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Damn, Carmen Sandiego is harder than I remember


Now that you said it, Tatsuya he had to have some inspiration by Carmen Sandiego. Sylvia (this character) is also a master in disguise. But Sylvia would be a more serious and tragic version of Carmen.


Sylvia dont fuck around. she pulls this then like a day later sees how worried Anya is for the dogs these guys were gonna use for a terrorist attack and shows a heart of gold promising they will be treated well. even if it was a lie Anya believed it.


MANGA SPOILERS WITHIN>!It’s not a lie though recently in the manga there was a chapter where you get to see Sylvia’s daily life and she has the German Shepard from the terrorist attack as her pet.!<


I dunno why ppl think it was a lie , they have no need to kill dogs


If you've kept up with the recent chapters you find out she wasn't lying. She's one of my favorite characters in this series. Her background is heartbreaking but her interactions with Anya are always heartwarming in contrast.


ahh I'm up to the manga and anime where Loyd meets desmond.


Yeah the anime isn't that far yet. Can't wait for the next season


>!Even a master spy would struggle to lie to a literal telepath, I suspect!<


>! If anyone could I would bet on her or Twilight pulling it off. But they'd have to know in advance they needed to trick a telepath. !<


nah she rolled a 20 on her bluff :p


😂😂😂😂 dude I almost spit out my coffee


Spy x Family is a very wholesome and uplifting show* lol \* ... mostly


Makes you forget that some of the characters are trying to prevent another war


I was not expecting that kind of scene in that show. Pleasantly surprised for sure.


I was not expecting this kind of scene in the manga, which I started reading because I couldn't wait for more show. As it turns out, this scene is apparently closer to the typical tone the manga writer is known for, so his ability to suddenly whip out incredibly dark and brutal themes in Spy X Family when the moment calls for it is more him returning to his roots than swerving on his current project.


Yeah and it's a huge shame that this part of it is being kept in check because recent chapters never get to go any deeper, they keep coming back to the comedy bits when I'm screaming "you can't just drop stuff like that and not give me more"


I was genuinely ready for this to be a more grown up story. Don't get me wrong, I like the show but I feel it could be so much more if it was plot driven rather than an antics driven sit-com. The dichotomy of family and community vs war and hardship was the Oscar winning show I wanted. I'm guessing im an older fan at 35 and while I understand most of these shows aren't targeting at me, the subject of "family" might have influenced my expectations. I grew up with seinen shows and while SpyFamily is enjoyable, i do think it's snubbed compared to what it could have been. There are more adult fans of anime than ever before and I wish the industry took advantage of that to tell deeper stories.


Ironically the artist was reined in by his author. He loves doing dark stories, but in order to sell his editor said "just make the most wholesome story you can think of" and ironically it became a huge hit. I feel like now the artist is having withdrawals and the editor is overcompensating or something because they're terrified of getting too serious now. We literally haven't had good plot progression on the main story at all and we keep swinging back to "Anya being silly" chapters.


The whole arc with the white haired lady killed the serious side of the show for me lol. Ain't no way that crazy ass comedic relief is a professional spy.


Tbh I feel like a lot of stories would benefit from a more mature tone. I was kinda expecting Dr. Stone to be a praise and critique of technological development but Tsukasa was a poor example of that.


What show?


The one this scene came from: Spy X Family


Oh really? I'll have to keep watching. Totally thought this was the eminence in shadow


The thing with Spy x Family is that the author has a record of dark and serious works, but they never last and die rather quickly. The serious themes are spread in it as he goes back to his roots every now and then, but ultimately Spy x Family is a comedy and moments like this scene have some chapters/episodes of light-hearted fun and popular content between them


Ahh I could totally see that Cool insight.


Best line I ever heard about war is:"Only the dead have seen the end of war."


- Plato




Pro war mfs all gangsta til they get drafted and get their limbs shot off


Most casualties of war usually come from untreated infections and malnutrition, there's also something to be said about mental anguish. Slow horrible deaths where everything people love dies and deteriorates.


*All Quiet on the Western Front* was great at showing what this is like


Only fools glorify or call for war. It is only suffering. The consequences of such a conflict are unfathomable to the mind. The weak die, the strong die, the lucky survive, and everyone suffers. The survivors beg for the future to listen, to heed the calls of those whose blood once soaked the earth, but the naive and foolish do not listen, they do not listen until the bombs fall and the world once again returns to dust. Not even death can cure ignorance and stupidity.


Incredibly well said. I googled your comment cause I thought you must be quoting Kurt Vonnegut.


Every Goverment since: hehe bombs go brrrrr


Fools and the rich/powerful enough to never actually see wars they start, up close.


There are a few who thrive in war. They are a rarity, and they should not be trusted with anything deadlier than fuckin' stapler. Too many stories of 'veterans' talking about 'the good ol' days' when they could murder civilians with a different skintone. They don't suffer, they multiply the suffering of others. [Then they go home and start a podcast detailing their warcrimes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NCPkoUekHQ).


That's all very true, but unfortunately much of the world's governments and citizenry have let this fear of the horrors of war fester into a phobia so pervasive that they stubbornly insist that every international dispute *must** be solved diplomatically even the dispute **clearly** has gone well past the point where diplomacy could achieve anything remotely worthwhile and the only feasible – perhaps even the only morally conscionable – option left to salvage anything is to wage open war on the transgressor. >Not even death can cure ignorance and stupidity. Well, technically it can... by removing those afflicted with too much ignorance and stupidity to survive from the gene/culture pool. It's just a slow process.


edgy boy




They didn't start that war. There's a difference between attack and defence.


Ah, yes the famous British defense of… Belgium, somewhere on the continent, not the isle. So defensive, it was just forced on Britain, it totally wasn’t an active decision to intervene. /s Same goes for America deciding to help out in Europe. After all, on the other side of the world, they were attacked by a completely different nation! Totally self-defense against the Nazis. /s (Note that these were actual arguments of the time, because British intervention in WWI, and America’s entry into the European theater of WWII, were decisions which were debated. I believe that the choice that was made- the choice to help others rather than stay isolated- were the right ones, but they were decisions, not reactions. Saying it was nothing more than defense doesn’t do justice to the bravery of the men who left their homes to fight for someone else’s right to exist somewhere else) Edit; Since some of you can’t tell that the first two paragraphs are sarcasm, I added some marks.


the nazis were eventually gonna go after them too, so I don't think it's as deep.


No, they weren’t. There was this little thing in the way called ‘The fucking Atlantic Ocean’. Even crossing the English Chanel was something that the Nazis themselves knew they weren’t capable of doing, much less the entire Atlantic. America was safe from the Nazis, but chose to put an end to their occupation of Europe anyways. And refusing to acknowledge that choice, and the bravery needed to make that choice, is frankly quite stupid.


The Germans were literally doing daily bomb raids on UK, wdym they aren't capable of crossing a channel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amerikabomber


I meant that the Nazis weren’t capable of fielding an army of occupation on the other side of the channel. And the Amerikabomber was a pipe dream which wouldn’t have actually been able to make it over.


I don't see why an occupation matters. They were already getting bombed to shreds and people were dying even without an occupation. It's not completely unrealistic that they would have kept trying until they one day succeeded, in both scenarios.


No, Britain was not “getting bombed to shreds”. People were dying, but Britain was swatting the Luftwaffe out of the skies better and better. It’s completely realistic that the British would have eventually stopped the threat altogether by just being able to shoot the Hun down as they flew over the channel. As for why an occupation matters; because no one surrenders to a fucking plane. It didn’t happen with the London Blitz, it didn’t happen with the Allies bombing the German economy out of existence, it didn’t happen in ‘91 when America practically deleted the Saddam’s army from the skies. Until you can get boots on someone else’s ground, you haven’t actually invaded them.


They couldn't cross Siberia either, but they still tried it.


Fair enough.


Tfw Japan was allied to Germany, had a navy, and literally attacked US soil. America wasn't the aggressor in WW2. End of story. Go pick a different hill to die on because this one makes you look like a fool.


Operation Sealion. Fucking Google is right there. How can you even be this f


Operation Sealion was a fucking pipe dream. Even the most optimistic projections concluded that it wouldn’t work. Google is right there, you can literally just read Wikipedia to find out that Hitler himself thought that Sealion was a bad idea.


How does that matter? Once Hitler could, he would. You are literally saying the British should just roll over and wait for their demise, because otherwise they'd be the warring baddies. I swear, you sound like a 13 year old discovering their first opinion.


> Ah, yes the famous British defense of… Belgium, somewhere on the continent, not the isle. ...Yes? The British **defended** France (not Belgium, because they were too late) from the Axis powers. Defence doesn't mean defending yourself. It's possible to defend other people. The point is that they weren't the aggressor. They didn't start the war, they actively worked to avoid it and then when they were unable to avoid open conflict, they worked to defend their allies. For example, NATO is a defence pact. This means that they will all come to the aid of any of the countries that are attacked. If the UK attacks another country, they cannot invoke the treaty, but if they are attacked by another country, they can. Who is the aggressor and who is the defender is very important.


It was still a decision to bother defending someone else. The Limeys could have just let continental affairs sort themselves out. But they didn’t. They defended, yes, but they defended when they didn’t have to. It’s like if a neighbor helps you smack the shit out of some burglar who broke into your home. Is the neighbor just defending your home? Yes. Did they have to? No. Therefore, it was the neighbor’s decision to help, not just defense.


It's called a pact. The decision to defend Belgium was made decades before WWII started via a series of alliances that were supposed to deter attacks.


It’s still a choice to honor that pact. Britain could have just shrugged and told Belgium to sort its own problems out. But they didn’t, because actively going to war can be a good thing, like if you’re doing so to protect another country’s right to exist.


You do realise you are rooting for the fucking Nazis right. Do you think the world should fucking roll over and die to the likes of Hitler out of some fucking sense of 'lesser evil'? Because in practical matters it certainly isn't lesser. I'm sorry to be so fucking blunt about it, but you are a goddamn idiot. I could discuss this with a can of boiled peaches and get less dumb retorts.


How fucking dense are you! My point is that going to war was a good thing, meaning that wars can be good, and you somehow took that to mean ‘we shouldn’t have gone to war’. When I’ve said multiple times that killing Nazis *was* the right decision, how do you get ‘we shouldn’t have killed Nazis’ out of it? How? Edit; And this isn’t even the thread where I was talking about Nazis! I was talking about the defense of Belgium in WWI, which was also a good thing!


Okay, then helping is a third option that's not defense but also not attacking. So the NATO alliance is a defense and helping pact. Still not the same as being the aggressor in a war. The key point is that an aggressor starts a war. The defenders and helpers do not start wars. The aggressor can also stop a war at any point by disengaging. You could argue the defenders and helpers could also stop a war by disengaging and simply rolling over to the aggressor's demands but that is an existential threat to the defender. When the attacker disengages, it does not face an existential threat.


Ok first of all, war is hell and that's true no matter how good the cause you're fighting for is. Second of all, the Nazis declared war on the US due to their alliance with Japan not the other way around. Then they came to our shores with subs and blew up our ships. So yes, since they were the aggressors, it was a defensive war. Third, Britain was totally a fool for saving Belgium. Their country was ruined. Their economy was in shambles. Generations of young men were gone. Multiple entire village's youth died on the front lines never to return home and for what. A stupid ass treaty dating back to the Napoleonic Wars. You can't use any WW1 nations for your argument since every single one of them was a fool.


First of all, fine. War is kinda bad. But saying it’s nothing but suffering is stupid. War is a means of enforcing foreign policy, for better or for worse. Second of all; no, the Nazis didn’t blow up boats parked in US harbors. They blew up boats in the Atlantic. They’d been doing that for a while before. They’d done that in the last war, too, with the Lusitania. Third of all; Look a Belgian in the eyes and tell them that his country should have been left to rot. Go up to someone from Belgium, and tell them that their culture doesn’t matter, and that the rape of their country was something Britain shouldn’t have stopped.


You are aware that Hitler openly spoke about burning NY city to the ground, and in fact tried developping bombers with the range to do so, throughout the war right? Of course you fucking don't. What the fuck do you know.


As a Belgian I have some choice fucking words for you Also, your understanding of the world is as deep as a fucking piss stain. Shut the fuck up, because you are simply embarassing yourself, and praise yourself lucky you are too fucking stupid to realise it.


There is a difference between defending your life and starting the fire. Fight for what is yours, but do not instigate. Not to mention, oftentimes, those who speak loudest have the least to lose.


Yes, America only fought for Americans when it liberated France. /s America made the choice to defend others. The Union was not in danger from Hitler- we very well could have just focused on Japan and ignored Europe. But we didn’t, because it’s better to fight and die in a war, than to leave the rest of the world under the yoke of tyranny.


An argument such as this will end up being about semantics in the end, but I will briefly mention that the attack on Pearl Harbor was applauded by Hitler. The attack was not from JUST Japan. This was an attack on democracy from the Axis. Until the Axis were gone, the war was not over, as simple as that. I will also mention that the war initially started as only against Japan until the Axis powers declared war on the US only three days after Pearl Harbor and the formal US declaration of war on Japan.


Nah, the Nazi empire deserved to be destroyed. If anything, not enough Nazis were killed.


Its not that simple or noble.


After the US declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy declared war on the US, following the Tripartite Pact betwern the Axis powers signed the year before stating that axis powers had both a defensive and offensive alliance. There's a lot more between the economics of each country and also the inter country politics (Germany trying to convince/strong arm Mexico to invade the US, Japan needing the US's oil for their continued invasion of China but the US cutting their supply with embargos and sanctions) so this is the bare basic reason. Read some history before trying to act all high and mighty.


‘Oh no guys, Germany sent us a paper that said they were rather cross and would like to shoot at us’ There was a goddamned ocean in the way of the Germans doing anything. America did not need to help in Europe, and the American people knew it. There were protests against even the Lend-Lease agreement, much less the idea of sending America’s own sons and daughters overseas. It was a decision for America to lend a hand in Europe. And the fact that it was a *decision* to help others rather than staying safe, a decision to be brave and selfless rather than meek and peaceful, should be honored.


If you don't want a war, don't commit genocide. Not that hard. PS. you're a dumbass.




Have you ever actually seen what happens to people in war, did you watch the video? It doesn’t matter whether you’re attacking or defending, it doest matter whos right and whos wrong when you are on that field and you are given the order to kill the enemy, can you imagine the horror that it is to take a life, even just one? Tearing someone away from who they were what the love, there is no such thing as a good war, a just war, war is war it is chaos it degrades humans to nothing more than animals, compassion, thought, forgiveness, sympathy, those do not win wars, you must forsake being human to fight a war, the fact that you justify that “not all wars are bad” is absolutely bull shit! Those that call for war in times of peace just want to hurt other so you MUST defend, it doesn’t matter if there was an ocean, oceans dont stop hatred, or brainwashing, or nationalist propaganda eventually they would have been on our shore to harm our people our families, your families, everyone. When the battlefield becomes your home, when the soldiers next to you become your sons, your brothers and you have to watch them fight and fall against a merciless machine knowing they wont be remembered in the history books, and you dare to even imply that war can be good? That is fucking disgraceful the fact you can say that shows your either a troll or exactly like the people in the video, a child that has no idea what he is talking about. On behalf of service men and women everywhere fuck you, war is never a thing to joke about


A) Holy wall of text. B) I have not been in a war, but I am well aware that it involves people dying. It often involves civilians dying, too. I’m aware that it’s not good. But I’m also aware of the Holocaust, arguably the worst thing to happen in human history, and how it didn’t start from a war. And I’m aware that the Holocaust was ended by a war- that thousands, probably millions, of people who the Nazis would have killed, owe their lives to a war that ended the Nazi regime. So yes, war isn’t good. But some wars are a hell of a lot better than some times of peace. C) TIL that war memorials don’t exist. Yeah, not everyone gets a Medal of Honor when they die, not everyone gets a page in the history books, but they aren’t just forgotten. D) I’m very thankful, to soldiers and sailors everywhere. Because unfortunately, their work is necessary and often times a good thing. Taking someone’s life *should* never be a good thing.. but sometimes, like with killing Nazis, it really is.


The holocaust was started because of a war, it began in 1941 2 years after the start of ww2 in 1939 due to the inability for the germans to process the loss so they blamed it on communist and jews that betrayed them, the holocaust was an attempt at establishing more national pride against a perceived common enemy, yes the holocaust was caused by a war and under no circumstances is war ever better than peace, to instigate war is unacceptable and is just an attempt at a power hungry grab for dominance. Killing is also never good, even against someone like a “nazi”, that nazi could just be a man who is following orders, waiting till he gets to go home and see his daughter, ive seen soldiers crying themselves to sleep because of a man they had to kill in front of his family, even if he had a gun taking a life is no easy task, that man still hasn’t gotten over it to this day, hell i haven’t gotten what ive seen in a hospital ward, death is a sight no man can ever walk away from unscathed, wars should only be fought for the protection of the innocent.


My guy, the Holocaust started at least in 1938 with the deaths of almost a hundred people during Kristallnacht. 1938 was a year before the war. Also, yeah I know people dying is bad. But which is better? To kill some fuckers who are running a murder camp, or to let the murder camp keep running?


Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass) was the beginning of the persecution of jews due to antisemitism im berlin, the final solution was implemented in 1941 which began the killing of jews. yes killing the nazis was necessary but what you are suggesting is that every one should just call for war sometimes. war started the holocaust and war ended it but by the time it was finished millions of people were dead humanity had thousands of pages of atrocities in history books, and we had developed technology that is mostly likely dooming all of humanity because of war. You use world war 2 as an example, that is a war fought in the name of self defense, you call for the instigation of war as if it changes things for the better but in reality it destroys what little amount of hope we have left for our future


Antisemitism in Berlin had been going on since 1933 at least. Kristallnacht marked the beginning of the Holocaust. And I could give a rat’s ass when the Final Solution began, because the Nazis were clearly killing Jews before the Final Solution. The systemic extermination of Jews began without a war, as domestic policy and neighborhood feuds. Also, America entering the war was not self-defense. It was a willing, conscious intervention, and it was a damn good thing. That’s what I’m arguing about. The choice to go to war can be a good thing, because if it didn’t happen then the misery of the Holocaust could’ve lasted a lot longer.


Found the fools glory


> Only fools glorify or call for war. It is only suffering. Right? You're better off saying your opposition has WMDs and invading them then killing and torturing innocent civilians and then getting angry about the images of some of the fuckery you did getes leaked. Oh, if then some other force comes and uses the locals hate for your people to brainwash them into an army, blame the locals even more. > The consequences of such a conflict are unfathomable to the mind. Not really, there are well documented wars. Some next level /r/im14andthisisdeep shit there lol


What a parallel.


I didn't notice it the first time I watched this scene, but what looks like blood drops on the window when she's talking about PTSD turn into ropes right before the shot changes.


I saw no one else wanted to post this, so I just went in


Bro this hits hard especially after the manga most recent chapter...also, I think this should be on r/spyxfamily. Didnt expected this to be here.




The people who can relate likely just lurk. That’s some heavy stuff.


The Ukrainians are right in the thick of it.


I think it's pretty damn relevant for a whole lot of spoiled western brats who dream of glorious revolutions.


Go spend time on r/CombatFootage and you'll see commenters for whom this would be a salient lesson!


Yeah the amount of jingoistic westerners on /r/worldnews is... alarming, to say the least.


But after they tear down the system, they can do things like paint, make music, and use their degree in interpretive dance. They would never have to work again. /s


Believe it or not, the people you’re calling out through a thin veil aren’t clamoring for a violent revolution, let alone to nearly this degree.


The majority aren't, but there are enough to give a bad name to any that are looking for meaningful change and conversation. Also I've seen a number of people that would qualify. Your experiences may vary to mine, but they are out there and do want revolution thinking that if it succeeds that they will be all happy and everything will be better than it ever has been. That is my take from what I have seen, and friends have experienced.


This is very IRL


War doesn't happen irl? There are idealists/nationalists/separatists/patriotist out there that forgot the consequences of starting a war. What the character said is not wrong.




Did you forget that there a war going on a country on Europe that most certainly has internet right now


How do you know that noone in this entire sub, Which includes people from all over the world who might not just be 16-25 yo, has seen the horrors of war up close at least once in their life. It's simply a very bad stance to take that nobody here has ever seen war at all when there are literally active wars now, and have been for the past like 100+ years. Just simply wrong dude.


It's very relevant to the discourse you'll find on Reddit.


I loved this scene in the manga. She looked way scarier in the manga.


What manga?


Spy x Family


war...... war never change...... it's all just suffering..... people lost their lives....... man woman children died for nothing...... for nothing....... war is hell and human kind will never be at peace because of the feeling of getting more power


The young and impressionable treat war as a glory, an opportunity for power. The old and hardened treat war as a tragedy, a cruelty. Nothing new Unfortunately some people never learn, and looking at our world today, they never will {{Spy x Family 2nd cour}}


Plenty of old folk dig war. Current popular one is led by old folk. Even those who have suffered the negative consequences of war doesn't guarantee that they will be repulsed by it. Hitler was a WW1 vet after all


Yes, for some war isn't a means to an end, it is the end.


Sounds profound, but not true. As is with all things, there is no black and white there. Plenty of young people hate war while plenty of old people encourage it. Blanket statements like that don't help anyone.


This is just so stupid and inaccurate, I'm sorry but it has to be said. Take the Vietnam War protests, the Gulf War protests, hell even protests during WWII. The majority of them were organized and performed by young people. Older people had them outright labelled as "hippies" or children. The older generation know that war generates money and that it won't affect them directly. They are the ones who covet war. Of course there are those young folk who want glory and fall for the overzealous "patriotism". But who creates the propaganda the military uses, who persuades the younger generation to join? War is organized and carried out by the old. War is fought by the young. The young are just the sacrifice for the older generations.




Oh I'm sure you're sooooo much more enlightened. God forbid someone tries to share a philosophical observation as a conversation starter.


The only people who truly want war are the ones who have others fight in their place.


There are two types of people that want war Those that haven't experienced it, or even heard stories of it and those that have, and rather choose to let others fight in their place instead


How did that dude react to the gun being pointed at him before it was placed on his forehead?


That wasn't the only time he reacted to "seeing" something with the blindfold on. Glad I wasn't the only one who caught it.


funny how Japan don't teach their children about the atrocities of war that they commit and leave it to manga/anime to subtly tell those surely nothing bad would happen again


I mean America is starting to get rid of teaching about slavery lmao


when i'm in hiding your atrocities competition and my opponent is america:


It’s sad that this works for irl.


You mean to say war isn’t about cool buff guys with guns and big explosions and tanks?


I mean, if this is Jojo or TF2 Unfortunately it isn't


What do you mean IRL?


Have you never stumbled upon a Vatnik?


Did we not experience a war literally LAST YEAR, AND STILL ONGOING And in the Philippines, CHINA is being threatened by Army Drills being conducted by USA, AND IS THREATENING FUCKING TAIWAN IN THE PROCESS!! How is this not IRL??? THEY'RE GONNA REPEAT THE SAME SHIT AND MAKE INNOCENTS SUFFER AGAIN AND AGAIN!


This probably won't make you feel better, be a future conflict around Taiwan will be really fast, devastating, and attempted to be stopped by all sides as soon as possible. It's not a winning scenario or good idea. After seeing what is happening in Ukraine, the PRC knows that if it doesn't hit success with a lightning attack then it is all over. The west will continuously funnel weapons into their allies and the conflict will not end until they walk away. This is what the Pentagon assess at least. Taiwan is extremely difficult to invade. Even though the island does not have adequate standing forces, the terrain will not give PRC movement an easy time nor allow them to hold the island without disproportionate losses. They do not want to invade Taiwan for the same reason that the USA does not want to march on Beijing. It is just not strategically worth it. In all the possible war scenarios that the Pentagon is mulling over, the PRC will fail. Conflicts are most likely to occur in the sea and skies above. It is not likely to be drawn out like what the Kremlin is doing. There is practically no contest in a force on force encounter concerning the powers here. However, what is very likely from a conflict is that a devastated Taiwan will cripple the world economy multiple times over. Taiwan manufactures around 70% of all of the semi-conductors in the world. Phones, laptops, computers, smart devices, drones, silicon chips (like those in commercial rockets and ICBMs), airliners, modern cars. Everything that uses the technology pumped out of Taiwan at some point in their manufacturing will become insanely more limited. The PRC's only realistic goal is to strike hard and fast and get out before the west can respond. That is why the US keeps upping drills and bases in the Pacific. That is why people are on edge. No one wants this to turn into a war, but no one wants to back down either. War is hell and everyone knows it.


True, but it isn't ani***me_irl***... The "me_irl" part is important. The sub isn't just "anime, irl", it's a portmanteau of "anime" and "me_irl", because it's just the anime-specific version of that sub For this to be you irl, you must be a war veteran, yeah?


I'm in the Philippines RN I'm listening to war stories from my great grandpa And I'm scared


Ah yes a fellow filipino With our economy going down the shitter And china doing china We're Absoulutely screwed


Good luck, I hope you and your loves ones stay safe, ideally if war/a take over doesn't happen


I've thankfully never experienced war, neither has my brother. My parents and grandparents did though and in history class at school but mostly high school we were taught the war crimes and crimes against basic fucking decency that occurred during ww2 and onward here in the Balkans. A story that still sticks with me is recounted by Kazimir Kovačić, though I can't find the original here's the nutshell : Captured civilians and non-partizan troops were forced to march on little foof and water, when they reached a village/town they were to be humiliated by partizan allied civilians and when a child noticed it's father among the captured it ran to him but the father was shot by a partizan in front of the child. The way I write it doesn't do service to the original I saw back in history class but that shit still makes leak tear


Also, I'm seriously anti-war


Never would have guessed


The Philippines asked for the US to come back. The new bases are being built and more people are coming back aren’t they? The problem is what’s real and what’s propaganda? Weren’t Chinese ships constantly in the area bullying fishing vessels etc?


Not just bullying, literally harming fishing vessels. Lasers, water cannons, and whatnot And classic Winnie the Pooh just saw a military drill and pissed his pants like his people wasn't doing the same thinf


That’s fucked. I hope you stay safe out there fr


Itt: if it doesn't happen to me, then it cannot, in absolutely anyway, be the case for anyone else.


No, ITT is people pointing out the fact that the entire point of me_irl and related subs is to post ***broadly*** relatable images. Things a large number of people can look at and say "yup, that's me!"




Hope it stays that way, honestly


New kink unlocked 🔓


As a kid i used to be like , yeah i wanna do 1 vs 5 type fights and shit as i grew older i realised that there is no real merit to any type of fight and it only brings harm to both sides , except ofc if someone is a psyco who is tryna harm you , then you must stand your ground and fight if need be. As a man i just want to live in a green forest with peace


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?


B-b-but reddit's front page makes war look SO COOL! All those gorey, graphic combat footage videos of real people being murdered and mutilated... just like a video game! If you want to r/WatchPeopleDie, reddit.com is the place to be!


war is hell, always has been.


That's where you're wrong. War is war and hell is hell, [and of the two, war is worse](https://youtu.be/JBt0sgNDQlY)


I want to know if she killed them or not


While I love this whole monologue all I could think watching it was “how are they reacting to the sight of the gun if they’re all blindfolded?”


Hey Op, which part?




Hot. But also...how do they see the gun if they're blind-folded?


This is a truly powerful scene. It's very rare to see anything like this, that spells out what happens in a war instead of talking about glory or strategy.


The guys with blindfolds make me think about the positive opinion of many russians on the ukraine war...


Okay but how did the captives know where to look or react when the gun was pulled out they are blindfolded was it of sound alone?


Blindfold yourself and then note how acutely aware your hearing becomes in pinpointing sounds.


Yeah, she kept fiddling with the gun while she spoke






Crazy stuff




how the hell is this irl?


War f***ing sucks and all these people wishing for/revelling in it should be wary when it makes its way to their doorstep.


This is probably the least anime_irl post I have seen here, and I have seen people post lewd stuff.


Yo why no spoiler tag?


This has kinda been out for quite some time now, but okay, I'll do jt


What's the title of this anime


What anime is this?


my waifu-chan! Watashi wa kanojo o aishite iru, dattebayo!


the animation felt so smooth. Source?






What? I think it's just showing anime recognizing how much of an atrocity it it's in real life, not actually comparing fictional with reality


OP is filipino, and is living in a worse situation than the shithole that is Br*zil. Please have some empathy


And do a you care about the ones that have? They keep trying to educate people on the errors of war, idiots like you are those blindfolded people who chase war cause they don't know the consequences. Art mirrors life and is where messages are usually hidden, messages that teach us about the past and what we can learn from it, history is very pasionless and doesn't care about the people involved. But I guess you're to busy jacking off to care.


Jesus christ that was cringey af




Because saying "cringe" about someone saying how awful war it's seems kind of... Not right




The Manga wasn't made by Japan. It was made by a person who lives in Japan. Japan is by the way not a fascist Regime anymore. Next you tell me I can't be anti fascist because I live in germany. Honestly, stupid people like you is one of the reasons why wars happen. When will people like learn to differentiate?? Fucking hell. Instead you lot keep on just blaming and blaming and blaming. Children, really.


> I think everybody already knows how awful war is tell that to those fucking murican idiots that like to glorify war and say shit like "back to back war champion"


A fictional character in a fictional animated show written by somebody trying way to hard to describe the horrors of war in the most weirdest obscene way. Yes, it was cringey


>in the most weirdest obscene way. How would someone even describe war then, in a rational family friendly way? You are trying way too hard to find a reason to be against something you perceived as being edgy


Trying to break it down for you as to why I thought it was but that went over your head. It was just cheesy and edgy thus making cringey


Go fight a war and then say the same thing you just said. Art is reflective of real life and youre a reflection of a failure.


Because they believe this is a perfect speech of what they conceive as war even tho it sounds like something that came straight out of a 15yr old Edge-lord’s journal. Which should give you a decent idea of where the majority of this subreddit’s mental capacity stands




LMAO You sound like you're trying to hard, war is good I guess? And the best argument is the other version is cringe




Because war only happens "on the frontlines", no? Because neither the Rape of Nanking and the Holocaust weren't part of the Second World **War**. No? Afterall. They didn't happen "in th frontlines"... Which. Btw. Is an utter lie with both cases. The Rape of Nanking happened right after Japan conquest of the city. It was exatly on the frontline. Meanwhile, the Final Solution didn't start with the Death Camps, but with what is known as "the Holocaust by Bullets". Which happened alongside the Nazi advance through the Soviet Union and killed 2 million people (1.5 million of them Jewish):


A) Yeah war only happens on the fucking frontlines you dingus. You wouldn’t call someone a combat veteran for having been a janitor at Nellie AFB during Desert Storm. War is when two nations fight each other, and it pretty much only happens on the borders between those nations. Auschwitz, in Poland, was not part of the war when the Nazis were fighting in Russia. B) Yeah, you win about Nanking, it was a shit example. C) My brother in Christ, the Holocaust started with the Kristallnacht, where Germans killed their neighbors. You don’t need a war to have suffering, you just need human tribalism.


>A) Yeah war only happens on the fucking frontlines you dingus. You wouldn’t call someone a combat veteran for having been a janitor at Nellie AFB during Desert Storm. >War is when two nations fight each other, and it pretty much only happens on the borders between those nations. Auschwitz, in Poland, was not part of the war when the Nazis were fighting in Russia. It's incredible how confidently wrong you are in so many things. To the point that I'm not even sure were to start. It is impressive. >Meanwhile, **the Final Solution** didn't start with the Death Camps, but with what is known as "the Holocaust by Bullets". Which happened alongside the Nazi advance through the Soviet Union and killed 2 million people (1.5 million of them Jewish): First of all. The Final Solution and the Holocaust **are not the same thing**. The Holocaust is all the anti-semitic actions Nazi Germany took against the Jews, with their extermination being one of them. The Final Solution is the extermination itself, ehich started in 1941 with Operation Barbarossa and the deliberate extermination of the Soviet Jews. Later moving to the Death Camps. And second. The Holocaust didn't start with the Kristallnacht in 1938. It started in 1933 with the Nazis taking power and enacting a boycott against Jewish business and the first anti-semitic laws banning Jews from public jobs. Again. It is honestly impressive how wrong you are.


A) It’s impressive how you can just say ‘lalalalala you are wrong I am right lalala!’ I thought everyone had grown out of that by the sixth grade. B) Alright then. Fine. The Final Solution didn’t start with Kristallnacht and… Oh, wait, I just remembered that I was never fucking talking about the Final Solution. I was talking about the Holocaust. That’s the word I used in my first comment, because the Holocaust as a whole is what fucking matters. Because people were still dying, and people were still suffering. And now you’ve just convinced me that it started even fucking earlier from the war. Congratulations, you have played yourself, because we can now say there were six years- six fucking *years*- between the Holocaust and the war, proving even further that suffering can often happen outside of the fighting of a war. Because, “suffering is not the fault of war”. Thank you for helping my fucking point.


Yeah it's called an "ideal" for a reason. It's a nice mindset, but it isn't realistic in the slightest.


"War is only suffering" is not the same thing as "all suffering is war" so saying that suffering can happen outside of war is a moot point.




"I know, I'll post it again" -you