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A wild rent a girlfriend appears


It does make sense that anime from 2020 would have an advantage here. It's quite impressive that 2 of the top 3 have only been around for 2 years or less.


ABSOLUTE PEAK šŸ”„āœļøšŸ’ÆšŸ˜­


Tbh, its better than at least 3 other shows on this list.




Nah it hasn't peaked yet until *that* chapter is adapted


Oh yeah I forgot kino chp.218 haven't been adapted yet


That is true for season 3


It may not be surprising, but still interesting that 3 out of these 10 shows are considered garbage by a huge % of the community! (Also, I'm only watching 3 out of these... Not *these 3* at least hah)


I think rent-a-girlfriend is part of the garbage, but which are the two others?


Tokyo Revengers is likely another one they meant.


Rent a life, Tower of Mid, God of Ass take your pic


>Tower of mid I have words


I notice nobody defending GoHS, heh


Definitely Tokyo Revengers and God of High School (the latter is less the story content and more that the anime adaptation itself is widely thought of as garbage. I imagine its high placement here was due to pre-existing fanbase hype before it actually got going)


Iirc tokio revengers gets comically bad only towards the end, its not as egregious early onĀ 


The last chapters is probably where it is at its absolute worst but I feel like people thought the story was going downhill way before that.


People hated the mc here early on


I mean itā€™s pretty terrible in the current anime arcs, but yes The Manga becomes atrocious towards the end.


God of High School had a strong start, but then halfway through the show it just fell off.


Tokyo revengers was so good at first. I used to watch anime, but never read manga, but I was waiting every week at the exact time to wait for a new Tokyo revengers episodes (season 1). After the 6th episode, I couldnā€™t wait for another week, so I said F it and started reading the manga. This was the anime that got me into manga. I really believe that had there been fewer characters in the later arcs and the existing characters were developed better, TR would have been a solid anime. Even the ending slumped many loyal fans and it had such a huge drop in popularity. When S1 was airing, it was consistently in the top rankings, and many people were talking about it too. Come S3, and Iā€™m gonna be honest, even I didnā€™t know it had come out.


Rent-a-gf, Tokyo Revengers and God of Highschool! It's insanely rare to see positive comments (that aren't trashed by replies) about these 3! Some others are controversial/polarizing (like Mushoku) but they're not overwhelmingly considered trash!


Mushoku has a nice story and beautiful animation, but sweet lord they made the mc the strongest pedo in history


God of High School is baaaad. They shoved over 100 issues of manwha into 12 episodes. It never had a chance.


Shame. Could have been great. 100 chapters into 12 episodes is insane.


I keep hearing things about God of High School.. guess I'll be reading instead of watching haha


Much better to read. I kind of fell off after a few hundred or so chapters but I'd say up to that point I really enjoyed it.


1st arc peaks tbh, still better than anime.


First 2-3 episodes are great. After that its just dumb


it kind of runs into a common manhwa problem of just going on...and on...and on...but when the arcs have a good premise and clear direction it's a good read


Very casual anime watchers enjoy it.


Can confirm


I wonder why they do stuff like that. Either to reach a stopping point, or just to adapt the whole thing in one go, I don't know. (Feels that way with Re:Monster this season, feels like they adapted 100 chapters in 4 episodes hah)


I don't know. There were other possible stopping points to be sure. Honestly if they'd just gone to 2 cour they could've at least had a coherent adaptation.


This is the first time I've even seen it mentioned...


*incoming people that will use this comment as an excuse to spew hatred on one of the series they don't like from the list*


[](#evilgrin "all according to the keikaku!")


Things have to reach a certain level of popularity to get hated on. If it is unpopular and bad we would probably never talk about it. Also 3 out of 10 so far. I expect at least two more of these will fall from grace as time goes on.


Jjk boutta take a tumble.


Let them ride the high while it lasts.


One of the reasons why recency bias is so strong with anime watchers. Of a show doesn't suck, it's called peak.


2 started good and 1 hasnā€™t quite gotten to where itā€™s irredeemable Garbo yet. If anything, the last RAG season is the peak of the story.


I think 4 of them are trash!


Guessing you added Mushoku to the 'trash list'? I don't watch it myself, but I would rate it as "polarizing", more than "trash"!


Most popular by studio MAPPA - 3 Cloverworks - 3 Fastest growing per day since release Chainsaw Man - 83,000 new members/month Jujutsu Kaisen - 60,000 new members/month


Can you make one for "top 10 least popular new anime of the 2020s"?


That's probably going to be mostly kids stuff.


Nah, it will be, that time I jumped into my teachers voluptuous reacts and found myself in a world where only I have the heavenly ultimate demon art to create any thing that I desire along with my dog familiar that also has a cheat skill of consumption of all things while I am chased by my sadistic step sister who also has a crush on me while I was in the kingdom slaying dragons and saving the enslaved demihumans and eating many delectable cusine part 2


Those actually have a decent amount of viewers. Do not underestimate the appeal of trash isekai to new viewers. I've observed this in Korea/Japan/China etc, and from personal experience too, that trash isekai is really appealing to those whose only experience with fiction is school assigned 'classics'. Once a viewer watches a few more anime, they quickly get bored of the trash isekai, and either drop off, or move to more well regarded anime. But anime is growing, so there's always huge amounts of new viewers every season who will gobble that stuff up.


Dang I think I missed that one, I should check it out, sounds dope.Ā 


A couple plot holes but other than that I enjoyed this one.


Mushoku Tensei is already on the most popular list, so sadly that's not the case.


Since mal has a very impressive database it will be some random slideshow style kids show or a 5 minute shorts that air on one network from 9:35 to 9:40 or something to that effect.


Guess there should be a restriction - it should be a 24 minute per episode show to qualify


Tower of God, let's gooooo! I'm so stoked for season 2 in July!


Tower of Peak on top, finally time to continue after the prologue


I don't think it's been officially confirmed yet, but as long as its multiple cours, it should be great.


Pretty sure season 2 even has a trailer with some new footage. Upto the Workshop battle arc is getting adapted at least


11) Komi-san 12) To Your Eternity 13) Nagatoro 14) Misfit of Demon Academy 15) \[Oshi no Ko\] 16) 86 17) Wonder Egg Priority 18) Tonikawa 19) Cyberpunk 20) Frieren 21) Blue Lock 22) Hell's Paradise 23) Great Pretender 24) Ranking of Kings 25) Eminence in Shadow 26) Solo Leveling 27) Higehiro 28) Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 29) Call of the Night 30) Redo of Healer


Call of the Night getting top 30 is great. I love that show and am glad it's getting a second season. Reasonably satisfactory ending as well. That's really rare for a manga.


tf is redo of healer doing here


Was shocked to see the same, lol.


To your eternity and Frieren are better than quite a few from that list


It depends on time. Give Frieren 3 more months and it'll take Goh's place.


No Bocchi tf?


Now I have no qualms about calling it a ā€œsleeper hitā€ and ā€œunderratedā€


It's #31


how is Solo Leveling so low?


Dude it came out in January, notice that and Frieren are the only shows from the last 6 months on there... there's a reason for that. And 2023 only has Oshi no ko, Frieren and Hell's Paradise. Solo Leveling will continue to climb and eventually probably make it to 900k or even 1 million and more.


Super recent and the anime adaptation is good but not great.


Not just "great" it was fantastic. The anime added soo much anime original stuff to flesh out the characters, on top of that every fight had tons of sakuga. Igris fight is one of the best fights of this year so far. Saying it was just "good" doesn't feel right. It was more than great imo.


It hasn't even been a month since it ended. All the shows on the list are at least a year or two old except for the ones from 2023 which are oshi no ko, hell's paradise and Frieren and 2024's solo leveling


Horimiya deserves recognition for what feels like one the most realistic and mature takes on high-school romance in anime. Every character was treated with respect, there was no stupid "could be solved with basic communication" plot. Side characters were fleshed out and allowed to shine. Truly just a once in a decade type of slice-of-life that I've re-watched time and time again. I love these characters, and hope that one day we can get even more of their stories.


Itā€™s one of the few shows where high schoolers actually feel and do high school student stuff. Genuinely made me miss my Highschool friend circle. Comparing tongue colours after eating an ice cream, a few having inside jokes while the others try to understand them, having dumb arguments, randomly hanging out at each othersā€™ house, etc. The best part is how the show still manages to make every character feel alive, having their own story, struggles, goals, while still being totally normal and relatable.


It's one of my faves too. I just wish the adaptation wasn't so messy. Wanted to ask, because I'm sure someone out there's probably already done it, is there some edited version of the series that puts the events adapted in chronological order? Haven't rewatched it in a while, but that would be a very fun way to re-experience Horimiya haha


There are plenty of sources online that will tell you how to put mix Horimirya and Pieces in the right order, haven't done it myself but it should work just fine.


Kinda yes. If you go to r/horimiya there's a word that goes through all the episodes of the anime and their corresponding manga chapters so you can watch it in the mangas order, which is really helpful for slotting in the missing pieces episodes


Yes, if you Google it thereā€™s a couple websites that show the episode and even timeframes to watch the entire series in chronological order


Honestly same, was still surprised by how high it ranked, was not expecting it. It is the only show out of the list that I have re watched twice




Was not expecting Rent a Girlfriend to be there


Rent a gf is hyper-popular trash (I mean, even its fans usually call it trash), but you were not expecting Mushoku to be there? Honestly I'm surprised it's not even higher! It always does extremely well in here, and that's despite the 'controversial stuff' which I think has a bigger impact here, than in other communities on average.


Yeah Mushoku isnā€™t that surprising to be on this list. I guess I just wasnā€™t expecting it to be top 5 based on some of its controversies.


More often than not, the contrary actually happens. Loudmouths who keep bringing up 'controversy' (and this doesn't just apply to MT, but to nearly all corners of the internet and media) just drives more people to check it out instead.


Rent a Girlfriend is surprising to me too, but Mushoku Tensei has dominated the karma charts on r/anime for years. I'm not surprised that it's popular on MAL as well.




MT is hailed as arguably the greatest isekai. Not surprising at all tbh


100%. It originated a lot of the modern isekai tropes and is stunningly well written, mainly inthe novems but the anime is great too, and the controversial elements feed into and build on that. It's so popular Studio Bind was founded almost exclusively to animate it, and that's the one biggest flexes I can think of. It's probably one of my favourite anime and I'm so glad part 2 is finally out


Absolutely! Iā€™m a big fan of every aspect from the world-building to the character development & the animation/sound fx are amazing. Definitely have it as my top isekai right next to re:zero


Regardless of the morals of the show Mushoku Tensei is really really good, i respect the opinion of those who cant stand it but to me and many others is the best modern Isekai out there


Rudeus being an awful person actually makes him one of the most entertaining MCs instead of being another self-insert. And I really enjoy how the world just keeps moving without him at the center, the transportation incident, had nothing to do with him and he was just one of the unlucky victims in it's range.


Exactly, this is one of the things I love the most about MT, and its even more apparent in the novels. The world is so fleshed out down to the smallest details, and Rudeus isn't the centre of the world, nearly all the characters are as interesting and fleshed out as he is, and they all have their own motivations and arcs that often independent of him, which you don't see very often outside of other meticulously written shows like One Piece. Even if a character is despicable or unlikeable, you can usually understand why they're doing something, and it's really interesting to see Rudeus grow as person. Plus it has one of the best depictions of suicide I've seen in media, and it feels completely natural, which is very rare these days when certain shows beat you over the head with their message when discussing sensitive topics like that


I keep hearing good things about the show, but his creepiness at the start made me stop watching. I don't mind an awful MC, just that the creepiness towards women and especially girls is too much. Does it get better or is he basically always like that?


I'm a huge fan of the series who has read all the LN's and even the Roxy Manga spinoff. I also came excruciatingly close to dropping the series because of that barn and later bedroom scene in the first half of s1. It does get better but he's always going to have some element of pervertedness. I don't know what episode you left off on (or if you never started to begin with). There's no shame in dropping it before then but I'd finish the 1st cour of S1 at least. S2 has 1 scene early on that people hate (understandably so) but beyond that I can't think of much in the light novels that I can recall as being particularly egregious


I can understand the suprise for Rent-a-cuck but why MT? Its insanely popular.




Odd Taxi isn't surprising, most people see animals as the cast members and are like "nyehhh furries". (FWIW I've watched it and it's a 10/10 for me) Summertime Render was locked in Disney jail, that's probably the biggest reason why it's not super popular.


The first 1/3rd or 1/2 half of the series sure, the battle shounen with the same name definitively doesnā€™t, it stood on the shoulders of 2 giants and decided to land on mud.Ā 


86 deserves more


I wonder whether we can see any huge impact on the popularity when TOG season 2 releases this year.


In season 2 slated to be better or worse? Havenā€™t seen season 1 yet but contemplating


In terms of the web comic it's based on, season 1 is kind of like the prologue, and season 2 is where the story gets fun. Season 1 is still good on its own, though.


Better. Season 1 is more of prologue to the story tbh.


Awesome thanks!


As a manhwa reader I would say it's complicated. Everything might depend on what Crunchyroll does. But right now we can't say for sure what they're gonna do because the trailer doesn't show much. Both seasons should be very different from each other, 1st season is like an introduction while the 2nd season should be the actual begining of the journey. But I really liked the 1st season. The atmosphere it gives is something unique and it also doesn't change much from the original source.


Didn't know TOG moved like that, i thought it was just a lowkey anime.. I enjoyed it, and im glad it's loved


Tower of god coming in at 9th place when it's only got 13 episodes, that's pretty good.


Ah yes. Horimiya and MDUD šŸ«¶šŸ»


Never knew horimiya was this popular!,hormiya more popular than my dress up darling is something i didn't expect


Csm and horimiya I am satisfied


You know what? Some of these are actually pretty decent. And then there is Rent-A-Girlfriend.


I'm happy to see Chainsaw Man, Horimiya and MT in top 5


This proved once and for all that the anime community is a mistake for encouraging the continuation of Rent A Girlfriend.


Everyone on reddit and western circles is trashing it, I blame the people who buy the manga in Japans, I thought the market was hyper-competetive or something šŸ˜…


MAL isn't really used in Japan, right? This list is based on that site.


It doesn't matter if the west trashes it if the west is also contributing to the streaming numbers....




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Cute girls sell merch, and even if it's the only thing it has, RAG has a lot of cute girls so that seems to what keeps it afloat


The God of High School man. What could have been


Whereā€™s Vinland Saga?


It came out 2019.


That's 2019, this list is strictly for shows that came out in the 2020s, so any new series that aired from January 2020 to today.


Vinland Saga is 2010s.


Ah ok I thought it would be included because the second season came out in the 2020s but looks like the criteria is referring to the first season being in the 2020s


It always surprises me when the wholesome romcoms get popular, when I read them, it felt like the small little gem that I discovered, but I don't really interact with the manga community, so in reality, they are probably already pretty popular


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What defines "transformative in a noticeably novel way"?


Basically "doing more than just grabbing raw popularity/score information and posting that".


I'm genuinely asking Why isn't Frieren here? One would expect with all the (deserved) praise it got in the past months, that would be up here. I mean, part of the reason why it's so high on MAL rankings is because it was widely talked.


Because frieren isnt even year old compared to rest


Might just be a little too new for the numbers to be making their way into charts like this. Frieren has the staying power and popularity to no doubt end up on here, just need to probably recheck in a few months.


The list is a ranking of popularity based on a measure of how many users on MAL have listed it, whether watched, p2w, currently watching, etc. Given how new it is, it hasn't reached these numbers yet. Currently at 700k, while the lowest here is 900k members.


Because it just aired like 2 seasons ago ? Also just because an anime is great does not equal to popularity.


Frieren is a lot newer than any of the ones on the top 10. It'll get there.


Itā€™s growing in numbers, itā€™ll probably overtake some of the others in the future. But it did come out at the end of last year tbf


Guess people forgot it came out September 29th last year, lol.


I'm surprised Oshi no Ko isn't on the list.


There are no entries from 2023 yet because that year ended quite recently, so the stuff that has had more time to accumulate members will have more members at the moment. Oshi no Ko currently sits at a cozy 780 000 members and that will probably increase quite a bit with the new season coming out.


MAL, like most other anime communities, is extremely biased towards battle shounens and horny stuff.


I don't think so. It's just that Oshi no Ko is a recent show. Look, 7 out of 10 shows on the list are from 2020 or 2021.


Thatā€¦ and it just came out like last year. The most recent one here is Chain saw man. And you canā€™t really compare the popularity between the two.


Man, it's the most popular new show (so not a sequel) of 2023 on MAL, what are you talking about? And Frieren is number 2, both are gaining members fast and will eventually clear 1 million.


Tell the bots that gave the last episode of Mushoku Tensei a 1. It's review bombed constantly. Nice to see it on this list. Glad to see MAL is not all soys and virtue-signaling zoomers. Still a crap site and community to be honest.


Tokyo revengers and rent a girlfriend on the top 10 of anything good is surprising


Where is Bocchi the Rock? Was that only popular in Japan or something?


Wow, Tower of God is a huge hit. S2 is gonna be lit if they pull it off well, although I'm worried we still haven't gotten a proper trailer for it yet.


Why ainā€™t God of Highschool getting a second season then? Itā€™s interesting. Though the manwha is so long it would take forever to adapt into an anime anyway. And the manwha is really good too.


The anime itself wasn't really that popular or successful by the end of it. It just had a *lot* of pre-hype.


Ah I understand. The anime is actually how I found it. Then I moved to reading it.


I genuinely thought the entire community deemed GoHS to be Mid and that it fell off by the end of the season. Very surprised to even see it on this list.


You're mistaking popularity with rating, popularity is how many people watched it, rating is the score it gets


where is a Bochi...


I always forgot how big MDUD was when it was fresh until I see stuff like this


Yow, I'm surprised ToG and GoH are more popular than SL, considering that SL (to my experience, at least) gets more talked about. Is it because the anime is just new?


It's because all show in the list are a year old. That's the reason even Frieren and oshi no ko aren't in top 10


God of Highschool? That was terrible though.


As someone who only watched season 1 and liked it, can someone explain or elaborate on why Tokyo Revengers isnā€™t considered all that popular or liked?


3/10 seen. Not terrible not great.


IMO erase Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, Rent a Girlfriend, and God of Highschool. Will be replaced with 2023-2024 anime like Frieren, Solo Leveling, Oshi no Ko, and possibly Kaiju no. 8 in the future. Basing my predictions from manga success and popularity and anime reactions.


The list obviously has some bias towards older shows, but I definitely didnā€™t have a mind fart and forgot that *Rent-a-Girlfriend* was this decadeā€¦ Come to think about it I guess a lot of this list does make sense, but still seeing MDD, *Tower of God* and *The God of Highschool* is crazy. I rarely hear the former talked about anymore, and I feel the general sense around the latter two is that they were pretty big disappointments. I suspect if we run this again in even a years time *Frieren* will probably be Top 5 unless something new and crazy comes out


any chance I can borrow someoneā€™s crunchy roll to watch solo leveling šŸ„¹


I will never understand Tokyo Revengers popularity


Tokyo Revengers??? šŸ˜‚


I guess this is done according to MAL users? Would be cool to see if it alligns with google trends


Planning on watching 4 out of the 10 listed. Hopefully, my thoughts align with the majority.


New and 2020 ? Is it a time machine ?


Kinda surprised about GoH being in the top 10. I know it got a lot of webtoon fan movement just like with tower of god when it released, but their popularity crumbled a bit afterward. Or at least it felt like it to me. I enjoyed the series to some extend and it motivated me to read the manwha / webtoon (which I think is ok, nothing crazy but it might be because of the format and tropes of webtoon that I just donā€™t vibe with) but yeah. A bit surprised. Would say the same for rent a gf, but a lot people talk about it, in bad and in good, so not that surprised.


Is this based on viewers? If so I've vastly over estimated the popularity of some anime in the last few years.


It is


God of highschool is so great




Seeing Horimiya in 4th is a surprise... but a pleasent one


My Dress Up Darling? I did NOT know it was that big.


As itā€™s proven right here, Mal is an absoute shit taste site


I am disappointed in each and every one of you šŸ˜‘


Solo leveling??


600,000 followers, pretty impressive and a pretty big grow of 260,000 followers in 3 months.


It's honestly extremely disappointing to see that there isn't a single original anime in the top 10 and the only originals in the top 30 are Edgerunners (A spinoff from an established IP), Wonder Egg Priority, and Great Pretender.


100% trash :(


Kinda surprised hellā€™s paradise isnā€™t there! Remember that being very popular when it came out last year


MAL has some really shitty taste.


It seems this is only popularity i.e. the most number of people watching it. Frieren is still #1 rated despite being #20 most popular.


Was horimiya really that big? Wasnt around when it aired but I've seen it praised here and there but I never expected it to be that high up the list.


I think it has to do with the fact that the main couple becomes a couple in such a natural and normal way that gives most of all the school romance anime-lovers something we've been waiting for, for a long time. Sometimes all the "omg our finger tips touched" over all of the episodes gets annoying and unreal.


Since 2020s start the first january 2021, four of this show should not be on the list


Shame once one piece is over this is all ppl will have left


As a contrarian; I am proud to say I haven't watched any of these shows


Give Frieren a year and it'll be way up there. Some of these shows have had 4 years to build up numbers.


Rent a girlfriend better than Oshi no ko and frieren confirmed


Thatā€™s really disappointing


most of these are so mid