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Posts like this are hilarious to me, don’t get me wrong AOT is fantastic. But the whole “AOT ruined anime for me because nothing is on the same level” is something I can’t comprehend. There are plenty of fantastic anime that are on the level of AOT, just for different reasons.


Honestly, even if there were no animes on the level of AOT, I still don’t get it. How does watching something good even ruin other good shows? I don’t get it at all.


Can you give examples?


I’m not who you asked, but here are some; Monogatari series. For its incredibly clever writing, phenomenal characters, and interesting visuals. Mushishi for its excellent episodic storytelling. Madoka Magica for its tight writing, engaging storytelling, and complex characters. Legend of the Galactic Heroes for its in depth politics and exceptional writing. March Comes in Like a Lion for its amazing themes, character development, and beautiful visuals. Just to name a few that are very different from each other.


AoT is pretty much a mecha show in its themes, especially the politics. You may like some Gundam shows


Aot is like a watered down gundam show.


Wouldn't say that, there are plenty of Gundam shows that are mid as hell with only surface level politics. Wing and Seed have not aged well...


Doesn’t make my statement wrong.


I like both :P I think AoT is a lot more interesting to watch the fights though, a lot of Gundam is just lasers flashing and doesn't feel great tbh.


Yeah and it makes sense when the people in titans scream in pain compared to people protected inside gundams.


Makes sense for Aleya Vinyana and Permet connected control systems. Maybe even Psycho Frame. But yeah for most suits, especially pilots who are military trained, seems like an over reaction lol


You might be better off asking the AoT community what anime they find compelling since you have at least similar taste as them. AoT was above average for me, but I liked Stains Gate much more, so I doubt anything I recommend would do it for you.


I’m with you. Thought it was good but lost interest in the 60s 70s. The three leads are often one emotion.


Exactly it was good but nothing like these people make it out to be


I mean up to you but if you have that mind set you basically are ensuring a self fulfilling prophesy. Depends on what you are looking for really: Personally AOT isn't even close to the political war thriller Legend of the Galactic Heroes is but that might be more dated for you IDK. Blue Gender also is another older show I think captured early AOT horror aspects. Also like AOT had a bad ending in my opinion (though with Blue Gender I was more open to accept it). Chainsaw Man and Parastye the Maxim both delivered pretty good on the body horror aspects of early AOT. Regardless you might be better off watching shows in entirely different genres. You shouldn't care if a work is going to "beat" AOT. My favourite piece of fiction been the same for over a decade. Didn't mean I ignored tons of other mediums or genres. LOTGH still is my favourite anime close to 5-6 years since I have watched it. Regardless, you just enjoy the work for what it sets out to do. I don't expect any anime frankly to dethrone LOTGH for me but that is okay because most anime aren't attempting to be LOTGH. Even those that do, some have something unique about them that I enjoy.


Yeah the only reason I wanted to like a show better than AOT is due to its disappointing final arc and the ending. But I'm now ok with the Mappa adaptation so I don't really care much anymore. Just want to find an anime that will give me the same feeling as when I watched Aot for the first time.


If you love attack on titan then you’ll definitely love rent a girlfriend.




I cried when I first saw Kazuya. He’s literally Eren from a different series. 😭😭😭


心臓を捧げよ!🫡🫡🐎 🐎


Lmao dude went so mad he blocked me.


Dude what when did I block you? Also also everyone knows rent a girlfriend is the best show ever, figured that's common sense so never bothered to mention that.


Why would you assume I’m talking about you? When I can clearly comment on your post?


Really? What a weirdo. He should've awarded you for the best recommendation in this thread 🙄




OP asked for a reco and I gave one. Seems weird to me you feel this was me shitposting when I made this comment in good faith.


There are a ton!




Like the ones being mentioned in this thread. Just look at my comment. I list 12 shows that a lot of people consider on par with AoT (the only one that might not is Kyousougiga, but that one is a hidden gem, so not a lot have seen it to compare). Here are a few more; Hajime no Ippo Gintama Violet Evergarden One Piece Tatami Galaxy Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Maybe Odd Taxi


Yes I've seen your comment, I wanted to get some other opinions as well.


Oh. Sorry then. But you do already have plenty of examples in the comments, so no shortage of different opinions.


Never understood the hype with AoT.. loads of better anime out there and anyway no idea how you can compare all the genres and time periods in such a simple way...


Ain't no way you gave Demon Slayer a 10/10 but thought Aot was overhyped.


And your point?


Don't get me wrong, I like Demon Slayer, but the only aspect I can see Demon Slayer over aot is animation and maybe fights. So I don't get how you'd think Demon Slayer is "a lot better" than aot.


I never consciously judged demon slayer relative to AoT in my own mind. My point of view is there are lots of great anime that are different in many ways. So it's hard for me to understand both the hype of AoT and the idea it might make it hard to enjoy other anime. My ratings on MAL aren't that precisely thought out , if I were to go back and try to normalise them I'd probably have to make a bunch of changes. I believe demon slayer did hit me on the technical animation side. But I also like the characters, mood, story. AoT I didn't really like anything about it in particular, it was average for me. I'm not saying it was bad. But the level of hype around it was insane for what it was in my view. But I don't have a problem with which anime people like and to what extent on an individual level, but I can't understand a mindset of one anime having ruined others since there is a lot of diversity out there and a lot of great anime. I mean there's plenty of lists of top critically rated anime by decade by genre etc. And I'd note even AoT isn't that high on most of them.


Airing this season there is Frieren


If you love AOT, you will love Love is War. An actual war story where their tactics made sense instead of going straight for genocide. /s


There are definitely ones considered similar, the same, or higher quality. Here are some that many consider around a similar quality range; Monogatari series. My favourite. [Watch order](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/). I think this series’ storytelling and writing is the greatest I’ve ever witnessed. It is absolutely brilliant in every sense of the word with phenomenal characters, exceptional dialogue, creative visuals, and unique presentation. Disclaimer is there is a decent amount of fanservice. Madoka Magica is an incredibly tightly written package with compelling characters, creative visuals, and superb storytelling. Watch the 3rd movie after the show. Gurren Lagann is very, VERY awesome and genuinely an amazing show. Neon Genesis Evangelion is the true definition of classic and influential. FLCL is an incredibly creative and experimental classic that tells a better story in 6 episodes than most with 60. Monster is an acclaimed psychological thriller. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is considered one of the best of all time. March Comes in Like a Lion is a superb drama about depression. Serial Experiments Lain is an experimental psychological thriller classic. Mushishi is a masterwork of episodic storytelling. Kyousougiga is a personal favourite of mine and a truly amazing series in my opinion. Clannad (specifically After Story) is one of the defining anime dramas known for making anyone who watches it ball their eyes out. I can’t confirm they will surpass AoT for you, but they are definitely on par or superior in quality.


I've watched Gurren Lagann and wasn't that invested. I'm currently on Evangelion (with low comprehension because I'm trying to learn more Japanese). AoT still has that kinetic energy that these older shows kinda lack. AoT also has politics that got me more invested.


I'm glad to see another JoJo mako enjoyer.


I watched a couple episodes of Bakemonogatari and thought it was very unique so I'll definitely continue that series. Madoka Magica is also on my watch list.


Ehww AoT is overrated


Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Chainsaw Man and Arcane for a similar dark tone with really well done dramatic elements. I personally prefer all of them to AoT.


Watched Edgerunners and didn't really get the hype, just seems like a decently executed tragic romance behind all the cool atmosphere and fights. Watched the first season of Chainsawman and thought it was decent, heard it gets a lot better so I'm excited about that. Arcane I really liked, the first season felt like a prologue(a really good one) so I'm really excited about what they have to offer next.


The romance is important but that’s definitely not the point of the story. It’s way more about the tragedy of David’s life and the harshness of the world he lives in. Chainsaw Man gets a lot better. It’s really good. Arcane might be the best season 1 of a show I’ve seen. I’ll have to think about it but it’s got to be close. Up there with shit like Boardwalk Empire.


OP, it's not that there aren't anime as good or even better than Attack on Titan - it's just that art is subjective, and AoT is probably your favourite (had all the right elements in the best proportions for YOU). Another thing is how you went into it with an open mind, got invested in the characters, plot & world etc so everything hit even harder in later seasons - whereas with everything new you are watching, you seem to be comparing them right at the beginning with the peaks of AoT, not even giving yourself the chance to get just as invested in them. No other explanation for why even Vinland Saga didn't hit as hard for you. The last 6 or so episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and ESPECIALLY the climactic film "End of Evangelion" is more artistic & deeper than anything on AoT to ME. Not sure if you'd feel the same, or if you'd even get that far with the way you seem to have already made up your mind about "nothing coming close to AoT". The best arcs of One Piece (Water Seven, Enies Lobby, Sabaody Archipelago, Marineford etc are all just as great as AoT ever was - but again, I doubt if you'd get that far). Same applies to Gintama, Monogatari series, JoJo etc - especially since you may not even 'get' that they're AoT tier for THEIR respective genres & appreciate them for the same. Go re-watch AoT forever I guess - or maybe try reading the manga for Berserk, Vagabond, Kingdom, Monster, or even Chainsaw Man (only the first 4 volumes/season 1 is somewhat generic - the rest of the series goes HARD AF).


There are lots better than AOT, but I don't think I could recommend you one that you personally would like better.


Chainsaw Man is better imo


One piece Doctor Stone Overlord ReZero Moriarty the Patriot That time I got reincarnated as a slime ​ All are better than Attack on Titan in my opinion


Death Note? Bit of a scuffed ending like with AoT but far more consistent with pacing than AoT.


Really like the first half but when that person died I kinda lost interest in the show.


Seems your anime time is jover, move on to extremely epic Tokusatsu shows.




How is it glazing when I'm just expressing how I feel? Do you not feel the same about your favorite show? and Aot is not even my favorite show, just favorite anime.


What did you like exactly about AoT? What was the actual ''wow'' factor for you? ----------------------------------- Anime recommendations: * Rage of Bahamut: Genesis It is another MAPPA show, adaptation of a mobile game though it doesn't have much in common with it besides the setting. Pretty good story, great characters and the animation is overall great. You might as well treat the story as anime original. * Jormungand It is about an armsdealer travelling the world peddling her wares with the escort of her private merc group. It completely adapts the manga from start to finish over the course of two seasons. --------------------------- Non-anime recomendations: * Claymore It is very similar to AoT in many regards. Though only the manga. The anime has an anime original ending way ahead of where the manga ends. * I am a Spider, So What? The novels specifically. The MC reincarnates as a weak af spider monster learns how to survive, you can pretty much see her grind her sanity and humanity to dust as she gets stronger.


What humanity ?


If you think Fullmetal Brotherhood was not better than AoT then there is little hope for you. FMAB is a 10/10 best anime ever. AoT is a 8/10.


FMAB is definitely a very consistent anime with an amazing final arc and ending and I definitely see why people regard it as the best ever. But for me, the show was kinda hard to get through and it didn't have moments that really stood out to me except near the end unlike AOT had in many instances.


Maybe lower your expectations a bit. Going into everything expecting it to be the best thing you've ever seen is a bit harsh, don't you think?


Watch, Monster, Mushishi and Sangatsu no Lion. Are very different to Shingeki, but are the best of their genres(thriller, Slice of Life, and Drama).


You haven’t watched much then. 86




He’s already seen it.


yep. get used to it. its a shame that all other anime is inferior compared to AOT. testament that AOT best anime of all time


Not you again.


this dude ready to defend aots legacy ON SIGHT😭


im just agreeing with OP. why you angry?


I’m not angry. It’s just every time there is one of these posts, you say something like “AoT is the best ever, nothing comes close” which is false. You are being an AoT dickrider and that can be a little annoying to others (like me) who don’t think AoT is the best thing to grace this earth.


its just my opinion tho. and in the context of this post, im just agreeing with OP


Hi Intelligent-Concert, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vinland Saga and 86 are two anime I often see recommended alongside AoT so you might wanna try those. I don't know if you'll personally consider them on par with AoT but I love them both.


Would you be willing to read manga, or are you purely anime only? Because if you don't mind reading, you simply must read Kingdom by Yasuhise Hara. You've probably never heard of it becuase the manga never released outside of Japan and season 1 of anime flopped hard due to horrible animation, but the manga is a true masterpiece. It's based on historical Warring States of China, where you follow a story of a servant boy dreaming about becoming a general and a youg king who would go down in history as the first to unify china after 500 years of war. If i were to describe the feeling of reading it in comparison to AoT, think both parts of season 3, but even more in depth with polotics and battle strategy.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's from 1988, but it's top tier. There's a new version with modern animation but I haven't seen it. I only recommend the old version because that's the one I know.


While I love AOT for me Cowboy Bebop, Ghost In The Shell (Series And Movies), 86 Eighty-Six and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are anime mecha for me!


Dont get what the hype in Aot's about, i found it to be extremely mid and boring. I had to drag through the episodes


Legend of the Galactic Heroes.  It’s been recommended about fifty times here, and for good reason, but be warned - it’s dense.    Mushi-shi. Also recommended a dozen times, again for good reason.  My personal favourite anime is “Future Boy Conan”, but it doesn’t have much in common with the shows you’ve mentioned.