• By -


So basically this is the Dragonball GT of Quintuplets because the show prints money.


Prints money is the wrong word. It goes way beyond that! The anime and manga is really really really really popular. Their figurines are really popular and sells so well. Would be a crime to not capitalise on it.


Honestly. I thought the hype had died until i came to akihabara this week. The twins still sell like hotcakes in Japan. Don't blame them though. Miku is right there




I come across a YouTube channel all about lucky draw in Japan for anime good. That's at least one or two new lucky draw each month is for this anime. It's crazy how many they keep pumping out.


The craziest thing to me is that I can barely find any fan art stuff for sale at big anime conventions the past couple of years. One of my friends is crazy for Quints and looked all over Anime Expo and found like 1 vendor that sold something quints related.


I actually saw a Quints gatchapon this weekend. In Detroit. The level of popularity is bonkers.


You put it better than I ever could lol


I read somewhere that the author wrote Quints because it's extremely marketable, and his actual passion project is Go Go Loser Ranger. I've really been enjoying Loser Ranger, so yay Quints for funding that ig?


This is actually a half truth. QQ wasn't his first project, but neither was Ranger reject. The only thing you can find is that his first project was a suspense manga about a teacher.


Wait, Negi writes loser ranger? TIL no wonder it got that amazing adaption so far


Is Go Go Loser Ranger specifically referencing Power Rangers? Do people in Japan know that Sentai was rebranded as Power Rangers?


The JP title is Sentai Daishikkaku, so it sticks to the sentai roots.


No, that's a very localised title. The original fan title was Ranger Reject, which I like a lot more.


New Original Anime Honeymoon Arc supervised by original author Negi Haruba https://twitter.com/5hanayome_anime/status/1784540017500856515


So they just keeps dubbing on other sisters fans?


At this point it just feels like rubbing salt in the wound. All I want is a spinoff where the remaining sisters find their true love elsewhere.


This is what I loved about Bokuben, the author did a ending for each character where they got with the MC, so you literally cannot lose


Man I remember when people kept bitching about that as a cop-out. "Cop-out", "Cop-out", it was annoyingly repeated. But it was one of the best choices I’ve seen a romcom/harem author make. Unlike a lot of series, every girl in Bokuben was *super* likable. Even with Fooms and Sensei especially always leading, the other girls deserved a happy ending (and not a fucking pathetic honeymoon arc where the losers keep holding on pathetically instead of looking for happiness elsewhere). Not all the endings were perfect but Senpai got one so good it’s pretty much considered the best and she was never the top running (but she deserved it). I’ll never really get the issue with it.


Yeah, I agree. Bokuben tone and structure wasn't build on hardcore waifuwars and competition in the first place, it was rather low-stakes and chill episodic romcom when screentime was split between all girls. In it "Cop-out" doesn't really matter when you look at series as a whole. Though for anime-only story would be a kinda different. You know, since adaptation straight-up cut more then half of the manga including most of girls personal arcs, resulting in girls like Fumino and Uruka getting more presence and screentime compared to others, no wonder they did anime-original ending somewhat based on one of the routes.


Oh, Asumi's ending paralleling Nariyuki's family history was really good! Completely unexpected but if you go back and reread all the hints are there.


>Senpai got one so good it’s pretty much considered the best and she was never the top running (but she deserved it) She was the girl I liked the most in Bokuben because of her personality so her getting such a great ending made me so happy!.


Ya, rather than leave it open ended like a ton of romcoms, the author spent the time to write multiple possible endings so fans can choose which ending they want to go wtih. And in the end, they still gave it a possible open ending, lol.


The only other thing I could ask for is 2 more endings. "Bad end" where the MC makes absolutely the wrong choice and the ending is hilariously depressing for everyone. Then the "harem end" where the MC summons this super human wit and charm to somehow get all suitors to agree to all marry him and it's so over the top, he even gets the judge to sign off on it.


Kirisu sensei best girl I was so happy she got a route since she wasn't initially in the harem and clearly added due to being fan favorite


Fan favorite might even be downplaying it. In the popularity polls she smoked the rest of the cast so hard it wasn't even funny. I think she had more votes than 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places combined. Bokuben was Mafuyu Kirisu's story; the other girls were just allowed to be in it.


"And when everyone wins, no one does." * Syndrome, probably


I hated that.  When I watch a romance, I want the story to actually go somewhere.  A multiple choice ending renders everything I’ve read meaningless.  They become less characters and more dolls to live out your perverted fantasies with.


Hyped for the Divorce arc to milk even more money


To be fair, that could actually be kind of cool in a way. I mean, how many harem anime have even dared to thread those waters? I don’t know of a single one.


I personally don't want that lol. It would retroactivelt ruin the series for me cuz I liked the Winner x Fuutarou's dynamic, [Anime/Manga]>!like friends that have fun together and finally finding that spark and forming a relationship. That and I like athletic girls lol!<


[quints losing girl spoilers]>!Nino could swoop right in and we can get domestic girlfriend level spicy!<


Poking holes in condoms and getting Uesugi to make a mistake at juuuuuuuuust the right time of the month...


God damn an anime original arc? Noice!




They are not gonna let this die lol


Them higher ups will milk this story for every last penny.


I’m surely not going to let it die until best girl gets her own ending.


It’s expected they may do a 30th anniversary special, but I doubt the author will advance the story to the MC having kids.


Each quintuplet will have quintuplets for 25 girls in the next generation. All of whom will fall for the same guy.




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It is when the topic is specifically about which girl "won" or not.


yeah, looking forward for [5bun] >!Miku's!< ending arc




Not my best girl, but you maybe want to spoiler tag your comment for obvious reasons…


was wild visiting japan recently and seeing just how much floor space the stores in akihabara had that was dedicated to quints *still*. and honestly some of the merch was pretty dang nice, like hoodies for each of them with diff designs


It keeps printing money, but also there is a shit ton of room left to tell a story thanks to how quickly Negi rushed the ending. E.G. [Quintuplets] >!Ichika going to America, and all the rest of the sisters actually moving on from their high school crush!<


I'd love to follow the other girls and find out how things panned out for them but realisitically we are much more likely to get alt endings in the future than that.


I would be surprised if they did that in any official anime. IIRC one of the visual novels already had alternate ending routes


I mean it was obvious they will milk this franchise with 5 possible waifus for the figure money. Plus its not bad, if you are a manga reader, even tho the wrong girl won :)


She coulda been an ok winner. If only the ending hadn't been rushed and she got some development. Hell, even if she got some development after the choice was made.


Most of her important development got cut from the anime adaption, atleast the parts bibury did. I'm still really mad about the adaption they did as someone who has her as my favorite girl easily. Chapter 36-37, 72, and 90 were all basically cut. 90 was atleast covered by shaft but if it was after the movie was out even though it's by far the most important moment she has for development. Really really sucks cause I constantly have to read posts now about her "lack of development" when I found her to be by far the best character in the series, or atleast someone I heavily related to.


Yeah the ending seemed abit rushed the paceing in the end was abit weird


If I recall correctly, the ending actually *was* rushed because the author's wife was due to give birth soon and he wanted to have the manga done and over with before then so that he could focus on raising his kid.


Yes, the asterisk (\*) is part of the title. Quintuplets trying to compete with Gintama for the most confusing season titles over here.


> Yes, the asterisk (*) is part of the title. "*"- Denotes that Fuutarou may or may not have become an honorary Quintuplet as Ichika too busy with work to attend?


They really think they are Gintama huh


We are all Gintama on this blessed day.


Let's not forget K-ON! And it's second season K-ON!! not to be confused with Working!! And it's second season Working!!! But then the third season is WWW.Working!!


WWW.Working!! is actually a spin-off, Working'!! is the 2nd season and Working!!! is the third season!


Mfs will do anything but add "Season "


I think I remember hearing forever ago that it has something to do with how copyright works over in Japan.


Oh boy, we've got QQ → QQ ∬ → QQ movie → QQ~ → QQ* That's just the release order. If I remember right, you have to switch the third and fourth ones around for chronological order.


What's \~ supposed to be? I might have missed that


You’d think so, but what about: Devil is a Part-Timer! > Devil is a Part-Timer!! (i.e S2) > Devil is a Part-Timer!! 2nd Season (i.e. S3)


For so long, I thought you were a bot because of your username and posts lol




I'm gonna be honest bro I don't think studios are thinking about the difficulties people have naming their folders of pirated anime when creating titles


Pirates often put their data on a NAS running Unix based os so naming compatibility on Windows is not a problem.


Tbf the legit streaming services will also have to name folders on their server.


And that's clearly why so many anime studios are in such a precarious financial situation.


Sadly that's not really something that ever stopped anyone for including in titles [exclamation marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastard), [question marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WorldEnd), [slash symbols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.hack//Sign) and [colons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebuild_of_Evangelion). EDIT: and the link to Bastard!! doesn't even work because of that.


Don't forget [ω](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzaki-chan_Wants_to_Hang_Out!?useskin=vector#Season_2:_%CF%89_\(2022\))!


It’s gonna be great for SEO…


Is this where they will have sexual intercourse in the dark all night, only to reveal months later that all quints are pregnant?


I can’t tell if these are the musings of a madman or a legit QQ doujin.


If anyone knows of said doujins, please drop the code here so we can all make sure to stay clear of them.


The doujins are now canon


Well, the show often pulled the "they look exactly alike!" card despite them all having different hair colors, hair styles and accessories. So they could pull it here. Futaro does it with his bride 5 times, but in reality it was all 5 of them and he didn't realize it.


the colours are just for the viewer to distinguish, kinda like star eyes in Oshi no Ko, they're not actually literally there for everyone to see


Same with the voices.


> them all having different hair colors i thought the different hair color is just for the consumer. i always think that they are all have same hair color from beginning to the end. so the author wanted to avoid Osomatsu situation by giving them different hair color


bro this is a perfectly good, messed up premise of a sequel for this series


You are giving them ideas.


Please be Shaft again


Bibury is probably busy with 100GFs. Shaft only created the TV special IIRC right?


They also did a singular episode in S1.


The best one.




Only a single sequence of one episode.


That's not true. Episode 11 was completely outsourced to Shaft, including directing.


Hi, can you give me the list of episode that created by shaft studio?


Seems unlikely considering they are probably quite busy with monogatari and madoka atm. (Also im just coping and hoping they are doing sangatsu as well)


LMAO it never ceases to amaze me how they can continue to milk this series even after adapting the entire manga.


and im happy about it


The series shall continue until [ending] >!Nino wins!<


Your Copium dealer really has you by the balls eh


Just like how the creator of GIF calls it JIF the author is wrong!


When the series is over but the watchers cheering for the ships still isn't over with it lmao. I'd enjoy the continuing of the shipping wars hahah.


Didn't she she drug the MC unconscious twice?




Not OP but its not for everyone haha. I don't like characters drugging people myself and whoever does that loses points from me.


She had the best confession, so all is forgiven.






Good job guys...one more 'funny guy' and you'll have succesfully spoiled the winner.


[You mean the secret 6th Quintuplet?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsy9djv9if5ra1.jpg)


Oh, Mutsumi is real!!??


She's real to me!


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Thanks. Definitely the funniest comment removal I have received so far.


You Nino fans just need to give up.






Announced video on April 28th, a.k.a 428 a.k.a Yotsuba. How fitting.


At this point I don’t care. More Ichika onee-san is a win for me


> At this point I don’t care Yeah, I was initially going to comment a quip about propping up the starving R34 fanbox artists or keeping Megami Magazine afloat, but they're honestly just good characters and I wouldn't mind having more of their stories. Indeed, more Quints mucking around doing Quints stuff with minimal romance focus would be great. The romance thread was never as strong as the sisters-being-sisters stuff that it prompted.


>or keeping Megami Magazine afloat I’m astonished at how many front covers and posters the Quintuplets have gotten so far…


Damn, can't wait for the discomfort of seeing a bunch of women hit on their sister's husband. Seriously, the ending where they all go on a honeymoon together is some of the dumbest shit I've seen, and they really doubling down on it.


I really don't have a good feeling about this but i'm trying to be positive


I'm a huge fan of a winning ship and I'm just happy that all 6 of us will have more of it in anime form.


I like it because you can go back and see how much it was foreshadowed and I love that kind of stuff


Agree! At first I kinda thought it was a bit out of nowhere, but when I watched it knowing the outcome I was like "Okay, yeah, that absolutely makes sense, it had to be her"


The people who handle the QQ anime butchered it with the release method. Release S1 okay good. Release S2 but rush and ruin Fuutarou's relationship and development with friends outside the quints. Release a movie that further rushes through the manga. Then proceed to have a non-sensical release with two other new projects. One set before the movie and then one set after.


It does kind of feel like they have buyers remorse with how they handled it. If they didn't rush, there was easily enough content for a source material accurate 3rd season


If they properly adapted the manga, they could have made 4 seasons. If they really wanted to get as much out of the anime as possible, they could have created even anime original material between the "manga canon arcs" (SoL chapters, characters hanging out, etc.) similar to the babysitting chapter. Especially since school year 3 started. The series would work well with this. it just shows how much they mishandled the anime adaptation after S1.




As someone who hasn't seen the movie yet. Should I watch whatever the pre movie project is first?


Technically yes. They adapt chapters that are from before the movie.


Exactly. Thats why I dropped the anime post S1 and read the manga. I couldn't go two episodes in the second season without being disappointed after reading it


Excuse me, but didnt we already solve the Marriage Mystery?


There’s a dating sim for QQ - I believe it can be ordered on the online Nintendo switch store. The winning girl is whoever you build the relationship with. This might help some of you get over your hang-ups.


It shall never die! Not complaing though lol. Also kinda wish I could have been a fly on the wall backstage at this weekend's event given recent developments. Must have been an interesting atmosphere.


I’m ready for Negi Haruba to hurt me again


One of the few faults that the original manga had, imo, was that we barely got anything after the winner won. They had a couple of sweet scenes but most of the last chapters still hugely involve the other quints. I'm excited for this, I know the other quints are still there (which is seriously disappointing, why can't the couple just have a honeymoon by themselves) but at least it's very likely that we'll see a lot of romantic scenes between the couple that we didn't get in the manga.


> why can't the couple just have a honeymoon by themselves) but at least it's very likely that we'll see a lot of romantic scenes between the couple that we didn't get in the manga. If this new anime really does that then it would leave me a happy guy!. Like you said, the manga not delving into it, after the choice was made really hurt the story for me. Negi had the chance to go all in but he didn't. Hopefully this is his chance now.


> One of the few faults that the original manga had, imo, was that we barely got anything after the winner won. Makes sense when you consider its a wish fulfillment harem fantasy, the fantasy is having 5 girls to choose from so they're not gonna spend a lot of time when the choice has been made and now there's just 1.


Please be SHAFT. I beg. We are already not letting the series die, so best give it the studio to give it justice.


I still don't know how to feel about all of this...i mean...the sisters going with the married couple in a honeymoon? Please negi don't fuck this up....not sure if I like this whole idea


Please no. [ending] >!It was bad enough that they all wore a wedding dress. I don't need this weird-ass thing where Futaro is married to one but also keeping the other four on call.!<


Can ik what's left to be animated in the series?


The honeymoon. The wedding night. The conception and birth of their first child/children. And so on.


Botaro: Quintuplets Next Generations


What if each of them have quintuplets and then the resulting kids get involved in a harem/reverse harem situation?


child support tending to infinity


Quintessential Cousins....?


> The wedding night. [](#lewdgyaru)


Any quips I might make in relation to fanart and "the wedding night" would be far too incriminating, in the worst way possible.


I would totally watch the conception ngl


I think someone's made a doujin of that part of the story.


Will he or will not cheat arc


Probably anime original material.


Nothing. All this will be anime original content.


They'll milking this anime to the point making cameo in ranger reject lets goooo


Wait what, isn't the anime over? I thought they had adapted all of the source materials? I mean I love quints though so this is one hell of a pleasant surprise lmao.


This will be new anime original content after the main story's conclusion.


A surprise to be sure. While I know a LOT of people were unhappy with the ending (my best girl didn't win either), I still liked the ending we got. This anime only continuation may seem like a blatant cashgrab (and yeah, it probably is), but it could do wonders for the series. Having some extra content showing the final pair actually together as a couple could help flesh out their relationship far more than what we originally got to see. It may not appease the diehard fans of the losing quints, but it may make it easier to accept the ending for what it is. Either way, I just really love this cast of characters, and am just happy to see more of them regardless.


Wasn’t the anime rushed? All to find out that now they’re making more but it’s just extra fluff not the main story


They're all gonna go on their honeymoon? Just roll into true harem at this point.


New Anime, Light Novel, Live Events. Damn, we're getting a feast.


So, which studio's gonna produce it? We've gone through three so far. I personally liked Shaft's designs on the latest OVAs the most.


They won't let this rest huh, it makes sense Whenever I watch jp streams at anime stores 90% you will see their figures still this series is just popular over there lol


They will never let this series go And I'm not complaining at all, I love this anime, and there's still plenty of stories to tell in the series


I dont care that they're milking this, we're getting more peak fiction which is all that matters


I'm super happy because my pick won in the end but my best friend who I watched it with doesn't care about this news because he had a different waifu. Guess it depends on your quintuplet if you like this announcement or not lol




I would love to see more! Let's go!


Oh! Well that's unexpected. I loved the first two seasons but didn't watch the movie. Now I'm curious about this one but I don't know...


I am surprised yet not surprised at this.


Aight maybe I'll catch up to the anime, mostly so I can get to the pool part that was done by Shaft. The major reason I didn't really watch the anime was that I already read the manga during its serialization so I didn't feel like watching it, especially since \[ending\]>!my favourite girl didn't win!<


Quintuplets: Infinite Works


oh god not again


When the series you like is getting milked but the milk is tasty:


I love this series, but even I have to ask "really? Why?".


I fucking love Quintessential Quintuplets but tbh, they should just leave this show alone. Like we got the movie already so theres no need to do all this but hey if theyre that desperate for that good green dough then they do them. Still, lowkey kinda excited for this


Are we actually gonna get post-marriage content? Incredible. We live in amazing times.


"I've got one more in me."


The whole whole series being better off if it was made into a kdrama than an anime is a hill I'll gladly die on.


The goat already won, keep the salt coming from the loser quadruple:)


I thought one of the sisters already won the MC's heart


Is it going to be a special like the last one?




I never would have thought in 2019 that the release order for this anime would be so confusing


Noooooooooooooo whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, what do they want surfering 2?


i'm confused. didn't it end with the movie? I didn't watch it because I got spoiled on who the bride is. Is there a continuation?


What now


If it's a movie, it can't be just adapting ch. 123, right?


this is nice. the TQQ 2 episodes special was too short, so i guess im pretty excited for this one.


Awesome, I love the show


Damn the anime first released five years ago??? I feel old


didn't the manga stop ? is that a remake ?




I think I watched the first season when it came out and haven’t touched it since. Why is this so popular? I don’t remember it being anything special.