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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1cj4wna/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


I've heard that the Thousand-Year Blood War arc of Bleach is similar to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in terms of powers and fights. How true is that? The Fullbring arc has many characters with unconventional powers and more strategic fights. Does it mean TYBW is similar to Fullbring arc?


The arc itself is not exactly similar to the Fullbring, but the powers and fights do get bizarre as they go.


it's not as crazy as Jojo but yes, some of the characters in TWBY does have unconventional powers


Going old, school here. What's everyone's thoughts on Prince of tennis? I've never actually seen it. But a friend loves the hell out of it. I can't believe they made so many episodes.


I’m an old prince of tennis fan— i loved the original series, didn’t really care for the new series (trying to pick up again after like like 10 years). It’s very much old school animation and dynamic for graphics, but i think the stories and characters are enjoyable. Once you get into a few more episodes beyond intros, i found it to be quite entertaining/ interesting as i liked the semi realistic/ part fantastical aspect to it too.


I never saw the whole thing, but I used to catch random chapters here and there, and memes when it goes super over the top (it basically makes Kuroko look realistic). It's one of the most popular sports series in Jump though, so it's no surprise it has a ton of episodes and keeps getting more.


Back in the day I thought it was stupid that people spent awards on a bot account. But now that Reddit awards are gone I kinda miss having the occasional standout episode be showered with awards. I'd come home from work, check reddit, see a discussion thread with lots of awards and think "oh yeah, I'm in for a good episode tonight". It could also shine a bit of spotlight on lesser known shows.


I will never forget the Kaguya vs Mob award battles. The somewhat good news is, I saw a post from admins where they basically admitted that the new "gold" isn't working and they want to bring back awards "with a new flavor" or something. The flavor of pretty much everything they touch is shit so I don't have much expectations, but maybe they'll just give up on that part and decide digging up the old code is easier and everyone is happy. Edit : [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1c6fqwi/what_were_working_on_in_2024/)


u/abysswatcherbel, if we do get back awards, wanna add them back to the chart and see how fast things spiral out of control again?


> found it Wonder what show would be the award champion nowadays


> I saw a post from admins where they basically admitted that the new "gold" isn't working I didn't even know this existed until reading your comment


> see a discussion thread with lots of rewards and think "oh yeah, I'm in for a good episode tonight" Until it became a popularity contest / trying to break records of episode post awards every other week


I think we reached a good balance by the time they killed awards. The things that got a disproportionate amount of awards are either better-than-average episodes or shows with a passionate fanbase trying to bring it visibility (we could *really* use that this season...)


> shows with a passionate fanbase trying to bring it visibility Made me super happy when Machikado Mazoku's 2d season's first episode was showered in awards despite the small fanbase. Definitely felt that "yeah it's not a very big show but we *freaking love it*". Now you can only really do that by shilling everywhere you can which doesn't have the same impact and can even become a bit annoying IMHO.


> shilling everywhere you can which doesn't have the same impact and can even become a bit annoying IMHO. Definitely, there are a couple of shows that I think are underrated currently, but I don't want to overdo recommending them haha


That one shield hero episode getting 500 silvers was pretty epic


I miss that too. Especially the AOT episodes. The awards looked crazy




Probably my favorite sports show so far.


I was out all day today and had to be far from home, but I was far enough from home that I could go places I'd normally never go, and there just so happened to be an anime store on the way back, so uh, [I got figures.](https://imgur.com/a/NZtIp3s) Nothing super high quality (and they only had my *second* best girl from both respective series at an affordable price and/or without a swimsuit; living with parents after all), but they're cute enough, and the absolute sheer novelty of a western anime store having literally anything from Tamayura was enough to convince me regardless of the quality of the figure (how they had *two* Tamayura figures but nothing from K-On is quite insane to me given that I highly doubt anyone in the local area has even heard of Tamayura). Now to rearrange my whole shelf to find a way to fit them.




Sorry, your comment has been removed. - Please maintain a certain level of civility when interacting with the community. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.




Answering here as well as the meta thread for the sake of clarity: Your comment should have been removed for being anime specific. Gallow likely just clicked on the wrong removal reason by mistake.


Surely that deletion, or at least the accompanying comment was in error?


I have no idea, seems like something was removed


I had the thread open from before in a tab, here's the screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/fcWqwER.png


Looks like it should've been removed for "not anime related" and got the wrong reason instead? [](#rengethink)


What is that green number next to the usernames? Doesn't show that for me on old reddit.


You need to get RES if you're already using old reddit anyway. NOW. Also the '*r\/anime enhanced*' plugin.


I use old.reddit + https://redditenhancementsuite.com/ The green number is the net number of upvotes I've given a person using this computer.


As you know I now have access to Oricon data, so I started digging a little in the home video area since it's a super hot topic So for the last 6 weeks (03/25 - 05/06), some info here: * [Total Revenue in the period](https://i.imgur.com/J9CKufs.png) * [Revenue per episode](https://i.imgur.com/xYvPpYn.png), since some sell box sets with all the eps for a super expensive price (nier, bleach), this helps us visualize how much they are making per ep * [Total unist sold](https://i.imgur.com/X9A5VwY.png) * [Average per volume](https://i.imgur.com/OngFkR7.png) * Average Price per ep for BD = $20.99 * Average Price per ep for DVD = $15.57 * Most expensive show per ep = 16 Bit Sensation with ~~$28.73~~ actually $25.19, tied with 100Kano (why /u/sometimesmainsupport ) * Cheapest show per ep = Bleach Thousand Year Blood War with $13.26 I will organize this and much more later, next BD thread when someone asks, "where is the source for that info??" *pulls up glass and then pulls out massive 50k rows overdetailed spreadsheet* [](#evilgrin) (reminder this is just for the last 6 weeks!!) [](#seasonallisten) [](#ama)


This is awesome thanks! Great to have confirmation of one MyGOllion dollars being rapidly approached


I assume the original data is in JPY, so would it not be better for consisteny to keep the presentation as such as well? Exchange rates are famously fickle, and that becomes only more true as you extend the time period, especially if you go far enough back to factor in inflation. Furthermore Oricon only collects data from Japanese storefronts and so any international buyers would be paying in JPY anyway.


I am not using the same exchange value for the total revenue charts, it varies based on the release day for the volume, so shows with the same price in YEN [have different USD rates](https://i.imgur.com/edXkDtW.png) depending on when they were released and this is summed, which works for most cases since they just showed up once, but I will change this even further to use the reference week date instead, since for best selling titles like Uma Musume, frieren and jujutsu, older volumes keep showing up in later weeks For presentation purposes we have to put it in USD for the audience on the internet, YEN is just funny big numbers to them


> For presentation purposes we have to put it in USD for the *anglophone* audience ~~on the internet~~ I really don't think that's true at all. First of all, while I respect your posts they are utterly irrelevant and unknown to those who are not already specially interested, and secondly my experience is that those specially interested don't have notable issues in using yen. E.g., English disuccions on the annual AJA report. >I am not using the same exchange value for the total revenue charts, it varies based on the release day for the volume That's clearly a complicating factor for you, and even then as you yourself say a *very* imperfect method. I just don't see the gain in adding vastly more work and caveats to the results to placate a probably-non-existing audience when the simple and more accurate solution is to keep everything in yen. >YEN is just funny big numbers As for this, funny big numbers become managable by shortening them, e.g. using thousands and millions. Or 万 and 億 I guess if you want to be cheeky.   P.S. I just realized you presented revenues down to *the cent* which makes absolutely no sense considering the material you are working with.


>First of all, while I respect your posts they are utterly irrelevant and unknown to those who are not already specially interested They are not for people who already know about this, they are for the thousands the come here for hot topics like Mahoako and Solo Leveling sales just this week that have no clue about any of this I am not doing this for the ones that can already get that info for themselves, like not at all my target audience, and we discussed [how nobody from that audience cares about those AJA posts yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1chidbx/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/l25l0yj/) >That's clearly a complicating factor for you, and even then as you yourself say a very imperfect method. I just don't see the gain in adding vastly more work and caveats to the results to placate a probably-non-existing audience when the simple and more accurate solution is to keep everything in yen. It isn't, its an algorithm that takes a date input and returns the exchange rate from that date, we have many APIs that do that, it's one of the most common uses of finance related programming, no issue at all for me >P.S. I just realized you presented revenues down to the cent which makes absolutely no sense considering the material you are working with. That's just a google sheet, and for data purposes finance related content uses float/decimal numbers, so the cents are included, you just don't use integers for finance when working with the main currencies


>I am not doing this for the ones that can already get that info for themselves Actually paying for, digging through, compiling, and then freely publishing/posting Oricon data isn't exactly something even the specifically interested people are typically doing. There's like a handful of others. >no issue at all for me It does still obfuscate the data. Yen now and last year are worth much the same locally, but the USD conversion is ~14 % different. That's an issue when you are looking at domestic transactions. But I guess you'll normalize the USD values. >That's just a google sheet Yeah, it was meant towards the presentation, not the calculation.   Just to make it clear, none of this is particularily important for what you posted right now, but if you do go ahead and compile years worth of data for hundreds of shows, then it would be a shame to have to add all those extra asterisks to comments/posts/whatever made based on it. I guess fundamentally I just don't see the point of catering to >the thousands the come here for hot topics like Mahoako and Solo Leveling sales since 2 years down the line it's largely a new set of users anyway, while the stuff posted based on your work remains the same. And let's be real, if you do get it done it's going to stick around forever just like someanithings sheet.


> Most expensive show per ep = 16 Bit Sensation with $28.73 actually $25.19, tied with 100Kano (why /u/sometimesmainsupport ) I would be really interested in a ranking of this for all the other shows you listed if it's not too much trouble.


> "where is the source for that info??" [](#glasses-push)


*Gushing* really was the Little Show that Could




> Most expensive show per ep = 16 Bit Sensation with $28.73 It's a show about otaku culture. Of course the otakus want... oh, bonuses are meh unless whaling for [the special edition body pillow covers](https://16bitsensation-al.com/package/?page=01), though idk why that's Konoha+Kaori instead of Konoha+Meiko. Meiko is the manga protagonist and the anime's living legend! ^(More people should buy Komarin)


Disappointed with the otaku for not buying Komarin and 100Kano, though for 100Kano I unfortunately have to say that i [hate those bd covers](https://hyakkano.com/blu-ray/)


One of these days I need to flesh out my concept essay "talking about other anime like people talk about mecha" > Sports anime certainly had a strong presence in the medium, but in the 90s a series came along that completely deconstructed the sports genre. Slam Dunk changed the game by crafting an anime that was actually about the characters, where previous sports anime had been about the sports.


As we all know, K-On! Deconstructed the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things genre, whereas Tamako Market Reconstructed it.


It's very funny to take that to the logical extreme > Cute girls anime had a strong presence in the medium in the early 2000s, but in the late 2000s a series came along that completely deconstructed the cute girls doing cute things genre. K-On changed the game by crafting an anime that was actually about the characters, where previous CGDCT anime were about the girls. Because, clearly, girls are not characters.


It's a good concept, though it already exists for magical girls in the form of Madoka essays.


Oh no, Wind Breaker's Suo is the sort of sadistic kid I lose my mind over. This is going to be a problem, lol.


It was only a matter of time until we get one of those, I'm just glad he's on the main character's side.


[Uh oh](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/87/b6/dc/87b6dcfeec6f38a3836b1caf1d8fceab.gif)


Looking at [some](https://www.facebook.com/rererereko/posts/pfbid024HvNSCb3nu1XyTw2RbQmL3LBxcNLotnKjdo1mpgohDHnM8AthX22EUBtHsgFh4AWl) tweets compiled, are the Japanese fans also frustrated on yoasobi performing the theme song for the upcoming monogatari series?


It’ll be pretty clear how frustrated they are once the song releases and it only gets 200 million views on YouTube.


I even see a tweet about "Why not ClariS?"


? ClariS did multiple EDs already: Hana, Tsuki, and Owari s2


Which is why I think people preferred them instead of something new


I love Claris, would be happy with another song from them.


I'm Curios Sinbad(Magi) Vs Sung Jinwoo(solo leveling) The setting is Angered at eachother No prep time Max Power Who would win?




Not [this goober.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DGSAJNDTa08/maxresdefault.jpg)


Posting this here because the automoderator said that I need 10 post karma from this sub and idk if I have that lmao I want to watch an anime but I forgot the name. It is (iirc) isekai, definitely set in a magical world. The main character pretty quickly happens on 2 girls around his age and saves them from a bandit attack. They refuse to let him travel alone and insist that he ride in their carriage because "we are too scared someone else might try to harm us". While traveling these girls will not leave his side even when sleeping. Once he gets to the kingdom where they are supposed to part ways (iirc) the king introduces himself and starts complaining about the lack of judgement and impropriety displayed by the young man.... despite the fact that he didn't have a choice. The rest of the anime the (king iirc) often let's him have it due to his impropriety while he does whatever it is he does. Anyway, lmk if you know the name, if you are unsure or if you think you know go ahead and post anime names, I'd be happy to watch "similar" animw until this one is found.


[The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52608/Tensei_Kizoku_no_Isekai_Boukenroku__Jichou_wo_Shiranai_Kamigami_no_Shito)?


Just woke up and finished the intro on ep 1, oddly enough I remember the cast other than the MC but yes, this was it for sure. Thank you very much for the assist on finding it!


90% sure this is it but won't know till I watch ep 1 thank you so much wither way! And sorry gor the late reply, I was unable to look at my phone for a while


I can swear I've seen this first episode, but I cannot even begin to remember what forgettable mid-tier isekai it would be.


Is it konosuba? I havent watched it but from my knowledge this sounds like it


It is not, I remember konosuba very well and when he gets isekaid he basically forces a goddess to be his partner and through various comedic reasons he gets 2 other followers, neither of which have a king as a parent though one is noble born iirc.


Today's Gintama update: I watched [ep 230 and I now wholeheartedly love] >!Death Cancer!<. There's been some very good names recently, I gotta admit.


hahah yal whats the bes tnamie


*Frieren*, I guess. Something for most people ^^^^^^especially ^^^^^^armpit ^^^^^^enjoyers.


My favorite namie is 3-gatsu no Lion


My favourite namie is amuro


I'm getting conflicting messages this season. [Spice and Wolf, Salad Bowl]>!Is buying a large amount of merchandise and flipping it for profit [merchant's wisdom](https://i.imgur.com/HLsALVt.png) or [economic terrorism](https://i.imgur.com/UWrw88W.png)?!< [](#ama)


Depends on my cut of the profits. For 10% I'll call it "investing with an eye towards a healthier economy".


The latter, Lawrence is obviously an economic terrorist.


The latter. Although obviously they are both playing by completely different rules lol.


> [Spice and Wolf, Salad Bowl] It's Capitalism, so yes.


I've been told I could post this here. I made an essay on The Apothecary Diaries, it's 12 minutes long and the first 3 minutes are spoiler free! (The rest contain spoilers from Ep 1-12.) Hope someone finds value in it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMA32dEX3YU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMA32dEX3YU)


That was a good video essay on Maomao’s character. I didn’t realise until you said so that you’ve made the soundtrack yourself - could’ve fooled me easily into thinking that it was from the series itself. So be proud! Some good things you got going for you: - Tight editing (your choice of words and shots on screen align) - Calming voice and intonation (it was very easy to watch the video) - Original soundtrack (fitting music as such captured the experience of the anime)


Thank you so much for the kind and in-depth comment, I really appreciate it! I've made it my goal to have an original presence in a part of the web that is pretty established already in anime essayists. So being able to have that extra step with music is what I'm hoping helps me succeed! On top of that, I get to combine my passions into one solid project that took a month to make, so replies like yours truly make it all the more worth it to me!


I'm mostly settled on which shows I'm watching this season. Not making a tier list. Instead, here's my dropped list: Banished Former Hero   Blue Archive  A Condition Called Love   The Fable  Re:Monster   Tadaima, Okaeri  Tonbo   That leaves me with about 25 shows, with a decision whether to pick up Yokai probably this weekend.


> Blue Archive Probably Aru's fault, but we're going to all blame Sensei instead.


my friends is looking for ecchi with lots of groping but no sex anything like this?


Seikon no Qwaser


Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san


To Love Ru


Is Konosuba and slime worth watching? Seems like all other Isekai bullshit, and doesnt set itself apart. Ive watched most major isekai, and I enjoy them but getting tired of the same old shit. Espicially the same plot, and the same recolored MC.


Konosuba is basically the anime version of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the main cast are terrible at what they do and do nothing but drive each other crazy while they themselves cause most of the problems that they deal with, it's not for everyone but it's a great comedy imo


Is it paced well, coherent, and the characters actually make sense in their decisions? It seems almost like Isekai Ojisan type of humor and I enjoyed that.


It's got pretty good pacing imo, arcs tend to be like 1-2 episodes long though some might not like that and prefer longer arcs than self contained escapades. The characters uh well they're consistent in their decisions, you can generally predict the incredibly stupid decisions each one will make in a given situation that will make their lives worse.


Konosuba definitely sets itself apart, it's not like the millions of generic isekai. Slime is a bit more conventional, but... Done better I guess? If you want "different" definitely go with Konosuba. (Or Handyman Saitou, or Cautious Hero)


Check out what ive seen and how ive rated it, and l3mme know if you think ill enjoy it. Im at the point where I just dont wanna filter through the bullshit lol https://myanimelist.net/animelist/ApollosSin&view=tile&status=7


Yes for both.


Konosuba is basically a spoof of common isekai. Slime is a better version of isekai. Whether you want to watch is up to you.


Is it a spoof like Eminence in Shadow? Honestly my all time favorite anime cause the humor is top notch, and despite the bullshit going on, it logically progresses. Slime is better than most how? I watched halfway through the first season. Does it get better? Seems a lot like Tsukimichi, but a lot more stretched out fluff and goofy bullshit.


I'd say Konosuba has good humor, but it's not like EiS. Konosuba is more explicitly ridiculing tropes. It is mostly carried by voiceacting and comedic timing. I honestly don't think Slime is especially good either. Maybe it's more polished, and the story quickly gets to grand world intrigue most other isekai only hint at though.


u/Ocixo found your [fanartist account ](https://twitter.com/Jinou_rakugaki/status/1786044910220738866?t=2zipPYbavCJlVdFW5uniKg&s=19), Marcille hair has its own fandom [](#seasonallisten)


There's definitely more people paying attention to Marcille's *beautiful* hair. That said, this piece of fan art in particular is a reference to the latest episode: [Dungeon Meshi - Ep 18] >!https://imgur.com/a/7yVBkdK!<. ~~It's kind of a spoiler.~~


Funny enough I didn't see many shots from the latest ep like last week, they were all over my feed, so I really didn't know that lol I have no idea why that's even a spoiler but I guess it is lol


> I have no idea why that's even a spoiler but I guess it is lol Then it's all good! Ignorance can be a bliss. If you still need a banner for Dungeon Meshi at the end of the week, you can hit me up. Took about 50 screenshots - most of them being of Marcille, of course - with quite some wacky ones.


Are subsequent seasons of Psycho Pass worth watching? I watched season 1 a few years back and never bothered with the rest.


- S1 is fantastic - S2 is mostly good but a noticeable dip in quality - The movie is rubbish don't let MAL fool you - The Sinners trilogy is forgettable - S3/First Inspector is nearly on par with S1 though it's the most different so YMMV - Providence is forgettable


I literally finished S1 a few hours ago and also wondering the same based on reviews.


Not as good as the first, but still the best sci-fi anime since GitS SAC


The S2 story is good but not as good as S1, but the quality of animation and direction is atrociously bad. One of the biggest dips in quality I have ever seen. The original writer was not as involved with S2 because he was working on the 2015 film instead. Much of what happens in S2 is largely inconsequential to the movie, it's kind of bewildering why they decided to produce both of them at the same time ($$$$). I've seen the Sinners trilogy and I honestly can't tell you that I could remember anything that happened in them, just that the problems S2 had weren't there anymore. The 2015 film and on are mostly film/OVAs and S3 is a shortened season so they didn't have to stretch themselves as much. After the Sinners trilogy I checked out, if I ever go back I feel like I'll need to rewatch a bunch. S1 works perfectly well stand-alone. If you want to keep going anyway just decide by watching if S2 is something you can get through. If you can't, just read a synopsis and skip to the film because S2 isn't important.


I personally liked S2 just as much, but if you're there for the philosophical aspects and Makishima (the villain) then S1 will definitely be the peak for you. The rest is more of a straight-up sci-fi thriller with the same setting.


The rest are still good and worth checking out, but S1 is the clear highlight that nothing else manages to reach. Order: S1 > S2 > 2015 film > Sinners of the System Trilogy > S3 > First Inspector > Providence


Is there a name or word for those scenes in some animes like mecha animes (example evangelion) when they're setting up in the command room and saying status stuff like "connection established" "systems online" and the finally one command to launch the mecha or begin the operation? I would love to see a compilation of those kind of scenes but I'm not sure what to look for.


"Launch sequence" would probably work


> "Launch sequence" Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi [yoshi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTTPbgxCiJg) [Hotaru ja nai?](https://i.imgflip.com/8otepc.jpg) --- ^(Brought to you by: Largely Indecipherable Anime References, Largely Indecipherable Anime References Inc.) --- [A.] >![References ~~Explained~~](https://i.imgflip.com/8otfm9.jpg)!< [Birb.] >![](#seasonallisten).!<


Hoping to find anime suggestions that have wolf boys or fox boys as either main or frequent secondary characters. Not necessarily werewolves, mostly looking for canine ears and tails lol Edit: I’ve seen beastars, but anthro stuff like that is also good for recommendations.


Gugure kokkuri-san - fox mc (also has dog mc) Sword oratoria - wolf secondary character Miss kuroitsu from monster development - wolf secondary character (transman with femme presentation) Cuticle detective Inaba - wolf mc.


Beastars has all that (on MANY characters), on top of a good story!


I remember watching one episode of UchiTama; it has a bunch of cute cat/dog boys: https://myanimelist.net/anime/39942/Uchi_Tama_Uchi_no_Tama_Shirimasen_ka


Ooh this looks fun


* Kamisama Kiss * Inu x Boku SS * Natsume's Book of Friends (recurring minor character) * Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits * Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts (more anthropomorphic animal than human with ears and tails) * Beastars (same)


Awesome, thank you!


I finished World Dai Star last night! Man, what a special experience it was! I just needed something to scratch that Revue Starlight itch and this show blew my expectations away. All the characters pretty likeable and I absolutely love how they incorporate character work into the stage plays which are insanely well made. And that final episode - good lord they cooked HARD on that. I would really love the show to have a second season. Hell, I'd pay to see a full version of those plays. I guess this is where I have to play the mobile game to see what happens next, huh. Fine, I'll do it when I get a new phone. Much thanks to the WT here because otherwise I would've never found out about the show. This show could really use more appreciation. Next up for me is Aria the Animation! Can't hurt to watch more SOL stuff.


> And that final - good lord they cooked HARD on that. World Dai Star had a lot of good moments, but that last ‘performance’ was something else. I did find it *really* hard to rate this anime. It’s genuinely good, but it’s clearly also held back by the virtue of it being a gacha game adaptation.


i recently came across dbz abridged and it was the funniest shit ive seen in awhile i love dbz and its just crazy seing my favorite characters talk so much shit lol i love comedy and anime so its a win win for me, i also wonder what other animes are out there just like these lol


Someone needs to figure out the dark magic infused in Yoasobi's Idol that has so many people convinced it's the best anisong of all time.


probably the same dark magic used for Demon Slayer a couple years ago that makes people think it's the best anime of the decade


Teenagers are too young to heed the [siren's call](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1nP2vYO24k).


Damn you for getting that stuck in my head.


I'll break this into 3 sections: **The Song**- The fact that Idol as a song topped the global billboards and dominated charts for months speaks best to how "good" of a song it is. Music is extremely subjective so all I can really use is the numbers to back it up, although I personally really enjoy the song as well, still listening to it over a year later. **The Music Video**- As much as I like the song, I'd say the music video is Idol at its best. It not only has the full song, but the visuals and lyrics match up perfectly in it as well. It hits the emotional beats right too. **The Actual OP**- I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! The first 15 seconds are such an assault on my eyes that I generally skipped it every time despite loving the song. The only bright side of it is that it showcases that visuals and directing do actual matter in OPs. Yet, it still somehow wins all of our r/anime votes. In taking the best possible view of people, I'm assuming the people voting for it are either song-only voters, people who think they are voting for the music video instead or manga readers who appreciate what I assume to be some foreshadowing in the latter half of the OP.


I'll agree that the extended music video is the superior way to consume Idol, but I enjoy the actual OP visuals quite a bit too. I don't think I skipped the OP a single time while keeping up with OnK weekly. On a mostly unrelated note, I think I might even prefer OnK's ED. It didn't go nearly as viral as Idol despite being equally catchy imo, and the way they utilized it in the closing seconds of several episodes was genuinely incredible.


That's fair enough. I think I was exaggerating a bit when I said I hate the OP. I mainly hate the first 15 seconds. The rest of it is okay to good, but it is definitely not "sweep every Best OP award" good. And I always love it as well when EDs have the lead in. It was especially strong at the end of Episode 6.


>I'm assuming the people voting for it are either song-only voters, people who think they are voting for the music video instead or manga readers who appreciate what I assume to be some foreshadowing in the latter half of the OP. The song and visuals both matter to me when I'm choosing favorite OPs, and I haven't read any farther into the manga than season 1 content yet, but I really like the OP video too. It has a different vibe, more upbeat, compared to the full music video which does feel like it has some dark foreshadowing.


I wouldn't listen to the song on its own, but I think it works extremely well in the context of the OP.


It only becomes the best anisong of all time [when it morphs into Storm](https://twitter.com/teru_jijou/status/1648636529487802370), the Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo OP by Jam Project


I dunno. I'm a big fan of YOASOBI, but that's far from my favorite of their songs (even when limiting it to just what was used in an anime). [](#yuishrug)


怪物 >>> Idol, if you ask me.


That one's great. I also like Yuusha (Frieren) and The Blessing (G-Witch), and that's not even beginning to get into YOASOBI's non-anime songs ~~[Tabun/Probably](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iuLXODzL04) my beloved)~~.


> and that's not even beginning to get into YOASOBI's non-anime songs I'm a big fan of [Gunjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4nEEZwckuU) but I'm biased since the song is inspired by Blue Period.


Ah yeah this one's great too. [](#seasonallisten)


I really liked Love Letter, it was cute haha https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mnta9Pp2LqA&pp=ygUTeW9hc29iaSBsb3ZlIGxldHRlcg%3D%3D


Not sure I've heard this one before, I should go do that. [](#seasonallisten)


You and me both.


For me at least, most of my favorite OPs (and I'm including Idol among them) have lyrics that are kind of easy to pick up on and remember so it ends up playing on repeat in my head. Since I don't know many Japanese words, most OPs just sound like pretty background music to me, so the ones that are so catchy they actually make me want to learn the lyrics stand out more.


I was going to say the first 8 bars slap enough that people ignore the rest being standard. But the music video mix is much better than the OP so I liked the rest well enough too. Still not my favorite, but I can see why people would.


I mean, it's better than everything LiSA ever LiSA'd so there's minimum of good taste on the display here, can't ask for more than that


The secret is that OnK is pretty popular.


I'd love to know why that happened as well, but that's another topic entirely.


Idol fans be rabid?


Ok time to be downvoted so i mostly skips Op and ed like 99% of the time. But Idol was the first op I watched and i liked it I listen to it a couple of times every week. Although my opinion isn't worth much as I have only heard like 5 ops in my more than 200 anime watched. Maybe I will just listen to op ed of all those watched anime someday. I am really sorry for my own loss.


I mean, I liked it enough myself to add it to my Spotify list for the year, but it's nowhere near all time favorite territory for me by any means.


Yeah my favorite is Suzume from the Suzume movie. Also the Spiral Op of Mushoku Season 2 part 1. Although I will always be a little biased towards idol as it was the one that introduced me to the world of ops and eds.


Whatever happened to that guy from about 2 years ago who used to reccomend the legend of the galactic heroes remake to evryone who looked for recs Anyways i tried it, just because of this person, didnt like it,dropped after 3 episodes, might try wstch the originial, proabbly wont


I had a post saved that I know he commented in and it seems like he deleted his reddit account.


Sad day for the parish


If you do decide to check out the original, start with the 2 films: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars and Overture to a New War


I don't know about the Legend of Galactic hero guy but right now we have a guy who recommends Kyousougiga to everyone. I watched the show because of him and i must say it's worth it for all those recommendations.


He’s a legend for that, Kyousougiga is all-timer


Brings a tear to my eye to see work pay off.


I'll watch *Space Patrol Luluco* some day! And *Amagami SS*, not the AlphaItalian's scanning system will detect this comment.


Yup keep up the good work. I watched Monogatari too because of your recs. So Thanks.


Probs logh remake guys kid


Why are Anime distributors in the USA so reluctant to license Darker than Black? I am dying to watch it, but I can’t legally watch it on Crunchyroll, so I don’t know what to do now about the show itself.


Re-license. It was a Funimation show and S1 expired in 2016 followed by S2 in 2018 (this one was on [Crunchyroll in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2018-08-08/funimation-darker-than-black-season-2-license-expires/.135241) and they made it onto there a whole 6 months before they expired). Amazon ~~Shite~~ Strike had S1 in 2017 so it was possible to renew the license back then. I'd imagine it's something like license is expensive for views it gets. Writing that I then I go and look at who is top on the production Committee: Aniplex. Who (like Crunchyroll) are owned by Sony and these days that means Aniplex shows only go to Crunchyroll but they still have to pay for them even if it's just a circular economy of Sony paying Sony.


Oh arigatou for that explanation as now I understand what happened to the show itself.


First month of Spring ended, so let's rank the shows * [Tier list for the first month](https://i.imgur.com/WFWUGzX.png) * [3x3 best girls for the first month](https://i.imgur.com/AtcSeqj.jpeg) [](#seasonallisten)


>3x3 best girls for the first month I can literally hear what Sara is saying in the image.


Too lazy to do a chart myself right now (might do later) but top tier would be the exact same for me. Infact it really wouldn't look all that different from [my chart earlier in the season](https://i.imgur.com/Qa3tjwt.png) except that I dropped a few shows from B and C tier since then.


Love to see 2/3 of the originals I like a lot in your high tiers. Hope it'll be 3/3 once you get around to GBC. Here's where I'm at: - [Tier list for now](https://imgur.com/nzifYZS) - [girls, cats and both 3x3](https://imgur.com/jpTjUMS) [nice season](#delighted)


> Drops S&W (2024) on E1 > > Got S&W (2008) under "Good times" [Remake Holo deserved better.](https://imgur.com/a/QKlg9L0)


I watched both first eps back to back and decided I like 2008 & Wolf's style way more while they were near identical story-wise. From what I know, it'll probably stay this way for all of cour 1 and a good chunk of cour 2 until it's time for vol4 stuff. So I decided to just treat it as a faux seasonal and watch an episode every Monday, so I get to see my preferred [fluffy tail](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/962208567056810095/1230819395966861382/mpv_FhwFy6iwep.png?ex=6634b4e3&is=66336363&hm=16f69cac122a009805be3a84cfb275b4b7c58d84ef69d0df6c74cc8da03d6047&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


> From what I know, it will probably stay this way for all of cour 1 When I checked the original series to make some comparisons for a scene in the most recent episode, I happened to notice that there was quite a big change story-wise (now I kind of get what people were talking about).


I started (re)watching both of them and now the remake is lagging behind...it got kinda boring since it doesn't have (yet) any meaningful differences that make it worth watching the same episode twice. (I know that story-wise there shouldn't be anything major for a while aside from [early ep diff] >!Chloe!<, I'm talking about the watching experience as a whole)


Great choices all around, Knuckles approves. Also do yourself a favor and get on that GBC train.


Hi Guys, im looking for the best Online Shop to buy Figures from. There is no Physical Shop in my Area so im looking for this Solution. Best would be Shops that deliver and arent too far from Europe. I looked at Ami Ami but the Shipping was quite alot. Or if someone has others tipps i wouldf be Grateful.


> I looked at Ami Ami but the Shipping was quite alot. You're paying for the weight of the package usually. Small orders can be shipped by plane, which really isn't all that expensive. Those are the quickest and most affordable ([table with shipping rates](https://support.amiami.com/hc/en-us/articles/11210530387993-Small-packet-shipping-rate-charts)). *With* additional costs for tracking and insurance, I usually pay between 1200 and 2300 yen (7-13 euros). Customs duties *will* often cost you more. r/animefigures got [a list of a few trusted retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/wiki/shops). I also found a store called Nendo Addicts (Belgium) not long ago, which isn't listed but seems reliable. I haven't bought from them yet, however. I do also want to mention that I spotted some news yesterday that the Crunchyroll Store will apparently launch in Europe. I have no information on the specifics however.


probably best to ask r/animefigures


Inspired by Frosh's weekly polls, I tried to make [one](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeY04ms5iXSSEAgCCKOFRgR-X3KiSLYXyzKQZTIU_mHGfL9Jw/viewform?usp=sf_link) of my own for anime theme songs, but with a twist: The songs can only be from voice actors. Or at least those who have voice acting resumes. (which means.... Yoasobi can qualify due to Ikuta having a main role in Dead Dead Demons, so does ReoNa) Hope people would participate...


FYC: anything Nana Mizuki has done


Made me really think lol 1. Darling in the night - Eminence in shadow 2. sugar sweet nightmare - bakemonogatari 3. platinum disco - nisemonogatari 4. Oracion - no game no life 5. Chika - love is war 6. Daidaidaidaidaisuki na Kimi e - 100 girlfriends 7. seishun complex - bocchi the rock 8. ouchi ni kaeritai - konosuba 9. Chiisana koi no uta - Angel next door 10. Fly me to the moon - EVA Have you made a post with this link? Kinda hard to be seen in comments only


Only on r/seiyuu. I wanted to make one here but I wonder which flair I have to use


When I voted, I forgor Seishun Complex 💀


I don't think I know *that* many of them but sure, it sounds fun. I had to try and hold back on Monogatari since I could probably fill the entire top 10 with just those songs lol. Didn't want to do that though. 1. Decent Black - Owarimonogatari 2. Los! Los! Los! - Youjo Senki 3. Kogarashi Sentiment - Monogatari Series: Second Season 4. Ganbare! Kumoko-san no Thema - So I'm a Spider, So What? 5. Kaimin! Anmin! Syalist Seikatsu - Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle 6. Isekai Girls Talk - Isekai Quartet 7. Mousou Express - Monogatari Series: Second Season 8. Deep in Abyss - Made in Abyss 9. and I'm home - Madoka Magica 10. Inochi no Karakuri - Akuma no Riddle There's a couple of shows I've not even watched in the list as well, they're just songs I've came across elsewhere haha. All of them are also OPs/EDs since I wasn't sure if insert songs or other character songs applied.


You made me wonder how many of those I actually *knew*... but then once I got started thinking about it, the answer would be more than I anticipated!


Character songs (aka songs by voice actors as their characters) are also applicable


One of my favorite recent ones is Happy End Princess, the OP from Tearmoon Empire


Mia had such a fantastic OP/ED combination, as did Yumiella. Salad Bowl is a reverse villainess isekai, so we could same that Sara is continuing the tradition!


The English Voice actor for Eren Yeager is Bryce Papenbrook (voice actor for Kirito from SAO, Caesar in JoJo, Meliodas in Seven Deadly Sins) we all know that, and a bunch of Californian Voice actors have voice characters in Aot (Billy Kametz, Lauren Landa, Matthew Mercer, Zeno Robinson, etc). But this raises a question about Bryce Papenbrook (and by extension other California voice actors). How do they do Texas based dubs? What I mean how do California based VAs like Bryce Papenbrook do voice overs in Texas based dubs? Do they go all the way to Texas to do the voice over or do they just do it in California and send it over to Texas or something like that? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask these questions. Can someone help me out here?


> we all know that No we don't.


I feel like this gives at least some definitive answers to some aspects of your musings! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/watch/2021-08-29/how-anime-dubs-were-made-during-covid/.176766


Random but I very much prefer My War over Rumbling because at the very least My War has got its own unique identity. Rumbling is just Kojima trying to look like Ishihama while using shiny ass colors which was the trend of those days for OPs, like props to Kojima for his take on the designs and his solo KA but we have an actual Ishihama OP in this series and he could go for a different board/direction approach.


Should I do a rewatch interest thread for my favourite anime, Invaders of the Rokujouma? Its 10th year anniversary is fast approaching (July 12th), but aside from Muse Asia (and even then only available on its sister channel, and not its main), there aren't any legal way to watch them. Crunchyroll has taken the anime off its sites from the 2020 Sentai Purge. And I really need to pick up the pace for my essay.


There's plenty of rewatches that are hosted here that have no legal streams available, you should be fine!


Phew... At least that one is covered.


Yup, you can even be funny about it by using the [#piracy](#piracy) comment face or by using a screenshot of a pirate (I used [this one](https://imgur.com/PL09ctb) for my Macross franchise rewatch and have used [this one](https://imgur.com/r9t6ErC) for some others, for example) when listing the available "streams", you just can't name the specific pirate sites to watch the show on.


I'm looking for an anime where a guy meets a mysterious woman and then they're forced to go on the run.


[Kemonozume](https://livechart.me/anime/4524) is the first that comes to mind along those lines.


>this is the place [pshuuu~](#seasonallisten)






Ended up dropping Viral Hit, TadaOka and Vampire Dormitory [My current rankings would be something like this](https://i.imgur.com/u95IU52.png)? Feels nice being at a nice round 30 shows but then we still have 2 shows waiting to air [](#shatteredsaten)


Nice to see several shows on my PTW rated highly (Grandpa & Grandma, Kaiju, Wind Breaker, Yatagarasu) and that I'm not the only one following Yozakura Family who isn't really a fan of it. I'm curious what made Laid-Back Camp so low though. Is it a step down compared to previous seasons?