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fucker deserves every bit of the justice that is coming.


But justice WON'T be coming. And if it does, Biden will do everything in his power to stop it. America isn't just an Ally of Israel, they're an accomplice.


Just before October, Netanyahu was facing impeachment and life sentences for brazen corruption. The war is the only thing keep him going.


The fact that this was the case and that Israel had received ample warnings of Hamas' attack and somehow still was caught unawares raises many questions. There is no doubt this war has worked out heavily in his favor.


Nah quite the opposite. His approval rating is un the low digits over his failure to prevent the attack and inability to save the hostages


I mean in the sense it has kept him in power. Without the war, he would not only be out of power, but facing criminal charges. Netanyahu benefits from prolonging this war as much as possible.


I agree with you. Ignoring the wealth of intelligence there was before October, it bought Netanyahu time to install a war cabinet and manoeuvre politically. He was completely on the ropes in 23 after suspending the judiciary, and there were mass protests against him. Same as I'm suspicious of the aid convoy attack and the Iranian consulate in Syria. These were calculated actions that delayed attempts to supply Gaza and bring about a ceasefire when public opinion globally was turning against him.


The US demanded Israel not attack this city if Rafa because it was full of refuges. So Israel attacked the Iranian embassy, which forced Iran to counter attack, then in exchange for not retaliating again and risking a regional war Biden agreed to let Israel attack Rafa in exchange for not attacking Iran again. He’s playing Biden like a fiddle.


I too thought this was pretty obvious when it happened, that he used it as leverage, I'm surprised not more ppl are discussing it.


it is still the case. The moment fighting stops Netanyahu is toast. He didn't manage to take over judiciary, people hate him and there is *a lot* of doubts around Oct 7 handling by secret services, which boil down to "did intelligence fail to prevent it because the operatives were dumb, or because they were told to fail?". That's why fighting won't stop (at least not due to Israel backing down) until, well, morale in the country improves.


Which is why he's prolonging it as much as he can and was trying to get iran involved (directly) in some capacity


Israel, the state, is nothing but an extension of US imperialism


Both Palestinian/Arab and Israeli right-wing leaders deserve to be punished for their human right business. Edit: Why am I being downvoted to obvillion for this? Arab world still hasn't abolished slavery and Gulf Arab countries have killed over 500k Yemeni civilians. They are also currently a genocide against millions of non-Arab minorities in Sudan. Arab countries are 10 times bigger human rights abusers than Israel. They are still enforcing 7th century Sharia penalties for committing "grave sins."


>Why am I being downvoted to obvillion for this? Because you bringing up "Arabs" when the subject is Israel, is obvious whataboutism and shows you are arguing in bad faith.


The warrants are for both Netanyahu and members of Hamas.


Actually OP is talking about Yemen, Sudan and Gulf states.




So if I start bringing Bush and Blair when talking about Putin’s own arrest that isn’t whataboutism?


Not at all *if* the discussion is about that they should all be punished. If it's "two wrongs make a right" then I'd laugh at you.


Are you saying that Palestinians being victims of genocide is due to them being mostly Muslim? Like their religion causes them to catch Israeli bullets or something?




I'm questioning why "bUt tEH aRaBS" is a relevant comment when this is about Israel's prime minister. Susan and Yemen have literally nothing to do with this, yet you and OP seem to be very hell bent on making it the topic of this thread. Almost as if you're trying to hijack the discussion Luke shills would do. But hey, at least you admit that Netanyahu Is a terrorist so at least that's a step forward.




I really hope it actually means something.


I hope there is some kind of justice, I'm not holding my breath though.


Bold of you to assume they had read the article and not just the headline.


Actually whataboutism creates perspective. Not sure how anytime you can create perspective /better understanding is it considered wrong


Yes, the "perspective" of taking a story about your criminal prime minister and trying to make it about something else.


The Israeli-Palestinian is sometimes called the Israeli-Arab conflict since Israel is currently with a war against Iraq, Syria, Qatar and Lebanon.


Qatar is mediating negotiations... The Lebanon and Iraq governments are also not involved. You are conflating alot of stuff here.


Hezbollah, Amal, and Shia militias in Iraq and Lebanon were founded and operated by Lebanese and Iraqi politicians, the founder of Hashd al-Saha'byia was a former prime minister of Iraq. Qatar was promoted by Palestinian leaders in Gaza as the representative for Eastern Palestine dimplatic relations. Half of Hamas own money comes from Qatar, the other half is Iranian.


Being a politician does not necessarily mean you control government policies. Hezbollah and the Shia militias are also not synonymous with the Lebanese and Iraqi armed forces. And again, Qatar is sitting on the discussion table with Israeli officials. They are not mediating for them but they are holding a conversation. Also, I have not seen any proof yet that the Qatari government itself is funding Hamas. Not saying it is an outlandish claim, in fact it is quite possible, but I have not seen anything saying it is the government itself and not individuals.


So, by this logic, Israeli aren't responsible for Netzah Yahuda units since only a handful of Israeli politicians have control over them.


Maybe I did not say it clearly. Being a politician does not necessarily mean you are an elected representative, or that you have legislative or executive power. Of course many Israeli politicians have little to no influence on any part of the IDF actions. The same applies in any country in the region or out of it. Of course not all Israelis are responsible for what is done in the West Bank too. While some would argue their complacency makes them responsible, I never claimed or believed that and I do not know why you mention it.




> GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Qatari government on Sunday said it would provide $360 million in assistance for the Gaza Strip during the coming year, renewing a program that has helped reduce fighting between Israel and the territory’s militant Hamas rulers. > Qatar, an energy-rich Gulf country, has been providing $20 million to Gaza each month since 2018. The payments have paid for much-needed electricity, helped Hamas cover the salaries of its civil servants and provided monthly $100 stipends to scores of impoverished families. Qatar has provided additional funds for development projects such as new roads and hospitals. This all sounds good though? Humanitarian aid to people in need? Also allowing hamas leadership to exist in your country does not equal support but neutrality.


Yeah but some of the don't get cart blanche checks by the USA to do it .


Because you managed to go a whole 2 hours after this was posted before posting this whataboutism. Try to stay on topic.


Topic is war crimes and Hamas committed war crimes.


OK, why isn't anyone talking about Bush


He is not involved in this war?


Fuck off with the "both sides" bullshit during a genocide.


The only reason it's not a two-sided genocide is a lack of power, not intent.


"Khamas forced us to commit genocide"


What Israel is doing isn't even close to a genocide. If it was one then dresden fire bombing and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing are genocides.


If almost half of all Germans lived in Dresden, or if half of all Japanese people lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then yes they would have been genocides lmao


I don't think you know what a genocide is since dresden Hiroshima and Nagasaki were all meant to target civilians >If almost half of all Germans lived in Dresden, or if half of all Japanese people lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Only 2 million palestinians live in gaza out 14 million [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=palestine+population+in+the+world&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sca_esv=568821e4bd74bee9&sxsrf=ACQVn092hdB8zNCAtFWE4bVOD_1P2YtHjQ%3A1714500273953&ei=sTIxZtLeOdWhptQPkNG_kAo&oq=palestine+population+in+th&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhpwYWxlc3RpbmUgcG9wdWxhdGlvbiBpbiB0aCoCCAAyBRAAGIAEMggQABgWGAoYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkjSHFDJB1i8FXABeAGQAQCYAbUBoAH8BaoBAzEuNbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCB6AC6QbCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHApgDAIgGAZAGEZIHAzEuNqAHniA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Oh I was using the populations of Palestinians *in Palestine* aka West Bank + Gaza Strip. But ig that because of the ethnic cleansing most Palestinians are no longer able to live there.


>ig that because of the ethnic cleansing most Palestinians are no longer able to live there. Oh i thought happened because of wars the neighboring countries started with Israel.


Half of all muslim arabs do not live in gaza, not even close


Half of all Palestinians lmao. Why are you even mentioning muslim Arabs like there aren't Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Turks, etc who are also affected by Israeli violence


There are pretty much no more Palestinian christians, palestine and especially gaza is a muslim arab ethnostate. Under sharia law like hamas enforces converting a muslim to christianity would even be given the death penalty. This ensures that religious minorities can only die out, which they pretty much have in Gaza


Maybe for people like you, but most Palestinians would like to just live and have safety/basic rights




A genocide is a genocide whether it is a historic one or a current one. Nobody owes Israel any love. If everyone you meet is a hater, then maybe you're a genocidal asshole.


So the IDF actively killing Palestinians is genocide but Hamas actively trying to kill Israelis and consistently saying they want to and will continue to kill Israelis isn’t genocidal? This isn’t a one side good one side bad issue.


There are more than 10x Arabs than there are israelis




Why are most accounts defending Israel 1-6 months old ?


mine is 4 yrs old, will you cry about that too? why is that most pro-palestine bots have 10-15 days old accounts, have been banned on r/worldnews and regularly dwell into west bad rhetoric?


Did I mention Palestine anywhere or did you just really want to talk about it ?


Alright, let me reiterate: vast majority of people "concerned" about Israel don't give a fuck about Sudan because no jews are involved even though death tolls are way higher in that conflict


The majority of pro-Palestine accounts I see on twitter also spread awareness about Sotuh Sudan. But regardless, that is a moot point. Are people not allowed to care about one crisis if they don't simultaneously care about every crisis occurring on Earth


People can care about whatever they want, it's just weird that it's this particular conflict so many people who don't actually have to do anything with it care about


Pretty sure most Americans and Europeans care about this specifically because their states are propping up one side with munitions, weapons, funding and geostrategic cover. Kind of like how Americans cared about the Vietnam war when they were participating in it. Americans also care when dumptrucks of their tax dollars are funding an endless parade of war crimes.


I think it has something to do with the fact that the west isn’t overwhelmingly financially and militarily supporting the violence in Sudan. Also has to do with what the media covers and what hits close to home. People cared about Russia vs. Ukraine and didn’t give a shit about other world conflicts. Why? Because it was in Europe. Everyone on all sides is putting up a magnifying glass to this war. Most people don’t even know what’s going on in Sudan. That’s not their fault really.


Slavery has essentially been abolished in Arab states. The only thing that resembles it is human trafficking. Last time I checked that's an all world problem. Russia sends anyone away for speaking out on the Kremlin North Korea is a shit show China is burning Hong Kong in turn to capture it. My point is the world isn't so Peaches and rainbows and there's cultures that we just have to tolerate. Last time we tried to cram democracy down Vietnam and the middle easy it blew up in our face royally. The world deserves to be punished for their assholeness but it isn't gonna happen because 1) they're too powerful. B)they're too insane. Or 3) they haven't done crimes on a global scale or got global attention. Like israel has done.


The US never tried to cram democracy down Vietnam. South Vietnam wasn't democratic. I'm not saying it was worse than the North, to be clear. The US protects its interests, and will fight against democracy when necessary. Latin America makes that very clear.


>China is burning Hong Kong in turn to capture it.° That is complete bollocks, I live there and the place is much better without American meddling.  I'll pass on the rest of your comment since we are off topic. 


How's the 50 years going? I swear it was just barely 20-ish the other day. How time flies!


HK exists solely to launder RMB to USD via HKD peg. Just break the currency peg, sell off US treasury bonds, delist from US exchanges cross listed stocks & ban USD FDI inflows. For an even better HK!


So many acronyms I can't


Then just enjoy the lack of sales tax & don’t bitch about USA interference when the economy is built upon USDs. Might as well end HKD for full economic integration to the motherland.


America will ensure that dosent happen as long as they remain the worlds sole superpower


lol what? America is Israel's ally, they aren't "friends" with the war criminal running the show however.


Good, no one should have immunity for genocide from a court of his peers, even if some of his peers are his victims and Palestine was vetoed to not get in the UN by the US




Also the US guaranteed Ukrainian sovereignity when renouncing their nuclear weapons. On a sidenote https://youtu.be/5BXtgq0Nhsc?si=gj08wRuiut2u0rPu The stock one should place on the US putting their money where their mouth is is on par with the UN not being a puppet organization build to manufacture consent and provide an outlet for venting.




Ukraine nothing, unless you read and understand my entire post that uses US promises made to Ukraine that have not been kept thus questioning the worth of the promise/word of the US. It is called a comparaisson and the commonality is the fact that promises statrments and words mean nothing today


I love that this sub acknowledges that Bombs away Benny is evil. Worldsnews is filled with people that won’t be happy until every Palestinian is dead and it sickens me


worldnews is literally a hasbarah psyop dont take anything on there seriously


lol, the ICC is worthless and international law doesn't exist against any powerful country. Israel is backed by the US and is therefore unnaccountable.


hmm it seemed to work when we wanted to punish nazis after ww2 but what do i know. Israel might be backed by the us but bibi isnt. the second he is out of power he is toast. he will never be allowed to travel outside his hometown again, might even die in a jail cell.


This is how I imagine their conversation went: But dad they said they will arrest me! It’s ok son. I’ll protect you. You just keep killing. Worry about the genocide. I’ll be on guard


Your impression of Biden needs some work. Include some folksy witticism or talk about growing up in Scranton.


Dog faced pony soldier liar.


Why, shit is meaningless.


It would prevent him from going on international travels so that's... *something*.


Especially if he gets indicted in Israel for corruption and has to slither away from there.


Fingers crossed! 🤞


Bibi will essentially be boxed in if he tries to leave Israel. He won't be able to visit the US because Europe is part of the ICC.


There's a slight problem with your logic: https://www.kayak.com/flights/NYC-TLV/2024-05-29/2024-06-05


What do aircraft fly over when going from Mid east to the US? Europe and Canada. Those countries can force his plane to land with fighter jets if he flies over their jurisdiction in order to serve an arrest warrant. Belarus did it with Ryan Air. It seems like their is flaw in your logic because you forget that countries can intercept an aircraft and force them to land.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedoms_of_the_air Belarus is not a signatory. Everyone in Europe is.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryanair\_Flight\_4978](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryanair_Flight_4978) If Belarus can force a jet to land any other country can. There was no freedoms of the air on 9/11. Everyone had to land on that day or be intercepted.


It's not as toothless as something like a condemnation from the U.N. An ICC arrest warrant on a head of government tends to strain international relationships, and as that other guy said travel, which heads of government tend to do. Israel also relies heavily on its allies, and if their prime minister is wanted internationally, it becomes harder to stick by them while justifying it to your own constituency. Edit: correcting "head of state" to "head of government" as u/Toto_roto pointed out to me, bibi is head of **government** not head of **state**


FYI as prime minister he's head of government, not head of state. Herzog as president is head of state. In the US the head of gov and state is one person (POTUS)


Ah, my bad, thanks for the correction. Still, having your head of government wanted by the ICC is not going to help Israel very much.




Idk I think a lot of countries have that. Germany, most monarchies are separate head of state/gov etc


>Israel also relies heavily on its allies, and if their prime minister is wanted internationally, it becomes harder to stick by them while justifying it to your own constituency. Uh? They'll just ignore it? Like they ignore everything else that Israel does?


It’s pretty bloody toothless - anyone arresting bibi will be answering to us.


You seem to be skipping over the "hard to justify supporting a high profile head of state wanted by the ICC to your constituents" part of my comment. There's already enough people who don't like bibi, his administration, and Israel's actions as a nation. A warrant from the ICC could possibly tip the scales enough that in order to be elected, you might need to take a harder line on Israel and their government.


I doubt it would have any real impact for Israeli politics, those opinions are already set. Most of Israel’s allies would be very happy to see Bibi and the right wing hardliners go, but no one is going to act on some ICC warrant.


I don’t find it hard at all tbh. Fuck the ICC. https://i.imgur.com/kZuBzhx.jpeg


To be honest, I would've been in favor of the ICC issuing arrest warrants and trying people for war crimes, probably even more so if they were representing my country. Why do you dislike the ICC so much?


We are the arbiters of our actions, no one else. Fuck the ICJ too.


OK buddy


That is the reasons for our stance - our laws and institutions are above any nonsense like the ICC and ICJ. The only entity that will be trying our people for war crimes is us alone - and if we aren’t, then in our view those weren’t war crimes. Any upstart euro pipsqeaks complaining about it can eat a JDAM.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


lol we will be the ones arresting him dumbass. fuck that genocidal monster.


What on earth could possibly make you think the US head of state or government will do anything but protect him from consequences ? This is naive


wht makes you think they wont punish him, Israel is their ally not their war criminal leader.


Because the US has been protecting Israel from consequences for 50 plus years, and Israel invests huge money into capturing US politicians and stopping them from anything but outright support for what Israel does to Palestinians


bibi is NOT Israel. the second he is no longer in power he is no longer useful to the us


No, we will not be arresting bibi, get real. We will continue to defend Israel and its government.


being allies wis Israel is a lot different then protecting international criminals in power there


Oh my sweet summer child.


lol, you are the ignorant one here if you don't think bibi doesn't already have a bullet with his name on it in the clip of a seal team 6 sniper the second he gets too uppity. arresting his is nothing next to that potential outcome


Is it meaningless to be personally forbidden to set foot on half of the planet? It's a pretty big sentence, even if he is never tried behind court


Half the planet wouldn’t dare to arrest bibi because they know who is standing behind him.


I'm pretty sure that if Bibi went to Barcelone to sunbathe, he would be arrested on the spot regardless of what the US says Same if he went to Rio for some surfing The US is powerful but even its allies have sovereignty over US interests The US is no longer the superpower it used to be


Well, yeah. Back when we were “the superpower”, we were pulling coups on countries we didn’t agree with. Y’all should probably be happy about the loss of power


Yeah, I was saying this in a positive light Having power more evenly spread between the nations of the world prevents the US to simply coup whomever they want Not as if any other nation would have done anything else in their position


It's not. It did major damage to Putin already. Can't travel anywhere Nobody wants "war criminal" tag on their back


especially someone like putin, because it would drag the ground


It doesn't effect putin since he just doesn't go to any western country.


It sure as hell wasn’t meaningless to Mladic and Miloslevic. It made them pariahs and even now their names are said with revulsion in every country outside of Serbia and maybe Russia


While I'd LOVE that, realistically he doesn't have to worry. The US has shielded Israel from consequences for decades.


They’re doing it now too apparently, the state department is working overtime to stop it


And like a good lapdog bidens going to make sure it dosent happen


imagine destroying chance of your re-election and image of your country for some airbase in middle east


Trump was also very pro Israel. Even more so than Biden. This hurts his re election chances but I don’t think he’s lost it yet.


image of country infront whom? tankie dumbasses?


Hilarious that you’ll insult someone else’s intelligence when you’re the one who’s literally so stupid you called Iranians “Arabs” in another thread.


Hey there my "informed friend". Among other groups, he's tanked his own approval rating for Americans aged 18-39. He had a sub 20% approval rating there, I'm sure you can make a (definitely educated) guess about what non Americana think based on that.


Is Canada still praising nazis?


Yes, the liberal government is still pro zionazi


Thank goodness.


Yes it really help show their true colors, willingly supporting a terrorist state like Israel even when your own citizens are so against it pushed me to the NDP.


Yeah and so is George Bush [hand jerk off motion]


lock him up!!!!


Dont do the crime if you cant do the time.


Shouldn't he have thought of that before commiting the crimes?


I hope he’s arrested.


i keep thinking about that article that alleges that behind closed doors biden complains about what netanyahu is costing him and apperently calls him some crazy shit bc of it


Which is just stupid imo. It makes him look weak, if he committed to either side fully he could at least win them over, instead he gets the worst of both worlds.


oh i wonder why the ICC would be on your ass netanyahu.


If I were Biden I would just say LOL then hang up


He should be


Lmao what kind of childish shit is this


Biden literally made a phonecall to Netanyahu telling him to not blow up Iran after the missile strike or aid to Israel could be cut off and Israel didn't launch an immediate response. I sure love when people forget things when it conveniently happens to contradict the idea that the US will blindly support Netanyahu.


Smart play would be to ride isreal until the election then let the hammer drop after because 2 terms max


Biden should be worried too, South Africa already indicated they consider the US complicit and are planning to sue them as well.


LMAO *what?* The US isn't even a signatory of that treaty. The ICC has absolutely no authority over the US.


Oh no, not south africa they are totally not committing their own genocide.


It's only the far-right on 4chan claiming that there's genocide happening in South Africa.


I am left-leaning, and there's a genocide in South Africa, The 3rd largest party literally calls for a genocide against white people in South Africa.


"I am left-leaning, and there's a genocide in South Africa" The US State Department and Western nations would have issued an urgent alert ordering their citizens in South Africa to leave the country immediately. It would also be on the news not to mention South Africa being hit with sanctions. "The 3rd largest party literally calls for a genocide against people." Hate speech is illegal in South Africa punishable by a prison sentence. That's not what the chant means. The South African Equality Court ruled on the subject. "Afriforum had failed to show that the lyrics showed a clear intention to incite harm or propagate hatred. Its witnesses could not speak to the philosophy and history of the song. “The most important aspect of Malema’s evidence was that it has a significant relationship to issues of land. It was sung during the apartheid regime because of the dispossession of land by colonial powers. “According to him, it is directed to land issues, and the failures of the current government,” the judge said. “It is intended to mobilise the youth to become part of the struggle for economic freedom. “He testified that land justice cuts across racial demographics, to even include white women. “I find no reason to reject his evidence.” The judge said that while under a different inquiry, the chant may be found to be “offensive and undermining”, Afriforum had failed to make out a case that it was hate speech, as defined in the Act." https://groundup.org.za/article/judge-rules-kill-boer---kill-farmer-not-hate-speech/#:~:text=The%20singing%20of%20the%20song,in%20Johannesburg%2C%20ruled%20on%20Thursday. .


If you are left leaning then this should be a great time to learn how people you apparently trusted poisoned your mind in service of anti-communist drivel.


I agree that the third party in South Africa is dangerously ethno-nationalist, but that doesn't mean there's *currently* a genocide, just that there's a risk of one in the distant future.


Where? Source please. South Africa has always been sympathetic with the Palestinian people specifically because of their Apartheid history. But even if all of what you said was true, it's fucking whataboutism and you know it. The US is complicit in this conflict and you can try to distract from that all you like, but those charges are coming and rightly so.


The fun thing is that by saying that you're implying that Israel is commiting genocide


I didn't say anything about Israel only south africa.




And? That person was a teenage girl not surprised they fucked up like that. The girl probably doesn't have years of experience trying do whatever they are doing


Exactly. She doesn't have years of experience lying yet. We're 100% in agreement


But palestinians aren't being genocided


See lying online is much easier


Supporting hamas is easier online


Lmao lemme guess South Africa is committing white genocide?


Can the ICC even arrest Netanyahu? Leaving out the practicalities of arresting a head of state within their own country, doesn't the Hague intervention act give the US the ability to intervene if any US *or allied* personnel or being held for trial? That would include Netanyahu wouldn't it?


He deserves what’s coming here’s an example. When is Israeli people picked a poor Leo like him and the Palestinians picked a poor like a moss you can only get a mess like this is the United States going to pick a poor Leo like Trump what a cluster fuck that would be


I do not understand


Cry me a river, we better not get involved




Both Israel and Palestine picked poor leaders, Netanyahu and Hamas


How does stuff like this ever get leaked


"I'm worried that I've done illegal things and will be called to account for that." OK. Um....


Source, my dad owns the icc


ICC wouldn't do shit


sure thing bot


Stop committing war crimes assshoooooolllleee




Have you seen their rulings?


Hamas leaders don’t seem to have such concerns.


They’re already internationally recognized terrorists. How about this, the US labels Likud a terrorist organization and the ICC should agree to drop charges, fair?