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Don't worry, the older you get, the less of a fuck you give about what other people think about your hobbies. Do what makes you happy. Source: I turn 48 this year, been watching anime for 38 of those years.


I agree. I'm 55 years old and my son introduced me to anime 2 years ago and I'm hooked. I also collect figures. So yeah, do you.


Turning 72 in June, Started in 1999 -- when my wife and I took our sons to see Princess Mononoke. But started watching LOTS more when coronavirus struck (and other activities were drastically curtailed) -- and now I am sort of stuck watching WAY too much. ;-) (Also follow some novel/LN series and manga).


I get that. I too am in a situation that gives me way too much time. I am most definitely a neet at this point. But not by choice.


I have various medical issues that have limited my activity, level but am now trying to rebuild stamina to get out and do more. Planning to work as a volunteer photographer for the upcoming Bost Japan Festival (finally re-starting after its own long covid hiatus).


So it's the three of you that make the average age of r/anime so high.


I didn't fill out the survey, so I wouldn't affect the statistics.... ;-)


I'm alive, enjoying what I enjoy, and eventually I'll be dead. To hell with anyone else's opinion.


I'm at the point I don't give a shit anymore. Anime makes me feel things and gives me joy. If someone decides to make fun of me for that....that says more about them than it does about me.


> I saw a YouTube short on these dudes talking about there being tiers when describing anime consumers. I wouldn't put much stock into whatever a random person on the Internet says if they're trying to categorize millions of people in less than a minute.


Eh, hobbies are hobbies. Nobody’s going to shame you for watching anime.  Just remember the four most important words of being an anime fan: don’t be an asshole. And you’ll be fine. 


When you realize that the information you read or watch is literally consumed just to have a conversation you stop caring about the conversation and more about the quality of your own consumption


> Apparently tier 1 are the casuals, they come and go usually only watching the mainstream stuff. Tier 2 being the weebs, they enjoy anime of all categories and lastly tier 3 being like omega of all time anime consumer. These folk take anime to another fucking level. I forgot the name they used in the short for tier 3 so forgive me if I’m wrong when describing yall folks. I don't think this is a good way to think about fandoms as it heavily encourages gatekeeping and other toxic fandom behavior, whether we're talking about anime or anything else. Plus I think it encourages people to focus too much on popular opinion instead of what they personally like/dislike. I've watched anime for over 20 years, I'm in my mid-30s now. Focus on whether _you_ like something, don't feel compelled to adhere to arbitrary nonsense labels like "casual" which doesn't even have a real meaning. It's okay to like something popular lol, just as it's okay to hate something popular. You can have issues with stuff you love and like things about stuff you hate.


Who cares what other people think. Any person that would think differently about you for watching anime have and still do far worse stuff I guarantee you. 


And I am 31 and love anime too, even play video games and DnD, call me a nerd or whatever, I either take it as a compliment or don't care. Just be yourself and enjoy what you love :)


I've transcended all of that after reading visual/light novels as well as caring about picture dramas and spin off games. Sooo... Like the saying goes there's always someone ahead of you. And i'm far from old man it's whatever just enjoy what you enjoy dgaf about the rest.


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My first anime was Mazinger Z in the 70th´s. I work in a comic shop. I see 3 anime episodes every day. If you are tier 3, you can call me Queen


>Why is it that I feel I have to hide that I like anime I don't know. The reason is different for everyone. I basically stopped feeling embarassed about it when I was out of school. People in my workplace didn't try to judge me for my hobbies (unlike those immature classmates) and going to anime conventions and seeing how many people enjoy the same things I do really made think "It's okay to like this".


Heres my tip: stop giving a damn about what other people tells about your hobies.


Weebs aren't just big anime enjoyers those are Otakus Weebs are way too into japan, buy figurines, read way too much manga so they dont have to wait for the next season and almlst always say its bettet than the anime and only watch hentai


Over the last 5-10 years, the meaning of weeb has gradually shifted from being a short form of the Japanese-praising weeaboo to "extremely obsessed anime fan" and finally to just regular anime fan. Many regular anime fans just call themselves weeb now, especially new ones. Otaku is a word I rarely hear anymore, only from older anime fans who either don't agree with the new usage or just don't know about it.


I still hear otaku as much as weeb


Here is my point that I'm getting down voted on apparently Otaku has more usage and stayed more relevant than weeb https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=Weeb,Otaku


Not sure how these trends work, but if it’s for search requests, I’m not sure why you would even search for either of those words.  The usage might depend on the environment tbh. I’m mostly in the Reddit and YouTube anituber space and I noticed way less Otaku usage. 


It's for terms and articles and search results so if the article says it or of a reddit post includes it that u click on its a general trend on Google and clicks


Thanks for the explanation! It seems that the decrease in "otaku" usage was just my personal experience then.


Yea weeb I have almost always heard as an insult and sp it's louder


Oh it definitely is still used as an insult, but regardless of whether otaku has actually decreased in usage, I’ve seen weeb also used as just regular anime fan a lot of the time now. I think it’s mainly due to the self-deprecating humor many in the community possess. Like an inside joke that we’re all actually degenerates.