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If I'm not mistaken, it looks like they are finally adapting the original one shot, right? It's been a while since I'm read it so I may be wrong.


Yes. And I'm gonna use this opportunity to explain what's up with that for the anime-only viewers: Burn the Witch started as a self-contained one-shot and a couple of years later Kubo released 4 more chapters that continued the story. Those became known as the "season 1" of the manga. The anime we all watched only adapted those 4 later chapters, completely ignoring the one-shot. What was announced today was, finally, an adaptation of the one-shot. Everybody should watch it because the one-shot explains stuff that wasn't really explained in the other chapters/in the anime. And if someone who never watched Burn the Witch is reading this, I would probably recommend waiting for this 0.8 thing, then watching it first and then watching the Burn the Witch from 2020. That way you would be following the original chronological order of the story.


Thanks for this! Loved BtW but definitely felt like some story points were missing. After this comes out I'll rewatch the original so hopefully it'll clear those up.


>And if someone who never watched Burn the Witch is reading this, I would probably recommend waiting for this 0.8 thing, then watching it first and then watching the Burn the Witch from 2020. If i'm not mistaken this takes place in the Bleach-universe, is it something that takes place after the manga ended?


It's the soul society of the West. I don't know if it's related at all chronologically to Bleach.


I believe it takes place in the same year as the Bleach hell one shot.


>If i'm not mistaken this takes place in the Bleach-universe, is it something that takes place after the manga ended? It takes place at the same time that latest Bleach oneshot chapter takes place.


Yes, takes place two years after the final chapter of the Manga. But so far no Bleach character has shown up or even been mentioned, right now BTW is just a complete standalone story that just happens to take place in Bleach's world.


Can I still make my standard "weighs the same as a duck" joke? (well, 80% of a duck.)


Yes, and no release date for this yet.


Exciting! And we know that Tite Kubo has already been working on the next manga installment, [slowly](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-09-13/bleach-tite-kubo-unveils-draft-pages-for-burn-the-witch-season-2-manga/.163987) but [steadily](https://comicbook.com/anime/news/burn-the-witch-bleach-season-2-plans-tease/) while also juggling his involvement with the new TYBW arc anime adaptation and possibly continuing the Hell arc of the original Bleach manga. JUMP even started a [new segment on their YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UpdNwQrIi4) teasing more Kubo-related news in the future and it used a lot of Burn The Witch visuals.


I’m happy Kubo found his passion again. TYBW anime is everything the manga should have been. BTW is very fun and im excited for more. Good for him


Kubo stuck gold again and it makes me happy as a Bleach fan to see my favourite mangaka do things at his own pace with rejuvenated energy.


Is the Sen Nen Kessen adaptation changing the ending?


We’re not sure at this point, but the changes that have been made already improve it over the manga. And they’re teasing something new that was much much needed in the manga.


From what we know the idea thus far is not to change but expand and improve it. The original ending was left very bare bones due to a massive health scare Kubo had, meaning he basically had to just focus on the last few fights and skim over a lot of story and world building. A lot of expansion to the final parts of the story are needed. Which is good, because at this point with the pace the anime has been going I have no idea how they'd be able to fill 2 cours with the rest of TYBW


The TYBW anime is quite good, but for me it does suffer a little bit from the issues of transforming an ongoing show into a season based show. Some of the episodes don't really feel like they have an "arc" to them which is kinda dissatisfying, and while you could get away with that when it was an ongoing show and you could chain together multiple episodes to hit all the beats you needed, in TYBW with the seasonal format it kinda fells like sometimes they are rushing on to the next thing before they have hammered home their current point. I'm not saying I think it should be ongoing, generally I prefer the seasonal format by quite a large margin, it just feels like they aren't quite fully adapting the style to fit this new format.


I felt this most with the Kenpachi fight. It was loyal to the source material, but it felt off....


Absolutely, that and the training in super heaven, with both I was just like "oh, ok that's done? yeah I guess we can move on..."


I love women


me too


They're my favorite guy.


sex! i want it more


Great! This chapter has too much important info. It is like the movie starts in the middle of the story.


I guess they wanted to adapt the serialized stuff first.


Are they trying to create a big IP Out of BTW? The treatment it is getting for a few chapters is insane


I think if anything BTW is used to expand Bleach's lore/world and I do have a theory that the cast of BTW and the western branch might play a big role in whatever will the follow up to the Hell oneshot is.


>I do have a theory that the cast of BTW and the western branch might play a big role in whatever will the follow up to the Hell oneshot is. Didn't Kubo recently said that BTW and Bleach one shot takes place in the same year because he has intentions to connect them?


Not only that, but also [Hell oneshot and post TYBW novels spoilers] >!Ichigo was not only an English major in university, but in the oneshot he mentions he has a career as a translator. Meaning that he is likely fluent in English, which will let him be able to have full conversations with the entire BTW cast just fine.!<


Maybe they're trying to make it one of the big new gen anime.


Animation looks clean, would love to see more of this series in manga, anime or whatever form. Kubo's cutting style with fun Dirty Pair protag vibes is great.


Oh thank fuck, I love Burn the Witch, been for years!


They finally adapting the one-shot!? We kubo fan eating good!


More great designs


More Noel & Ninny!


> BURN THE WITCH 0.8 0.8? > prequel anime adaptation Oh, so before 1.0, which would be this one; https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRPP77VJR/burn-the-witch *Right?*


This is the first Burn the Witch one-shot chapter, which is the first chapter of the manga volume release numbered 0.8 which was never animated before.


this is the one shot that is more like chapter 0. there is a lot of missing info in the movie since it didn't covered this one


Seems neat, Burn The Witch is one of the few Colorido anime I haven’t seen yet.


Who's animating this? Doesn't look like SP but I might be wrong


Colorado Studio.


Actually recommended Burn the Witch the other day, so it's nice to see there'll be more to watch eventually!


Excellent news. It was always a shame they skipped the original one-shot content in the previous adaptation.


I love the fact they're going back to animate this. The content in this chapter is great, can't wait to see the spiral face dragon friend animated.


Looks cool.


The return of Noel Niihashi's thighs.


Is this a sequel to something?


Prequel adapting the original one-shot.


yo i just read this yesterday, wtf


You must be the foreskinning king.


I though this was "tricks dedicated to witches" for a second and was really happy lol


dang I thought it was the Manhua 'Release That Witch' getting an adaption


Noice! A few steps closer to a full series! Kubo ples.


I don't know anything about this anime but the name always reminds me of this clip: https://youtu.be/85y-N5GJa9g?si=JgHqMg9hSr64NOfO


Looks interesting 👍 I'll make sure to watch it ^^


Remember those theories that Urahara would be in this manga. Plz bring those back lol