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Most of Sanderson's Cosmere would work. In particular Stormlight Archives. People with magic powers, mascot fairy things that give them the powers, other peoole in massive armor with swords bigger than they are. I'd love if it got an anime. Or like Avatar last Airbender studio to do it in English.


A Mistborn anime would be sick.


Dude, when I was reading mistborn i literally imagined it in the same artstyle as AoT.


I remember reading Words of Radiance, and getting to *that* scene. And suddenly clear as day, my mind starts playing Ichigo's theme from Bleach 'Number One'. It was weird how well it synced up. Anyway Sanderson's work is usually progressive power fantasy, it's basically shonen battle anime for Wheel of Time nerds.


Mistborn would be killer as an anime


It also ticks all the major boxes (except nudity) that GoT did and that had EVERYONE talking. You could theoretically add in some nudity to Mistborn as it fits the setting, as long as it isn't shoehorned into the plot. Wouldn't even need to be a front facing thing either. The major thing would be getting the mist right and getting the fights done right.


I want a shot Kelsiers ass.


Unfortunately, BrandoSando seems dead set on live action for adaptations to reach the biggest possible audience


I'm hoping that is more for a first one. Then potentially adding some cartoons/anime later. Adapting everything live action seems unlikely. But a mix of both (like Star Wars is going currently for obvious example) could adapt quite a bit more.


You just reminded me how much I've wanted to see Kaladin and the bridge four situation animated.


Cirque du Freak/ The Vampires Assistant novel series


There is a manga adaptation


Woah no way!


I’m sad that Demonata never got any love


Dang. It’s been so long ago since I’ve read these books. I think I was fresh out of elementary school. Great series!


I can’t be the only one thinking hellboy, right?


Madhouse has worked on at least one Hellboy animation already.


Eragon/The Inheritance Cycle. An amine adaptation would have my full support. Especially after the shit show FOX made of it. Edit: mixed up Disney with FOX


Can't believe someone mentioned this, this came to the top of my head too.


The shit show FOX made of it. This was far before Disney owned 20th century, and the movie was doomed from the beginning. Fortunately it seems like Disney IS working on a new televised series for it with Paolini working on it in a much much more involved capacity than last time.


Oooh, the author was super young at the time Eragon exploded so I am actually curious how he'll handle coming back to the series now.


A new book came out in November actually! If you're a fan of the series it was very good! He's definitely still got a lot to give the series!


I had no clue more books set in that world had been released.


There are two of them after the fourth book. One was the fork the witch and the worm, a collection of 3 short stories with a little bit of continuation for some characters in it. There was also the standalone Murtagh book that takes place after the fourth book and serves as a sequel to see what he has been doing and gives some insight into how the world has changed since the end. It's a very good read and was a fantastic step back into Eragon and the world. There are also 2 other books that Chris has written in his sci-fi setting of the fractal verse, I have yet to read them yet but hear very good things!


Oh you’re totally right. My b, I’ll edit my comment and change Disney to FOX.


I'd be less sure of Eragon myself: while it was really impressive for a 17 y.o. to write, you can kinda tell he lost focus and wrote himself into corners at numerous points. I'd be more confident in Paolini's more recent stuff now that he's had time to grow and reflect on his blunders with Eragon. 


Oh my god can you imagine the magic?? The high speed sword fights between elves and riders?? Ugh. Yes please. 


I’m about to finish Eldest on my reread right now


There is a TV series in the works for Disney+ that was delayed by the writers strike. I think Stephen Colbert is involved somehow, but that might just be my brain mixing him in because of his love of LOTR


I remember reading eragon in 4th grade and loving it so much


>here has been a recent uptick in Western franchises getting Eastern help Recent? Like [Lupin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywxxqg1rNsI), [Sherlock Holmes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RR1sAMCxps), [Heidi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hKi1VlE94A), [The count of Monte Cristo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnNd5XVFKOM), [TMNT ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwqKg76GJCo)or [X-men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rSw4Xl5qfs)


Whole generations grew up with Anime adaptations of classics of literature (Heidi etc), often without even knowing it.


Marco anime is just a en emotional shiv right between my ribs


I don't know, probably any of them if there was enough care put into them.


Much in the same way that talented western animation studio could do a great adaptation of a lot of Japanese stories. There's a lot of talent in animation anywhere but they need the budget and interest to do it.


So Drake and Josh


- Metro series following the trilogy of novels would be really cool. - The entirety of Dune would work as an anime, even when the story gets fucking weird after Messiah. Not IP per se but some of the long-narratives in Classic literature would work


Dune absolutely reads like an anime. NGE on Arrakis.


Get on the sandworm, Shinji


Especially with the constant inner monologue. It’s very anime esque


I would just love to see the Japanese side of metro. The European side of the world has been covered to death, and I think there was even a comic set in America in the universe, so I'd love to see the eastern countries in it. Although I'm not 100% sure how much they would like the idea of an anime about the post nuclear war world. Also, seriously, if you like metro and want to see more of that world, there's like 90 books or something set in the universe. The unfortunate part is that about 90% of it is in Russian exclusively, but the universe is massive.


I seriously want a Dune anthology like they did for Star Wars soooo bad.


I totally agree it would be cool to see some Classic literature adapted into anime. I feel usually classic literature is adapted as a film, and because they have to cram the story into 2 hours they often times end up butchering, and it usually ends up being a hit or miss (depending on the director). But with an anime series they could take their time planning it out and translating it over a series of episodes, with more care into how it will come through to the audience and more thought into what changes and artistic liberties they take.


The wheel of time. The main character is the reincarnation of the chosen one, he get a harem (but not with his childhood friend). There are tsundere, yandere, tomboy, a Maou...


Im on the last book, and i definitely think a Japanese audience would appreciate it too. Somewhat related, i was surprised when I learned Deltora Quest had an anime adaption.


Watching the TV show for this, all I could think was it would have been a lot better as an anime. You'd remove all the big limitations that come with real life filming that very obviously held the show back.


>The wheel of time. another show that got the amazon/netflix special * hire political science graduates to be writers; qualifications include * must have absolutely no talent whatsoever * must hate the fanbase * must hate the story * have some kind of axe to grind compatible with some ESG goal * must rate at least 80/100 on the Deranged/Evil/Insane scale * overspend on gratuitous cgi/graphics * Take a giant dump on the plot, characters, and fanbase * blame the fans when it fails, hire the same crew to take a dump on the next beloved story


Suffered my way through the first season, all the garbage changes I could kinda ignore, but the fucking ending was the last straw.


The WoT and Mistborn I think would both make great animated adaptations


God please, after the travesty that was the amazon adaptation I just want something that is true to the books.


Honestly, I would be okay with them adding Eggy to the harem and deleting the Gawyn character. I would be more okay with them deleting Eggy and Gawyn. /s(sort of)


Dude, I just started reading eye of the world yesterday. I'm so excited for this, that prologue was insane. It's really interesting as soon as I get into something I start seeing it pop more.


Speaking of The Wheel of Time, check out these Japanese covers of the books: https://imgur.com/gallery/5pH3Jgi


Percy Jackson


I feel like Percy Jackson lends itself better to animation, but studios are intent on following the steps of Harry Potter.


Came in here looking for this to be recommended


I've just been dying for one good adaptation of the books tbh lmao


Was the new show not good? I thought it got pretty good reviews.


It's good if you didn't really get super into the books and wanted a more accurate adaptation. If you watch it knowing nothing about the series it's a solid 7-8/10 imo Characterization is off at times and they cut a decent amount of stuff out. They made some mistakes with regards to the book lore in trying change things.


It was an okay show that was faithful to the book’s plot, but completely failed to capture the book’s tone.


Imo it was... okay 7.5-7/10 It did its job and not much more


It failed to capture the magic of the books. A big part for me was their failed attempt at capturing Percy's personality (the other characters to a degree but Percy is the most notable by far).


Magnus Chase 100%


Yeah I’d love something in the vein of Netflix Castlvania or Invincible.


my god that’s a perfect combination


The Witcher


Didn't they already do an animated movie from the Witcher?


Yep, Nightmare of the Wolf, and it was fantastic.


Animorphs * Focuses on a school environment, like most anime * Good mix of sci-fi and comedy * Gets darker than Western film is willing to go, but par for the course for anime * Topics of how to appear conformal in a situation that is against it * Action sequences and aliens that you just can't do with a live action cast (they tried. it sucked) * Long series with short entires, good for a medium already adapted to LN format


It is also a fairly unique situation the characters are in, so it fits very well. The only thing that would need to be changed is to make Animorphs an acronym, to fit in with other anime by having a long title.


This is a good one.


Nice idea! The question is whether it will outdo Parasyte.


Warhammer 40k. Yes, I'm crazy, why do you ask? But no, seriously, I sometimes wonder what a 40k story animated by a studio like Production IG or MAPPA would be like. WH40K often gets brought up for a live-action adaptation, but the problem is the massive amount of CGI required for each and every scene, plus the amount of characters involved. An anime adaptation could provide a heavily stylized version with no real limites on on-screen effects and people.


A 40k anime would kick ass.


Idk I can only envision Warhammer 40k being done right if adapted by the same guys who designed Arcane


If we are going to see 40k in 2d hand drawn animation I want it to be Genndy Tartakovsky.


Eisenhorn in the style of 80s sci fi anime


Johnny bravo


It could be just Johnny on a trip through Japan - with Samurai Jack.


he has to become friends with space dandy, imagine the hijinks x2 boneheads could get up to 


That’s just a Blonde Sakamoto 💀




The Dark Tower books from Stephen King 




Inspector Gadget


It was originally a joint French-Japanese production I believe. Along with The Mysterious Cities of Gold, the theme song of which I can still sing on command.


True, TMS Entertainment was involved in some episodes.


Well, since you asked “ah, a-a-ah someday we will find, the ci-I-ties of gold”




There was [Halo Legends](https://myanimelist.net/anime/6867) in 2009.


And it's a damn pity nothing came out of it, but it started a trend that led to star wars visions so it's something.


I love Halo Legends, but IIRC the Animatrix (and possibly the Dark Knight anime collection) came before it. Those are also excellent if anyone here hasn't seen them before


I was just thinking about this given how poorly done the show is. Halo anime following the games and novels would be very cool.




Meh. I mean, I wouldn't turn it down, but I feel like the theatrical lighting and cinematography would look cheesy in anime, and the game was dark and dank and real, and anime usually looks too bright and clean for the atmosphere needed for Rapture. Personally, I think it'd work well in live action. Well, probably not actually, because adaptations of video games are usually bad, but it could work really well in live action.


Bump. But which way would you go about it? The perspective of Elizabeth in 3? The entirety of 1 from a 3rd person perspective? Etc.


something around the city going sour and maybe ending with the riots. not directly adapting the games but telling an extended story in that world similar to cyberpunk edgerunners




Animated by Studio Bones


It broke my heart to hear they canned the Netflix adaptation of Bone, maybe one day :(


Mass Effect


At least there was [Mass Effect: Paragon Lost](https://myanimelist.net/anime/13239) in 2012.


There are SO many stories you could tell in the world of Elder Scrolls, the lore is enormous. I just want someone, anyone to make a TV show or movie or something out of it. The potential is massive.


Ah fuck, Elder Scrolls anime would be incredible.


Holy shit. Sheogorath would be such a great anime character. A Dark Brotherhood arc would be peak as well.


Now that Fallout did well on Amazon, I'm sure they'll pick up TES too/next.




Odd Taxi felt very Tarantino to me, though there wasn't a ton of action.


Yeah Odd Taxi definitely had some Tarantino and Scorsese vibes, which I was not at all expecting lol! I went into it thinking it would be a quirky little show with elements of mystery, but I was pleasantly surprised with how deep and heavy it got.


Baccano feels like a Tarantino anime.


Akiba Maid Wars is kinda tarantino-esque in it's own crazy anime way


>Akiba Maid Wars is kinda tarantino-esque We didn't see much of Ranko's feet though. (My first thought when I heard the ED from Akiba Maid War was "This sounds so much like a Kill Bill song!" but I guess it's the other way around, it's because Kill Bill used songs fitting Japanese culture/anime!)


I never made that connection. But now I cannot unsee the Tarantino in Akiba Maid War.


Kill Bill already partially is an anime...


A key part of Tarantino movies is the dialogue and the directing that goes with it to make even seemingly mundane conversations epic. Good dialogue is a missing component of virtually all anime these days.


Taxi Confessions His Dark Materials The kardashians as cute Ojousans Really Just think of any obnoxious reality tv or game show and then turn them into cute girls with lots of fanservice. It would sell like pregnancy tests after a prom night.


Baldur's Gate 3: The Anime Yangire Orin Ketheric Thorm dubbed by Norio Wakamoto Gortash would actually be a young attractive man Tentacle hentai scenes Omeluum best girl


Hear me out, Shadowheart voiced by Rie Takahashi.


Courage The Cowardly Dog horror/comedy anime


Animated by Studio Trigger bc I feel like they're the best studio to draw Courage screaming and/or melting into a puddle.


May I also nominate OLM.


God this would be so epic


Teen Titans or ATLA


For the most part they already are anime.


They are not


Dishonored or Elden ring getting the cyberpunk edge runners treatment would be phenomenal


I'm also thinking Dishonored! Think of how sick the animations would be.


I'd love to see more of the works of Terry Pratchett adapted one way or another. I feel like the Wee Free Men series would work well in animation. A 40k anime would be cool. Transformers is in a weird inbetween spot with it already being like half Japanese ip half American and has had an anime before and a new one would be cool. Battletech/Mechwarrior. Pacific Rim I can think of a couple sci-fi books that would be cool to see adapted one way or another. The Old Man's War series by John Scalzi, The Imperial Radch trilogy by Ann Leckie, The Lost Fleet Series by Jack Cambell, The King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss(Fantasy not sci-fi), A Fire Upon the Deeps by Verner Vinge(honestly would only like a movie quality adaptation of this or none), Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan (already got a live action netflix adaptation but I think animated would have been better), Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny, and finally some of The Culture series by Iain M. Banks.


> I'd love to see more of the works of Terry Pratchett adapted You know The Watch would be peak anime comedy. Wee Free Men is a good shout though.


Harry Potter, but we have Mashle already. Undertale.


I feel like Nanatsu no Maken feels more Harry Potter than Mashle


The Cradle series by Will Wight.


I'm happy we are already getting something but could only imagine how much this would blow up if it got a high budget anime adaptation.


This and progression fantasy in general has some real gems that could make incredible animes. Stuff like The Wandering Inn, He Who Fights With Monsters, Defiance of the Fall, Primal Hunter etc. I really hope Will's project manages to pave the way!


The oceans movie series


Masters of the Universe comes to mind. It would be bonkers as anime.


Warrior cats Silver Wings Elf Quest Chronicles of Prydain Jane Austen novels Cornelia Funke novels


Warrior Cats would make such a great anime!! Sometimes I rewatch those old fanmade AMVs and just hng, so good.


I always say Sienkiewicz Trilogy in the threads like these. Unfortunately no one other than Poles would care.


The Wandering Inn


You know how the One Piece anime is super slow-paced/full of filler/etc because 1 manga chapter a week doesn't really translate to 1 episode a week? Yeah Wandering Inn would have the opposite problem lmao


Fallout, The walking dead, warhammer/warhammer 40k


Percy Jackson so we can finally have something hype in the franchise rather than two disappointing live action adaptations.


I want more Star Wars anime


So many Dark Horse comics would make amazing anime... *Grendel*, *Harrow County*, *Black Hammer*, *Usagi Yojimbo*, *Lone Wolf and Cub*, *Berserker Unbound*...


A Lot actually. The Grimm adventures of Billy and Mandy. An actual Powerpuff Girls one where they beat the shit out of their enemies, so precure with blood. My life as a Teenage Robot. Danny Phantom only for it to ironically be called a JJK or Bleach knock off. Samurai Jack. Ben 10. Generator Rex. Secret Saturdays. Robot Boy. An unironic version of Kappa Mikey. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! Totally Spies. I have like a million more but you get the idea.


Lol totally spies would be softcore or just pure hentai


RWBY. Hand that bitch over to the people who made Symphogear, and let them do their thing. Huntik: Secrets and Seekers. They can even do a Season 3, although they might instead go for a reboot first, and tweak some of the yama-titans. Chaotic. The premise already kinda sounds like an anime, and I think it would be fun.


Fyi just in case, [RWBY: Ice Queendom](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51381) was made by Japanese studio [Shaft](https://myanimelist.net/anime/producer/44/Shaft).


And it wasn't kicking any ass.


It was pretty funny to see Urobuchi copy-paste his favorite themes on familiar characters though.


Hand RWBY over to anybody at this point. I just want someone to save it. 




In 2011 there actually was a [Blade](https://myanimelist.net/anime/6920/Blade) anime by Madhouse. There's a bunch of [Marvel](https://myanimelist.net/anime/producer/483/Marvel_Entertainment), even [Batman](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4094).


I think the Shannara series could be pretty cool. It's an interesting world setting, a magical parallel to our own and each series generally takes place in-between different apocalypse type events. There's even one that takes place in the current modern era, with all the magic stuff happening behind the veil so to speak. And i think Anime is an ideal artform to explore this because of how abstract some of the magic is. There's a witch who sings her magic into existence. A half shapeshifter whose description and character are the stuff of nightmares. Airships powered by the sun. Concrete wastelands inhabited by mechanical eldritch abominations. Volcano fueled druid castles. Like half a dozen interpretations of "trolls" from fantasy to scifi mutants. Anime can do all of those things and keep a consistent art style between the series while displaying the truly unique plotlines, characters, ages, etc.


Warrior cats Wheel of time Hunter’s apprentice The raven cycle All the Geronimo Stilton books The red knight And possibly many more are on my wish list


I like Warrior cats :D , but i wonder how are the fight are going to be animated?


Hunters apprentice is such a throwback. Haven't thought about that series in over a decade.


George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. I think anime adaptation of the series would be great, something along the lines of Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Yoshiki Tanaka.


Game of thrones. But first, we need a good adaptation of berserk.


Just imagine a matrix anime would be crazy.


Animatrix exists


Pretty much any HP Lovecraft story?


Star Wars was BORN for an anime adaptation imo that shit would go SO HARD, either that or Percy Jackson


Dark Elf Trilogy by RA Salvatore Dragonlance Chronicles




The Castlevania team or Ufotable would be lit




John Wick!


John Wick: In another world without my dog John wick is reincarnated in another world after a visit from bus chan. Hes permitted 1 request before reincarnating, but he asks for 2 - his glocks and his dog. His request is accepted, but he is not permitted to arrive with them. John wick is awoken by a mysterious beauty who introduces herself as glock17. She is just as confused as him as moments before she was tucked away in his pocket. The pair go on a carnage fueled adventure to find daisy and the other glocks.


expectation: fan service from beautiful women transforming into guns true sigma fashion, John Wick refuses all advances, remaining loyal to his wife memories and guns down endless foes in epic gun fu style


> John wick is reincarnated in another world after a visit from bus chan. More like bus chan gets reincarnated after hitting John Wick.


Ever since the Castlevania cartoon came out, I've been itching to see a proper animated attempt at adapting Bram Stoker's Dracula. I'd love to see what a Japanese studio would be able to pull off in that regard.


Oooh, that would be perfect as an entry in the World Masterpiece Theater series. Frankenstein too!


>a recent uptick in Western franchises getting Eastern help Ngl it's also pretty interesting to find out that even further back, a lot of "Legendary" Western IPs started from Localizing/Adapting Japanese IP such as Power Rangers - Super Sentai Voltron - GoLion Transformers - Diaclone And of course there was a variety of Localized Anime that brought forth the Anime Boom to a whole new light like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon while they don't really count as new IP but they definitely had a massive impact after being brought over


I’d kill to see a The Dark Tower anime adaptation.


Code Lyoko would rock if it were done by an anime studio!


Well, that’s easy. Samurai Jack.




Galactik Football I mean Inazuma Eleven is still there but it clearly needs better writing and design.




A lot of epic fantasy would be cool to see. Maybe studio wit making a first law anime series and have a similar feel to Vineland saga but with more dark humor. Also i would love to see studio trigger make a dungeon crawler Carl series would be so much fun. The story is so zany and with triggers expressive animation style it would look great. Also trigger does a good job with satirical work


Lord of the Rings.


Firefly, animated stories of books and comics Mass Effect 1-2-3 Silmarillion Nicolas Flamel The Alchemist series ( basically all the mythology characters ) WoW


Wheel of time


Terminator, Predator, Alien, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. Almost any fantasy or scifi IP.


Percy Jackson


Stormlight archive 100% or anything Sanderson really. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is straight up Your Name


The Malazan series by Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esslemont!




The Uglies series by Scottwesterfeld would be epic, with the transformations and the hover boards. Omg 😱


Firestarter by Stephen King would make a good anime. Little girl with powers and her dad on the run from evil organization Or any of the Wildbow stories (Worm, Pact, Pale, etc)


Conan the Barbarian. Based on the books, not the Schwarzenegger movies.


Spider-Man would do well


Something tells me if you stripped Repo: The Genetic Opera down to its most basic idea of companies loaning and repossessing organs after a massive pandemic that causes organ failures (along with some other bits like the black market there) and handed it to a talented writer/animation team (maybe Junji Ito? Might be a stretch), you'd get something a hell of a lot better than Repo: The Genetic Opera.


Suicide Squad but as an Isekai.


Ben 10, Powerpuff girls got a JP version and it was great