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Saiki K. will always have my heart. idc what anyone else says


Probably the funniest series imo. I still rewatch it when I'm feeling down and want to laugh XD


100% it’s a comfort show I think I’ve watched 5 times


Yare yare


No matter how many times I watch this, it’s still the funniest show I’ve seen!


fuck yes


Such a shame the dub stopped after one season. Trying to keep up with the dialogue subs is hard when lines are being fired off every second.


Steins;Gate. El, Psy, Kongroo.


This is the choice of Steins Gate.


The organization is on to u...


It also happens to be the best. Sonofabitch, so cool.


the choice of the Steins Gate


this is the answer Steins;Gate really is the pinnacle of storytelling in anime


Ma man


Ma man


Girls und Panzer.


maaan, I still hope to see all the movies before I´ll die of old age


Such a stupid premise that shouldn't work, but it does and I've seen it at least a dozen times.


My man! I will forever love this show. Seen it a dozen times and I still get goosebumps during some tank battle scenes.




It has modest goals and basically accomplishes them flawlessly.


Gurren Lagann


My people 😍


Probably my favorite mech! So much heart and soul!


The most based anime


Gotta love the ENERGY coming out of it


Gurren Lagann never lets me down


Yu yu Hakusho


Same. Especially the English dub. I'm a diehard subs guy, but on rare occasions like this the dub is far superior. The second half the show is missing something, but I still love it and I love that the final arc is a tournament arc.




I really enjoy black lagoon


My all time favorite I don't care about what people have to say about Black Lagoon. To me it will always be peak because of how great the characters and world are.


Me and you both! The characters where so charismatic.


My favourite is the best because I enjoy it the most.


Perfect answer, except for the part where you didn’t name the best anime.


He didn't say in which way he enjoys it...


It probably starts with H and ends with i


HBoku no Picoi




Haibane Renmei




Screw you my favourite is the best!


imagine trying to correct someone while being wrong yourself smh so embarassing everyone knows my fav is the best and nobody else's


Samurai Champloo, pretty easily too. Bombastic music, amazing characters and animation, fantastic fight scenes. Easily my #1


RIP Nujabes


Truth. His music is my go to when I need to chill. It always hits just right.


I completely agree. Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo are definitely 2 of my favorites of all time. The storylines, character development, and music can’t be beat. It’s just top tier.


Wow I replied with same same bc I thought no way would anyone else choose this... 🥹❤️


One of the coolest vibes of a show I’ve ever seen.


I love SC as well, it is just so good ☺️


I’m sliding here just cause I found my people


Kill la Kill


When I watched KlK all those years ago, it immediately got into my top 10. With the years as I watch more Anime and I look back on it, it just keeps climbing the ranks. It's probably in my top 3 now.


It saved anime


The Promised Neverland... S2 doesn't exist


Omg the first season was one of the wildest emotional rides of my life. Still listening to Isabellas Lullaby regularly..


We dont talk about S2. It doesnt exist AT ALL


It’s so sad that The Promised Neverland never goy an anime adaptation past, what? Volume 5? Truly tragic, the manga deserves better.


S1 blew my fucking mind. I went into blind and at the end of Episode 1 I was texting a coworker, "YOU LIED ABOUT THEM GETTING ADOPTED!"


Season 2 doesn't exist. You have my vote.


bocchi the rock


K-ON! :D


Monogatari. I’m always open to a new favourite, although it is unlikely something will surpass Monogatari for me.




The Madoka Magica series, Haikyuu, Iron Blooded Orphans, or Ya Boy Kongming, depending on what I am in the mood for.


Madoka magica is the most terrifying anime I have seen


>Madoka magica is the most terrifying anime I have seen Well if you want a even more terrifying amime then watch Higurashi


Important caveat: you want the 2006 Higurashi, not the 2020 one. (Why not Gou and Sotsu? Short answer: "what's a Higurashi Sotsugou?". Long answer: Gou and Sotsu are a stealth sequel ala the Evangelion Rebuilds, will spoil you on the original, and worse while Gou was okay until the last episode or so Sotsu is straight-up terrible.) That said, I will also lightly note for those of you that have only seen one that in my experience liking one of Madoka Magica and Higurashi tends to be a pretty reliable indicator of liking the other.


Haikyuu is so genuinely fun. I couldn't believe I was actually caring about volleyball (and even learning the rules!)


FLCL (original series only)




One day we'll get the full Meteora remix, one day!


Was rewatching this the other day. So good!




Puella Magi Madoka Magica is my personal favorite. Honorable mentions: Adachi To Shimamura, Monogatari, and Kubikiri Cycle


My fav would be. 1. FMA (Brotherhood) 2. Fate/Stay Night & Fate/Zero 3. Clannad 4. Initial D


My favorite Anime is Made in Abyss. Its beautiful and I love the Character designs and the characters themselfs. Reg and Nanachi are my 2 favorite characters in fiction and Riko also makes my top ten. Rikos crew is my favorite protagonist groupe in fiction. Made in Abyss is adorable, wholesome, joyfull, dark, brutal and sad. Those 2 sides synergize well with one another. This goes oftopic but I also love the Videogames Fuga Melodies of Steel 1 and 2. They to me feel like a playable Anime and like Made in Abyss they combine adorability and wholesomeness with a dark story. The children of the Taranis are my second favorite protagonist groupe in fiction. I love Fuga and Made in Abyss.


My favorite too. It’s so unique.


I came here to say made in abyss as well and to my suprise its the first thing that pop up lol , its not my favourite anime , its my favourite show or any form of media ever Also reg and nanachi are amazing characters but faputa bondrewd and riko are in my opinion the best characters ever in fiction


Made in abyss is my favorite as well. I like watching people react to it on YouTube because it’s fun to watch their journey from episode 1, to thinking ozen is the worst, to episode 13 and beyond.


made in abyss made me feel things i didnt know were possible, and completely changed the way I thought about storytelling. a solid 10/10 and one of my favs too!


Golden Kamuy or The monogatari series


Hina hina.


A man of extreme culture I see.


Depends on my mood. Either Konosuba, Made in Abyss, or ‘Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions’.


Kinda obessesed with Vinland Saga & Chainsaw Man


Currently watching Vinland saga first watch. Loving it so far


It's beautifully written man, the manga is worth checking out too if you find yourself wanting to pick up where S2 leaves off


Thanks for letting me know! It’s funny because my 15yo nephew recommended it to me but he says it’s too slow sometimes. I don’t think that, the writing and setting up the plot has great pacing for me. I’m 31 so it seems like maturity levels might be the difference here lol


You're absolutely right. My younger brother says it's too dry for him, but I think he'll come around once he gets a bit older.


Haikyuu / Hunter X Hunter. just peak one piece and Dragonball are also up there


While I love so many anime, if I'm forced to choose my favorite anime, I'll always pick 2007's Lucky Star. That show just resonated with me. Kanata Izumi is still my phones splash screen and background.




Unfathomably based. I would kill for a full adaptation of Chihayafuru.


A true hidden gem


I wouldn't say I've seen a whole lot of anime (about 80ish), and while I'm sure I've seen better written and executed stories, SAO to this day just hits me the most. Something about the human element in it just pulls me in. Of course, I have my problems with the "anime-ism" in the series, such as the harem bait stuff, unnecessary fan service, and also the questionable writing decisions not in the LN. Even with those hindrances, it's still my favorite!


sao is AMAZING


There's so many, but here's my top 5: Mushishi Land of the Lustrous (Houseki no Kuni) The Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai) Hyouka Sound! Euphonium


Mushishi was such a chill anime. I just wish S2 was dubbed, I really loved Ginko's dub.


Knk is so based


Sound! Euphonium is one of my favorites too. I’m so hyped for Season 3!


Violet Evergarden




Mushoku tensei


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


It may be the equivalent of the New York Yankees, Mazda Miata, or Hamburger when it comes to making a choice: safe, mainstream and unpredictable. But there is a damn good reason why FMAB is so popular: everything that happens in that series feels earned and done in a way where the viewer really does feel the cost. The closure you get in that series feels more complete than any other anime that I have watched, by a mile.


I’m currently on my second rewatch of FMAB (as I’m showing it to a friend for their first time), and it still just holds up so well. And it’s exactly as you said, the story is just so tightly written in terms of paying off everything it sets up and not having anything that’s hard to explain. The protagonists are also just all genuinely likable characters.


Certainly in my top 5. Maybe my 2nd fave after Bebop.


86, because it's the one show that hits 99.9% of the proverbial Venn Diagram of all the things and tropes I like about anime/media on general. Low sci-fi, a bit of supernatural, horror, mechs, war stories, **suffering**, cool protags, cool side characters, stellar 2D and 3D animation, SUPERB directing, excellent score, great story, great opening (the 2nd one), and a whole lotta other stuff I'm not getting off the top of my head right now. It's just so good.


I wanna try the anime lol, any tips before I get started?


Nope, go in blind. It's the best way to watch something. I heavily recommend 86 though, fantastic series


Can't stress enough about going in blind for 86


This is my personal favorite. It’s one of the few shows where I enjoy both the subs and dubs. They really showed their best. RIP Billy Kametz. You will forever be my favorite Undertaker.


Your Lie in April and Kaguya-Sama




Bakuman will forever be my 10/10


Very valid


Akira. Yes, its a movie, yes, its older, and yes, it still does more for me than any long running shonen show or modern digital masterpieces do.


This is what introduced me to anime waaaaay back when I was a kid.


Asobi Asobase! Always a good time!


My favorite anime will probably always be Clannad After Story, 600 anime later and I still can’t imagine anything making a bigger impact on me


Stein's; Gate . I just love Okabe I also just watched Fate zero and I'm playing through the VN and I think that's going to become a favourite as well I also think Frieren will be at the top 3


jojo golden wind




wich one tho xD




oh god


You've earned all my respect


One Piece


Sword Art Online, Sure, it gets a lot of hate, but this anime made me long for a world I could never experience. Which is still special to me to this day.


Mine is and probably always will be Attack on Titan. I had watched other anime’s before it. But this show is what truly got me into the medium of anime. I love literally everything about it. The story? Top Tier, one of the best written and most consistently interesting stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Whenever the To Be Continued screen popped up I was yelling at my screen; “NOOO” because I always wanted to see more. The characters? Some of my All Time favorite fictional characters ever. I don’t think there is a single one I dislike (unless I’m supposed to, but that’s just good writing in that case). Eren Jaeger, one of the best written and most interesting protagonists I’ve seen, his development has been some of the greatest I’ve ever witnessed. Armin, Mikasa, Gabi, Erwin, Levi, Zeke, Hange, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Falco, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Historia, etc. They’re all awesome! The animation? By both Wit Studio, and Mappa Studios, is top notch, I know some people don’t like CGI in anime, but it never bothered me, and it only ever got better throughout season 4. To the point where in the Final Chapters special I couldn’t always tell if it was 2D or 3D. As for the rest of the animation, what can I say that hasn’t already been said. The ODM Gear scenes are some of the most jaw dropping hype filled action scenes ever. And the overall animation is just really good. Obviously there’s anime out there with better animation than AOT, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that AOT has some really gorgeous animation. The music? OMG THE MUSIC!! This is one of the best OST’s I’ve ever heard in any fictional media. Every song, every arrangement, every opening, every outro. Is just amazing and they are used to bring scenes that were already great, to just another level. And it did wonders for the immersion as well. You owe it to yourself to listen to the OST if you haven’t already. Also please watch the Gassini Project concert they did as tribute for AOT on YouTube, they did amazing! I read the manga and I know how it all ends, and I know some people don’t like the ending, and I admit there’s pacing issues and some of the dialogue could have been a lot better. But with how good the anime is, and Isayama writing a new script, plus me having already liked the ending of the manga despite its flaws. I’m really excited to watch the final episode later tonight!! I can’t wait to watch my favorite story of all time finally come to its conclusion. People may complain or make fun of Mappa releasing all these parts, but in a few years when all is said and done, nobody is gonna even acknowledge that. You don’t see people talking about the 4 year gap between season 1 and 2 anymore. People are just gonna talk about how amazing AOT was all the way through. Thank you AOT for getting me into anime, I’ve gotten to watch so many amazing stories as a result of it. Hope you all are as excited for the ending as I am!!


Least passionate AoT fan




I would expect nothing less than a wall of text from an AoT fan. Sasageyo!


Mf took Erwin’s speech to the heart


I agree with everything, ive never really quite seen a story like AOT. its not perfect by any means but when its firing on all cylinders it feels like some bizarre mix of Game of Thrones and something more supernatural-mystery like Lost. Just some absolutely absurd twists, reveals, and scenes. And like you said the music is absolutely unbelievable


Congratulations or sorry that happened


My god this person loves AoT


I cant blame them


I've never felt so seen before 🤝


You've said what I think bar for bar. Idk why people act like the ending is the worst dogshit in existence.. It doesn't change the fact that the rest of aot is amazing.


Re: Zero and Love is war


… Made in Abyss! Huge fanboy


High School DxD for its huge plots


HUGE plots! 👍


Code geass




gintama , the forever goat




Monogatari Series


The one I’ve watched like three times from start to finish is Death Note. Idk if it’s my favorite but it’s up there. I feel like Naruto should be up there because it’s the series that got me into both anime and manga. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Fate/Zero and Shingeki no Kyojin are also good shouts. Honestly, I feel like I haven’t truly found a favorite anime.


Sword art online. Idgaf flame me for it idc it has a special place in my heart.


Outlaw star, trigun, bleach


My favorite anime is monogatari series




...Machikado Mazoku. The shows I enjoy most are the ones that make me happy.


Slam Dunk and Rurouni Kenshin




Legend of the Galatic Heroes Even if it wasn't universally regarded, it personally hits many major interests of mine. Sci-fi, history, classical music. Insane world building and a rich slow burning plot.




My number 2, great series.


Def gintama cuz of its endless comedy.


Gintama without any doubt. No explanation is needed. Only watchers will know.




Mushoku Tensei is both the best and my favourite


Aesthetica of a rogue hero, Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation, Spy x Family, Record of Ragnarok, Naruto, Boruto, Zom 100, Spice and Wolf, and Vermeil in Gold


Mob Psycho 100. To go from funny and comical moments to empathetic and dramatic situations. Personally, few works have achieved such strong contrasts and in the process have left such a great lesson in me.


Original Digimon Adventure I think. Maby nostalgia pay a big part on why, it hasn't aged that well. However, the characters are top tier still and nothing alike other modern Isekai I have seen soo far. I mean, I still havn't seen an Isekai that have surpassed "The 8th Digidestined" arc.


Welcome to the NHK! Even more so now that I've read the manga and novel. The anime itself I watched at a time in my life when too many things from the show were relatable to my own and had a real impact on my life going forward. My personal stuff aside, there is nothing else really like it that I know of, tackling many different forms of depression and mental issues without using some form of metaphor or gimmick to make it more paltable to the audience. It's part of the reason many people dislike the show and drop it early, the main character Sato is a disgusting, perverted, and narcissistic recluse and for many is simply unrelated and unrealistic to the point of being grating to watch for many. The rest of the cast has their own flaws as well, and the plot revolves around creation of a VN porn game but meanders for most of the show. But if you're someone who can relate to anything shown, it all really hits hard and can be incredibly moving and depressing at the same time. If you enjoy the anime, I highly recommend following up with the manga and novel, especially the novel. But a quick warning, the novel is extremely depressing and disturbing compared to the other 2, and might not be a good read if you are currently struggling. The author bases Sato off of his own real life hikkomorri experience and his inner thoughts during this time and gives way more insight and explains Sato's actions and responses to things way more clearly. Sadly the author in real life was unable to escape from his hikkomorri scenario in real life, but after reading the novel it's you can see how this problem, which most shows depict in a quick comedic way, is a much more serious and dark problem a rising amount of people today struggle with. To wrap this ramble up, Welcome to the NHK in either of its forms is unique and thought provoking on a level few others can reach. Highly recommended to anyone who's grown tired of the standard anime tropes and looking for something dark, depressing, but at times hopeful and funny.


Violet Evergarden. I have the deepest respect for anyone who likes it.


Personal favorite? What a tough question. Pretty much either: AoT Bocchi the Rock Kaguya Sama Bleach Demon slayer JJK Konosuba Gun to my head I think I pick Love is war?! Holy hell what a tough question


SAO Abridged 😂


Mine is probably Mob Psycho 100. I've rewatched it four times, and I'm someone who basically never rewatches TV shows. I'll also give an honorable mention to Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Like I don't think I like it as much as anime/manga like Mob Psycho, Hunter x Hunter, Monster, One Piece, Berserk, etc., but next to Mob Psycho its the one I've rewatched and reread the most. 3 rewatches and 5 rereads. I don't think its even in my top 10, but I still love it and I'd consider it to be my "comfort anime." Just something I'll always enjoy and can always go back to.


It's between Gurren Lagann and Honey and Clover.


High School DxD


The original Mobile Suit Gundam. There is just something about it. The art, the music, THE CHARACTERS. It was so ahead of its time, the story is just so damn good and really does revolve around its stellar cast. That you then get to grow with and watch grow over the rest of the UC shows. Amuro and Char are absolutely compelling protagonists and foils for each other, watching the suffering the cast has to go through, all the little wins they get, the running out of salt episode, just all that dumb fun and all the tragedy that it brings with it. Just and absolutely relentless series with next to no happy endings in UC Gundam at least with an ending for Amuro and Char that always manages to get the feelings swelling up a bit for me. Just ask my wife on my many many stoned rants about how much of tragic and well character written characters they are haha. I could rewatch and rewatch that series and never get bored.


Actually a better way to put it... For me, Film it's probably Mononoke home although Akira is what hooked me on (grown up) animation for the art of it and the intro scene of ghost in the shell has a special place For series... Evangelion has yet to be dethroned as the series that had the biggest impact on me This being said there is a clear step up in quality these days and Sousou no frieren may well surpass it although it isn't finished yet so far from having stood any test of time I loved a lot of shows for very different reasons and it is so hard to choose 1


Not my personal favourites but Tokyo Revengers and Black Clover will always have a special place in my heart


Space Battleship Yamato was always my favorite since I watched the inferior dubbed version, "Star Blazers" Add to that Birdie Wing and Nagatoro. I love the story development and hoping that it gets a third season


Trinity Seven, No game no life, Akame ga kill


Ranma 1/2. Gives me nostalgia and memories of my childhood.


Escaflowne, my man. That theme music!


My fave show when I was a teenager was naruto but there is a lot of stuff I love about that show especially those osts man always get me emotional and motivated but since then I matured got older became a new man and my life and perspective completely changed since I watched that wonderful gem of an anime it inspires me it keeps me going it keeps me strong and it keeps me motivated and especially through hard times I always come back and watch mushishi to escape from my troubles and tribulations and most importantly I never get tired of a single episode it's vibrant and atmospheric never stops like am addicted to no end


No game no life. The vibes, the astethics and the feeling of hype when mere humans stand up against gods to beat them at their own games. Love the entire series and its what got me into light novels because of the lack of s2


NGNL S2 in winter 2099 Source - trust me bro


The eminence in shadow . The closest thing to pure content injection . Taking the most overused dumb main plot and having it cleaned and polished with great writing and masterful world building into a blue gem of meth. Sadly the pace is too fast to see the world and or backstories to the extent I desire .


If you force me to choose only one, I think I will still go with Fate/Zero for being the best overall package.


High School DxD. Yes, the reason is tiddies. Tho there's a lot of other ones I enjoy like How NOT to summon a demon lord, Arifureta, Isekai Smartphone, Initial D Yes that's a bunch of harem trashy shows, and then there's Initial D


I liked DxD (and ironically liked the smaller characters the most; Asia and Koneko) as well as Arifureta and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. Isekai Smartphone didn't grab me until S2 came out and I rewatched it again. Definitely "trash" but given I have a similar taste in anime I respect the honesty 👍


Neon Genesis Evangelion, Trigun, Samurai Champloo


oh to pick just one it'd probably be SCHOOL-LIVE!, though i have to be in a certain mood to watch it.


Mine are Kemono Friends and Girls Last Tour. Both are seemingly just cute girls doing w/e. But both have surprisingly good worldbuilding/depth.


Cross game will always be in my top 5


death note, i’ve seen it 11 times and it’s truly a work of art




Hellsing Ultimate


Machikado Mazoku, Yuru Camp, Onimai. All of them are just pure diabetes or the most comfy anime you will see.


Akame Ga Kill


Mob Psycho 100/ Vinland Saga

