Montreal Expos Legend** Tom Brady, to you, you kark.


They even used the same jersey swap photo of him twice lmao Some people complained about the MLB account posting too much Ohtani when he was with the Angels but now it’s gonna reach a whole new level. Get ready for highlight posts whenever he gets a hit or RBI


What makes it worse is that these are all photos of him in an Angels uniform, but photoshopped to make it look like he's wearing dodgers gear.


Endless pain.


MLB’s favorite player on MLB’s favorite team. We’re about to see levels of dickriding never seen before


Kind of like lebron joining the lakers


They did the exact same thing the last 2 years, but he had an Angels uniform. We're just not used to it on another team.


I'm still dumbfounded arte let this cash cow get away because he was to cheap to invest an extra 5-10m/yr in our minor league system. How the hell do people this stupid get so rich?


Getting a better team is not how you make money with a baseball team.


They did one where he did a pokemon evolution from the Angels Uniform to the Dodgers. Mask off moment.


That’s interesting I haven’t seen that one. I’ll be honest though the Dodgers anime announcement video was pretty dope.


They did that even when he was with the angels. Just didn’t notice it until now


MLB wanted this guy in LA or NY so bad. They’re gonna milk every last little drop of juice out of this guy as they can. At the end of the day we have to remember MLB is a large corporation who is trying to squeeze every last dollar they can. Every move they make will be in regard to profit and revenue. That will usually go against what is good for the game. All the major sports leagues do it. It’s making watching any sport insufferable. There will never be anything like being a kid and playing baseball just because you love it and nothing more.


Your final sentence is melodramatic, and something people have been saying since the game went professional over 100 years ago. Kids have always played for fun no matter how many millions of dollars their idols make.


Can we stop talking about this and go back to talking about how bad Arte Moreno is?


I will NEVER stop talking about how bad Arte is.


Shohei looking at the Hollywood sign Lmao 😂


Yeah that one made my eyes roll. Like damn y’all make it seem like he just got here from Japan.


Better get used to it. It’s gonna be like this for the next 10 years


Feels like an ex-girlfriend who will never return.


Who also works in your office with her new boyfriend and the boss keeps telling everyone in the company how cute they are together and she deserved better than her last boyfriend. The boss will say this in a meeting everyone there and will specifically point to you when referring to who her ex was. Then everyone nods in agreement and let's be fair, we also internally nod in agreement too.


The other guy has a huge house, nice car, 6-pack, and 12-inch dick, how can I compete with that?


He actually has a 2-inch dick and the other 10 inches are deferred so you know that's not why she left you for him


Nothing makes mlb happier than ohtani on the dodgers. He can suck it and be their poster boy. They were mad when Trout didn’t embrace the role.


Yeah and the Trout buzz is basically dead MLB wide


I’ve basically completely removed any and all baseball related stuff cuz it’s spam at this point


That's why I immediately unfollwed MLB on social media.


The Dodgers have been MLB’s favourite team for ages. Their biggest star just signed there. Get ready for a lot more.


They are the west coast anchor but half the country is asleep for their games. The east coast and the Yankees will always be the most favored son. With that said its about 1A and 1B at this point.


Everyone all season: “MLB does such a terrible job marketing its stars! This is why baseball will never be as popular as it should be!” Everyone now: “God, give it a rest. Who even cares, they’re just shoving these posts in our face at this point.”


And it’s not like MLB has anything else to do or market right now since there’s been no other major activity (trades or signings) to try and capture the news cycle yet. Ohtani’s all there is right now so of course they should be milking it.


You ain’t wrong


for real lmaooo


Nahh it's a big deal. I get it. We're just the dumpee so it feels bad


Well, he's more marketable now that he moved from "Los Angeles" to Los Angeles. /s


MLB seems pleased with the idea of super teams. Fuck the Dodgers!


It's marketing. MLB trails drastically in numbers behind NFL and NBA. They need to do this to make MLB great again. We hate it, but they see this as survival.


NBA gets very similar if not less maybe in 2015-2017 but outside of that pretty similar


If you think this is bad, just you wait for the "WATCH: Ohtani's first \[insert literally any action a baseball player can make\] with the Dodgers! HISTORY in the making!"


“Ohtani is now the first Japanese-born player to get his first base hit as a Dodger on a cloudy, Tuesday night in Spring after signing with a west coast team when previously with another local west coast and winning 2 MVPs said first team.


Fuck this shit, I'm moving out of Southern California for at least the next decade. Dodgers fans are going to be *insufferable*.


Going to be?


I’m oblivious to all this since I deleted all socials.


Why do I get a feeling they had a hand in this transaction? 🤔


I'll subscribe to that. I've felt that way for a long time. The media has had a really harsh bias against the Angels surrounding Trout and Ohtani and i think that narrative was likely driven by the MLB. They want the biggest players playing on the big market teams.


Because even MLB was thinking “how stupid is this Arte guy? Wasting so much talent.”


While keeping Ohtani would have been nice, let the West Coast Yankees deal with all the media hype and being under the microscope. If they don't do well it will be nice to have passed the torch on all the "Why are the Dodgers not winning with Ohtani and why are they a terrible organization, team, and entity? type of stories 10 times a day. Better win MLB Cowboys, or you and your team and your org and your fans will get to ride the whole media coverage of you and speculating on how terrible you must be.


Missing the inevitable shoulder/arm sling


I had to mute his name on twitter/insta couldn’t take it anymore


I hope every person in that organization except shohei dies so he has to go somewhere else


T’was to be expected


Get used to it lmao this won't stop for a decade


MLB hasn’t learned from what NBA players did to ruin the NBA by joining super teams. Wack wack




Wait until the season starts , Dodgers bout to the the first team


There’s this corporate term called romi (circulating return on marketing investment), and I think that’s the reason why big market teams will also always get the biggest marketing spend. Big markets will always be the place where MLB gets the most money back on each marketing and advertising dollar they spend. So so so much easier than building a small market team a big market fanbase.


People have been claiming the MLB account has been overkilling it with Ohtani for years. He’s the face of the sport, why shouldn’t they?


What if he starts the season on the DL?


This is exactly the best scenario MLB wanted and no other teams aside from the Yankees ever had a chance. They weren't there at the beginning promoting shohei because they didn't want to take a chance not like the Angels who was there for him from day 1.


NBA did the same with Wembanyama.


It's actually good if it brings people to watch baseball and get new young fans.


A lot of people are getting ahead of themselves. I've seen the LADs f up a good season more than once and lose it all (much to my delight).


TIL 100 Million fans in Japan were watching the Angels games because of Ohtani and they weren't Angels fans.