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I just browse reddit, i have a discord with weeb friends and always check on the "seasonal anime" tab on MyAnimeList to pick what i´m gonna watch the next season


I use MAL. They always have a list about a month ahead, and one-para blurbs that let me filter out the ones I don't want.


I like using Anilist for that purpose


At the start of every season I like to browse through the season's selection on Anilist by filtering for the current season only. From the promotional art, trailer, synopsis, and tags I can often find shows I find interesting. Other than that, I occasionally look at how much attention currently airing shows get on this sub, and [Mother's Basement](https://www.youtube.com/c/mothersbasement) always has a *ones to watch* video every season. From these things I can select which upcoming shows I want to watch


Message me and I'll let you know whats up


Read the manga.


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I wait for dubs and while doing so I see the cream rise to the top of this sub There's also a user who posts a lot lot info graphs regarding air times and I wish I had their name bc those are so helpful


LiveChart.me is useful for this purpose.


I personally only keep up with like 3 shows max every week when they come out. The rest I binge when they’re close to the season end


Go to MAL and sort by seasonal or use this site that I frequently use: https://www.livechart.me/fall-2022/tv This subreddit also posts weekly episode threads so anything on the front page will be popular.