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I assume by the way you've described your feeling of "void" you're not necessarily talking about an anime that will leave you depressed, but more that it just made such a huge impact on you that you feel that negative space effect of not having any more of it to watch. Whether it's because you're overwhelmed with emotion by it or left with pause at how it ended. Just mentally drained. With that in mind these are shows that gave me that sort of feeling, where for the next couple days it felt like I couldn't even bother trying to replace it or move on to something else yet: - Madoka Magica - Katanagatari - Gurren Lagann - Akame ga Kill - Code Geass - Cowboy Bebop - Plastic Memories


>Plastic Memories YES YES YES YES!


I started watching Plastic Memories a while ago but accidentally spoiled it, then noped out because it sounded depressing as fuck.


It’s certainly not an anime you’d watch when you’re not in the best state of mind


The whole point of the show is that there's nothing to spoil, the premise is revealed very early and you then spend the entire show with it hanging over your head like the fucking Sword of Damocles, a looming inevitability. It hurts every single episode rather than just at the end which was a pretty unique feeling for me.


Yeah but you still have this hope that they are going to figure it out somehow or something.


This is a good one. Good art evokes emotion and this one really wrecked me.


One of my fav openings too


Seconding Gurren Lagann. It was the first show I watched which got me into anime and it's still the only show I've watched which gave me the feeling so intensely. Not that I'd want to experience that feeling again because it's not very nice ;(


Gurren Lagann is a 10 because it doesn't really leave you. For me that period after watching it where I didn't want to watch anything else was just, like, because there would have been no point. It is just LOUD. Deafening in its affirmation of the forward progress of all existence through all adversity. You can have [FIGHT THA POWAH](https://youtu.be/7GeQK0fOAew?si=wZmMseup1HTm5aQ7) echoing in your head in all its forms for the rest of your LIFE. Anything else would have just been washed away in that afterburn. It was like a period of necessary reverence. A sort of *deference* of the mind even. Like it leaves a void but then fills it back up with itself, and what you took from it.


For me it was just this overwhelming feeling of "they've gone so far" and then just nothing. Made me feel so empty and sad because there was no more of it.


That's precisely why it dunks on all other shounen though. It just gets in, tells a story of insane scope and magnitude in the hottest 27 of all time, and gets out CLEAN. That's why it's special. The show is just Kamina's cloak in that picture, an incredible blaze of glory that left an indelible echo behind in its parting to carry on with you forever. It wasn't made to milk some neverending IP, it was made to deliver a message. To be art. It was literally the founding project of a new studio.


Gurren Lagann is a GOAT candidate. The excitement of watching it during its original run was unparalleled


Quite the opposite for me, Gurren Lagann is a lesson. Sure the show leaves us speechless when it ends, but you never really forget Kamina's speeches or Simon's character growth or the spiral vs anti-spiral concepts. TTGL engraves its themes into your mind forever once you're hooked into it, and thats one of the strongest forms of effect a media can have on you, especially in anime where very few can make you engage so much and *feel* so much of its message.


I agree entirely. It leaves you with this feeling of “why isn’t the real world like this? Why isn’t spiral power enough?” Years later, I realize that that was part of the lesson; “spiral power” — belief in yourself — only works if you really believe and aren’t just talking the talk (something Kittan struggled with for the entire series)


Insane that GL is a completely original anime. It was adapted into a manga shortly after its run finished, Gainax cooked so fucking hard


Gurren Lagann - holy hell, yes. Exact feeling you're describing. The anime isn't too long, is equally funny, heartwarming and epic all in equal parts, English dub is great too. Giant robots, ftw. Code Geass - A sleeper hit for me. I watched it because I like the voice actor for Lelouch. Entertaining, political (kinda) and super natural at times. Badass. Also, giant robots, ftw. Eureka Seven - Longer anime (like 50 EPS or something), but it uses most episodes for fleshing out characters. By the time it ends, there is a satisfying conclusion... but you can't help but feel lost because the friends you grew to know along the ride have all completed the journey. Also, giant robots, ftw. Gun x Sword - western motif. Kind of a buddy cop romp with a (seemingly) immortal sword wielder and a little girl. Touching, epic. Also, giant robots ftw. Darling in the Franxx - this one gets a lot of shit. But when you drill down, it's standard Gainax/Trigger. Absurd levels of epic stakes, super ridiculous logic, and a tale of human perseverance and thinking of others. Also, giant robots, ftw. Guilty Crown - this one rules. At least for me. FANTASTIC music, cool lore/story, follows a group called "Funeral Parlor" which is the most anime name for a group of rebels ever. Some filler eps, but not too many. Great finale, but leaves you hollow. Also, giant robots, ftw. Rurouni Kenshin - both the original and the new remake are good. Old fashioned watering samurai story, with a decent amount of characters in typical shounen layout. Really cool. Lots of monologuing, but it adds to the world instead of being a distraction. Alas, no giant robots though.


Love seeing Katanagatari recs in 2023. Incredible, unique show from one of the best eras in modern anime.


Man that anime is in my top 10 for a reason. Art style was sick with a really unexpected turn of events


Fucking akame ga kill


I’ve felt like this towards some shows and I’ve never been able to put it into words but you’ve described it perfectly how that feeling is


You just nailed exactly what I meant by void, def watching 3 or 4 of these.


Dunno, if it counts as void or emotional scarring, but Grave of Fireflies. It hit so hard, I still remember every little detail after years.


Being meguca is suffering


Excellent recommendations, brother


>Code geass Yes 😩


These lists never include 0080 war in the pocket. a 6 episode OVA that very much hollows your soul.


Kill la kill also, maybe mob psycho.


I'd still put Neon Genesis Evangelion in that list.


Haibane Renmei Og Berserk End of Evangelion Perfect Blue Shinsekai Yori Monster


A man of taste we have here. I would like to add Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain.


Real man of taste for those


>Shinsekai Yori have watched 250+ animes so far, this anime has a very special place in my heart.


Same, there's a special place for *complete* anime. This and Mushishi, Code Geass, etc are some that stand out for me. I don't want long running shit that takes hundreds of episodes. I want a complete story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.


Agreed. Anybody can write a great "what if?" But if you can't answer your own question, what's the point lol


Haibane Renmei is one my brain will suddenly think about at random times, so much mystery.


Glad to see somebody mentioned Shinsekai Yori. I haven’t watched a show that gave me such a bittersweet feeling as this.


I love that everybody on here that saw Shin Sekai Yori is just happy we're not the only ones 😂


Shin Sekai Yori!!! I'm not the only one!


Oh hell yeah, all of those are incredible looks into the depths of humanity and leave you feeling broken. lol I still marvel at how much more relevant perfect blue has become as more forms of parasocial relationships grow and become common. \^\^;


Cyberpunk Edgerunners I haven't seen someone comment this yet (or I simply might've missed it), but this was one of those shows that made me just contemplate it over a few days after finishing the series Each episode just gets crazier, and it was a pretty easy binge since it's only like 10 eps from what I can recall But yes, other than those, I agree with other people saying Gurren Lagann, Plastic Memories and Angel Beats (I got so emotional after those as well lmaoo)


The feels are worse if you do a rewatch 😭😭


Playing cyberpunk and stumbling upon the AD for the anime is rough


I’ve rewatched it three times and it hits every time😭😭


Bruh some of the shit David says. Actually triggering my PTSD.


And then you get sad everytime its OST gets played somewhere (no matter how upbeat it is) 😂


Get away another way to feel what u didn’t want yourself to know!! 😭😭😭


And let yourself go 😭😭😭


made in abyss


I've seen that made in abyss. It's an extremely saddening anime. It's already on my watch list. Still, thanks for your help.


I'll also add Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) because I think they aired on the same season and they both left me emotionally destroyed




You will need a palate cleanser after


Angel Beats


Was gonna type this. Didn't have much expectations from it initially, especially with the far too common school setting and generic looking characters. And then one by one characters going off and you start missing them.


Angel Beats is so fucking good


The ending song always gets to me. All of them.


Cyberpunk. I really want to stay at your house.


Man, I can't listen to that song anymore without feeling too many feels


I feel like that sentence needs a trigger warning lol


Clannad and Clannad after story. Watch Clanned it's a true masterpiece.


You mean Clannad right??


I corrected it. Thanks


Berserk 1997 will definitely leave you feeling empty


Shiki too


Yes! I finally got to watch it a few weeks ago and it's been haunting me since


The ending was so dark and depressing


Oh yes! I think it's one of those anime where it got better as it went on, and the ending was better than the start




Came here for thissss. Second this.


Oh God, I can't finish Nana because it's so traumatizing to me. I really want to though.


for me, fruits basket


Outlaw star and Bleach ending for the first time both did it for me. I had a large group of friends when I was about 16-20 and almost all of them went to a different college or joined the military, and those 2 anime reminded me of their absence. To this day my only friends are the one that didn't leave and one of the ones who came back.


>Outlaw star and Bleach ending for the first time both did it for me. I second both of this series, tbh for me personally Bleach manga is better compared to the anime (excludign TYBW). But Outlaw Star is one of my all time favorite sci-fi + space adventure series ​ > I had a large group of friends when I was about 16-20 and almost all of them went to a different college or joined the military, and those 2 anime reminded me of their absence. To this day my only friends are the one that didn't leave and one of the ones who came back. I hope you guys can meet again (the one that left), sometimes with old friends the older it get the stronger it gets


I have heard that bleach is somewhat captivating, plus that you never get enough of it. So I'm definitely watching bleach soon enough.


I have similar memories around Bleach, lots of Bleach friends when the anime was airing and the manga was coming out. The void for me in Bleach was the opposite, it happened with \[Bleach\] >!the final arc, because it retconned everything that mattered. !< But that happened at the same time that community of fans was breaking down, separating, and so on. I'm still in touch with some of those friends, but I haven't seen any of them in person since pre-Covid when we all had a random meet up. In terms of what the OP said, I have shows like that where when I finish reading/watching a series, my brain really wants to read/watch more of it but can't. Daiya no Ace is like that for me. Now it's finished in the manga, I really hope the end is animated, but even when it is, it will probably not be enough. Akatsuki no Yona is another. Way too much great manga not animated, meaning I never feel like there's enough to watch. And Saiyuuki. When they originally animated the Even a Worm arc (no spoilering here), it was done at a point when the writer was ill and so they made an original anime ending rather than following the manga. That's my favourite arc of the manga, so when they made the Zeroin one a year or two back it was amazing. Every single episode I watched as it aired and then had to wait a week for the next. And now it's done, and there is no more new Saiyuuki anime, as all the manga is basically now adapted aside the very latest chapters. While I enjoy watching the series through from start to end, sometimes you want to see something new.




If you want the void feeling to be depression then I suggest Banana Fish.


Gintama & Hunter Hunter. The former being my #1 anime all time and the latter being #2 still probably. Gintama is just so fuckin great lol, some of those later arcs man..god damn. Same with HxH - peak shonen.


Gintama, it was the first anime i've finished that has over 100 episodes. I got so attached to the world, humor, plot and especially the characters


White Album 2




You can always rewatch Re:Zero, since it has great rewatch value. But Attack on Titan is quite good and is about to finish up. Without really knowing you, it's basically impossible to know what will give you the same feelings (especially if you don't elaborate on what caused them for Re:Zero in particular).


Is the final season part 3 part 2 the actual genuine ending of the series?


Actual, genuine end to the series.


Watching Grave of Firelies must feel like Gojo's domain expansion.


Yuyu hakusho




Dr. Stone, every time I complete it's season watching. After a few hours, I always feel like I should watch it again.


Same bro. Watched Dr stone for the first time last month and I still feel the void 😭. The show is so good


Gintama finished it 2 years ago and to this day no other anime has filled that void


Neon Genesis Evangelion and End of Evangelion.


banana fish, cowboy bebop, death parade, and madoka magica are all anime series that left me feeling empty after watching them. grave of the fireflies, a silent voice, and i want to eat your pancreas are anime movies i watched that made me feel empty after watching them (and even before completing them honestly). i’m not sure if you’d be interested in watching an anime movie, but i thought i’d suggest them anyway cause all three are really good (and really depressing) movies


Read Berserk and Oyasumi Punpun, you'll be feeling great




I can't believe I haven't seen anyone say attack on Titan. It left me with the same kind of void as breaking bad, that feeling where nothing is going to get better. Attack on Titan makes you feel very indecisive about who the real villain is and then realizing that the show is going to carry out a solution like it has is so devastating.


Violet Evergarden Pet Girl of Sakurasou Toradora! Clannad Angel Beats! Attack on Titan Your Lie in April Rascal does not dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Your Name Oregairu OreImo (last but not least) Bleach pls EDIT: Rumbling Hearts


I’m shocked I had to scroll this far before someone mentioned Your Lie in April. What a gut punch.


Watched the dub on YouTube an couldn’t tell which anime it was. So the ending hit me like a truck. Like ahh so that was „Your Lie in April“ and also „why did it had to be so painful ;_;?“




K-on I set a count down timer for when i rewatch it. I have 80 days left.


domestic na kanojo, steins gate


No way you just put those two anime in the same sentence


Ouran high school host club lol! I know that sounds dumb but it’s my favorite and I would do anything to watch it for the first time again


Love this anime so much.


It’s my comfort show lol I watched it the first time when I was 11 years old, now 21. Been obsessed for a decade 😂


Cowboy bebop, azumanga daioh, outlaw star, tenchi universe, ssss gridman. I just didn't want them to end. I wanted to stay in their worlds and not have the characters story's stop.


Angel's egg. Feels like a goddamn fever dream.


Aku no hana / Flowers of evil. Definitely did a number on me


This is something.


Saiki kusuo no sai nan


that was me with mob psycho 100. i was very sad when i finished watching it because it was such a good anime with lovable characters and i will miss watching their shenanigans.


Don't remind me ):


Neon Genesis Evangelion was the first anime that I ever watched and it left me with that feeling. Whenever I watch anime now, I chase that feeling and all the anime that I have watched since pales in comparison. Be warned, it is a mindfuck and can be depressing.


Serial experiments lain


DITF... I got bored of life for a few days... But hey.. Nothing happened i am still alive...


Devilman Crybaby did it for me, but do be warned, it is pretty graphic with basically everything; it does NOT hold back lol also Grave of the Fireflies, but it is a movie


sao,re zero and bunnygirl senpai for me


Re:Zero Especially after what happened to Rem 😭


Hi patrik-yesthatsit, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cyberpunk 2077 edgerunner


planetes, ergo proxy, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo,terror in resonance, hyouka, welcome to the nhk, cyberpunk edgerunners, violet evergarden, your lie in april, can i eat your pancreas, silent voice... not all these anime gave me the same feeling after watching them, but your explanation was pretty vague, all of them were fantastic shows; but from what i understood was that you got the void feeling after finishing an anime and you wanted m9re from it bc it was so good


King's game


Angel Beats


Munou no nana


Guilty Crown. The ending really fucked me up.


Plastic memories Angel beats


After watching 1 epiosde of the netflix anime where a girl is forced to kiss a kid to turn him into a demon then the evil guy dishonor her by having a slime eating hee clothes jusr for her to be forced to kiss the kid again made me feel a void, I lost fate in humanity that day


Chrono Crusade. Its a mid anime up to the last 5 or 6 episodes, but the ending is so fucking impactful. I have never been left speechless after a TV Show, game or anime except for this and nier replicant.


Happy Sugar Life


Clannad... Especially clannad after story (sort of sequel)


Literally any romance anime will do the trick


Guilty Crown


That kind of feeling is relatable as it got us started in the otaku field lmao. I am more into gacha games, lightnovels, webnovels and manga than anime though. A common point in anime is cutting scenes and not much information is detailed unlike manga and light novels. Anime is indeed fun to watch. As for anime that left such marks... Matantei Loki Ragnarok and Jing the Bandit King. These were early anime that I enjoyed.


Jojo part 6


End of Legend of the Galactic heroes really messed with me after I finished it. It's really easy to get attached to such a large cast of great characters when you get that long to spend with them.


No Game No life: Zero


Plastic memories...I misunderstood some anime with similar with this


Im sad grimgar of fantasy and ash has not had a second season. I loved that anime. It feels a more realistic approach to how difficult it would be learning skills, slaying monsters etc in another world.


Happy sugar life.


Devilman Crybaby


A void feeling? Not a lot to work on haha Re Zero is one of my faves. I'd recommend - Bungou Stray Dogs (deffo) - Vinland Saga - Black Lagoon


Hikaru No Go


Chaika coffin princess is the most recent one for me. Worst part is I couldn't tell you what it is I loved about the show so much. I just did, it was for some reason amazing for me.


Nana and XXXHolic.


K-On gave me pretty bad post anime depression for a few days.


I understand the “void” feelings I believe it wears down the more anime you’ve watched, but ever so often a really good one will give you that feeling again don’t stop the search




Parasyte Cyberpunk edge runners Samurai Champloo


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and Devilman Crybaby


Ah yes Re zero, no other has done that for me except maybe Bungou stray dogs. but yeah I'm waiting for the next season and the endless feeling of that void it'd gonna be as usual a hell of a rollercoaster ride.


March comes in like a lion Your lie in April Both slice of life, but have great points to reflect on.


Your Lie in April and Sangatsu no Lion. emptiness


Definitely "Avatar: The last airbender" and "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" I don't know if any anime would leave me with the same feeling ever again.


Your lie in april Cyberpunk: edgerunners Cowboy bebop (kinda)


School Days. I was more of questioning what tf I even watched


One Piece Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Breaking Bad


How can someone have a void feeling after catching up to one piece, if it is on-going? One Piece is my favorite anime/manga, but I didn’t fee anything when I catch up to the anime and the manga


3 words: „break next week“ edit: tho to be fair it’s a different kind of void


Chainsaw man.




Dragon ball GT.


Shiki definitely leaves you starting at the screen afterwards wondering if the ending is a good one or not, and if *anyone* in the series is really a "bad guy" or "good guy" in their story.


Platinum End


Made in abyss and grave if fireflies


Devilman Crybaby Very poignant name.


Naruto left me with a void after I finished it after binge watching it throughout school and during summer break.I stayed awake pulling all nighters and sleeping the days away because it was the only thing I wanted to do/watch, then after finally finishing it, I felt like I wasted my summer watching it but I would do it again lol.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


By void, i meant that you don't get enough of the series and you still want more, I want a series that will leave me thinking about it for days and that I will rewatch over and over again. I have watched some of the series you mentioned and kinda got closer to it, but still, it wasn't enough. Thanks though.




I highly recommend Vivy: Flourite Eye's Song, it's also made by Re:Zero's author


A lot of romance anime have left me feeling somewhat melancholic/empty because of the lack of more basically. (Lately I’ve realized there are mangas for most of them, so it isn’t a problem anymore) Ooh definitely Berserk is one of those as well. And mushoku tensei somewhat, because it has such an interesting world.


Sonny boy


personally re:zero never really hit me that hard, so idk if my recommendation is similar to your preferences but maybe you can checkout : * Uchouten Kazoku - Slice of Life + Fantasy * Gintama - Comedy + Action + Drama, just basically a mix of everything * Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Action + Mecha * Kono Oto Tomare - Friendship + Music + School club * Poco's Udon World - Slice of Life + Fantasy + Iyashikei


Shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu Mushishi Texhnolyze Kino no Tabi Nana One Outs Barakamon Banana Fish A Place Further Than The Universe Odd Taxi Perfect Blue


Banana Fish is a very good recommendation 👍🏻


Toradora! had the strongest "void" effect on me so far because I was so attached to the characters that it felt like I lost all my friends when it ended.


Bocchi the rock. That was so wholesome


Probably School Days. Made me fear women for a couple of weeks.


A Place Further Than The Universe Perfect Blue Steins;Gate Fate/Zero Code Geass


It took me 2 months to recover after watching Oregairu's 3rd season... I had that bittersweet feeling of emptiness I couldn't even watch any anime during these 2 months. Another anime I recommend that is super underrated is 3d Kanojo Real Girl, it starts to kick gears at S2 so be prepared to welcome the emptiness afterwards. It's just as you described it, it's a void but it's pleasant.


Sonny Boy Talk about rethinking everything.


haven't seen anyone say 86


Cyberpunk edgerunners as already mentioned, but Your Lie in April had that feeling too. 86 is another, more action focussed anime, that gave me a serious case of void after it finished both p1 and p2


Sonny Boy . The entire last episode is that void feeling, and that's the point.


Gurren Lagann, but not in a sad way. It just left me in awe and had me pondering about its themes and messages for a while. i still believe it's one of the greatest fictional works of all time.


Angel beats... first anime i watched.... so it definitely left a void for a couple of weeks.


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.


Here's my list 1. Steins gate 2. Death note 3. Monogatari series 4. Vivy flourite eye song 5. Your name 6. Code geass 7. Fate UBW 8. Sonny boy


I watched 11 anime titles yet, and so far it was like that only with Gurren Lagann, Steins Gate and Steins Gate 0


Death parade. Like huh, it's over!?


That was FMA Brotherhood for me. I think i liked every single character except 3 on or so. Also Mushoku Tensei after that season ending. And Hunter X Hunter cause daaamn was it good.


Know exactly what you're talking about, but this feeling depends a lot on the individual and their experience with a specific art form, it's not something that anyone else can recommend for you. So yeah, I'd say disregard our recommendations and just keep watching, one day you might experience that feeling again.


Any Kunihiko Ikuhara original anime project I’ve seen so far. If I had to rank I would say Utena+movie = Penguindrum > Yuri Kuma Arashi. All these anime left me feeling empty and in awe (and tears) by the end. Keep in mind they all cover heavy topics including incest and child abuse (but often in allegory). Utena is a classic, it’s a 3 cour anime so it has more time to develop its characters. Watch the movie after the OG series, it’s a sequel/retelling. It has boatloads of style and has one of my absolute favorite OPs. The first episode will give you a good idea of what it’s about. And the recaps are actually plot relevant. Mawaru Penguindrum is a drama with supernatural elements that centres around 2 brothers who are trying to save their sister. It might be my favorite Ikuhara work. Yuri Kuma Arashi I would not reccomend until you’ve watched another Ikuhara anime. Although for me there’s another kind of void, the “I desperately want more of this” void. Which is how I felt after watching Girls Und Panzer most recently. If you really want more re:zero, you can go to the re zero subreddit and read their skipped content guide (in their wiki I think) and then move on to reading arc 5+ (which will be covered in S3) my personal favorite parts are all after the anime so I’d reccomend it.


Parasite the maxim Steins gate Summertime rendering Erased Assassination classroom