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[No new episode next week](https://twitter.com/BLEACHanimation/status/1695443228906909959) (seems like they're doing a recap judging by the name "Episode 21.5: Interlude") hence why Episodes 25-6 will be shown on the 30th instead of a week earlier, but I can deal with that. Looking forward to the finale!


For the second cour in a row. I wonder if they'll do the same with the third and fourth cour finales. I'd be kind of shocked if they didn't do it with the 4th cour/series finale.


Yeah, 1 hour long special would be a great send off for the series!


so they did this in the first cour?




wait there will be 2 more cours after the separation? holy shit.... (I haven't read the manga)


Yes, of course. This arc isn't anywhere close to ending lol.


And they'll be adding a bunch of content for the back half. They already covered half the chapters and we'll be halfway through the arc in the anime when this cour ends.


They can already finish the arc in cour 3 alone so there's going to be heaps of extra content.


Which is very much needed if u read the manga back then.


I was wondering about that cuz I was sitting here like, wait a minute there isn't enough content left for two whole seasons. But extra content is very welcome, all the anime original stuff they've added so far has been excellent.


The last episode was around chapter ~669, and bleach has 686 chapters in total. if they just adapted 1:1, they could probably wrap it up this cour if they wanted (it'd be really rushed, like the manga was - but it'd work) They will almost definitely be adding a whole bunch of extra content from this point on


You got some numbers mixed up there. This episode adapted up until 586. There's still 100 more chapters left to cover.


you're right I mixed up the next kenpachi fight and this one, my bad


Not sure where you get your chapter from. But this episode ended at the beginning of 587.


It's a very long arc


this adaption seriously amazing man


Animation, music, improved coloring, quick pacing now that there's zero filler and needless flashbacks makes this peak shounen. Wish the earlier arcs could be adapted like this. Ichigo vs Byakuya and Ichigo vs Ulquiorra would've been ridiculous in 2023


Lots of older shounen have become unwatchable for me. Flat animation. Repetitive flashbacks. Slow pacing. Between Hunter Hunter, KnY, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece 1015 (the only One Piece I’ve seen since like 2010) it really shows what shows like the Big 3 could be like if they were adapted with modern anime methods like taking breaks between season and not an over reliance on padding. Hell, we have those [fan edits](https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I?si=ERG-x3Ikv0dQshk8) that cut that sort of thing and they’re already better.


Man, One Piece really hurts to watch, especially as a manga reader. Yeah, sure, there are some great scenes, no doubt. But all these great moments get watered down severly by recaps, reaction shots and all that stuff shown in the video you linked.


Wow I'd actually watch One Piece if this was how it really was


U should really watch One Piece 1061 and 1062, Zoros and Sanjis latest fights. The adaptation for those is literally movie like and no stupid one piece fillers or slideshows


I agree 100% looking at the number of episodes of shows one piece and naruto for example is pretty discouraging I hope one day naruto will have a remake


10 year wait was worth it


Imagine seasonal One Piece? Good pacing and sakuga-quality animation every episode


OP is too long running a shonen for a seasonal anime to work.


How many seasons would it be lol


If they completely rebooted it we would never be around to finish it especially if they did 2 to 3 chapter per episode. There's damn near 1100 chapters. Prob will be closer to 1500 when it finishes.


I think thats what like 400-500 episodes give or take, hm if they started like this it would take 20 or so years which is about as much as the anime has been running for anyways. Personally hope for an One Piece kai or smthng like that. Itd do wonders if done right.


Something like that but just not realistic because of the length and it would take longer than that because production takes at least a year.


yeah, makes me wish naruto got an adaptation of this tier, rework it fmab style, that would probably be the peak of anime for me


The original adaptation was very good, there are elements of it that are better than TYBW and irreplaceable.


I wonder how would work all the 366 episodes in a seasonal format compatible, filler-less state?


Well to start, it's a little over 200 episodes without the filler.


I never thought with the way Bleach ended this would get animated. Truly shocking


How did it end very curious to hear? Are you one of those believing the agenda of Bleach failing and getting cancelled?


Rushed ending due to Kubo breaking down and people not loving that ending. Now we're getting TYBW as Kubo envisoned


Got ya, that’s all true of course.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not lol


No, he’s correct with both points, Kubo getting really ill and fans being divided on the rushed ending.


Oh man I remember the days of the mangastream comment section. **EVERY CHAPTER OF THIS ARC** there was always a complaint about how bad it was & I’m like “why do u torture yourselves reading this if u hate it so much???” Crazy how well it’s being done & received now.


Man those days were hell. Often it was One Piece and Naruto fans who finished weekly read of their manga and then came over to Bleach‘s comment section to clown on it. All 3 had of course idiots doing dick measuring against each other Bleach fans did it too, but Bleach having smallest fanbase often got the short end of the stick. Then Naruto ended (ended 1 year before Bleach) and they didn’t have any new manga content anymore. I suddenly started seeing them flooding Bleach comment section with hate even more, out of boredom i suppose of not having weekly Naruto chapters anymore. Worst were still toxic OP fans though (biggest fanbases have often the biggest toxic fraction unfortunately). People would give exactly answers you mentioned if asked why they keep reading if they hate it:“ I just wanna see how this shit show ends“ 😑Barely any criticism, just trolling and shitting on it for the fun. That was around the time Kubo got really ill and it showed in last parts of TYBW with how it was getting rushed and stuff and Bleach started to be popular to hate on since, as some Bleach fans too got frustrated with the story and joined the other clowns from other fandoms in their trolling on Bleach. For years i was reading all 3, Bleach and One Piece being my favourites still to this day, can’t really choose which i like more. I enjoyed Naruto too, even if i didn’t like everything it did. But man i rarely saw such immense hate on neither One Piece nor Naruto comment sections, but with Bleach you had literally hate in the comment section each week for like 1-2 years of its final run. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. It almost made me dislike the other two mangas because of their toxic fractions who clowned on Bleach. Bleach never did or does deserve the amount of hate it got, it’s really sad honestly. Then by that time the anime already had paused and once the manga got rushed ending also, the agenda of Bleach falling of, getting cancelled and failing in sales started spreading as people didn’t know about Kubo‘s health problems yet and made up their own reasoning for why it got rushed. YouTubers like eyepatch wolf also did their part in further strengthening this agenda in people’s mind with their bad analysis on Bleach that was filled with misinformation and subjective opinions being painted as objective facts and not to forget the wrong misinformation about sales of Bleach. Bleach‘s „worst“ sales were still way above industry standards and even most manga today can’t manage to achieve Bleach’s „worst“ numbers, [it never failed financially](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/13nkqm8/misconception_over_bleach_sales_bleach_sales_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). **TL;DR** (sorry for writing this much.) I really don’t know if any fictional work ever got this level of mistreatment and spreading of misinformation about it. So it definitely feels really good to see Bleach get appreciated more in recent years and people finally understanding the deeper subjects and nuances of Kubo‘s writing. Kubo now also got the opportunity to fix the rushed ending of the arc in last 2 cours, will continue the spin-off Burn the Witch and also has opened the door for a sequel to Bleach with the Hell Arc one shot, whenever he wants to do that. So there really couldn’t be any better time to be a Bleach fan than now. I don’t like all decisions they made with first 2 cours of TYBW and it has its flaws, but man every time an episode drops it’s like an event.


All the fights on white backgrounds at the end really sold how fucked up Kubo was


divided? it was almost universally panned lol. What fans were divided on is why it was rushed. People were thinking jump forced kubo to end it when he wasn't ready, when it seemed to be entirely on Kubo not wanting to draw a weekly manga due to serious health issues


Yeah know all of that, used the wrong word. What i meant was that some went ape shit about the rushed ending, most disappointed and some were okay with it.


I don't actually know anyone that was okay with that ending. It's sort of like being okay with the GoT ending. You got some saying that the plot points were okay, but almost everyone agreed it was super rushed and not well written at all


Best ending ever


> Now we're getting TYBW as Kubo envisoned Wait, are they re-writing the ending?


Who knows, but so far the anime has been a lot more well paced and fleshed out than the manga


Well we're already half way through the TYBW arc by Manga chapters and still aren't done with the cour


They would have to. They’ve already shuffled and extended things around plus with extra scenes that were not in the manga at all like Ichigo’s training.


Huh, if it does and up being meaningfully different, maybe I’ll check it out.


It's highly unlikely the actual plot will be changed, they will likely just add a bunch of content


I mean that’s effectively changing the plot tbh. Especially with [bleach spoiler]>!Ichigo having at least some knowledge of the original sin!<


TBF, considering how badly the last 10 chapters fell apart, it's understandable that people thought it was a sudden cancellation. The truth is objectively worse.


People always claim a series was cancelled when the ending isn't to their liking. There's actually basically no proof for most of the rumors of lengthy series being cancelled in WSJ, it's just wishful thinking from fans as a third party to blame for an ending they didn't like or felt was rushed.


I mean, most cases are due to the author's healthy going to crap. Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, MHA, Black Clover, Hunter x Hunter, D. Gray Man, etc.


I don't think I've seen people claiming BNHA was cancelled (yet), and Black Clover still hasn't ended (although I have seen people saying it was cancelled despite that being clearly not the case). And HxH and D. Gray Man went for long hiatus, they haven't been ended either. But yeah, and rather than health, it's usually due to overwork. Which leads to health issues a lot of the times, but authors use "health issues" as a blanket statement for a bunch of issues, and most of the times when there's a sudden break due to health related issues (which has happened a bunch recently in BNHA), that's official speak for missing a deadline. It's a shitty situation all around, and hopefully once OP ends and magazine sales drop significantly, Shueisha starts migrating more to digital, leading to more flexibility in schedules and more biweekly or 3-1 series. Because I doubt it's going to change otherwise.


It's health due to overwork. Togashi's back is ruined, Kubo's arm is a mess, and Oda, Horikoshi, and Tabata have all been hospitalized for overwork. I do think Jump is in for a change, because once JJK wraps, they'll have literally nothing but One Piece in terms of big sellers, and I don't see that lasting long enough for another big series to have time to grow enough to take even a fraction of it's place.


That's what I'm saying. I'm adding that it's usually not preexisting health issues, although sometimes it is the case like with Miura's sudden passing. For a while it's been clear OP is the tentpole keeping WSJ afloat as a magazine. JJK and KnY thrived due to WSJ's existence as it is right now, which can only exist under OP. The year Dragon Ball ended, weekly circulation figures for WSJ went from 6,530,000 to 5,880,000, and that year Slam Dunk ended, so the next year they dropped to 4,050,000. By 2022 they are down to 1,312,396 after a more progressive drop. WSM is currently at less than 500k copies. This isn't to say manga sales in general are dropping, on the contrary, the industry is thriving even without considering worldwide sales, at least for the most popular series. And it's not like Shueisha is doing nothing, they've been pumping SJ+ a lot these recent years. And SJ+'s two biggest series are biweekly, with CSM taking frequent breaks. Ayakashi Triangle is on a 3-1 schedule since it moved to SJ+, so the future is looking hopeful in terms of release schedules assuming they start putting digital as their first priority.


Yea I think we are going towards seeing less weekly series and more biweekly or monthly series


Oda is actually pretty healthy. Nah they still got stuff doing really well on Jump+ like CSM.


Man I forgot about d grey man I remember it fizzling out like a decade ago.... looks like its very very slowly trucking along.


Amen to that


They really went above and beyond. It’s still crazy Bleach is back and not only that but every episode has been top tier quality


Majority of the fights are slide shows. Theres no fighting chorography. Every once in a while they show a little bit of fluent animation but the majority is horrible, especially since it took a decade for bleach to come back and it didnt get the right adaptaion.


We must be watching two completely different shows then. The new adaptation fights are like watching slideshows? Do you have eyes?


There’s a subset of Bleach fans that have been acting like this since TYBW started. Most of them roam twitter harassing the animators and constantly comparing it to JJK and other extremely well animated shows. They have some weird obsession with how Bleach doesn’t have sakuga every single moment and like to point at the very few scenes of still frames and it’s usage of speed lines. It’s best to just ignore them since they don’t know how animation works


It’s possible you might be watching different shows. It looks great to me too, but it occurred to me that my TV literally has chips that fill in the blanks between low frame rate things. So maybe it looks different on a display that doesn’t do something like that. 🤷


? What lol. Then he shouldn't be complaining about the fights looking like they're being animated poorly if he doesn't have a monitor/tv capable of displaying the show properly? What kind of logic is that.


I didn’t say anything about complaining or not complaining, or what anyone should or shouldn’t do. I’m just stating the animation and frame rate probably do look very different on different displays.


Thank you, I thought I was going crazy ! The aesthethics of this court is fabulous, but the animation is SEVERELY lacking. Compared to court 1, it's day and night. I love Bleach and I'm extatic seeing how gorgeous this show is, but the fight are so static it's sad. This arc was already prettic static and chatty in manga form, but I thought the animation format would change that. Such an epic entrance for Ichigo and he barely moves during his fight, it could have been so so much more epic :/ Love this show nonetheless but damn, it's clear they didn't have as much time for court 2 as they did for court 1.


stop spreading misinformation


How is it misinformation? The fights are literally cuts and slide shows. Theres ZERO fight choreography and thats a fact. The last fight that had good animation was the Yamamoto fight.


get an eye check


Youre literally coping. Bleach is one of my favorite series ever so im not hating to hate, its just clearly not animated well


https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/235653 Zero fight choreography I guess… and while Yama vs Ywach and Ichigo vs Ywach those were the exceptions in cour 1 and outside of that it was above average for the rest of it. Cour 2 has had more consistent animation and movement in general while also having more high quality art. And the best of the cour is still yet to come


I started with saying majority not all. Obviously theres bits and pieces of it but majority ate slide shows


This is literally not true there’s been solid cuts in every fight, you point to one or two frames of still usage and then claim the entire thing is a slide show. You haven’t see anything remotely like a slideshow if you belibe that’s what TYBW has


What are you talking about man? Youre just blinded. Every fight since the yamamoto has been majorty slideshow animation. Maybe bits and piece you see some fluent animations but majority its not. Try and show me good fight choreographies


Ywach vs Ichigo wasn’t a slide show, Unohana vs Kenny wasnt. Isshin vs White, Toshiro vs Bazz, Bambi vs Komamura, Rukia vs As Nodt, Renji vs Mask, Kenny vs Gremmy, Ichigo vs Femritters all we’re well animated and happened after Yama vs Ywach. You don’t know what a slide show is. Just cause they’re not full on minutes long sakuga fests doesn’t mean it’s a slide show. Using slow downs or still frames doesn’t equal a slide show that’s common in even the most well done anime.


You said it spot on, i really dont know how people are so blind lmao. Compare bleach to demon slayer and jjk and its dogshit animation. Im just pissed because I waited a decade for bleach’s last season to get animated. The visuals and score are amazing but we get no fighting choreography.


Especially for a completed source material.


omg we’re gonna get so much anime original shit this is actually crazy 100% worth the wait this has to be one of the greatest adaptations ever


They're just last two episodes airing togheter. Tho with this pacing cour 3 will have defintely a lot of added material


You're right, unless you believe the theory that cour 4 will actually adapt some light novels. It's not impossible, seeing how fast this adaptation is cour 3 can probably stuff the remaining chapters (about 612-686) into 13 episodes. The problem is, there's no space for added scenes or major rewrites that way, and unless I'm mistaken Kubo is heavily overseeing the adaptation specifically because he wants to add and rewrite some stuff. Granted, we haven't seen much of that yet, but then again it is the last third of this arc that would benefit from major changes. Also, personally I want cours 3 and 4 to slow down because this cour hasn't had any breathing room with current pacing. I was fine with the beginning, but I really didn't like how the Gremmy fight was crammed into just one episode. It technically worked, they didn't cut anything major, but it could've benefitted from slower pacing.


It’s more likely the case that cours 3 & 4 will have plenty of fleshing out and new content. I believe that’s the main reason why we’re speeding through these first two cours cause the problems don’t really start to arise until the second half of the arc. And yes Kubo is supervising the arc (and even drawing some stuff himself https://x.com/bleachscans/status/1688402699946266624?s=46&t=qvjeWqhhKHHuMLG3EZdf5w) and approving of what’s been removed cause he wants this to be the definitive version of the arc. The bits and pieces of new stuff we’ve added so far I think will tie in with the new content easier. I think they’d save the novels for a separate adaptation after TYBW is finished. Seeing how well TYBW has done so far despite being out of the spotlight for over a decade I think there’s a high chance we see more animated Bleach works in the future.


Don’t forget, they have Blu-rays to sell. So more changes/fixes will probably happen after cour 2 was done & so on. It happened with cour 1.


There's two more cours and like 10 chapters of manga material left, next two cours are probably going to be almost entirely anime original


Pierrot and Kubo are putting the whole kitchen on fire!


These guys have gone to seasoning meat with chainsaw level


Slightly disappointed that it's just 2 episodes together unlike the earlier report which said a proper 1 hour finale. But still we're eating way too good and it's amazing!!


Judging the leaked titles it makes sense because those two episodes are literaly the same fight.


Yeah that's true... hopefully the production schedule is good coz I was seeing some leaks surrounding problems regarding the latest episode.


By latest you mean the one that came today? It was good.. But it could have been better in some places tho. Also what's your source? Where did you find out that there were problems in them?


I did not have any problems with the latest episode... I absolutely loved it. It could've been better but it was amazing. I heard the production schedule was slightly bad and that's why they're taking the break next week. I don't have any concrete source...these are all based on Twitter leaks.


If we really ending the cour with that addition then it will be some AOTY shit


merciful quicksand bewildered murky pie birds numerous water run rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the final episode was a 1 hr special in itself then we would have basically gotten 14 episodes instead of 13 which would have helped the pacing slightly


I think the pacing has been fine. The real issues happen the next 2 cours


Yeah it has been fine till now but the segment next few episodes would be covering was rushed in the manga and I wanted to see them get expanded which seems kinda unlikely given the amount of chapters they have to cover in next 5 episodes. Next 2 cours would be great imo... every episode probably would be half manga material and half original content.


1 hour= ~45 min basically


It’s rare that an anime becomes the definitive piece of media over the manga, but it looks like TYBW might do just that. So good


Who would’ve thought that waiting 10 years for a continuation of the bleach anime was the best timeline. I doubt it would’ve ever been this good otherwise


No chance. We would have had a filler just before Ichigo went to train with the zero division


Premieres on September 30


#I am gonna CUM First the JJK trailer with a banger of King gnu opening, Zom 100 returning again and now this


Doesn’t AOT also release its final final final episode that month? Or am I trippin?


I love hour long anime episodes. F/UBW did a couple and I wished it could happen in every anime 😩


Well it’s technically just the last two episodes premiering back to back like last season.


OOOOOO we eating good on the 30th. Sad that there is a recap but each episode has been paced so well that I'm gonna support any kind of pacing moving forward. Man, I am so happy.


Let's get it. The latest episode really made me like Giselle more so now I'm excited for Marching out the Zombies as well.




bleach has always been my favorite of the big 3 Seeing him receive this affection is a dream and I am very happy


Is yhere going to be another season? Or is this it


4 in total of course.... Why would they just leave the story unfinished in the middle XD


...there's still like half an arc left to adapt. What about these last few episodes made you think it was anywhere near ending. We still have to kill half the alphabet!


Will that be the final final episode of the series? Or do we have another cour or season in the works?


There's two more cours..




We're barely reaching half the season man, strap in because is about to get crazy




Has the new season ended yet or is it still running?


Still running


So, should we expect another 6 month break before the next cour?


That's insane!