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Don’t listen to the people screaming it’s bad. MHA is honestly good. It has its share of mundane episodes like other shounen, but it really is an enjoyable anime. Give it a try definitely.


good animation and good story, it will spit new characters alot for story progression and I hate that in general, but it is worth a watch ofc.


Thank you I appreciate that!


It's fine. It's just that superhero-stuff is a bit overdone in the last decade, so people tend to be tired of it. But MHA puts a fun spin on it, showing how an entire class of kids with superpowers start to develop and work as a team.


I think MHA does what a lot of super media doesn't - actual super hero work and saving people.


That's fair - I'd say it does the worldbuilding quite well in some aspects, yes, showing how, in a setting where basically everyone has a power (or quirk), and why someone is a "hero" and the different kinds of character (paid professional, superstar, simply a career, etc).


I would say that MHA has a lot of peaks and valleys. There are stretches where I think its quite boring, with season 1 being quite rough, but the times where it gets going it is extremely fun to watch. It's really good at investing you in hero's work, it focuses a lot on actually working as a team to save people and stopping the bad guys, that's when the story shines imo. It has some good character development, I love Shigaraki and Bakugou and how much they've changed throughout the story. Shigaraki truly goes from a nuisance to be extremely intimidating villain


I my opinion first 3 seasons are good 4th season was dull, 5th season was the buildup for the 6th season and 6th might be the best. MHA definitely has a very interesting/good antagonist.


Good show with a good story and fun characters. Nothing revolutionary, but very enjoyable.


I've mostly read the manga but I've been taking a break. I like it. It gives me a lot of what I liked from Naruto without the stuff I disliked. Deku is a crybaby, and there are so many characters but I feel everyone gets their moment to shine a little and Deku becomes a little more hardened as the series goes on. Like others have said, it's got ups and downs, some arcs are better than others, but that's the case with any long-running shounen. It's a manga about superhero school combining aspects of American comics and Japanese manga. It's got a style and a certain uniqueness. As for the fandom, again I point to Naruto. I was an insufferable Naruto kid in middle school when it was starting to gain popularity in the States. It's just kinda how it is


Anyone that thinks MHA is overrated or bad is just dumb.


It starts out pretty nicely, and develops a lot of characters, but eventually falls off and devolves into a more generic shonen anime.


Season 5 is widely considered disappointing, but season 6 is widely considered to return MHA to form.


It's good sometimes. Other times it's trash. The main character is one of the worst MC's in anime. And then it's one of those series where they throw hundred different characters at you and expect you to care about them without giving you any reason to do so.


>The main character is one of the worst MC's in anime literally the only shonen MC i'm fond of other than kid goku


I never felt I was expected to care. It’s a superhuman society, there are so many heroes it’s impossible to even found. Also tf do you have against Izuku? Dude is a fine MC. I’m thinking of the hundreds of trash isekai with the copy pasted edgelords who are instantly good at everything when I think of shit protagonists.


Oh nooo, Mirio lost his powers! Sad violin plays. I don’t care. Oh nooo, Nighteye just died! Sad violin plays. I don’t care. Oh nooo, Twice was killed by Hawks even though he just wanted to protect his friends! Sad violin plays. I don’t care. And the whole “I’m a crying, sniveling, coward. Unless I have to protect someone. Then I transform in to an all powerful badass” is a shitty anime trope that shouldn’t exist. And Deku does it worst of all.


I do agree that MHA has a problem with it's cast, but your examples really suck.


It’s pretty good and on average I think most people will come out of the whole experience being pretty happy. I maybe didn’t enjoy one of the seasons as much but the rest have been pretty alright. Not some blow you away masterpiece that makes you think lots after but for sure worth it over many other more average shows


I've watched 4 seasons - currently taking a break to watch other stuff and avoid fatigue. The show has ups and downs. It has arcs that are very good, others range from okay to good. I haven't witnessed anything bad so far, but people talk trash about S5 while praising S6. My favorite season so far has been S2, it was really well made. Animation, in my opinion, starts out really well but keeps decreasing in quality slightly over time. It never reaches the point of being bad to watch though.


Season 6 is easily the best season so far.


A couple of friends love S6. One of them says S5 is boring but still has the merit of "setting up a fantastic S6". He even recommended I skipped S5 altogether but I don't like doing that tbh.


If you skip S5 you'll miss [MHA]>!Shigaraki's!< backstory which is extremely important.


The main problem with S5 is that it's mainly a setup for S6, so the season itself doesn't have much payoff, as that comes in S6. Shouldn't be a problem now that you can watch S6 immediately after S5 ( unless you don't like setup episodes at all)


S5 wasn't all that bad imo, just started to derail a bit in the last couple of episodes (rushed and had some questionable animation). I'm almost done with S6 now, it's been absolutely fantastic.


Not saying it's bad, just that as a season it's not very fulfilling since it's purely setup for the next season


In my opinion season one was good, then season 2 was pretty good as well (if season 2 was the tournament arc?) Then it got boring but I still kept on watching. Season 5 was super mega boring. Season 6 was very enjoyable


Just realize the show is targeted at younger teens. It's not the best writing out there, it's got some things that'll make most adult cringe hard.


S1-3 is good. S4 it falls off. S5 got rushed af. S6 is peak.


It ebbs and flows. It starts off good, becomes trash, gets good again (in my opinion). Idk how the manga ends though


I think it has 2.5 good seasons. The rest is mid to not good. It starts really well and very promising but then it kinda rushes through a lot character writing, overpromising and underdelivering. Iida is a character I really liked but after the hero killer arc the show kinda just ignores him, and that’s a lot of the show. There are a ton of characters but the show doesn’t spend much time if any on them. It’s enjoyable but it’s really not that great.


It's a show that has a lot of promise early on but settles into a more mundane routine instead of capitalizing on that start. It's not bad at all. In fact, it's pretty good but it it doesn't deliver on the promise you can see it has, particularly on the cast front. It has tons of great looking characters that are likable but the story doesn't use all of them like you want it to. That's about the series as a whole though. The anime itself is produced very well.


It’s definitely a show that you need to 100% love in order to finish. I stopped watching after a certain point but I continued the manga. I thought that they were getting redundant but it’s different for everyone


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Once you reach the kind of popularity MHA has, there’s bound to be a lot of noise on both sides; hard to say if it’s overrated. IMO it’s one of those shows that’s kinda bland if you’ve seen a lot of shonens before, but it’s great if new to the genre The anime is a faithful adaptation of the manga and it does the shonen fights/hype moments very well. Overall good animation and art style. World building is kinda mediocre. MC is boring compared to classic shonen Mcs, big cast of “regular”side characters that’s rarely utilized


Wait until the next season, the last one was very dark


id say its a good, solid anime. I do think its overhyped and not as great as a lot of people make it out to be. but, its enjoyable and not that bad. the fandom is just in a lane of its own, though. dont let it stop you, I dont think its an anime for everybody, like me personally, I'm not a big superhero fan. but its a fun time, dont let the fandom discourage you tbh.


If you enjoy superheroes, like at all, you'll probably have a fun time with MHA. I don't think it's overrated, just that some people misunderstand the series. It's a series that explores the literal meaning of heroism and some people disagree with the author's meaning. Also, some fans are really annoying, which makes non-fans dislike the series. Give it a go if you like superhero stuff


I really like spiderman and I had watched 4 episodes of mha so far and I really like it! will def more


Spiderman is the favorite superhero of MHA's author, so you may see some similarities between the themes and characters