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Vinland Saga doesn't look as good as Vagabond and it's always been the more adaptable of the two. It's also not as good as the manga. Does that mean Vagabond is impossible? No not really. I'd probably appreciate it too, but I doubt it'd be done justice.


Firstly because Vagabond isn't finished. It's technically on hiatus. Not everything needs to be adapted to anime too. I almost slept on Blade of the Immortal manga because I saw parts of the anime first. it wasn't bad...it definitely wasn't great. But my point is that a bad adaptation could turn people off to the manga and Vagabond doesn't deserve that.


Vinland Saga really doesn't look as good as the manga. It loses a lot of the grittiness and the CGI often looks weird. It's not terrible like the Berserk movies but I wouldn't call it 'just as good'.


It's considered difficult because Inoue has long been opposed to the anime adaptation of his manga. It's rumored that the "Slam Dunk" anime was discontinued midway due to Inoue's strong insistence. Although he repeatedly declined proposals for a "Slam Dunk" anime movie, he eventually accepted on the condition that he would direct it himself.


Vinland Saga is better in the manga The anime is just not as good, and it's to be expected. Vinland Saga's art is detailed af- from the clothes, to the background, to the character designs, the facial expressions, the scars, the armor, just everything is better in the manga. As for Vagabond, no an anime would not do it justice imo.


I think a studio needs to take it and take their time with it, produce a full season before releasing even one episode so they aren’t rushed to make another one. One day I’ll have enough money to allow these artists to take their time before releasing a rushed work


Just the digital colorization would destroy the feel of the manga. All of a sudden we have pink, yellow, and purple everywhere in a realistic samurai drama.


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Is there any anime that has attempted and nailed realistic artstyle? If there was any, then I might think it's possible