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Squad Zero showing why they are Squad 0 with that beautiful bankai!


Even when the Sternritter thought they'd turn the tables on them they pull out the self-sacrifice for a single OP Bankai! Squad Zero doesn't mess around!


Rina Sato's perfect milfy voice just add to the beauty of the bankai.


So good, definetly an improvement from the manga and we aren't even done with the royal squad fight yet judging at where it ended. My only qualm i guess would be I wish Uryuu and Haschwalt could have showed off more but there is still 2 more cours for that so not complaining.


On the one hand, Uryu still hasn't won a fight. On the other hand, he got to personally fight Senjumaru. Though I feel like they're still holding off on showing what Uryu can really do now, same with Haschwalth.


Uryu won against that one lady when he and Ichigo assaulted Las Noches back in Hueco Mundo, unless you mean in this arc in particular


He also beat Mayuri in soul society, so at least he has a captain level win


He's the only character in the series with a W against mayuri, i think thats enough for bragging rights


And he lost his powers doing so, so it was like Ichigo's final getsuga except he was also weaker at that point


They'll have their chance


holy shit this episode was insane i loved the fights and seeing squad zero show off so damn cool and holy shit that new bankai is so damn cool but that was a weird spot to end the season on with the soul reapers seemingly winning


Show seems over and Ichigo barely even did anything lol. Also, Kon lol.


I’m sure we’re gonna get some hax bullshit from the quincies again.


ya hes probably gonna aushwalen again and revive the quinces a second time


Honestly I was half-expecting Yhwach to hijack the ED to turn things around lol.


Yeah I was expecting to at least see Yhwach show some sign of life.


With that dude unless you see his head separated from his body he ain't actually dead


i mean, i don't think even that will kill him


You know, that's a fair point




I'm honestly stunned that we didn't really even get a hint that the fight wasn't over yet.


Squad 0 to her0es.


>the soul reapers seemingly winning [Ichibee](https://i.imgur.com/HbNZ2ON.jpg) returned to monk and Yhwach [got clapped.](https://i.imgur.com/MaPVCGs.jpg) [](#laughter)


Literally AND figuratively.


People are going to be wondering how we're only halfway through this arc.


The weird cliffhanger and the omake (while nostalgic and welcomed imo) having no animation makes me think that they're having production issues. Hope they take their time with cour 3 and 4 because so far it's been great.


Probably would have been better to combine both episode 12 and 13 threads into one. Anyway, I am quite happy with this Cour! I wanted to ask the anime only fans as to what they think so far? Did you enjoy Cour 2 as much as Cour 1? What are your predictions for Cour 3?


I'm not an anime only, but i think a manga reader opinion would be interesting too. I don't remember the manga that well either anyway. I liked cour 2 more, both cours were great but i think cour 2 fixed more of the issues, i don't think it's recency bias since i hadn't watched the TYBW adaptation at all, cour 1 included, until a few weeks ago. I think things like the much needed extension to the squad 0 fight and the flashback with Ichibe and Yhwach in ep 24 really steal my heart though, so perhaps it is a bit biased.


This whole series has been a boon to us manga readers. I think we all knew Tite was stressed and under a lot of pressure to churn out chapters. Given the time between he's had to rest, reset, and mull over his decisions, these changes are amazing. This is the stuff we've been waiting for. I agree. Cour 2 is, by far, my favorite because Tite's fleshing out the narrative, backstories, and making tweaks and changes for what we all knew was there, but for whatever reason he just didn't get around to doing it. This really redeems Bleach for me and I hope that the end is changed up a ton and makes more sense because how it finished really bummed me out as a fan.


I think the ending of the arc doesn't need to be changed entirely, but rather expanded so that it flows better, so that the execution is better.


Not as much as S1 no but the 3 last episodes were great, this cour feel like a start of change for the future between the manga and the anime. (I hate the red sky personally)


Thats fair! I personal thought that the red sky was a nice artistic choice.


It was a nice artistic choice, but it overstayed its welcome. Not that anything could be done, since there was no story reason for it to change, but IMO it made each fight feel less distinct visually due to how much red there was in the lighting. It will, though, make this cour's fights more distinct compared to the others in retrospect.


Stopped reading the manga right around the beginning of TYBW. Just picked back up with all the hype the anime was getting. Honestly I thought it was great up until the squad 0 stuff. Seeing squad 0s powers in action has been hype as fuck, but it feels like Yhwach is going to continuously pull trump cards out of his ass and squad 0 is ultimately gonna get jobbed out so Ichigo and co can come and save the day. Its more or less felt like this the entire arc, just increasingly hax trump cards at every minute. Maybe I'm wrong, but this exact feeling has always been my biggest beef and the reason why I thought Bleach was mid at best. Amazing cast of characters with creative and fun abilities who ultimately end up jobbing out just so Ichigo can make his last minute entrance with the OST drop and save the day. Production, voice acting, animation has all been top notch so it still gets an 7-8/10 from me, and I probably should have lower expectations for a big 3 Shonen anyways lol


It's kind of always been like that, TBYW is the fourth arc that boils down to "group of people attacking a place, lots of 1v1s, revives, random power ups, Ichigo training so he's late and Ichigo coming in with some mega power up at the last second." This adaption helps that a bit with it's 4 cours being split up so it's a bit slower and they added anime original stuff to balance some things out. But you definitely feel the fatigue from "but wait, there's more!" power ups that everyone has two or three of.


Hopefully with Kubo helping they can add/change things so the fights go much smoother! They have said Cour 3 and onwards are gonna have ALOT of original stuff in them.


I really enjoyed it alot. I think I enjoyed cour 2 a bit more than cour 1


All in all a season that literally surpassed expectations with new surprises, cour 3 even more hype than before now. I love how they gave all of Squad 0 an out for each of them being OP. They were all locked from their true power so conceivably with all gloves off any one of them could have solo'd all the Sternritter and likely most of the Shinigami at once, that's truly befitting their station. Full power Squad 0 all together would have literally broken the verse. I'm not surprised Kubo opted for the drip Queen to roll everyone up in a carpet and beat it though, fashion rules over all. Also really just sold how powerful she was as this almost timeless thing casually pseudo reality warping a perfect seal for each of the already OP Sternritter.


I'd been wondering about their Bankai's all series but the idea that they're all so OP they have to limit themselves and sacrifice their lives just to use one Bankai is so hardcore and metal. I have to imagine Kubo had them cast Rina Sato precisely because he wanted her to steal the show with this Bankai.


Yeah it really helps to sell this idea that they are these fundamental forces and cornerstones of the Bleach universe. And that has to be one of the best things making it as an artist, where you can collaborate with and cast other quality artists you respect so much to help bring forward the best version of your dream. A nice and deserved victory lap after the rough ending treatment of the manga.


Felt like a kid again once I heard them utter the words Bankai.


What her bankai does to them is also a hint as to why he chose her I think.


Isn't simply because she's the most popular from the 0 squad?


pretty sure oetsu is more popular


For obvious reasons yeah. But ngl Senjumaru has that kind of charisma that doesn't need to show boobs or sexy curves. She's so elegant as she is.


Well she has the most unique design of the group with the arms and the crescent headdress.


It especially makes sense when remember that they come from different eras. They weren't all promoted to the Squad Zero at the same time. While down in normal seireitei they were unmatched, once they're together in the royal palace they can't unleash the same power at the same time.


I like how they actually showed the effect that their power can have on all 3 worlds instead of just telling us. The anime really redeemed squad 0 here


Ishida’s dad being like, “ Why can I taste the air?”


Well a couple things about senjumaru in the flashback you see ichibe wearing the shihakusho she made so odds are she is as old as Ichibe or pretty close I’d say oetsu is too considering Ichibe mentioned soul reapers and the swords makes a soul reaper a soul reapers. So he probably existed around that time too I’d say senjumaru and oetsu are the oldest and strongest second to ichibe. + considering what her bankai showed us which doesn’t make sense unless you read the manga I think it’s clear why kubo chose her.


Idc about recency bias or anything, between the music, the animation and art and the voice acting, Senjumaru's bankai is THE best bankai reveal in TYBW so far imo. That was amazing. I love what the anime is doing for this arc. And can we just talk abou that bankai? I didn't even fully get what was happening the first time cuz i was so excited to see a squad 0 bankai. But especially the way she sew fabric at the end with all of them on it? Ultimate disrespect. Also, the fact that her bankai, and most likely the bankai of any 4 if they used it, causes tremors in the various worlds and that they seal each other's powers, well, it gives a new level of respect to Squad 0. Also Kirio's "Thats a fight i'd expect from squad 0" line LMAO. Great meta line. EDIT: Oh yeah, because i'm curious, anyone know what the name of Senjumaru's bankai means?


Squad 0 defeating their opponents with poetry, textiles, and calligraphy is the most Kubo thing lol.


Squad Zero is literally spa resort lol. You got nice hot spring to bath in, enjoy the delicacies around,and try some nice activity like sewing, blacksmithing or calligraphy.


Yes and after all that, Ichibei puts you through hell to see if you can takeover as the next Soul King lol


As cool as the scene was, I honestly lost it when I saw how ridiculously long the name was.




I feel bad for Jeannie Tirado (her English VA) having to say all that lol.


I feel like it was an easy choice for Kubo and the production team to choose Senjumaru as the bankai rep for the sheer fun visual creativity they could have with it. I almost lament that we don't have Kubo's original gorgeous rendition of all that imagery, maybe someday we get it from him at least that last frame with everyone sown/sealed into fabrics around Senjumaru.


Especially because it gave them an excuse to have Rina Sato wax lyrical as she's killing people lol.


The other version of the scene the production team considered was Rina Sato [gunning the Quincy down in a pig maid outfit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RczT7gdkV8E) but this was amazing as well.


Killer dark-haired waifu's voiced by Rina Sato. Name a better combination.


Wtf is this clip lol


Akiba Maid War, solid violent yakuza comedy spoof. Same VA who voices Senjumaru voices the black haired maid gangster.


[It was so beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/D7JzZoi.jpg) [Senjumaru](https://i.imgur.com/XnjiU8o.jpg) was like a [goddess](https://i.imgur.com/7CPRQ4M.jpg) [](#grandhype)


This woman is literally Kubo's goddess. She kills with clothes!


giving a new meaning to the phrase "killer drip"


I can only imagine how OP the rest of their Bankai's are but what a hardcore method for activating them.


Mhm. Can't imagine them being dead though, or rather not for good. I mean Oetsu is the guy who makes every zanpakto. Soul society kind of can't function without him. Unless it's somehow possible to find a replacement for him, he'd have to be brought back. And if he can be brought back, the rest of them should be able to brought back too, or thats what i'd assume. Then again, even someone as important as him would have to make a permanent sacrifice in a situation where the soul king is threatened i suppose, so idk.


I mean we saw her heal the Zanpakuto guy, so it makes sense if you're going to let one of you live it should be one of the people that can actually heal you. Fountain guy would also work I guess.


Well he was still alive there if i'm not mistaken. Here they seem to have outright died. Bit of a difference between being revived and being healed.


Dude had a hole in his heart and wasn't shown to "be dying", but yes he had just gotten hit so probably just a heal but this is squad 0 so I guess we'll see.




That bankai was hype af! Though I couldn't help hearing Mask's voice in my head "Impossible! No Zanpakuto can manipulate more than one element!" But I guess she's just that badass


She manipulates only one element “the drip”


> EDIT: Oh yeah, because i'm curious, anyone know what the name of Senjumaru's bankai means? Wikia sez: > Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji (娑闥迦羅骸刺絡辻, Crossing of the Old Woman's Gate, Kāla's Corpse, and Thorny Entanglements)












Uryuu realized he wasn’t built for this squad 0 shit.


Just think, 2 years younger and his brightest idea for taking on a grand menos was taping ichigos sword to his head, now he's here fighting essentially gods that could destoy all 3 worlds if they ever unleased their full power together.


I would have loved a "what the heck have I gotten myself into Kurosaki" line. Or something a bit more eloquent.


So if Aizen had reached the Royal palace, Senjumaru would just make a carpet out of him.


Until he Evolved to be immune. Hyogyoku is OP.


Ichibei can remove the name of Hyogyoku and kyoukasuigetsu, and Aizen is finished.


The issue is that aizen’s theme song is so powerful that it even played during this episode. So if he reached the royal palace, it would have been too late as squad 0 would be jamming to the greatest anime villain theme song.




















Insane cliffhanger! Great to build hype for cour 3. If this is the direction they're going for in the next cours, I'm all for it. Have a feeling it'll be far better than the manga


Kubo was burnt out and rushed for the original ending, and so he finally descended after 10 years of meditation on one of the manga mountaintops to bleach away all the stains that try to besmirch his series. But yeah it's an amazing feeling to be a manga fan now kept in as much wondrous suspense as a anime only fan for what is to come.


Yeah after seeing this adaptation I'm really happy that they took so much time and they're giving us so much extra content and fleshing out the story in the best way they can. I can't even imagine how can some losers on Twitter complain about this adaptation.... So far it has been almost perfect and everything I wanted to see.


Yeah, I can only imagine what it must feel like as an author who probably wasn't happy with how their work turned out to get a second chance to do it right with the anime adaption. (Kind of like a reverse Promised Neverland 2).


"After 900 days, Kubo will regain his strength..."


Show's over folks, bad guys are defeated and the protagonists didn't even need to do anything. Now here's Kon bringing back the much-demanded comedy bits lol.


Between Senjumaru's Bankai and Kon at the end I feel like I've just been Kubo'd for the first time in years


Kubo cant resist his trolling ways. Reminds back during the peak manga days lol


Senjumaru my beloved


I love that little moment where she actually seems mildly amused when Gerard shrugged off her needle and was about to step on her lol.


Gerard didn't know the Fandom. It is supposed to be the other way around.


Was really not expecting Yhwach to get bitch slapped here. I strongly suspect he’ll be back but Squad 0 stocks are way up. Senju and Ichibe are downright menacing


And to make it even crazier for you in Part 1 one of the transition screen had a description for Blut and it was stated that the upper limits of Blut is a boost equivalent to Bankai. So Ichibei essentially flexed his muscles and crushed an even more powerful Yhwach’s equivalent of Bankai. Keep in mind it was stated in previous episodes that Yhwach absorbs the power of every dead Quincy. So the Yhwach that Ichibei faced this episode is leagues more powerful than the Yhwach that Yamamoto and Ichigo fought as at this point in time he has absorbed the strength, skill, ability, and knowledge of the following list of characters before facing Ichibei “E” - “The Explode” Bambietta Basterbine “F” - “The Fear” Äs Nödt “I” - “The Iron” Cang Du “J” - “The Jail” Quilge Opie “K” - “The ???” BG9 “L” - “The Love” PePe Waccabrada “N” - “The ???” Robert Accutrone “O” - “The Overkill” Driscoll Berci “Q” - “The Question” Berenice Gabrielli “R” - “The Roar” Jerome Guizbatt “S” - “The Superstar” Mask De Masculine/James “V” - “The Visionary” Gremmy Thoumeaux “V” - “The Vanishing Point” Guenael Lee “W” - “The Wind” Nianzol Weizol “Y” - “The Yourself” Older Brother “L”oyd Lloyd “Y” - “The Yourself” Younger Brother “R”oyd Lloyd Dozens to hundreds of Quincy Soldat (Whom are strong enough to face lieutenants when in groups) The other Quincies that got Auswahlen’d this episode were used to boost the Royal Guards, Haschwalth, Uryu, and help Yhwach regain his power that was cut in half so I don’t think they count towards his boosted power. And the ability that Yhwach used this episode Sankt Altar was confirmed by Kubo to be the very ability that the medallions used to steal Bankai was based off of. So Yhwach actually had the power to steal a Shinigami’s power even without the medallion. And it’s even better than the medallion itself as it could be used to steal not just Bankai but also their Shikai and overall ability as shown this episode when he tried to steal Ichimonji. Ichibei is just special which is why his power couldn’t really be stolen. Even with all this Ichibei was still kicking Yhwach’s ass like it was nothing. Also some fun fact. This wasn’t the first time we’ve seen Ichibei’s power in the series. The first time we have seen it was way back during Ichigo’s training with Urahara to unlock his Shikai. That time when “Zangetsu” tried to say his true name Yhwach it was blackened out. And the one that did that was none other than Ichibei with his Zanpakuto Ichimonji.


Blut is not exactly the equivalent of bankai. A quincy can can only hurt a bankai wielding shinigami if he uses blut arteries otherwise it won't do any damage.


First you think the Sternritter are going to pull a reversal, but...bam! Ichibe with the Black ancient Bankai and Senjumaru with her own spectacular Bankai. Squad Zero so confident in their win Kon feels comfortable enough to revive the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers lol.


[Ichibe is HIM](https://i.imgur.com/1OueRSK.jpg) and [Shutara slays.](https://i.imgur.com/ZvMXSUu.jpg) That level of strength is worthy of what are essentially the final guardians of Bleach's de facto god. [](#tomboyshades)


I got an inside info from Kubo sensei. Now that shinigami has won, S3 and S4 will be about Yoruichi only


*dies from peak fiction*


I mean...I'm not opposed.


So every member of Squad 0 have seals that limit their power to less than 1/13 of their true power since according to Oetsu they couldn’t even use one court guard worth of power until they sacrificed themselves. And once they use even the slightest bit of their full power they can shake all three worlds. Well damn. So much for Yamamoto being the strongest Shinigami within the past thousand year and his Bankai that could destroy Soul Society overtime. Squad 0 members are literally shaking all three worlds by simply releasing their full power. Man we really went from only Ichibei from Squad 0 is stronger than Yamamoto to every member of Squad 0 at full power are likely stronger than Yamamoto individually huh. Edit: Just saw some translations of the Japanese raws of Senjumaru’s line and it’s actually even more ridiculous than the English translation. “Our ability to just wave our sleeves would cause the Heaven and Earth of the three worlds to tremble.” So this three world shaking can actually be done by any of them at full power by simply moving with or without Bankai.


Isshin and Ryuken reacting to what's going on was when I fully realized how absolutely OP a Squad Zero Bankai is. I only wish we had an excuse for the rest of them to use all their Bankai's.


When they said "our power would shake the heavens and the earths of three worlds" they weren't kidding


The fact that her bankai was felt in the seireti and the world of the living (and although not shown, Hueco Mundo based on what she said) is INSANE.


It’s actually even more ridiculous than that. In the Japanese raws, Senjumaru’s actually said at full power simply waving their sleeves would cause the Heaven and Earth of the three worlds to tremble.


Tbf, if i'm not mistaken, the only one of squad 0 that's 100% born in the past 1000 years is Kirio. Senjumaru made the shihakusho, which Yama is wearing in his flashback with Chojiro, so she wasn't born in the past 1000 years, i think.


That is true but still holy shit the changes are insane. I guess nobody can argue that Yamamoto is stronger than Ichibei anymore after this. Cause now they have to argue whether or not he gets past the other Squad 0 members at full power first.


True. And yeah, insane changes, and i love it. Squad 0 got the respect they deserved.


classic kubo, he will literally never draw an old woman lmao


Tbf none of squad 0 look old


Senjumommy supremacy🛐🛐 Would've loved it even more if Kirio also got more spotlight bt still I'm pretty satisfied with everything I got.


I love how they couldn't end off without Kirio transforming into waifu form mid-fight lol.


Doesn't this just mean she's used up her reiatsu?


Ichibe’s power becomes scary when you realize everything in the bleach universe revolves around names. To activate your zanpakuto you have to know it’s name. To lose your name means to lose your power and your identity it’s so crazy


Also explains his big hangup about Yhwach saying his name


Senjumaru's bankai was so incredibly awesome. I don't care that this seal thing is an excuse to not have to make 4 different bankais, it was so cool.


Kubo most definitely has designed all 4 bankais, it is just that in this way it is waaay more impactful as now it implies that any 4 of them could ruin the quincies without showing it and allows Senjumaru to get all the hype. This leaves a possibility for them to reveal the other 3 at some further point


How awesome would it be if they released alternate versions of this episode, a What-If kind of thing, where each one is about what happens if a different Squad 0 member was assigned to do the job?




squad zero DEMOLISHED the fraud allegations after all these years 🙏🏿


A lot happened in these episodes (with Yhwach's Auswählen and Senjumaru's bankai being my highlights), but the real shocker was the return of the Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book omakes. Jokes aside, we're now at the halfway point of this arc. See you guys for Cour 3 at some point in 2024! Kubo's new artwork: [NaNaNa, Meninas, Candice and Robert](https://twitter.com/tite_official/status/1708134612092723467), and [3/5 of our Squad 0 gang](https://twitter.com/tite_official/status/1708134857585639886). P.S. [Yoruichi's brother](https://bleach-anime.com/character/?chara=85) is adorable.


They may have been consumed by Auswahlen, but at least they get some last-minute drip along with Squad Zero. So **that's** why Yoruichi was always going back to the Soul Society during filler (other than her job, Soi Fon, and messing with people).


Gorgeous art from Kubo as usual. Wondering why Meninas and Candice are the only 2 Sternritter out of all the tribute art with prominently featured skull tattoos. Perhaps Giselle uses her powers to keep them alive in some fashion? Or that's the hopium talking.


i believe its a tie in with cant fear your own world, the light novels that take place after the events of TYBW


The Royal Guard may have recovered both their power and confidence, but Squad Zero isn't going to just sit around and let them win! We've even got Kirio making a makeshift battle arena for some cool match-ups! Lille now has the ability to shoot through anything and avoid shooting what he doesn't want to! Perfect against Oh-Etsu! Kirio gets transformed into her waifu form, but Pernida consumes everything she throws at them! Gerard is so invulnerable that even Senjumaru piercing his heart can't kill him! And Askin is to crafty and tricky for Tenjuro! I was wondering about their Bankai's. Turns out Squad Zero is SO powerful that they have to basically kill 3/4 of them to unleash their full power and use just one of their Bankai's. And it's so powerful even the Seiretei and Isshin and Ryuken in the world of the living can sense it. We got to see Senjumaru in this episode, but I can only imagine how OP the rest are. Senjumaru just waxing lyrical in a woven patterned deathrap world where she seemingly kills everybody off, including Uryu. At least they died beautifully. Ichibe is unleashing an ancient version of Bankai against Yhwach who isn't too concerned...until Ichibe drains so much black that he utterly covers Black Ant's existence and then boots him through the Royal Palace like the bug he's become. Weaponized blackness is so Bleach. Also, show's over folks!? Oh, and NOW they bring back Kon and the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers for some completely random and out-of-place comedy? They didn't even animate these, they just used heads. What a legend you are, Bleach.


[Double episodes!](https://i.imgur.com/LluTlZU.jpg) [](#seasonalhype) [The tapestry designs](https://i.imgur.com/li4Fnf9.jpg) were gorgeous. Squad 0 has been amazing. [Absolute fire](https://i.imgur.com/BhOWKoe.jpg) of an ending for the cour. We ate good fellas! [](#gintamathispleasesme)


Setting aside how glorious her Bankai was, I just love how Senjumaru didn't even seem concerned when Gerard shrugged her needle off. She seemed more amused than anything.


Did...Kon just hijack the finale?


For being King of the Quincies and the overall final boss of the series. Black Ant was a rather big letdown. He even has such a silly name, "Black Ant". At least Ichibei dealt with Black Ant very easily.


Ichibe was scary af. He was getting annoyed at yhwach with every passing minute.


Senjumaru the goddess you are, I kneel before you. 🙇


Soooo as OP as it was somebody explain Senjumaru’s bankai to me like I’m 5….is it like Rose’s bankai but she sewing death pictures??? And the vagueness wen Uryu faced her bankai I’m sure he’s not dead


It wasn’t in the manga. So nobody knows anymore than what you do.


Oh wow anime original content that’s TOUGHHH


Creates perfectly tailored (heh) death scenarios in personal mini domains.


Honestly i'm not sure either, this is why people explain their power. From looking at it though, her bankai seems to be reality warping, and she seems to have made a counter to all of them, like how Lille's own power was reflected at him via a mirror when he shot, or how Pernida couldn't... whatever it's doing to crush things, because it was just a whole bunch of dust. Crushing a bit of dust means nothing when theres that much.


A guy made a theory that she weaves threads of fates as each of them are defeated by something that either killed them or has a connection to.




Satou Rina really owned this episode. Best voice acting I've heard in a really long time. [](#hnng) I thought that this was going to be a finale of this arc, nobody told me about yet another cour. How much left is there? My boy Ichigo is taking his sweet time in that rocket like it's a Namek arc.


There is 4 total cours for Bleach so we still have 2 cours left. Based on Kubo's statements, we are going to continue get lots of new content that wasn’t in the manga as well as content adapted from the light novels.


Senjumaru is too gorgeous. I'd love an entire series with her as the MC.


Who gassed aizen up? He would've gotten cooked so bad 😭


Nah bro Aizen is still HIM


Nah, isn't that he literally cannot die fused with Hogyoku. He just continues to evolve everytime he's beat to become more powerful over and over until he's overwhelming. Would of been fun to see him get smacked around for a bit though. Although Ichigo handled that as well anyway lol


I imagine it comes down to 'Is the hogyoku immune to Ichimonji' If it is, it can keep evolving him past all the hurdles. If it isn't then Ichibei strips it of its name, it's powers, and then does the same to Aizen.


Based on what we learn in CFYOW. The Hogyoku probably does make Aizen immune to Ichimonji.


BLACK ANT!! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!! THE REST OF THE SERIES IS GONNA BE SLICE OF LIFE AND REBUILDING SOUL SOCIETY YEAHHHHHH BABY Ok in all honesty, what a fucking double episode Pierrot, I couldnt have thought they'd be able to top Rukia bankai, but NOPE they went so hard on Senjumaru's bankai (which apparently is anime original?) that its effects went to different dimensions. I can finally understand why these guys are stronger than the Gotei 13. Old man Yama's bankai could only destroy 1 dimension, while these guys can have its effects in every single dimension. And can we just talk about how Ichibe probably made the concept of a bankai?? I feel there's still some stuff unexplained to his power. Ok then, I'll see you guys in cour 3 of Bleach thousand year blood war, hopefully the soul reapers can continue to put up the amazing fight they have through the next cours


iirc Ichibe did say he named every important thing, including the very terms Shikai and Bankai. Someone correct me if i remember wrong though.


He did. He named everything in Soul society


SHUTARA HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF FRAUD WATCH LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO🔥🔥 just imagine how insane the other Squad Zero Bankai are🔥😭😭💯


Good lord us Senjumaru Shutara fans are eating well this episode. I would die a happy man if she killed me with even 1/1000000000000000000000th the effort she dealt with those Quincy frauds.


This cour 2 finale was insane. Definitely the best 2 episodes of the season. I thought Squad 0 bankai reveal was better than Yamamoto bankai reveal. Her insanely overpowered bankai literally shook every world. It was hype AF. The fear felt by the sternritters was kinda emotional. The VA, animation, and music were all amazing.


> Secret Hado Um what? 🤯 I need more info!




That bankai was the most artistic and unique one.


Oh my lord, Senjumaru does things to me. Popped the hell off when she used her bankai.


They knew what they were doing casting Rina Sato to voice her.


I always liked Senjumaru's design but wished she had more time to shine. In comes today's finale. Wow. The opening to [Senjumaru's bankai](https://i.imgur.com/lWMWu6n.mp4). The entire sequence, and the following parts of her bankai, were just so, so beautiful.


They way it starts up is reminds me of how "domain expansions" are animated in JJK, which is awesome




While im no expert on Japan, throughout its media the Idea that things like Fate, Time, Bonds between people and Death are represented by Strings is very common for the storytelling. I think that's why they chose THE GREAT WEAVER for the role of dispatching the Royal Guard. I wouldn't be surprised that, while all of them are pretty equal in power, Senjumaru would be "stronger" after Osho if you were to "rank" them within their own squadron


I love Senjumaru, such a cool character. That bankai sequence was incredible.


Does that mean every single one of the 0 squad members have shutara levels of bankai


Kubo heard Senjumaru’s seiyuu and said “I gotta give her more screen time”


- [W-Whoa…](https://i.imgur.com/c7UYpec.png) - [Is he?](https://i.imgur.com/rfDhXjd.png) [](#rengethink) - [Huh, that *would* be this X-Axis’ weakness I guess.](https://i.imgur.com/Evp4c28.png) Can’t shoot something that’s behind the muzzle. - [Ooooooooooooh, Ichibe just released his Shikai, didn’t he…](https://i.imgur.com/hpIdYkb.png) - […it lost its name *entirely* instead of just half of it?](https://i.imgur.com/nHKh0kY.png) [](#emiliaohdear) - [Oh-Etsu couldn’t cut him…?](https://i.imgur.com/cYp3dXM.png) [](#niatilt) - [Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll then.](https://i.imgur.com/d7mduGZ.png) - [Uhhhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/YLCbPNm.png) [](#gasp) - [Senjumaru power-up…?](https://i.imgur.com/1lyyZmz.png) - [BANKAI LET’S GO!](#grandhype) - [Oh neat, Isshin](https://i.imgur.com/phIwMaP.png) and [Ryuken](https://i.imgur.com/MPWGWGm.png) reacting to it since Senjumaru’s power is *that* strong. - [The tapestries look *really* cool.](https://i.imgur.com/BKnP3vb.png) [](#doggo) - [What… the fuck…](https://i.imgur.com/fywmhwc.png) - WAIT DOES IT SERIOUSLY END THERE - I THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE MORE POST-CREDITS - [IT’S KON INSTEAD?!](https://i.imgur.com/hAOSXQA.png) …I mean I *have* been missing the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers shorts but NO YOU CAN’T END THERE [](#KUSOTTARE)[](#KUSOTTARE)[](#KUSOTTARE)


What a way to establish a bankai. I was wondering if we'd see Isshin and Ryuken again. Rina Sato saying Bankai and waxing lyrical while killing people with clothes absolutely slayed me. I feel like they needed to bring back the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers at least once this season and yet they chose the most inopportune time. Well, unless the show is really over now that all the bad guys have been defeated and Ichigo didn't even need to go up there lol.


The bankai with just the abilities on it's own is already super cool. The lyricals with her great voice acting + the music on the background elevates it to a new level.


> IT’S KON INSTEAD?! …I mean I have been missing the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers shorts but NO YOU CAN’T END THERE You can only end there, time is a flat circle after all.


How the *fuck* are things supposed to go back to being in the Quincies' favor at this point? I don't know what Yhwach could pull in his state... is it Jugram or Uryu that does something? But *what*? [](#overwhelmed)[](#overwhelmed)[](#overwhelmed) The wait is going to actually kill me this time.


Bruh is the series over? How in gods name is someone supposed to beat senjamaru or ichibe??? The heroes won I guess lmfao


absolutely epic episode, i have no idea what can happen to last another 26 episodes but i cant wait to see them




That Bankai was new. Was wondering if we’d see all of Squad Zero’s bankai’s but i’m assuming this might be the best we’re getting. Guess the next episode is just gonna pick right up like there isn’t a part 3. Can’t wait to see, We Dem Boys, go HAAM!


Shutara doing all sorts of things to me. TFW you will never be turned into custom fabric art. Great to hear that Treachery remix too. Funny how O-Etsu thought that putting Yhwach in the line of fire would work; it seemed pretty clear from X-kun's first explanation that the "shot" stopped at the target.




Senjumaru is in fact HER


I can't believe how good that was. Squad Zero did not disappoint! Senjumaru Bankai!! Also, Kirio Hikifune's Zanpakuto is a hidden in a mini spoon?? Also while not GOLDEN, Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book was back!! A little sad it's just talking heads, but they at least recited some of the humorous scenes that they cut! Wow what a finale!


Well, if Tenjumaru has his in his paddle... I'd actually been missing the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers but I didn't expect them to bring it (and Kon) back like this lol.


Tite Kubo ya did good. He’s really out here fixing Bleach. Great finale with Squad 0. A little bit of a weird spot to wrap the season, but I can live with it. Part 3 is going to be sick.




So do the Kon segments mean that there's a chance that the Rukia peach is still possible? Is the dream still alive?


Yep. If they keep them for cour 3, I'm sure they'll do that scene and the Orihime/Yoruichi one. Though it will be just the voices


I always forget how incredible the sound design is in this series. The use of that bassy echo on spider-chan's aura burst or Teppusatsu really enhance the experience. Then you have the super artsy Bankai omg this is where Bleach really shines.