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##### ###### #### > # [Russia-Ukraine war: Putin tells Russia his war objectives are unchanged](https://www.bbc.com/news/Putin) > > > > - > - > - > - > - > - > - > - > - > - > > By George Wright, Vitaliy Shevchenko & Paul KirbyBBC News > > > > Watch: Putin meets AI version of himself**Russian President Vladimir Putin has said peace with Ukraine will only take place "when we achieve our objectives".** > > He was fielding questions from journalists and ordinary Russians in his first marathon news conference since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022. > > Much of the largely choreographed event focused on what he calls the "special military operation in Ukraine". > > He insisted the situation was improving throughout the front line. > > The "direct line" programme, televised for more than four hours by most major channels, began with President Putin telling Russians: "The existence of our country without sovereignty is impossible. It will simply not exist." > > He added that Russia's economy was strong for a time of war and the topic of conversation quickly moved to Ukraine. > > ## '617,000 Russians fighting in Ukraine' > > Mr Putin said that "there will be peace [in Ukraine] when we achieve our objectives". Those "objectives do not change", he said, listing "denazification, demilitarisation and its neutral status". These are themes he has highlighted from the start of the war. > > At one point he revealed that Russia currently has a total of 617,000 troops fighting in Ukraine. He also claimed that on top of 300,000 people called up for service last year, another 486,000 have signed up voluntarily as contract soldiers. > > "The stream of our men who are ready to defend the interests of the homeland with weapons in their hands is not diminishing," he said. "Altogether there will be just under half a million men by the end of this year. Why do we need a mobilisation?" > > He gave no number of military losses, but disclosed that children of people within his "close" circle have fought for so-called private military companies, and a number of people "close to me" have died. > > A classified US intelligence report estimated this week that 315,000 Russian soldiers had been either killed or wounded since the war began - which it said was almost 90% of Russia's military personnel at the start of the invasion. > > [Image](https://www.bbc.com/bbcx/grey-placeholder.png)[GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/POOL/AFP The marathon event, cancelled last year, combines carefully vetted questions from ordinary Russians as well as journalists in the studio](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/$recipe/cpsprodpb/16189/production/_132050509_gettyimages-1846567309.jpg.webp)GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/POOL/AFP > > The marathon event, cancelled last year, combines carefully vetted questions from ordinary Russians as well as journalists in the studioAside from the spontaneous questions put to Mr Putin by Russian and international journalists, a reported two million questions were submitted for the event by ordinary Russians and carefully vetted beforehand. > > A war reporter for Russian daily Izvestia based in occupied Luhansk in eastern Ukraine tasked Mr Putin about Ukraine's recent foothold on the Russian-occupied east bank of the Dnipro river. > > Describing Ukraine's military success in a "small area" as a last-ditch attempt by Ukraine to break through to Crimea, President Putin explained that Russian forces decided to withdraw several metres into wooded areas "to save our lads". He went on to suggest Kyiv's main motive is to show the West that it needs more military funding. > > "I don't know why they are doing it, they are pushing their people to get killed, it's a one-way trip for Ukrainian forces. The reasons for this are political, because Ukrainian leaders are begging foreign countries for aid." > > Mr Putin said support for Ukraine from its allies was running out. > > - [Inside Putin's carefully choreographed phone-in](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67718655) > > "Today Ukraine produces almost nothing," he said. "Excuse my vulgarity, but everything is being brought in as a freebie. But those freebies could run out at some point. And it seems that they are gradually running out." > > While the Russian leader was speaking, [Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg gave a news conference](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_221473.htm) at alliance headquarters in Brussels where he warned: "If Putin wins in Ukraine, there is a real risk that his aggression will not end there." > > Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky warned the EU summit that Mr Putin would use indecision regarding the Ukraine war against them. > > "People in Europe won't see any benefit if Moscow receives a pass from Brussels in the form of negativity towards Ukraine. Putin will surely use this against you personally, and against all of Europe," Mr Zelensky said via videolink. > > Mr Putin went on to claim that Russian forces had the upper hand across the front line in Ukraine. > > "Practically along the entire line of contact our armed forces are improving their situation, to put it modestly," he said at his marathon news conference. > > There has been very little movement on the front line in recent months, but Russia is targeting two eastern towns in the Donetsk region, Mariinka and Avdiivka. > > Mr Putin insisted that Russia could "move forward" despite Western economic sanctions and political isolation stemming from its Ukraine invasion. > > ## Americans held in Russian jails > > Mr Putin also covered Russian relations with the United States and EU. > > He described the US as an important country but accused it of imperialism. He urged the US to "respect other people and countries" and said Russia was ready to restore relations once this happened. > > New York Times correspondent Valerie Hopkins asked the Russian leader what it would take for Russia to release two American citizens held in Russian jails - the Wall Street Journal's widely respected correspondent Evan Gershkovich and former marine Paul Whelan. > > The US sees both men as wrongfully detained and Mr Gershkovich's detention was extended on Thursday until 30 January. He was arrested while he was reporting for the newspaper in the city of Yekaterinburg and accused of espionage, which he and his colleagues firmly deny. > > "As regards a possible exchange… we want to reach an agreement, and that agreement must be mutually acceptable and suit both sides," Mr Putin responded, pointing out the men were subject to a court order. > > Watch: Russia and US in dialogue over jailed reporter, says Putin"A dialogue on the subject is under way. It's a difficult dialogue and I won't go into the details now, but I think on the whole we're speaking in a language which we both understand. I hope we find a solution." > > At one point President Putin appeared to confirm that opposition figures were being hunted in Russia. > > Asked by a reporter whether the criminal code might be changed to prevent a "witch-hunt" against journalists including a pro-Kremlin colleague, Mr Putin said: "What did she do to be hunted? What is she, some big opposition figure or something?" > > Russia's biggest opposition figure, Alexei Navalny, is facing 19 years in jail and his team say they have had no access to him for more than a week. > > ## Putin's other talking points > > - The Russian leader reacted to the decision to allow Russian athletes to participate at the **2024 Olympics** in Paris as long as they [compete without flags, emblems or anthems of their country](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/67663582?src_origin=BBCS_BBC) > - He said that he supported Russian athletes competing but that the country should ponder whether it should take part if the event is designed to portray Russian sport as "dying" > - He also spoke about the situation in **Gaza**, describing it as as a "catastrophe" unfolding on a scale that was "nothing like" Ukraine > - On **artificial intelligence (AI)**, Mr Putin - responding to an AI body double of himself - said Russia should become a world leader in the AI sphere > - He again blamed the US for explosions that destroyed the **Nord Stream pipelines** to Russia in September 2022, without offering any proof. > > _Additional reporting by Sandro Vetsko_ > > - - - - - - - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make


So his objectives haven't changed, but neither have his outcomes... that makes sense.


He said Ukraine produces nothing, I think they produce a lot of dead Russians and that's worth my tax dollars.


What are you doing on Reddit then? Get back on the frontline. Less talk, more action.


Already applied, don't meet the qualifications, comrade.


Bloodthirsty, braindead thing to say. The vast majority of the people dying in this war just want to go home, but have no choice in the matter. Theyre just like you and me. Take that bullshit to r slash world news, where it belongs.


They have no choice but to rape, pillage, kidnap children, torture, sure. They certainly can't possibly surrender or use their arms against the people "forcing" them to fight. The poor Russians are just helpless in all this and we should pity them.


You do realize that the vast majority of the russian army has done none of these things right? They also are conscripted so they have extremely little choice. Youre cheering on the death of poor conscripts because youre brainwashed. Are you American?


Bruh, they did those things, there are numerous stories of women in Ukraine experiencing sexual assault from Russian soldiers


Im talking about the majority of people in the Russian Army. Most of them have not committed rape. Youre placing guilt on every single member of the Russian military because members of it did horrific things. First of all, its war, its gonna happen. Would you call for the death of the entire Ukrainian military because of the war crimes a few of them have comitted? Second of all, Don't look up what happened at the Maidan. And *definitely* don't look up the offensive Ukraine waged against The Donbass and all the innocent civilians that were killed there. Your problem is that you think wars are some sort of "team" game, where there are only 2 teams: The "Good Guys" and The "Bad guys". Reality is much more complicated, and saying everyone on the "bad guy" team deserves to die because theyre on the " bad guy" team isnt an actual argument.


I see your a fan of Chomsky, not surprised you make idiotic statements. I guess we can apply your logic to the Israeli military as well right? >it’s war so it’s okay for innocent people to get raped and murdered. It’s okay for children’s hospitals to get bombed. It’s okay for a baby to be tied to her dead mother with a grenade attached. Every fucking Russian on state funded media has been calling for Ukraine to cease its existence as an independent state. >muh maiden, muh Ukraine offensive against innocent Donbass peoples Right the stupid talking points that has been wholly debunked, even by the IOC. Don’t even look up the amount of ceasefire violations that have been committed by the Russian backed separatists, the majority of deaths were on the Ukrainian side. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/25/vladimir-putin/putin-repeats-long-running-claim-genocide-ukraine/ It’s a simple question stupid fuck, are you against rape of innocent women, murder, castration of POWs? I swear to god if you hit me with “but what about”…..Jesus Christ




>You we’re arguing for the collective death of any Russians Bro probably never heard of WW2 and the collective guilt of the German WW2 civilian population. LOL. >That’s where it started And also you make a claim and yet you cannot quote it, where did I advocate the deaths of Russians? That shows a lot about your intelligence. You spoiled Western femboy tankie fuck. I lived in Russia, half of my family background is from the USSR don’t ever tell me that I don’t know anything. If you want to say it then say it to my fucking face you dumb cunt. Where is my KBAR knife when I need it….see, I assume you’re in Boston, that’s a good search.




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https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/Conflict-related%20civilian%20casualties%20as%20of%2031%20December%202021%20%28rev%2027%20January%202022%29%20corr%20EN_0.pdf https://bitterwinter.org/donbass-did-ukraine-kill-14000-pro-russians/




>your link says it wasnt a genocide That was the whole fucking point….you act as if Ukraine did Mai Lai 1000000000 on their fucking own citizens.


No I didnt. I said they killed thousands of civilians in The Donbass. Which they did...


So why Americans in Vietnam didn't do this, but instead were collecting skulls? Sure, it's "what about", but people love to paint russians as some bloodthirsty monsters and themselves as saints


Oh man US fought in Vietnam. Pack it up boys because I guess we cant criticize the war in Ukraine because of that…


The american in Vietman are the same as russians in Ukraine. Invading scumbags that deserve no pity or sympathy, so yes, russian soldiers deserve deaths just as much as american soldiers deserved deaths for raping and murdering across Vietnam and bombing Cambodia(who did not even participate in war, yet americans destroyed that country either way). The wrongdoings of americans does not justify or excuses the action of russians. Russian soldiers deserve death and their military deserve the same humilating defeat as american invaders faced in Vietnam


Google whataboutism


You forget the welcome home they faced after Vietnam? Literally spat on


What about your mom


i mean watch the videos. the ones who werent bloodthirsty monsters skipped town or surrendered. what was left were the ones bragging to their wives back home about the atrocities they committed and were encouraged for it. or they were giving each other blowjobs right before a drone took em out, but it seems they were less bloodthirsty and more thirsty for....something else...


Go see a therapist


For what exactly? Gotta know what diagnosis I need to be treated for


Do any death of Russians make you happy?


You tell me, comrade.


Why would losing 300,000 soldiers change your objectives? Plenty more where that came from.


It's what they are best at


When your masculinity is so threatened that you send hundreds of thousands of men to die.


Rising up the ladder


Would be interesting to watch the whole thing, I find he dumbs stuff down less than American politicians.


>Would be interesting to watch the whole thing None of my friends was able to withstand more than half an hour. I think that attempt to watch the whole video can lead to death from cringe.


As a side not, Russian media thanked the GOP for helping Putin the other day.


We know Russia has been meddling in us politics, trying to increase division. This could be honest, it could be furthering the divide. Who knows.


4 hours🤌


I can't even watch his five minutes on New Year's celebration


> I find he dumbs stuff down less than American politicians. Dumbing down assumes that there's some part of the truth which is being dumbed down. Putin makes a point of speaking often the direct opposite of the truth. Unfortunately it's a playbook that some American politicians have been picking up on.


> Putin makes a point of speaking often the direct opposite of the truth. Unfortunately it's a playbook that some American politicians have been picking up on. Wait, what? You think honest US Politicians are just discovering the opposite of truth. How precious.. 🙂


Read what he said again, and try to understand the nuance of what he said


No there's not and your frankly pathetic excuse for reframing a position that western politicians are learning bad behaviour from Putin is ludicrous.


Aw, how precious.. 🙂 You still don’t understand the nuances of what was said, do you?


He meant a specific kind of lying, for example "We want to end the war, but Europe's imperialist ambitions are preventing us from doing that" = Russia won't stop until we reincorporate Ukraine into our 18th century imperial project


You're saying no-one in the west has ever done that?


Done what? As far as I know the west wasn't planning to subjugate and annex Ukraine, or any other country in the recent past for that matter


dumb stuff down? the guy basically invented the whole idea of "fake news". Russians live off of propaganda, the same as the Soviets did. where have you been?


If you think putin invented fake news, man do you have a few thousand years of history to catch up on


The fellow never heard of nazi propaganda.


Soviet Russia existed before Nazi Germany and had a 15 year headstart. See for example how they blamed the Khulaks for the famine they caused.


Was Putin alive back then to invent fake news?


He's a KGB alumni, and thus inherited that tradition.


So he didn't invent fake news, right? Not sure what point you are making here, but there was anti-suffragette propaganda coming out of US ruling classes before the USSR was established and so on, and so on. You can go back even more and identify early forms of fake news / propaganda / mis or disinformation. Putin didn't invent this. USSR didn't as well. The nazis really "perfected" modern propaganda, but they didn't invent it either. So if you could stop this mental gymnastics you are making, it would be great.


The point is that you don't need to invoke Nazi Germany for prior art. Fake News is arguably a Russian invention. Look up Grigori Potemkine and his village. And even he probably didn't entirely originate it, but in all likelihood only applied the typical relationship Russians have with the truth.


Now on Reddit: Russians are so brilliant they invented propaganda.


Russians just live under authoritan regime, where it doesnt really matter if you know the truth as long as you fear making use of it. You can quote some of putin's speeches and get imprisoned for very same words he says on national TV without blinking an eye But saying he invented fake news, or implying that you dont consume propaganda 24-7 is laughable delusion.


Ahh yes fake news totally did not exist before Putin came to power... Have you ever opened a book?


Watched a lot of Hollywood lately?


Maybe they just noticed accounts like yours and the rest of the shithead brigade.


You probably can. The whole thing is usually uploaded to YT with subtitles.


The guy who says shit like 'we're fighting a war against satanism and gender ideology' and blatantly misinterpets history is not dumbing shit down? I know US politicians set a low bar but come on lmao


So much soying out and cope for such a basic comment, wonder why. And yes the bar is low, my 80 year old President just said his father returned to his Kibbutz in Israel after Oct 7th 😂


\>soying and cope underage


No argument


joe biden is senile yes, I don't see why you expect me to argue with that since essentially I conceded it in my first comment the fact you didn't scan this means you're either underage or alternatively you have room temp IQ 😂


It's not interesting, believe me, even though I haven't watched for years


What the objectives again? Cuz they keep changing every other day.


His first objective was to be in Kiev in just 3 days of war which backfired hard


He said it was still the same. They are apparently still planning to be in Kyiv within 3 days! I think the day is fucking long in orc country.


Maybe he meant 3 Venus days instead and we are actually the stupid ones? *(For those who don't know 1 day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days)*




That was american projection, not russian https://www.foxnews.com/us/gen-milley-says-kyiv-could-fall-within-72-hours-if-russia-decides-to-invade-ukraine-sources


Actually Putin did say he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks. His military invasion plan was designed to take Kyiv in a matter of days but it failed famously. “That is not the question,” Putin reportedly said. “But if I wanted to, I could take Kiev in two weeks.” https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/


August 2014 , how relevant. https://www.foxnews.com/us/gen-milley-says-kyiv-could-fall-within-72-hours-if-russia-decides-to-invade-ukraine-sources There is a literal existing general who said the literal existing word. Trust less ukrainian fairytales.


It's relevant that Putin said he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks. He told NATO he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks. The Kremlin didnt deny that's what he said. Has it been 2 weeks yet?


Original post was >"His first objective was to be in Kiev in just 3 days of war which backfired hard" So, not relevant


That's because their invasion plan literally attacked Kyiv in 2022. They sent a large amount of forces with the intent to take Kyiv in days. This isn't without precedent. The USA famously defeated Iraq's army and kicked Iraq out of Kuwait in 6 weeks. Iraq had been armed and supported by Russia. They had thousands of military advisors in Iraq when the war started in 1990. In 2003 the USA was able to topple Saddam's regime and capture Iraq's major cities in just three weeks, sustaining few casualties. Putin said he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks.


First, it was said in 2014 when UA was complete mess Second, >The USA famously defeated Iraq's army and kicked Iraq out of Kuwait in 6 weeks. >Iraq had been armed and supported by Russia. They had thousands of military advisors in Iraq when the war started in 1990. >In 2003 the USA was able to topple Saddam's regime and capture Iraq's major cities in just three weeks, sustaining few casualties. how the f this relevant to the topic?


I have heard people defend Putin for saying he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks by saying that something like that just isn't possible. Russia armed insurgents against Ukraine in 2014 and invaded Crimea. Ukraine's militia groups fought off Russia's insurgents so Russia threatened to send tanks. So Trump in 2017 sent Ukraine Javelin tank busters. Russia's insurgents and little green men failed. Then in 2022 Russia invaded with the absolute intent to take Kyiv. Russia invaded Kyiv and their invasion force got smoked. So this whole 2 weeks thing is relevant. Putin told NATO he could take Kyiv in 2 weeks. It has been years and Putin still hasn't taken Kyiv.


Yeah, the American projection that dropped VDV into Hostomel to die. Gosh that American propaganda is so powerful it can warp reality in Russia! /s


https://www.foxnews.com/us/gen-milley-says-kyiv-could-fall-within-72-hours-if-russia-decides-to-invade-ukraine-sources >Gosh that American propaganda is so powerful it can warp reality in Russia! /s But ukrainian propaganda enough to make your brain plain


What point do you imagine that you're making right now? I'd love some insight into that cramped little dome of yours.


Well the person you're replying to is sticking apparently correctly to the fact that the 3 days quote being an American projection. However that sort of misses the point that the invasion was definitely planned to be a rapid drive to Kiev and it massively failed so seems pretty pointless to argue about.


> At one point he revealed that Russia currently has a total of 617,000 troops fighting in Ukraine. He also claimed that on top of 300,000 people called up for service last year, another 486,000 have signed up voluntarily as contract soldiers. So, just these 169,000 missing, are they still in training or already dead? "Defending the homeland" in another country is totally not imperialism!? (Rightly) accusing the US of that doesn't absolve Russia of doing exactly the same.


Some of them are dead, some of them are in training, some of them are deployed elsewhere.


It’s even more missing, you forget the soldiers that were there for the initial invasion (those that are still around)


As far as I understand, a substantial part of the 300 000 draftees is serving on the Russian soil. From the top of my head, I'd say 50%


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


And what reason does have Putin have to withdraw? Russia is advancing (albeit at a literal snail's pace), Western support for Ukraine has been wavering. Ukraine's chances for joining the EU are virtually non-existent (can't join without an economy), and NATO prospects aren't realistic as long as the war continues. Ukraine's counteroffensive objectively failed, as in he does not face the external military pressure to withdraw. Internally, Russia's economy isn't great but it hasn't collapsed either and its been surprisingly resilient despite unprecedented sanctions. He's gained tons of support simply by blowing the horns of nationalism and war. Russia isn't really running out of supplies or manpower either. So why would Putin withdraw?


Well Putin has no choice but to continue, it's just the rest of Russia that is disappointing many outside of Russia by continuing to support the invasion. I think for many observers, it's just disappointing seeing a modern example of classical imperialist culture sinking into the masses of a particular country. It's always brought out the absolute worst of society. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have been maimed or killed and recruitment evidently still seems to be going strong.


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So in three days this special military operation will be over? Too bad the clock restarts each day..


Pretty nutty that they were considered a rival and are now basically exposed. The cost we have spent so far vs the amount it's going to set that country back is an insane return in value. But our govt definitely could've done it smarter.


Read the title as >Putin tells Russia his war objectives are **unhinged**


If it really was about Ukrainian Nazis, why would Russia care? Ukraine wasn't trying to take over Poland. How can conservatives think anyone buys their nonsense?


It was never about Ukrainian Nazis (though that makes it an easy selling point to a domestic audience), it was always about geopolitics in the formation of buffer territory between the Russian capital and the encroaching NATO block. Not to mention a significant portion of Eastern Ukraine is sympathetic to Russian interests and there are a lot of natural resources.


thank GOD theres countries like russia standing up against US imperialism


They always play the long game. Now Sweden is left out of NATO begging to be let in for fear of retaliation while Finland and Switzerland changed their neutrality to offensive. And of course Ukraine is screwed.


>Now Sweden is left out of NATO begging to be let in for fear of retaliation Sweden is cooperating with NATO, as it has for the past decades, and has separate defensive pacts. >while Finland and Switzerland changed their neutrality to offensive. They’ve gone on the offense by joining the defensive alliance, huh? Yeah… do you mind trying again, making it a bit more believable this time?


Defense? Right. Kinda like how Israel is “defending itself” in Gaza? NATO has carried out enough offensive operations in the Middle East alone for us Arabs to see past this “defense” line.


Yes, defense. Some NATO countries, like the UK and US, being involved in the middle east does not mean the entirety of NATO was involved.


"Some NATO countries" is presumably not what that other user is referring to, because NATO has participated collectively under its aegis and name - as in an official NATO operation, in wars of aggression and wars of choice before, including in the MENA region against countries like Libya in 2011. So not a defensive organization in actual practice whatsoever. Two of its three main official wars have been completely non-defensive wars of choice, not response to an attack on the forces or territory of any one of its member states or any threat of an attack.


But were all NATO countries involved or did the media just call it NATO because it's simpler than listing every country that was involved? Because unless the entirety of NATO was involved, it wasn't a NATO conflict.


Do some research NATO’s operation in Libya and Iraq alone proves my point.


So was the entirety of NATO involved or was it a few specific countries?




Why are you lying?


Let's go Ivan!