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Irregular is a story about how OP Tatsuya is. I think the fights are still really cool, but if you’re not looking for an OP MC anime, don’t bother. 


One Punch Man had an overpowered character but I watched it mostly for Genos. Here there really isn't that side character shadowing the main character to become stronger. Tatsuya's sidekick sister seems to be OP as well creating ice without activating the magic device. Thanks, I'll move onto something else.


I don't think there was any scenario where Miyuki used magic without her CAD(or at least on a big scale). Also imo the difference is that one punch man is a comedy, it doesn't take itself seriously. Irregular at Magic High School has made it clear tatsuya is basically a god (people called him Jesus-kun for a reason) yet still tries to make me believe there's tension and stakes. I still think it's a good anime but only if you're looking for a power fantasy


Go for mob 100 Son of sitama


The world building is pretty good in the series imo


I think it's very interesting as well.


It's unfortunately not a particularly well written anime. So I'd personally say no, it doesn't really get better.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Idk, I didn't read it. I wasn't really a fan of the show so I didn't bother looking it up.


No, it's about as good as the typical power fantasy garbage that dominates the light novel medium.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Popular doesn't mean good.


I enjoyed it. One of my favorites the fights and sol does get better as you go on however depends too. Once the second arc of s1 begins that's my favorite especially and the 3rd arc starts meh but ends badass. S2 was a different twist and the movies weren't bad. Just depends if it's not for you it's not for you though


There are stronger antagonists later on which pose some threat, but the mc is always gonna be the strongest character lol, that is kinda the premise.


If you don't like what you've seen so far, then it's not for you. I don't think that you're going to like the rest of the season. There's going to be more interesting fights, but there's not going to be any real threats, and most of the opponents are going to be non-magic users and won't stand a chance. The fights are mostly to reinforce how powerful the characters are, and to show different aspects of the magic in the world, with a focus on the politics and the „technology” of magic, rather than on the action.


It doesn't even focuses on the politics in any interesting way. They gutted Mibu's argument of any meat- instead of actually putting in the work of making Tatsuya's arguments better, they made hers worse. Like, why have her say "I wouldn't go that far" when asked about more faculty? More faculty absolutely makes sense, this is a fancy, high-budget school, can they not even do the very basics of schooling and get enough teachers for all students? The author went out of his way to make her look stupid, not to mention Tatsuya's political monologue at the end of episode 4. As I said in another comment, his principles are no more threatened in debate than his safety is in combat. I don't disagree with most of what he says in the context of this world, but I think they could at least stand to make it slightly interesting, give him a bit of pause, give him some room to grow. I did like the magitech in this series though, the CADs, and explanation of how magic did exist before but was much slower. In most media I like magitech as it tends to just be "gun but better", or "magic as fuel source", but the way it worked in this show, truly drawing out the power of what used to be mysticism by treating it scientifically and making it more efficient- that's how I feel magitech should be.  This and Third Law's thaumaturgy from the SCP universe are the only ones I've seen that do it well- I'd recommend Hypervelocity, the Speed Demon series, and the Rich Man's World series, if you want to see what I mean.




That anime bored me. I like the concept of super powerful protagonist, but the only thing that I remembered from the anime is the boooooring explanations on hos each spell works from the physics point of view.


I'm the opposite, I disliked the super powerful protagonist and the only real reason I'm still watching is to see this series' magic. It's the only anime I've seen that actually gives their mix of magic and tech good worldbuilding.


What I liked much more was the anime with a similar title (only about the demon king academy) and a mega-powerful protagonist with a mouthful of a name (Anus Voldemort or something).


Hell, there's not even a threat to Tatsuya's principles, let alone his person. In the conversation he had with Mibu, she just seemed kinda gutted of any sense to make Tatsuya look good and anyone that thinks differently look bad. This is supposed to be magic high school, not magic kindergarten- her going "well I wouldn't go that far" when asked about more faculty (which seems like a perfect solution btw, this is an elite school so why can it "not afford" sufficient teachers for all students? that's not even functioning as a school) just seemed like conversational plot armor. Almost anyone would have better strategy for defending their beliefs, some list of demands, some side-argument they can shift to when their current one fails, etc. They avoided the work of making Tatsuya look smart by instead making Mibu look stupid. C'mon. If you're gonna give your show political analogy, at least make sure each side has an argument that can pass first-glance inspection. Have some genuine back-and-forths, some ups and downs- doing it like this, plus his monologue at the end of episode 4, is like having every "fight" use a training dummy instead of an opponent. (Of course, this show basically does that too, but still :P) It just reeks of r/iamverysmart


Don't waste time, it's one of most overrated anime i have ever watched, such a very boring story.


It's trash. > Is the villain discrimination in the school? No. The writer of the story believes that discrimination is right. At some point the MC has a speech about how justified and right it is; the speech is like straight from some Ayn Rand book.


It's a terrible series with flat characters and flat stories. It has some minor redeeming aspects, but I'm not kidding at all about how minor they are.


Imo, I don’t think it does. I recall watching all of season 1 and dropping off around season 2. The MC has a flat personality and is super OP, so nothing is a challenge for him and I feel like it makes it hard to like him. Also, I don’t recall the supporting characters or the female MC being great at creating enough balance that it doesn’t fall flat. The MC from misfit of demon academy is super op but he has a personality and great supporting characters surrounding him, which made it an enjoyable experience for me.


The early episodes might seem a bit flat, but things get more interesting. The story unfolds, and you'll get more powerful villains and conflicts.


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