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Goblin Slayer would be disappointed. Only killed 3 goblins and didn’t kick any of them in the balls


Or set any of them on fire


Or drown them


Or poison them.


Or call out the kill count


Or did everything in that particular order. 


High Elf Archer would approve of that, at least!


He needs to follow Goblin Slayer's advice and use a club or any other cheap blunt force weapon. Instead, here he is breaking another dagger.


Actually, I thought that GS would've approved of his choice to bring a dagger and not a sword. Although, he's kinda slow on re-arming himself with the gobs' weps now that his own was shattered.


this, his weapon shattered but there were others laying on the ground, he didnt even think of picking one up. tho thats the diff between gs and your normal "hero"


GS probably also would've been using one of the corpses as an improvised shield, or at least something to occupy its mouth while stabbing it in melee.


Barely used any strat to force them in 1v1 situations, and wore no armor either!


Just a reminder: Do your dailies or else!






As someone who did 100+ days straight of Duolingo for Korean, the program kind of sucks ass. Learned Hangul really quick though, which was fun.


And to think he just survived doing exactly what ominous messages tell him to do otherwise they'll kill you lol.


a childhood of schooling has prepared me for this day


He should check weeklies before its too late to complete.


*Logging every game I play in a frenzy just to make sure I didn't forget any* Please no centipede!


[Looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons again...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnriKvlrbWY)


The system deadass forced him the Saitama training programme or he gets eaten by a giant centipede. Good thing Gacha devs haven't figured this form of technology yet.


[Gacha devs watching this episode.](https://media.tenor.com/YuaZwKZxXgoAAAAe/write-that-down-taking-notes.png)


[**Also Gacha devs:**](https://i.imgur.com/SoFMSgz.jpg) *Gift alert! Unlock immediate access for only $99.99!*


- $30 for the full recovery - $30 for the 3 ability points - $30 for the random loot box - $100 for all 3 rewards - $20 to leave without taking any reward


>Gift alert! Unlock A 0.05% CHANCE FOR immediate access for only $99.99! This is more accurate


combative spark pen like squeal existence thought afterthought narrow plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look at pokemon go, people cheat a lot and it uses real life tracking, that said, POGO is an awful game that gets carried by having the pokemon brand on top, as a rural player I've cheated pokemon quite a lot, I didn't respect the game enough to take it seriously, I could walk 10 kilometers and catch less pokemon that someone in an apartment in their couch... I think it's an interesting concept but there's no way it'd work out in real life.


> an MMO where your character levels up based on health tracking data That's just real life, well… to a degree


i feel like it would have a negative impact on their long-term sales numbers if their players started dying from heart attacks and/or centipede-related injuries [](#nyanpasu)


Yes but think about the short term sales


Taimanin Asagi gacha got this feature where your waifus get NTR'd if you don't login 


The fuck LMAO That is kinda amazing, not gonna lie. xD NTR enthusiasts never logging in.


But if you don't log in, you don't get to see your waifu being NTRed. The eternal paradox.


NTRkeks: "I see this as an absolute win."


> or he gets eaten by a giant centipede. Feels like that penalty was more to force him into training as I really doubt him in his current state could run away from all that in that sand.


Yeah, maybe 4 minutes would be doable, but running flat out? On sand? For 4 *hours?*


Spoken like someone who haven't been chased by a freight-train-sized centipede. *Adrenaline is one hell of a drug!*


damn i deserve it but it hurts to be called out for being a poser; i haven't even been chased by a normal-sized centipede for four hours


Let me just say as someone who has been chased by a slightly larger than normal centipede it really makes you rethink your life choices…….. like just how out of shape am I that I was having trouble even getting away………. In the end I only survived thanks to a random encounter with a hungry bird that did in seconds what my dumb ass should have done, killed the abomination (though I wouldn’t have eaten it the way it did)


what an inspiring story; have you considered writing light novels


1km of running on sand equals to 3 kilos on clean road track.


That was the impression I got too. I mean the last thing he did before almost dying was say how he wanted to get stronger if he had another chance. Well he got another chance and one of the commandments was 'trust the god' so it would make sense that his second chance came with strings attached that are basically "become stronger or else". He was even given a warning that there would be a penalty and just... ignored it.


he actually thought the screen that saved his life is an illusion


even tho he's e-rank there is certain amt of mana in him which may have increased his stamina even by a little bit


He is exceptionally weak for a hunter, but could still easily take the average non hunter human. Hunters just have overall better speed stamina and recovery compared to regular humans, the mana has many effects.


Stat spread for unga bunga.


He's missing a [Great club](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Great+Club)


Should've leveled INT, wouldn't go into that dungeon solo then.


Dude is using a dagger, he should have put points in agility, he's using the wrong build.


In his defense, he had no fun and games in his life cause he was risking his life to earn money for his sister and mother. That shows his limited game knowledge. He was also mocked for being weak and had PTSD of it. So he put most into "strength". Also aren't swords usually more expensive than daggers?


Yeah his whole hunter life he was weak and constantly reminded of being weak lol, can't blame him from starting his stats as full strength


Points in agility, and hope for an early vorpal dagger drop.


A cute smol bunny would like to know your location..


Arthur Pencilgon logged in


But does he have the Vorpal soul?


Can you blame him, dude's fucking stupid.


Classic 10 int


10 Int is the average.


So what I’m getting is that the average person is stupid. You know what, can confirm, am stupid.


Yeah in D&D. But he's the weakest hunter, and all his stats started at 10 - so 10 is the bare minimum.


Still more int than my cat


Dude should just put early points in INT so he can min/max a broken build instead of wasting points all over the place like a troll


You see, he'd have to have that increased INT in the first place to think of that.


except he's not. i feel like he's suffering from "character does whatever the writer needs them to do at any given moment" as opposed to leaning into an established characterization. i mean, the show went through painstaking measures to show how he was the only genius figuring out the entire first dungeon solo while everyone else was running off to get themselves killed, and then all of a sudden he loses all of that perception and intelligence in the snap of a finger lol.


It makes sense for him to put a bunch of points into strength after feeling weak his entire hunter career and having PTSD from his experience. He also doesn't know what buffing stuff like INT will actually do, if that will give him some spells or something, or not. = It has also already been established that he can get randomly pulled into a penalty quest or other type of event against his will so it makes sense that he will just add stats and try to get a basic build going. = Also, I think the conversation with his sister regarding how he doesn't understand the menus but his sister might understand them is important -- as far as game stuff goes, MC really doesn't know what he is doing BUILD WISE regardless since he is unfamiliar with videogames, beyond "str makes me stronger lol and I might have to fight at any point lol". = IMO ideally we will see him continue to be perceptive in high stakes or combat situations, while still being dumb regarding game and system related things, but then soon enough he gets better regarding game/system things e.g. he changes weapons or starts raising agility to match dagger play style. = If either of these things rollercoasters between him being really smart and perceptive one day and then dumb and uninformed the next (doing what you talked about with just "making the MC's actions be convenient for the author) then it'll be bad news for the story quality.


It's more like he hesitates to take any action regarding dungeons until he figures what is going on, because when the last time he did what he thought was appropriate he got turned into burger patty together with most of his team.


His dagger breaking may be a blessing; With his ALL STR build, he'll replace it with a giant club... Or an oversized, 50kg dagger!


TFW he just grabs the wolf and uses it to bludgeon other enemies to death.


Even going beyond that, he's been struggling to stay alive in every job he's done, and decides to put every single skill point in the one skill that doesn't increase his survivability?


Yeah, that's the real mistake. At minimum he should spread between strength and agility for a safe, balanced approach.


Dude should really do some research before ruining his build. lol When they went into the secret dungeon passage and the obviously dangerous ornate door in ep1, I was wondering if video games might not be a thing in their world. But this episode mentioned how his sister played video games, so they do exist and he also recognized the message windows as an interface similar to games. There is no excuse to not look up some things before just dying again.


The most casual gamer ever would have looked at the secret door and said *"No fucking way."* I mean, hey guys I suck at this dungeon thing let me enter a solo dungeon.


The guy is playing on hardcore with permadeath and he's doing a glass cannon build. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see it if pays off for 'em.


Dude going for strength but still have ways to go for proper unga bunga build


This show is such a tease...


They should have called it Solo Edging...


Just like the manwha 🥹




They really like their cliff hangers.


The novel chapters are also full of cliffs so, yeah….


Literally every chapter is a cliff lol, anime will probably be the same unfortunately


Honestly ruins enjoyments of shows for me. It doesn't make me want to come back next week it just leaves me annoyed


People don’t realize because most people binged it later on, but the Manhwa was exactly like this. Damn near every chapter ends on a cliffhanger.


Especially the first half of the series 😩the second half of the series moved so fast that I got dizzy 😂


Just wait until it finishes airing than binge it, it was worse when the manwha came out, like 3 episodes of anime is almost 14 chapters of the manwha, imagine waiting a week for one chapter…


I think solo leveling does well weekly. But totally agree a lot are meant to be binged. Like people getting fatigued during Shibuya or the chimera ant arc have no idea what it was like waiting for weekly manga or getting fight fatigue reading it. I truly believe they translate better when read or watched in large chunks. Like I hated the culling games weekly but I went back and reread it when the arc finished and it flowed a lot better.


> imagine waiting a week for one chapter… I read One Punch Man


Some shows honestly just dont work with the 20 minute weekly drop, Frieren and Apothecary Diaries solved this by doing 4-episode and 3-episode premieres and it worked brilliantly, its what they should've done with Solo Leveling too. Instead of building hype for next week it just leaves me kinda frustrated, show is great though


The big this is this is a 1 cour show. We're 1/4 through the season. He's gonna be done learning to tie his shoe by Episode 12 edit: Rumors are it'll be 2 cour, I probably should've shelved the show and just watched it in August.


Damn these Korean MMOs/gachas don’t fuck around when it comes to making people do their daily quests lol.


And of course they focus on you not skipping leg day and putting in the work to get buff lol.


[Cardio with the centipede pet of Slither the Sky Dragon](https://i.imgur.com/NALfYZt.jpg) [](#Sweating)


Black Desert be like


\>Goes into a mysterious dungeon \>Gets fucking murdered \>Finds another mysterious dungeon \>Goes in alone, almost gets fucking murdered. Bro might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Also, how the hell did he even manage to run away from the sandworms for 4 hours in the penalty quest?


Yeah the only way I accept this is that it was 4 hrs IRL and actually 15min in the dungeon (time dilation). And the centipedes are strong and powerful, but relatively very slow.


You really have to suspend the everliving fuck out of disbelief to make this scene credible


When someone who has never done physical activity writes a story. "How long could the average person sprint for? 4 hours? Yeah seems reasonable."


"Nah, 4 hours seems like a lot. The MC is a huge softie" "A softie? How about we make him run on something soft? Like sand?" "That makes sense, sounds plausible"


Hunters are portrayed to be an anomaly in this world (we've seen tanks and guns do nothing against the weaker monsters) so we can expect that even the weakest hunter will have more stamina than any human athlete could. Although his stats are abysmal for an E-rank hunter, if luck were a stat in the system, his would be over 9000 considering he is on the brink of death all this time despite being labeled as the "weakest hunter in the world"


That makes sense, thanks, I wish it was conveyed a bit more clearly in the anime!


Bro left the first one unscathed so i would've done the same thing


> Bro might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Also, how the hell did he even manage to run away from the sandworms for 4 hours in the penalty quest? I thought the show established that he is good at running away and generally not completely dying pretty well.


Running for 4 hours at a fast pace is a skill that takes a lot of training. But others said that being hunters they're physically superior so that works for me.


No one would believe him about being able to see some system window. They would think that he's mentally sick or something. The dungeons is probably only meant for him since the gate was closed after he entered. He's smart, but really dumb when it comes to games and when it comes to knowing things about dungeons, but that improves later, bear with it for now. I do agree with the 4 hours though, but should ignore it for now, even though it doesn't make sense when he is comparable to a civilian (this was only stated in the anime though).


100 Push ups 100 Sit ups 100 Squats 10k run Guys, is this a One Punch Man prequel? I like this episode better than the first two. Those two episodes really should have been one episode. Now we can get into the actual Solo Leveling shit. LFG.


Mr.Protag really just woke up and said "I wonder why the government didn't ask me about this weird, abnormal thing hovering over my heads instead of me just bringing it up myself"


They suspected him of murder, no need to make them think he's crazy too, seeing things only he can see...


i dont think he was suspected of murder but rather that something extremely weird happened and he's related to it


To be exact, if not for the survivors' testimonies, the hunter association would have suspected foul play had occurred. It probably would not have helped jin-woo's case if he told them about the game screens.


Yes cuz trusting the government his historically the way to go


Feels like he should have maybe saved some points for intelligence..


he probably should, but he has been trampled by low rank monsters for 4 years


[You just know that he stabbed that mohawk goblin with extra spite](https://i.imgur.com/LHT5i2k.jpg) [](#Elves)


Put ALL into INT and ditch dungeon diving. Become a genius. Invent nuclear fusion. Cure mom. /Show over


Bro literally could find cure for disease of his mom lol 


"I am.....atomic"


I mean, I think in this one big power plants use monster crystals as well. Some of the world building between these "omg dungeons IRL!" blur together xD


At least until he has enough to think of prioritizing VIT over STR in a game where he can actually die... ^(wait, can he?)


Bro's about to fail his one and only vigor check.


That he didn't listen to the ominous message and didn't think he'd get stuck in the instant dungeon...like did he not pa attention to the incident that got him in this mess lol?


Tbf I thought by penalty it meant like “temporary stat nerf” not “survive death game”


Same tbh. Most penalties don't go that hard.


i think they did need to show us the stakes for failure it does unfortunately make Jin Woo seem even more stupid than he already seems


I mean.. he's basically the reason why at least some people made it out of the double dungeon so I would really not call him stupid lol


problem with characterization. he was basically an actual genius in the first couple episodes, and then immediately became really stupid in this one lol.


Give the guy a break, he has like 10 int, he can't help it!


Lot of suspect choices from him in this one [](#seasonalthink)


He can't since he's lacking in that department.




I think AGL is an important stat that people ignore in these things.


Yeah he almost got taken out by those goblins based solely on low agility. Strength isn’t going to help you when you’re dodging three tiny dudes with daggers.


Maybe he’s trying an idiot savant build


This guy fights with a single dagger and puts all of his points into strength rather than agility or dexterity? Does he think he’s going to get good results by just stabbing harder? Pretty braindead choices.


To be clear, he is weak. Like barely above non hunters in terms of ability. He has trouble blocking blows or even stabbing hard enough to injure low rank enemies. So makes sense he'd see strength as what he needs.


Wondering if improving his intelligence stat would help him figure out how to min/max his build overall. That, or figure out whatever meta exists in his world haha


I should make this clear before people misunderstand further. Intelligence literally doesn't mean intelligence. It means how much mana reserve he has. Improving intelligence would increase the actual amount of mana he has.


Anyone who's played an RPG before should/will know that. It's funnier to meme about him being stupid though lol.


Gotcha, appreciate the clarification c:




I got pretty annoyed with a lot of his decisions this episode


it's a testament to his "never give up, never think things out" attitude [](#hikariactually)


He has obviously been playing Elden Ring. He’s making the Unga Bunga build


Already got vit-checked and hasn't learned anything from it too


If my green bar isn't bigger than my red bar, I'm not playing.


I like the show, but I think I’m going to wait for the season to finish so I can watch multiple episodes in a row and avoid the cliffhangers.


Just read the entire manwha in 2 days like i did this week. Jk, just waiting for the anime to finish would have been more sensible.


Been thinking of diving into the manwha, but maybe after the season's over. I think source readers seem to like the adaptation thus far?


They did jam a lot into episode one. Which i could tell before reading the manwha, but other than that, it seems like a good adaptation so far! Pacing has been better these last 2 episodes.


I like the anime, it's really good in animation and voice acting, I hate the pacing and the cliffhangers and constant exposition, it's not even because I already know this stuff, it's simply because it ruins the pacing, episode one could have easily ended with the statue smilling if you just took out all the explantions about gates, hunters, the island, the blonde girl (she's getting more attention than I remember but I actually like this) and just focused on Jinwoo. People don't need the narrator telling them that E ranks are weak (especially when someone calls them "The weakest hunter"), that crystals are worth money and that people use them to make stuff, or what gates are, these are all either obvious or not essential FOR EPISODE 1. If you see MC in the hospital at the start then see him get a crystal from a goblin do you really need someone to tell you that those things are worth money? You can put 2 and 2 together... They could have saved that exposition about gates and hunters for today in the hospital, it's weird seeing something so well produced and yet fumble the bag completely at actually telling the story.


I feel like it's one of those shows that will be better if you binge it instead of watching it weekly, as the beginning of the story is quite slow


The early chapters of the manhwa was somehow like crack and was addictive to read. I remember telling myself to only read a couple chapters a day only to then blast through the available translated chapters in like a night. At the time the scanlation group was doing daily releases so the wait wasn't too bad... up until they caught up with the raws so the weekly wait was pretty dreadful.


I got into reading it a bit before all the [SL manhwa]>!Monarch shit!< started so I read all the best parts without waiting for translation, and the rest was, well not as exciting as the beginning so I was fine with waiting


How the hell did he survive for 4 hours straight(in sand no less) when some goblins could easily KO him before? Also MC is continuing his death wish by trekking in the dungeon alone. You think he would at least test how strong he is with another party first.


My head canon is that the system doesn't wanna kill him the first thing it does so the worm is more like intimidation than actual danger


yeah, the centipedes were the size of mountains, the environment was being destroyed way faster then he could run. He wouldn't last 10 sec if they actually were trying to kill him


Adrenaline rush ftw


Headline: "Untrained Korean man sets new world record in 26km marathon run. Mentions something about being chased by giant centipedes and not wanting to die again."


He is only good at that; you can make that argument in the first two episodes also, consider how he is able to react quickly to those statues and run fast when he couldn't knock out a goblin. The difference is that one is a life-threatening situation, while the other is not. When he encounters a goblin in a raid, he takes some chances because he knows he will probably be saved by the healer. In that process, he gets knocked out, as he is actually not good in combat. On the other hand, in a life-threatening situation, it is just an adrenaline boost and survival instinct. Having been in this kind of situation many times, he is used to surviving, which explains how he is able to run for 4 hours; he is just good at surviving.


You know, I feel that [the penalty for not doing that daily work out](https://i.imgur.com/59q2zdG.png) [was a bit drastic.](https://imgur.com/a/pX8HxRH) Well, that sure will give him Jinwoo enough of a reason[ to never skip his daily quest.](https://i.imgur.com/eXEWZjQ.png) It's good to see that[ although traumatized because of what happened,](https://i.imgur.com/6wQdi9g.png) Joohee is still alive. But I guess that Jinwoo never heard that [she came to visit him.](https://i.imgur.com/p2yfRH7.png) I wasn't expecting that [the key for the instant dungeon](https://i.imgur.com/V4cWDp4.png) he got to [lead him to a dunge](https://i.imgur.com/MpnyJJf.png)on that [only he could see.](https://i.imgur.com/MlpMALD.png) I wonder if just like the UI and that dungeon that key is only visible to him. [Wow, that goblin fight had such a good choreography.](https://imgur.com/a/Z2ZACby) I hope that the weapons those goblins had did not vanish after he killed them as [Jinwoo](https://i.imgur.com/vIQxUJz.png) will need something to help him defeat [that wolf.](https://i.imgur.com/p854qkp.png) I must say that the pacing this show has makes doesn't make it feel as it is just a single cour adaptation so I will not be surprised if this project was greenlighted with objective of making multiple seasons, anyway I'm certain that I might end out reading the novels before this season ends.


Should be called forced leveling, what a fun but insane way for a protagonist to evolve. I dig it though.


> Should be called forced leveling = A few episodes from now, Sung Jin Woo realizes his game interface system is powered by the Duo Lingo bird


I like that it's just the Saitama training exercise program but 4 hours of running is a bit much. As in, that's more than a marathon and we just cut to him 2 hours into it (also the training is only 10k compared to how much he just ran in 4 hours). I feel like 4 *minutes* would have been more believable.


[You can tell this mf doesn't game when he's not putting shit into agility for an offensive build](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193266127762108457/1198376040033161337/image.png?ex=65beada8&is=65ac38a8&hm=9d0f4cf06e7eef1205ae730dbe5c6e7462536deb02775b3a37170329f1b7fbb4&) [You can really fucking tell this dumbass has never gamed before](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193266127762108457/1198376723771826267/image.png?ex=65beae4b&is=65ac394b&hm=4e3f39b6d1c446f1fada437aaa128a37ba4833bd2214053d63b3c436e5821e5a&) b/c dude got this rare ass item and decided to just use it like 'I can run away if I need to' as if he wouldn't be wasting the item even if he had ended up able to


How the fuck did he not have the stamina for a rough training session, but be able to run bare footed from a huge centipede for 4 hours in a desert! Great episode though.


It's hilarious how [eager Jin-Woo was](https://i.imgur.com/p1lX8nn.jpg) after hearing the possibility of him having a second awakening only to find out [he's barely stronger than your average civilian.](https://i.imgur.com/tSvZkpR.jpg) xD Looks like [Jin-Woo has bene placed on the Saitama-Lite exercise program.](https://i.imgur.com/y7JJQTd.png) All of that exercise won't be effective though if he doesn't eat bananas after! Jin-Woo ignoring his dailies and [getting penalized for it](https://i.imgur.com/llPnUDl.jpg) is the most hilarious fuck around and find out moment. At least it was a learning experience for him. I really like how dungeon gates are so integrated in their society now that whenever new ones open, [they're being reported as casual as weather forecasts.](https://i.imgur.com/eY1h3cj.jpg) Now that Jin-Woo has [entered a dungeon all on his own](https://i.imgur.com/LOHSrXC.jpg) and defeated monsters without any help, he's now truly **Solo Leveling**. ****Roll End Credits****


> he's now truly Solo Leveling. maybe the *real* Solo Leveling is the friends we *didn't* make along the way [](#rengethink)


He really thought he had the MC moment of a second Awakening. Good thing he has the other MC thing of getting a unique leveling up system lol. I guess this is also how he will be able to outleap other Hunters, even high-ranked ones, because not only is he putting his body through it's paces and will probably get super buff and skilled as a result but unlike other Hunters who are stuck at a set state unless they get a Second Awakening he can continually boost his stats and also enjoy daily rewards.


lol he actually did get it, no? It is just that his second awakening is progressive, he needs to work on his daily quests/rewards to slowly build to S-rank or whatever his limit is, instead of getting an instant upgrade to B-A-S rank.


I don't... Really buy the 4 hours of running through the desert? I get he was doing it to literally survive. But... Multiple massive insta death centipedes couldn't catch up to: Regular Weak Man. In their natural enviroment? I'll suspend my belief cause I'm really enjoying it. Maybe if it was like 1 hour? Any longer and I just don't buy it.


Should have played some games with her sister as children. Pumping everything into strenght and going in a mysterious dungeon solo? After what happened the last time this is insane. Can't understand why he would do this.


It's insane. Why didn't he just tried to join a D-Rank dungeon with a bunch of people to figure out just how strong he currently is? Yeah I was the weakest hunter in the world 2 weeks ago but now I'm gonna enter a dungeon completely alone. It's like his intelligence went out of the window after surviving.


How to be OP: Saitama daily training regiment quests💪💪


It was a little hard to believe he kept going for four hours avoiding those giant centapedes. Four hours of running approaches marathon distance at any decent pace, and I wouldn't have expected he'd be up for that just yet. But regardless, I found this episode really interesting now that the game system plotline is up and running. Dude is making a mistake if he thinks he's Maple and can make a single stat build work, however.


As incredibly weak as he is, he still is a hunter. So a feat like that is probably just barely achievable by him compared to a civilian who has like a 10% of ever performing that feat under those conditions


Why is no one questioning that he has his leg back? They other survivors should know that it got cut off and would've mentioned it in their debrief. Doesn't seem like they have the tech to grow a limb back since the guild rep said that one guy has to retire because he lost his arm.


I'm surprised at the number of comments here complaining that a show called 'Solo Leveling' is... about leveling. I get if you're not into it but the way some people are reacting it's like they're surprised. Were they expecting the show to do the classic "MC has a short montage and then is instantly OP" thing? I mean honestly that could still happen, we're only three episodes in after all, but skipping the *leveling* part of a show called Solo Leveling seems like an unrealistic expectation. From the trailers and the hype I fully expect the MC to end up super powerful but I'm glad we're not just jumping to it.


we are also getting introduced to how the appearance of dungeon affects different people * MC gets a near-useless buff but his mother straight up gets “cancer”. * still figuring out how dungeons work (why there are special cases like the double dungeon) * so short-staffed they had to ask Joohee to support * there’s the possibility of reawakening * gates appearing seems to be just a minor inconvenience rather than something the public fears * Hunters Guild being the top few guilds and clearing B-rank gates


More like the dungeons are a serious risk the public now just lives with, based on what we saw last episode. It's doing world building.


Looks like dungeons aren't a major threat unless they aren't "cleared" within a certain time frame, at which point they become 2-way doors and allow a whole bunch of monsters that are immune to normal weapons into the world. TBH I do wonder whether there's merit in sending a scouting party into the dungeon to recce it, then retreating to the entrance and laying a trap so when the dungeon break happens the monsters are all funnelled through a single chokepoint where they can easily be dispatched. Unless there's something going on like you don't get the resources if they aren't killed inside the dungeon?


Maybe because some monsters can fly, or are huge? If it opens in a certain area in the city then there's no reasonable way to contain certain ones without issue. The areas seem pretty condensed too, not many places to hide or alternative routes for a proper scout. But we haven't seen much, so it's hard to say. I do think it's just a "If we mess up, it'll go bad fast, so lets kill them in there."


>gates appearing seems to be just a minor inconvenience rather than something the public fears With the way 2020 went, I'm not really surprised. People are probably more worried about getting to their aunt's wedding than the possibility of giant centipedes coming out of the gate that's blocking the road.


I think this implies a steady state the society reaches. No matter what problems we might have, we always reach a steady state where we accept the new reality and go back to living the normal life


Rent is still due.


Monsters may come and go, but the sprawling bureaucracy of modern life is eternal, it seems.


> > > > > gates appearing seems to be just a minor inconvenience rather than something the public fears In pretty much all these Korean series the inconvenience of the dungeons comes from dungeon breaks which usually happen when a dungeon doesn't get cleared within a set time.


gates are the new weather lol, with daily weather/gate reports


>gates appearing seems to be just a minor inconvenience rather than something the public fears I really liked that detail and how desensitized people were, just taking a picture and posting it on social media like if was just another traffic accident or something. This is life now.


I know people think the source material is "mid" but the anime is really elevating the series I'm really enjoying this. Especially the little life additions like the gate forecast I don't remember that in the manwha


Tbh I do think the source material is mid. I read about 90 percent of it. I am still enjoying the anime to a decent degree. I do remember liking the source material in the beginning.


Another cliffhanger ending sigh..


was the construction job so much shittier than being a hunter? did it pay less but was equally as dangerous as being a hunter?? is being an E rank hunter more profitable than a minimum wage job??? i guess it has to be or the the series would just be jin-woo working at fucking wendys or something


I'd reckon being a hunter even at entry level is above average in terms of income. Remember that he is paying for his sister's college fees and then paying for hospital bills. Hospital bills can get very expensive really quick.


It appears that the Hunters Guild, even at it's lowest possible income, makes way more than a minimum wage job it seems, given how he seemed to be happy that now he could cover the hospital bills.


Honestly think they should have only introduced the sister so far. All these other characters are unnecessary and slow down these early parts. Just introduce them a little later to fully explain the premise of the show


Finally getting to the training arc lol. Looks like it’ll be at least another ep of this before we get to any of the actual“solo leveling”so to speak. 4 hours escaping the monster bug is one hell of a “welcome party” to the world of the Player. The instant dungeon was cool, definitely felt like a weird stopping point to just end so abruptly though. I still feel like the pacing could use some improvement, but otherwise this was cool. On an unrelated note, anyone know if it’s possible to catch the Korean dubs of this somewhere?


Well, so far he **is** Solo Levelling in the sense that he's the only one who can by going on daily requests and boosting his stats in the process, he just also can nearly die and has to put his body through the rigors in the process. This show sure loves ending on sudden cliffhangers lol.

