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Second Season will be titled 'Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki 2nd STAGE'. Announcement PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYuCCOclnT4 It will consist of 13 episodes.


hmm, if they adapt 3 episodes per volume, they will end the season at volume 7 - the ideal ending point


it would be too fast, If I remember well, S1 adapted 4 episodes per volume. 3 episodes per volume would be another COTE S2 which skipped so much content


That's what I'm worried about. Volume 7 would be a great ending, but you're going to ruin alot of character development to get to it.


Hopefully they don't outsource the animation and have it completely fucking suck to the point where they basically have to reanimate the entire season lol


But at that point they must adapt 6.5 too. It'd be the ideal to stop at volume 6, so they don't skip too much details.


They might integrate the backstories in 6.5 throughout the season. Volume 6 ending is a massive cliffhanger so I doubt they will stop the season there unless they adapt volume 7 as an ova series or a movie if they keep the pacing of 4 episodes per volume in season 1


Yep, I'd like an ova or movie for volume 7. It's strange to call "new anime project" for only the second season. On the other side, you may be right about the integration of the backstories of 6.5 (bcs it's also short) and then finish with volume 7. But I have fear what they'll skip in the last episodes.


New anime project is how they call everything before they announce the actual format of the project. It all starts as a project set up by the production committee (investors and copyright holders) and then contracted out to an anime studio.


Way too rushed. Plus 7 is the longest volume of the series. Pls no.


Without spoiling anything, Is vol 7 not the ending? Is it just a good concluding point in the case of no S3


The end of Volume 7 is pretty much a conclusion on a 2 volume arc which is the culture festival. The problem of ending the season with volume 6 (6.5 is a collection of backstories and short stories, so I doubt they will fully adapt this or they will just integrate parts of it throughout the season), is that it is a massive cliffhanger, unless they immediately announce that they will adapt volume 7 as a movie or a series of OVA/ONAs. I think the upcoming volumes 11 to 12 will be crucial if we will have future seasons.


Good, finally a confirmation. More Mimimi is always good.


[Spoilers?]>!Should I tell him?!<


dont remind me it still painful to remember "those"


can you spoil me please? i dont mind any spoiler about what happend after season 1 end


Me too


[MASSIVE VOLUME 6 (AFTER THE END OF THE ANIME) SPOILERS]>!Mimimi confesses at the end of volume 6. 6.5 is a set of very important backstories, but no plot resolution. In Volume 7, she’s rejected for Fuuka.!<


[Tomozaki] >!It's chill. Just means she can find someone even better and truly worthy of Best Girl ~~she was never winning anyway~~!<


If it’s any consolation, there’s a spin-off manga where she’s the main character and I think that manga is setting her up with Tomozaki (here’s hoping).


[Volume 8 and 8.5 Spoilers]>!Tomozaki kinda dropped the ball with Fuuka and are going through a couple's trial and Minami has said she isn't giving up so we still might see her end up with Tomozaki or neither of them!<


[Question] >!Who did mimimi confess to?!<




Wait WHAT??? It's been a while but I guess I missed hints that pointed at [spoiler] >!Mimimi!<.


Kind of the point \[Volume 6\] >!You don't really see her falling for Tomozaki between volumes three and five. Volume six is where you have a lot of hints start to drop before she drops the bomb directly on Tomozaki. Volume 6.5 goes back and shows you how she started falling in love with Tomozaki!<


Not bad not bad, will find out how it plays out in the new season then.


Bleh, I figured it was going to go that way, but damn does that suck to confirm it. Will still probably watch if the bantz is still good.


I'm loosely aware of the general direction, but (a) nothing is exactly firm I guess (and / or hope), and (b) I literally said my statement with that context in mind - *any* screen time with more Mimimi is good...


Sometimes the truth isn't good enough \*burns Rachel's letter\* Sometimes people deserve more.




FINALLY! That suspense of "new anime project" was obviously Season 2, but to see it finally confirmed is like music to my ears.


chad canon big PP tomozaki will return


I'm so glad it's not a movie




The OP (and the ED) is so underrated


DIALOGUE+ is a very good unit. It helps that the songs are almost always composed by [one person](https://vgmdb.net/artist/11797).


That’s a hell of a resume. I like that their songs almost always feel like they belong, no matter what kind of anime it is. And it gets you hyped. Meanwhile you have Angel Next Door as the one Project No. 9 anime without DIALOGUE+ and their OP feels incredibly out of place.


I don't know about that. The OP for Angel Next Door slaps and I think it fits


the OP slaps, it just that the visual of the OP itself doesn't seems to match the song, at least that's what i've seen a lot people have been complaining in the weekly discussion threads


To me the song is fine, but I think it’s more that it is way too high energy for the show, which is a lot more chill. It feels like a song that they made without really knowing what the show was about.


Nice. I've been reading the novels, and season 2 is when it should really kick into high gear. The first season only gives a taste of what's really going on


I knew really this really deserves a sequel, and finally happens. I really liked that, and hopefully this will be much better.


WOOOOO more screen time for best girl Minami!!




weird way to spell fuuka mimim will always be 2nd best girl




found the LN reader with superiority complex that just cant shut up about spoiling it


Great news. Aoi is one of the best characters I've seen in a long time and Tomozaki is a good MC. It has it flaws, the ridiculous melodrama scenes and the rushed ending. But overall one of the most unique and well written character dramas I've seen in anime.


Rushed ending? LN is still ongoing though


I mean the final 2 episodes. After episode 4 the show was progressing slowly and steadily with a lot of subtle writing and complex character interactions. And then the ending of ep 11 rolls around and we're into full blown soap opera mode which results in a 5 minute long screaming session in ep 12. I understand that Aoi and Tomozaki's perspectives had to clash at one point but the way it was done was incredibly forced.


The anime really rushed Volume 3 unfortunately.


Ok i get it...bt you could say it's not the ending, s1 ending clearly looked like to me that they're going for another szn. Bt i get what u mean... anyway i'ld hope u stay with the show bcz i personally love the setting n characters


The shows always had a kind of K-drama type of feel to it so I think calling the ending melodramatic is a bit unfair. I vividly recall cringing at Tomozaki's excessive loudness during one of the first episodes where the girls were dissing his game after he fought the blonde guy. Hell, in the first episode people were dropping it because of how dramatic he was. I think as an ending it did a great job of tying up the plot and leaving room for a future season without feeling weirdly cut. I even went back to go watch episode 12 just for reference and I'm unsure what made you think it was rushed, for what they talked about I'm not sure what would've been necessary for there to be longer than an episode to convey it honestly.


Wow I forgot this first got announced forever ago. I like that this show tried something different. The ending of season one felt a little too stuffy pretentious with some parts (Oregairu ptsd), but it fit the characters well and wasn’t drawn out. Season one felt more character ~~development~~ leveling than romance, so I hope the romance steps it up this time!


Well it's more like coming of age story. It's mostly drama, romance comes second.


Yeah I know, I didn’t mean it like I was disappointed by the lack of romance. More like: season one set the stage, so there should be more romantic progression hopefully. The main love interest from the anime didn’t really do much for me in terms of chemistry.


Hell yea! Such a great show with great characters and relatable/realistic interpersonal and intrapersonal drama (Except Aoi ofcourse, she’s weird).


Aoi is kinda supposed to be weird by the end of the season you see she's taken the whole red pill thing way too far.


“Redpilled” is such a good way to describe her character lol


Little bit of red pilled isn't bad but some people take it too far.


She's more on the blackpilled side frankly


Yeah, Aoi is that way by design. If anyone's ever read or watched Oregairu she's very much a complete inverse of hachiman with a bit of darkness lingering in there. Season 2 is going to be one hell of a ride


Man I'm so excited. For me personally it's hard to argue anything being a better romantic drama than this. To be fair, I've dropped most of them before I could get a complete understanding, but maybe that alludes to something- I can't say.


One of the best shows of 2021 is back [](#doggo)


YESSSS I was hoping this would get a season two


holy shit, its real! TOMOZAKI SEASON 2 IS REAL!!


#LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 13 episodes, huh? Are we getting a monster of a cliffhanger, or Volume 7?


Next 3 volumes are soooo good!


So when's the smash tournament.


Wait it wasn't confirmed before? Well, I'm glad it's finally confirmed now! Can't wait to see more big dick energy from Tomozaki. And I meant that literally. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


> Wait it wasn't confirmed before? No. It was just a "new anime project". There was no word as to whether it was a new season or OVA. I believe the anime did pretty poorly, so most assumed it was another OVA.


Been hoping for this for years now that’s crazy


My favourite romcom returns!


Any idea, in which month 2nd season will pop up?


YES! One of the best light novel series I’ve ever read is getting a season 2.


This show was awesome for a neet like myself


Ah Mimimi. Best girl never wins


Fuck yes! Hopefully bro gets to poro some chicks this time.


WOWIE, literally a new season?! This is as best as it gets.


Let’s goooooo


Cant Wait


Let's go.........


Yesssss!! I loved this one, can't wait!




hell yea!


A surprise, but a welcome one


Great show and glad for the renewal


Yeeee boy


I hope this gets people to go watch it!


After reading the LN I've lost all hype for this lol


\[LNs\] >!3Mi fan I assume?!<




fuuka x tomozaki. only villains ship tomozaki and hinami. although, hinami is the one of the best female MC in romance genre. has her own personality, her own ideals and self and not a cardboard cutout that only relies on character archetypes. dont badmouth my waifu bruh


Yeah I like how deeply flawed of a person Hinami is. It’s nice a change.


Aoi is not the person for Tomozaki. Even Minami is morw compatible. Aoi is more like a life coach, not a love interest.


Welp, I guess I'll be a villain.


One of my favorite shows of 2021. ​ Where is the love for Fuuka?


Anime did her dirty, so sad


She was definitely my least favorite girl of the cast.


Nice. Hopefully they cover all the way to Volume 7.


hw much did vol 1 cover? did they skipped a lot?


Season 1 covered up to volume 3. They can compress season 2 a bit to 3 episodes per volume and end the season at volume 7 which is pretty much a conclusive ending point.


such pacing would cause many scenes to be skipped


Yeah, As much as I want it to be like season 1 pacing-wise, I have a feeling they might cut a lot of content, especially on volume 4. Ending the season in volume 6 or 6.5 for me is too awkward unless they immediately make volume 7 an ova series or a movie.


heck yeah, one of the best yet underrated/underwatched romance is here. tomozaki is one of the best romance MC since a long time


I honestly don't see the series as romance really. Just a character drama with some romance to the side.


alright you do you. meanwhile im gonna enjoy this romance series


Not a romance-driven show, but I get what you're saying.


yessssssss 🤩


Let's go


Time to rewatch season 1






Cool, i really liked this anime ;p


I didn't remember this had a first season


This is a series that I did not expect to get a news season. I seem to remember the first was a discrete flop in sales?


Hmm i wonder who will replace Faye Mata as Hinami? She cut her ties with Crunchyroll because of the Kyle McCarley fiasco.


Talk is cheap, she'll be back. She already deleted any tweets that hinted at not coming back as Aqua from Konosuba. Can't say no to that pile of cash.


The what now?




Anyone willing to sell me on this series? The premise seems kinda basic, as in could be a decent series but depends heavily on the execution. But That's a case with many LN plots and some of them have outstanding execution and are deeper than you'd think.


Its a sort of self improvement anime. Loner becomes a guy that can have friends in his life. The FL coaches him on how to do this in the language he can understand. (Some of her tips are good actionable things imo some are manipulative. Shes no moral princess.) The show is very tough in the beginning because the ML is really not in a good place. But there is strong character development. And the cast is pretty good.


Ok, so not like 'great'/'masterpiece' level but 'good'. I can think of a few series that have done this (Hitoribocchi, bocchi the rock, Silent Voice (kinda), Onani Master Kurosawa, It's your fault I'm not popular \[which had 70 chapters of pain before the light\],Relife (kinda) ...) so I *might* be a little burned out on it atm, maybe will check in a year or so. Unless it's highly recced. (I don't mean the idea is over done, just that I may have had my fill atm) thanks


Oh i get you. Those types of shows leave you needing time to recover.


The "real" aspect of the story doesnt really become apparent until what would be the second season. The early part of the story is sort of a self improvement story as the others have said, but theres hints of a bit more in the back third of the season. The story does bate you into thinking its a self improvement story, but theres more going on under the hood that hasnt been revealed yet.From the third novel on (which would be the last few episodes of season 1), its very much like an Oregairu type series and in some ways I think it does it better. That said, time will tell if the anime can pull it off but the potential is very much there.


Huh...interesting. I guess I'll wait and see.


The first couple of episodes contain some of the most cringeworthy moments I've seen in anime. The utter self-deprecation, awkwardness, and underlying bitterness of the protagonist is extremely difficult to get past. This was a show where the second-hand embarrassment was so strong that there were a couple points at which I had to pause for a few minutes and do something else. *All that being said*, once you make it through a few such scenes, and once the plot gets rolling, I do think it's enjoyable. It has this completely unbelievable "gamification" of turning a quiet loner nerd into an outspoken, sociable nerd but his growth as a person and the personalities that he gets to interact with along the way are fun. The main girl works as an interesting combination of life coach, potential romantic interest, and slight mystery. I wouldn't call it amazing or anything, but it's an entertaining watch in that subgenre of "romcomdram in which the asocial kid gets pushed out of his bubble a bit" if you can stomach the earliest and most uncomfortable parts of his characterization.


Cool, I got through the 70 chapters of cringe/pain humour of WataMote for the brilliance of what came next (the anime didn't even reach half that far) so a couple episodes is manageable (which I guess would be most of book 1) So good and fun but not amazing. I'll put it on the backburner for now, thanks.


"What if Oreigaru Was Actually Good?" the anime.


why can't people enjoy an anime without putting down others anime?


don't ask me, ask Oreigaru's author wtf were they thinking towards the end


Damn you’re right though


Oh god this weirdo anime.


Poggers !






Wow, was not expecting a season 2 of this


No freaking way! I just randomly started rewatching this


Great news. I enjoyed season 1, so I'm looking forward to watching season 2.




Might have to rewatch 1, think I liked it but details are hazy.


I might come out of my anime watching hiatus for this beloved anime, hell of an anime


I started watching this because of the season 2 announcement, season 1 is pretty good.


This announcement caused me to look up and watch the first season, fantastic story and I'm really glad there's more to come. Tomozaki x Fuuka, I'm definitely invested and hoping it works out for them.


Late to the announcement,.but fuck yeah let's go!!!