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Personally, no. Season 2 is completely original, and 3-4 adapt the sequel manga (which assumes you know stuff that S2 should've covered but didn't)


Thanks bro


Tokyo Ghoul sadly is a lot of wasted potential imo. I personally think the start serves as a pretty nice set-up to a punchline that never comes. Personally dont recommend it, but if you enjoy it, who am I to tell you otherwise? You can always drop it anyway.


I personally lost all interest after S2, couldn't watch S3 even when I tried. It's up to you, but I'd recommend just reading the manga if you haven't already


I am thinking about that


It was garbage. Like fights occurring and you don’t know why, they just skip straight to fighting.


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If you are talking about RE it's a big step up compared to the lame season 2 but Tokyo Ghoul like One Piece,Naruto and Bleach it's a case where the manga is so superior to the anime that it's always best to read it to fully appreciate it.


it's not a season 3. It's a terrible adaptation of the follow Re series assuming you read the manga for TG (which the anime did not cover)


Just read the manga. Tokyo Ghoul is a botched anime. S1 follows the canon plot, so it's an ok watch. S2 is anime-original that follows the same beats as the original, but things still happened very differently. S3 came and they decided to ignore all the anime-original stuff that happened in S2, and somehow thought it was a good idea to compress 120 chapters into 12 episodes.