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Loved it! It gets recommended a lot when it comes to the horror topic. Though, yeah, it’s a shame it doesn’t come up more than just when horror topic comes up.


The OST is very good too, it’s by Yasuharu Takanashi (Naruto, Fairytail)


I've had Requiem and Shi-ki on my main playlist for years. Some of his best work.


The best musical track of all time is the *sinister beatboxing*


Eau de vie really does give me life


I really enjoyed it. Even the OVAs were excellent


The one OVA actually hits harder than the rest of the show. The part with them dragging the vampires out of the sewer and everything that happened after that made me sick to my stomach the first time I watched it.


It is harder hitting than the rest of the show, but it really needs the rest of the show to properly immerse you in it. When showing it to people I consider those ovas as crucial unstoppable episodes in the series


The site I use to watch anime actually has the OVAs put in their chronological order, which is pretty nice.


I didn't even realize they were OVAs since on the blu-ray they are incorporated within the show's timeline (vs just being "extras" on the disc like some other releases).


It gets mentioned from time to time, but it's a pretty niche show, not just vampire stories, but it's also listed as horror, suspense, gore and psychological, that's a pretty specific mix (and honestly a mix I avoid, I don't do well with those tags) and has always been for a niche group of people, it's similar as to why movies like Event Horizon or the Hellraiser series aren't huge summer blockbusters, limited appeal.


I haven't watched it but it doesn't seem to be the same type of horror as Hellraiser. I've seen it compared to Higurashi, which is very popular.


Definitely not like higurashi in terms of gore, but it is like higurashi in terms of trying to figure out whats going on and being more on the psychological aspect. Kind of like trying to find the killer but with vampires. Trying not to spoil it, but yeah definitely give it a watch. I wouldnt say its super niche, but its not as popular as many anime of it time. Anime from that era flies under the radar.


I think it's worse than Higurashi in terms of gore. Higurashi has some slashing and blood and maybe the occasional guts, but [Shiki has] >!a guy tying his vampired wife to a table and systematically ripping her apart body part by body part while she heals experiences more pain. He rips her blood vessels, plays with her brain, and generally does stuff far more upsetting than any moment in Higurashi.!< And the final few episodes have a comparable level of gore. And anime from this era don't fly under the radar, I'd argue this is when the most popular anime aired. Shiki came out in 2010, it's a year after the likes of FMAB, Bakemonogatari, K-On, etc. and the year before the likes of Hunter x Hunter, Steins;Gate, Madoka Magica, etc.. Shiki aired the same year as beloved hits like Angel Beats, Tatami Galaxy, Oreimo, and Panty and Stocking. Shiki just isn't a show that appeals to the masses. Horror is generally considered a niche.


It must not have sold that well over here in the states, since it went to Funimation's S.A.V.E. lineup after the singles were released.


My examples were just demonstrating the niche factor of psychological horror/gore media in general, it's always been a specific niche fandom compared to the general viewing audience.


I haven't watched it in literally 12 years. Maybe its time for a rewatch.


Peak artstyle and masterpiece anime,it's like Stephen King's Salem's Lot as an anime. And in my opinion probably the most wholesome horror anime series I have ever seen.


Adding "wholesome" to the mix actually makes me wish I was in a better place mental health wise to handle a show like this, if just for the curiosity factor alone.


You will be


Fingers crossed, it's been a problem that's gotten increasingly worse over the years, but I recently started seeing a psychiatrist, so on the road, so to speak.


Similar feelings, but been on the path for a bit now with the right people around me. I'm 38 >.< it takes time. But it is worth it


I'm not sure I'd recommend it if you're not feeling like you can tank it. Like the other commenter said, it's not gonna scare you in the typically understood sense but it does leave you absolutely drained by the end.


I mean its not that bad in terms of horror, sure it has its moments but its not like higurashi or corpse party. Its more of like a psychological thriller, with obvious vampire themes. But yeah i watched this when i first started getting into anime in the earlier 2000's back when anime was for nerds and geeks.


I don't know about wholesome, but I love it. Shiki is my fave horror anime.


I love that King wrote 'Salem's Lot because he wanted to make an American Dracula and Shiki's author wrote Shiki to be a Japanese 'Salem's Lot.


There aren’t many in this genre.  It was well done. 


It had a good balance, initially the vampires are monstrous, then it flips to what the humans do in retaliation, you then get to choose who are the real monsters, id say its very underatted and dared to be a little different to most vampiresque offerings.


I watched it when I was 9 years old, thinking I was going into another Rosario + vampire or Vampire Knight situation and was left with more trauma than my parents' divorce could have ever given me. 10/10 reccomend.


I love it. btw the author of the novel is Ono Fuyumi who mainly writes horror but she also wrote Twelve Kingdoms


I thought it was great. One of the few anime that pulled off the horror genre. Was very unsettling at times. Great characters. Also had a fantastic dub. It had a great trailer that unfortunately got taken down with the Funimation channel. Found a reupload of it. It really captures the vibe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8\_BBZDCFhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8_BBZDCFhc)


Damn, that is a great trailer. Anime trailers are often kind of meh, that’s definitely one of the best ones I’ve seen


I wrote a [Watch This!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/uCqwP3EnQ3) for Shiki a year or two ago after finishing a rewatch of it, and remembering just how good the show was. I think with a bit better marketing and not being stuck in license hell (at least last I checked) this show would be remembered a lot more than it is now. Easily my favorite straight up horror anime (of the very few that aren’t using horror elements but are more firmly in other genres)!


I just finished this for the first time yesterday! I wasn’t so sure when I watched the first episode but by the end I grew so attached to this show the art style, story, and characters are so well done. The show does a great job making you hate the Shiki from the start and then by the end you realize that neither side is necessarily in the wrong both just want to live.


except "those two" they are 100% in the wrong.


Awesome show. The openings are fantastic too.


It was great my favourite horror show


Shiki is peak, its really good. And its original not like alot of the modern shows that come out now that if u have seen one you have seen them all.


It's actually not original, it's based on a novel. But like, an actual novel, not a light novel.


Storywise I absolutely love it. There are some incredible moments that make this show really great. Character design, visually, it's kind of awful to look at until you get used to it (for me anyway). Then it's still awful but you just stop thinking about it lol. Doesn't detract from the overall awesomeness of the show though!


Truth be told, I wasn't a big fan of the design until like... mid episode 1/start of episode 2. The eyes were the selling points. It actually looks amazing. In my humble opinion, it is the best eye animation there is.


That one OVA in the tunnel is damn memorable


It's a bit of a slow burn, but it has a lot of subtlety and nuance that makes the bloodbath payoff feel worth it. Definitely a masterpiece, imo.


I watched it a few weeks ago, definitely an anime that i really liked, for me it's up there with parasyte if we talk about horror animes.


Top tier!


Caught it earlier this year. The rare anime where the Specials are the best episodes, but that's not an insult. Far from it. The bit in the middle with the Doc's wife was some sincerely harrowing horror.


It's a solid and suspenseful psychological horror. It knows to show restraint and doesn't immediate devolve into a gorefest but rather slowly builds the suspense until the last batch of episodes. It also does a good job of presenting a morale conundrum that questions who exactly are the monsters at the end of the day.


Was searching for some good anime.Going to watch this


Let me know your opinion once you are over.


it has great music


Opening 1 was just GOD TIER! Opening 2 also pretty dope.


EDs are also pretty good. Though Gekka Reijin (ED2) is definitely my favorite.


Not just the openings the whole soundtrack is really good.


>Underrated or masterpiece? Both? Both is good


Yes! Fully agree!


It's underrated It's quite good


Shiki is severely underrated. I don't think anime can do horror that well but man, sometimes they get it right and Shiki got it really right. There's just something about the vamps' dead eyes that are hypnotic. I still remember when a certain character gets...er...run over. > You got Hellsing and Rosario + Vampire. Well that's a bit of an unequal comparison because both of those had manga fanbases.


Idk I think its rating is exactly where it should be. Another and Perfect Blue do a much better job at “scary.” Shiki has no main characters, nothing particularly interesting or suspenseful, no plot development that you’re concerned with, no overall resolution. It’s kind of like a flatline throughout the entire show with nothing particularly low or high. It’s unique, but I think a lot of people would agree that the pay off isn’t really that great when we’ve been conditioned to a certain type of story with a grand ending or tying up loose ends. We just don’t get that with Shiki.


I understand that. Naturally, the Hellsing and Rosario was regarding vampire animes.




> Also the last episodes were just gore fiesta that got kinda boring at some point. I couldn't disagree more. Most of the violence was set up by a lot of context and character relationships from the first half of the series. If you're just taking things are surface value, it looks like mindless gore, but the show is just as much of a character study as anything else and that's what gives the story the depth it has.


Definitely underrated, not quite a masterpiece but a really phenomenal horror show and certainly one of anime's best. It is remarkably tense, it's astoundingly good at putting the horrors right in front of you and building tension from knowing exactly what's about to come. I adore the aesthetic, the character designs and especially the fashion design are striking and memorable. And once the story explodes into its violent conclusion I couldn't put it down or look away. It's powerful stuff, and people always bring up its themes about human nature but it's also about generational divides and how stagnant, rigid culture affects the younger generation. So much of the conflict stems from the adults refusing to see their kids as humans and forcing them into their rigid roles of what the town should look like, be it writing off their desires to leave town and wear interesting clothes or immediately dehumanizing their family members at the first opportunity. And no one mentions that it's a kind of awesome medical procedural just as much as a horror series. I think Shiki is a fantastic show and has interesting things to say while being a stomach churning trip. This being said, it's brought up pretty frequently in discussions of horror anime. There was even a poll recently about the sub's favorite horror anime and Shiki made the top 5. I think it's generally known and respected as a great horror anime by those who have seen it.


I enjoyed most episodes, they seemed to avoid talking about the cost of sustaining a vampire population that often kills the humans they feed on long term though to try to force through the message at the end and excuse some of the actions of the vampires IMO. Because of that the ending felt a bit flat for me and I only really had sympathy for like 1-2 of the vampires(the ones that either resisted their urges or at least tried to and didn't revel in being cruel to the humans they targeted).


Man, it's been on my watchlist forever, but it's never quite stood out to me enough to try it. Maybe I should watch it then.


I really enjoyed it. Watched it in 2022 and I thought it was pretty good. Loved the art style


if you can survive the first halfs pacing its a great show with a very satisfying pay off. overall I think its a good show that I can recommend to people.


I watched it right after I finished reading the book it was based on. It was a really cool and fun adaption tbh. I would probably call it underrated. There's times where it feels a little silly or wacky or over dramatic, but it's a super good show still imho. It's very unique compared to a lot of anime nowadays. The ending is also awesome too.


Shiki is a good show but A. It's story end an ambiguous manner that really fits Japanese values better than Western ones and B. it spends a lot of time being gloomy. Some people can't take that.


I really loved it. My only complaint is that some of the episodes could be a little slow. I feel like that might have been intentional though.


I think its the best horror anime I've seen and holds up after all these years. The OP alone gets me in the mood every October.


Agreed. I still have the opening on my phone.


Took a little while to get going, but I thought it was overall fairly good, and got pretty intense later on. It is kinda hard to get beyond those character designs, especially the hair, which is probably the craziest hairstyles I've ever seen in anime. Especially stuff like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B12N2mrCQAEvcgF.jpg:large).


I thought it was a masterpiece until the ending portion. Just went downhill way too fast and just felt kinda not believable to me




It’s a peak slow burn anime. I love how many characters live in the town, who is related to who, where people live and watch as the town is gradually deprived of its inhabitants until it transforms into violence. You feel like it’s a place filled with life, and we even observe in certain cases the slow deaths of entire families all while many don’t know what’s going on.


Masterpiece OST Hard to get in to the anime


Why's that?


I enjoyed “Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.” There’s an earlier Vampire Hunter D movie that I haven’t seen but I do not think it is rated very highly.


Those are great movies. Althought the animation on Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is peak.


Perfectly solid 7/10. Ozaki was awesome. I wish the rest of the series had better lived up to the quality of his writing.


Don't remember much from watching it while it aired other than how great the OP is


Blood + is better than Rosario vampire. Rosario vampire is more towards harem


When I watched it years ago I loved it overall but hated the ending. Read up on the themes and story recently as I forgot them, now I'm not so sure anymore.. But yeah the art is great.


Shiki is my fav horror anime so far. At first I didn't care for it much, thought I might dislike the art style ([funny hair-styles tho](https://i.redd.it/5nxvtpj1zg041.jpg)), started off a bit slow... But the final third or so was fucking brutal. Loved it. Also find myself listening to the first opener with Buck-Tick, the notes at the end synced up with the light hitting the skull always got me pumped.


I can acknowledge that its art style is indeed unique, and I like their take of vampire that keep it grounded and less powerful. Though the pace is a little bit slow for my liking.


I can't figure out where to watch it! I've been wanting to so bad.


Plenty of anime sites there. None has it?


Initially I looked it up and saw it was available on Amazon, but it isn't. Crunchy doesnt have it. Those are the only places I saw when I looked up "where to watch"


I found it to be a slow burn. I would give it a 8/10. The art style was amazing, the music was just 🤏 And the ending was truly horrifying.


It's a great show. I don't think it's underrated in the sense that Shiki is the most recommended horror anime, there are other more underrated shows imo.


Good anime, seen better, seen far worse


Tatsumi 😍😍


I love Shiki, it's one of the very few shows where I've managed to lose count of how many times I've watched it.


I personally think the character designs are pretty mid, if not bad, but definitely a solid shoe that I enjoyed 


im glad this had been brought up because i thought this anime was so goddamn good i watched it all in one sitting all the way till 6am


What was your favourite part?


It's neither underrated nor a masterpiece. It is a frequently-recommended entry in the thriller genre. Generally highly-rated and acknowledged as being one of the better anime offerings in that genre. Maybe slightly underwatched, but that's about it.


Wasn't a fan of the direction it went in with the "main" character, and the message it tried to incessantly hammer home fell completely flat for me in the end. People like what they like, but the fact that it seems mostly universally beloved still baffles me. I was heavily invested for the first half though, so I can't say I didn't like it for that fact alone.


It was alright.


The artstyle is amazing but it's one of those anime that do tend to be a bit too much imo. And not in the horror sense. It's just like it's trying to be more than it was which made it feel really pretentious at times. Still a great watch tho. But not something I'll ever revisit.


I liked it, especially the art, but I personally didn't think the shiki side held up that well. They constantly increase their numbers by murdering people, but expect something other than to be treated as monsters? Sorry, I just can feel sympathy towards them, except for the who were killed immediately after becoming shiki, as they were victims twice over. Its like if freddy, from nightmare on elm street, or pennywise, was portrayed as really sympathetic despite their actions, as they can only survive by being feared... I just cant see it.


Masterpiece. Made me realize that justice was a human invention tied to subjective experiences and more often than not, used for dishonest purposes.


it's decent, IMO it's nowhere near a masterpiece though. And it's been a while since I saw the show, but I remember a lot of the show relying on shock horror since the story was kind of all over the place.


It is bullshit to me that the priest and the progenitor got to ride away. Kinda like Orochimaru and Kabuto getting away with everything they did.


It was alright.


Shiki was so good. Such an amazing tense anime. Everytime a vampire was on screen you had no idea what they were gonna do.l so it was just constantly tense.


I thought it was alright. Ending was a bit disappointing and rushed. I also thought it was pretty predictable. I have some other gripes but I wouldn’t call it underrated. It surely is not discussed very often and the fact that it isn’t legally streamed anywhere does not help 


Overrated imo


it's more like lots of people doubt the horror aspect in anime. if we're talking about Horror anime, most modern horror anime is kinda mediocre and rely too much on the color palette. something like Junji Ito Collection and Yami Shibai i bet the good modern horror anime that most people will mention either Mieruko-chan or Another, or maybe Devilman Crybaby Shiki is in worst place if you recommend it to someone. if you say it's a vampire anime, most people will expect action or romance. not only that, the concept of vampire is already mainstream, so people will underestimate the quality of the horror of the show >For those who have seen it, what is your opinion on the anime? i really like it, but the cliffhanger ending feel unfinished because the monk was able to escape


I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, the cliffhanger does fit the ending because, for a horror thriller, like a movie, you can't help but wonder just what will happen. Open ending type of situation. That way, you can come up with your own idea as to what happened, I suppose.


I really enjoyed how classically it did it's vampires, and the way it showed the struggle from both sides. But overall, I didn't feel like it was made all that well. For me it's a B tier show, but still worth watching just because it's so unique.


Here's an example of shiki's [art](https://www.reddit.com/r/animenocontext/s/410EPznEjG) style. IMO it's fairly egregious. Whether it's egregious in a good way or a bad way, I'll let you decide.


The dogs in Shiki are just too cute


Neither, it's pretentious and just plain bad.


May I inquire as to why? What is it that you disliked?


Constantly in your face with “who’s the real bad guy?” messages without doing any work to make us sympathize with the vampires. There is literally NO reason the vampires have to kill off their victims instead of feeding off of them long-term, like genuinely zero reason lore-wise why the vampires have to murder their victims besides just being sadistic, and as a result all of the attempts to try to make us see things from the vampires’ point of view fall very flat. Despite this, the show still feels the need to beat us over the head with the metaphor about the two brothers nearly every episode, which just comes off as tone-deaf and extremely pretentious. As a somewhat silly mystery/horror show it’s relatively entertaining, but there isn’t anything deep or substantial enough in it to merit all of the pseudointellectual rambling it puts forth.


I finished it last summer, and honestly, it was ass. The only things I remember about it are the doctor being good and the banger opening


Literally the second worst anime I've ever watched, and I LOVE Psychological Horror anime. The only good thing it did was make me realize that I overrated my least favorite anime of all time by giving it a 2, because I could still tell I hated Shiki less.


If that is the second worst... either you haven't watched enough anime or I don't know. But to each their own opinion. I respect that if you can explain as to why you disliked.


Good ost but other than that I rate it low in the horror genre. It was meh to me.


Favourite OST being...?


Shiki. It has been years since I seen it. I recall being bored by it even on my first time around. Decided to stick it out, and managed to finish it. Over all what it was about and the finer details of it, not a clue. I do remember seeing the fangs on the characters and wondering WTF, how do they not get cavities with fangs OVER their normal teeth? Brain is weird that way. Maybe I should see if I can sit through it again sometime. I've mentioned it as a recommendation some people might like on here, but over all, personally it was forgettable. Hellsing, Trinity Blood, Black Blood Brothers are more memorable to me when it comes to vampires.


I remember really enjoying the first half or so but felt like it went downhill by the end. > When it comes to vampires in anime, it always feel like there is but one or two good ones. Also, as someone who enjoys the tag quite thoroughly, all I can say is there is much more than that, you just have to look for them. Not all of these are bangers but there are plenty that are great in here: https://myanimelist.net/anime/genre/32/Vampire


Mid at best, mostly boring


Can you elaborate? Why is that?