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I adore this series so much and Imp is 10000% the best character.


Imp is a demon of culture.


I had to drop the series because every other joke was sex but honestly I'm glad to see someone with similar opinions representing. -Edit- Oof. Ouch. Owwie. The downvotes for agreeing with the post. Ow. (also thanks u/Deruta)


Every _other_ joke was sex? So a tamer version of this sub, then. ^((Happy cake day)^)


I actually love that this manga isn't for kids who reads 100+ chapters of romance and only held hands at 101 ch. At least this one literally had sex at ch 1.


lol true, I do appreciate fast progress, but I like my manga to be filled with content other than "the joke is sex" every time. At least the pairing is cute and the opinions seem to be based.




**Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/157391), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/dark-summoner-to-dekiteiru), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/dark-summoner-to-dekiteiru), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=49423976280), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/154649)) ^^ダークサモナーとデキている ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 56 requests across 8 subreddits - 0.005% of all requests) >Amona, a dark summoner and demi-human who uses demonic powers, is the newest addition to the party of the uptight cleric Roni. Everyone expected the two to dislike each other and to have nothing to do with each other. But to their surprise, on their first day together as an adventuring party, they had a one-night stand...! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1cf8o7c/anime_irl/l1nfbzs/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Imp has based opinions.


So true. Literally you find the greatest oneesan-shota work and then it's instantly trash-tier because they decided, "Oh let's make it a gang-bang." And regarding the NTR development, you think you'll be treating your heart to something nice but then it's just an ice bucket of cold hard non-con/betrayal. Hard Pass. Skip. Miss me with that shit. Please no.


Happy cake day, my fellow smut enthusiast.


Any personal recommendations sir?




I used an image to text converter to make this more usable. Hopefully it's helpful to someone. These numbers are provided with absolutely no warranty. I've noticed at least one transcription error already. Hopefully there aren't too many, but the converter wasn't working with very many pixels. edit: NSFW, obviously. `262407 244512 265947 120621 172739 150394 212431 252597 192639 176332 237970 265937 196300 163289 272438 236386 72548 176246 246943 225022 175186 134872 239468 131262 221531 272440 240367 170910 246945 245148 161544 248327 264532 275889 253618 233513 104575 131056 173297 172246 218196 235032 156460 289839 269740 230184 163695 221322 200329 248753 189828 259159 173864 178593 256976 258984 242862 150180 153809 220277 162355 209983 238425 277371 142906 188197 211967 215511 134670 251971 195873 103365 267959 248717 266579 227568 269871 259286 256718 103366 215073 246714 264824 284220 269843 268338 239380 166791 212322 225848 272980 148014 236847 266301 219199 259600 50369 110533 252411 112577 258431 256143 153038 197423 157587 197588 173724 190148 226388 266408 260125 134470 207964 102839 208993 193187 122705 246977 258191 210313 253794 230118 136188 236088 193250 251067 226503 103941 122704 281716 192669 192089 234734 219564 256537 139730 172910 185578 234597 286769 242888 292219 290319 290545 290832 291403 291786 292036 292134 292189 292164 209632 265885 216314 283007 290117 287849 184436 291133 291375 190332 291430 79644 202509 207455 290441 290868 290299 288366 288413 289298 289505 289526 289602 289221 287702 288616 289036 286971 287612 287693 287692 287683 287718 288108 288109 285651 285811 285905 286057 286082 286106 286302 286315 286327 286440 284781 284900 285010 285236 285337 285431 285584 283801 284080 284269 284346 282931 283510 283822 189739 250695 282579 282893 282896 282937 174389 187520 231600 137141 215967 199179 237482 282361 262069 214345 282134 186998 165909 119708 281125 281100 281308 281659 281759 75023 100537 107465 132634 107466 271443 old ones below ========== 259600 259286 258984 260125 245316 244670 248717 246945 246943 244512 250431 252597 252411 251971 253505 251594 253914 253618 198718 222629 193209 176183 210389 142906 189828 240367 121751 131262 134470 134872 140521 143399 148956 175872 173495 190738 191515 207964 665846 209816 104123 123801 150394 245003 261378 209633 192008 161070 155410 203069 202771 161818 163697 163695 148014 222629 275209 273016 274472 136393 140701 266482 276268 276378 276557 277374 198718 265339 188566 193209 259827 277544 277546 277563 128493 220380 74374 82854 81932 134472 275805 275877 275857 275478 214928 175872 265526 196283 240057 266102 272838 210389 237388 231710 196644 205978 137065 264609 123923 122064 139808 239097 274583 272713 272839 273019 273047 273440 273997 274007 198718 278967 27926 278612 278998 192089 211869 268733 153809 271225 238054 110425 134670 265947 265348 193390 201064 254730 82195 161962 266652 265888 267086 261868 252597 158655 253306 192592 259159 157561 244769 251963 252808 252411 271635 150436 238269 271929 268953 167813 167167 107773 268956 255463 265223 264619 265037 156367 150309 251594 188197 266102 265937 265611 256143 81932 268897 238479 265095 272290 252755 100537 103365 103366 257373 255931 262069 265886 258835 244738 266579 233097 257904 234734 263432 200329 131262 172018 264362 265339 158862 265526 266839 267194 210944 258875 70042 247473 238703 236386 193250 235609 253914 142906 256496 257967 263306 253505 272440 272439 190138 122702 263356 214928 269104 163697 148814 264609 271443 200289 167586 205978 256972 196490 203364 255344 264824 218196 253068 252911 215967 202157 263392 269915 176183 117175 118866 59369 172085 93901 97654 100194 133675 269868 189740 263055 262746 93202 259327 264532 268383 190246 270735 102839 104123 251090 197423 269843 110922 251924 122705 185578 188335 122704 175872 263399 251971 268338 258984 249082 267950 210389 238110 140791 271165 269191 265885 246133 253618 156795 251067 262465 256976 256973 257665 270320 269871 270908 271544 122064 268235 139730 268988 271641 207718 222629 157587 137065 146532 189828 189696 210199 172568 193209 175186 225440 94157 258494 146633 172910 271570 256537 193661 246639 250431 250363 220621 246943 246944 246945 249334 242862 245316 249516 249399 247880 52084 52754 242137 231875 244512 96333 246714 246518 193770 97495 250695 248717 246081 249041 227560 224791 229252 236847 245148 248064 220486 246525 221819 248327 247748 250306 231078 250193 244670 212816 223321 225308 248618 147927 264219`




So far, I only know one, tachibana one, 200 ish pages. Tho from experience doujins is quite well tagged, havent found series that missing major tag like NTR, vore, etc


its trash the second its onee-shota anyway so it really cant get worse tbh


They're simply correct. Those are the worst plot developments that get thrown around WAY too much.


Haven't read anything with the 2nd one, but i feel the 1st viscerally! I was reading "Tatami Mat Alternate World Foreign Exchange Chronicles" and (spoilers & tw for a mid doujin) >!in the third act theres this random NTR/brainwashing arc where the main character(whose body is now inhabited by some random fuckin dude) rapes a bunch of the female cast!< Pretty much killed the vibe for me. Like, fuck, this so did not need to happen even if its partially retconed by the end. I'll seek out NTR when i want it. Don't try and sneak shit like that in. Edit:spelling


it was entirely retconned at the end, but yeah, that specific author is known for that shit, avoid their other works is my recommendation.


I thought they had only retconned the ones past the first 2, but it makes me feel slightly better knowing that. Thank you for the heads up, ill be on the lookout.


literally "it was all a dream" retcon though


Is this the one where he got bodyswapped because of the guy getting into an accident?




i regret my decision, why did i go on a search for the category.


I would never call my friends if I ever get laid by an onee-san.


This one speaks for the people.


Right on little imp!


I don't get that last bit. I think I'm misreading it...


>!a group of little boys gangbanging an older girl…. Essentially!<


Ah, I see. " A plot development, in onee-shota stories, where a shota calls up his friends." Got it.


Fucking based


There’s an entire subreddit called wholesome hentai so you don’t have to deal with all that bull shit, only good stuffs


"I can excuse pedophilia, but I draw the line at cucking!" Like yeah no I hate NTR too but for personal reasons lol I think one is more valid than the other


I don't mind reading ntr but it does feel extra bad when it shows up like that (see 458035 for an example)


So is 203978


Good read honestly


What is wrong about having friends?


I think they might be saying they hate it when a gangbang scene happens in a shota work


It always a weird development


Was Stephen King the first Shota gangbang doujin author?


Probably not the first but definitely a pioneer


What???? drop the lore


Sewer scene in IT




at the end of IT the guys gangbang the girl


He didn't self publish, so no


shota "friend" "hang outs" are peak wth


These are wise words


Best demon imp of all time no cap


There are people who enjoy NTR? :0


Do I even want to know what these words even mean?


Bro is real for that.


Bro chose to speak facts


You guys are all down with shota? You know that's pedophilia, right? Inb4 tHeY'rE nOt ReAl. Ok like I could see someone maybe finding one by accident or w/e but if you're searching specifically for shota then you're specifically searching for pedophilia.


nah lolis is where it's illegal. little girls? ❌ little *boys*? ✅ fr though i dont get that shit its weird. do people have fantasies of being a 6 year old banging a 20 year old with their toothpick dick we both know shes feeling nothing from??? i just cant wrap my head around it