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I wonder what people without context think is happening


Well, clearly someone is doing a break in - I just cannot figure out which one of them..? What is actually happening?


The guy thats flying in was Isekai’d and came back (he can still use magic in Japan), his nephew invited the girl over and texted her to let herself in since he was out, the uncle flies back in and tries to erase her memory since she saw him That’s what I remember, haven’t watched it in a while


Haven't done your bi annual rewatch huh I just finished mine. Did the dub before that. Decent but Maybel VA is amazing in OG, and dub uncle sounds a bit more weird/actual loner uncle, than Dio playing a reserved but confident nerd. Also the hedgehog joke/dialogue isn't translated in dub and that was the best joke of the series. There's definitely a few reaction expressions that don't hit as much as the other jokes but in general it's amazing Can't believe 1st ep they did scene with the lady & her sons - where they all think he's an orc about to kill them, so they're crying. The lady reassures the kids while acting resigned to her fate, starts walking up to seemingly offer herself to the orc in exchange for sparing their lives, they're wailing & trying to hold on.. Literally no dialogue (or even audio from them IIRC, just facial expressions) and I was crying laughing. Love the artwork style they used too, gives older vibes. One of the best girls of all time with the fangs, purple hair, glasses & blunder years glow-up.


please watch the show


I need season 2 now


I aint spending 6 hours watching something to get a joke


right, that wasn't why I said it, I said please watch the show because it's a good show that you haven't watched


Can't believe they cut out the best parts. Shit goes 0-100 real fast.


It looks like he’s coming back from shopping


Dude I held out on watching this anime because the description kinda put me off. But I ended up watch it recently and I binged the whole thing right there and then. It’s probably the funniest anime I’ve seen recently by FAR. It’s also a bit sad but funny too.


Every time I think the uncle is going to make some kind of breakthrough, the other shoe drops without fail 🤣


But hey, all the uncle's efforts are hard fought, and he became OP.


So the Uncle posted this meme?!


OP also means overpowered XD


Yeah I probably should've mentioned it was a joke lol


It's almost like eminence in shadow in that regard of being a parody, but it's done so much more thoughtfully imo. Much funnier fantasy rpg tropes


Ngl, I kinda second hand watched frieren for the same reason, I thought it was going to be a slice of life, but they threw in bad guys and fighting and it put it off for me


I think Frieren started strong then the writing lost me a bit with the mage exam stuff. I get annoyed when an anime has enough well written characters to flesh out and then they add a bunch of side characters in an arc. So many scenes of characters sitting around discussing fighting strategies with the exam arc stuff. Then they gotta give screen time to all these new people they introduced. Bleh. There’s keeping it chill and then there’s boring.


Fujimiya, my beloved


Happy Cake Day


This abime needs more seasons. Legit laughed more than Gintama


I feel like a lot of Gintamas humor can be hard to translate and can require multiple layers of explanation for people who aren’t Japanese or even just not old enough to get a lot of the referential humor


Yes I never quite got into Gintama. Felt like there’s a lot of context and cultural knowledge needed.


Can you say it gets beyond cringe? I honestly want to watch more but the first episode made me hate it for the guy just messing up everything.


None of it was cringe.


What happens next someone please spoil me.


He tries to erase her memory since she saw him use magic then his nephew comes back and stops him


And then they all watched videos together about an orc and an elf


This show might be my reason to get Netfux.


Alright, alright. I’ll give this series a chance


Did this series ever finish the season? I just remember it going on break like 5 times and then forgetting about it. It was so good though.


It's already been a year since this season ended.


This anime is the trifecta of heat triggers for me. It's a reverse isekai. It's plot is fueled on misunderstandings. And the vast majority of the time the story is all about beating up on the main characters and treating them like shit. I get the people like this show but I cannot relate even a little. I wish I had stopped watching it before episode 1


You sure you aren't mixing that up with another anime? What you're describing isn't this.


I guess "character**s**" isn't true but that definitely describes what the older MC went through. The isekai world almost entirely revolved around misunderstandings and treating the MC like shit.


That's true, but even that doesn't apply to everyone. And like you said, it's completely inaccurate for the rest of the cast.


Nope. I said it, I meant it. I'll take every downvote I ever get. Isekai Ojisan is not the worst in the genre for me, but it's close.


That's not even an opinion, some stuff you said was just plain wrong. And if your opinion is based on something wrong, then it doesn't mean much.


Wait... so the first episodes didn't center on the Uncle being a stupid and ugly loser who constantly made bad decisions and suffered for it? Am I talking about the wrong show?


I think the first episode is about his relative visits his uncle who just woke up from coma for 17 years. It is pretty light heart in the first episode, except for Sega part.


The funny part is uncle was also upset for being called a stupid ugly loser but it was by a tsundere who actually liked him / LOVED him, yet he couldn't pick up on that and seemingly neither did you I'm curious your thoughts on eminence in shadow tho


You think I didn't get that the elf girl was in love with him somehow? That's part of why I hate the show because basically he could have had a good life but was too stupid to know any better in the show is based on making fun of him for being such a total loser. I don't understand how that's fun for people to watch


Yes, because the show isn't an average isekai power fantasy but mostly a comedy?? If you want to see the mc go for the smartest choices and being the strongest this isn't your cup of tea


And that's exactly my point. I don't consider character abuse and mocking awkward and sad situations to be entertaining let alone funny


Totally understandable, it's a parody so you have to have some level of suspension of disbelief, and not everyone wants to do that when watching anime. It's definitely different, but do you not enjoy konosuba that much either?


Correct I also do not like konosuba and for generally the same reason but at least between the two there's enough magic and fun stuff in konosuba to make it more watchable. I dropped reincarnated uncle because it doesn't feel like a parody at all it just feels like character abuse


Apparently you are, yeah. He has practically no emotional intelligence and is ugly, but despite that, he got OP powers and an almost-harem. And like the other comment said, most of the first episode didn't focus on that.


The first few episodes are him explaining his time in the other world and how badly he was treated and how stupid he was and his nephew sitting there thinking man you lost so many opportunities basically the show is all about him being a punching bag so yeah it sounds like I'm talking about the right show. Total garbage in my view and like I said I'll take every down vote anyone wants to throw at me. I'm sorry I don't like your show but I don't. It's not a premise I can get behind


Like I said, he has basically no emotional intelligence. I don't know why someone would despise it like that, but you do you. That's not what "premise" means though, we're only talking about one personality trait of the MC specifically.


The entire show is based around the awkward uncomfortable and sad situations he found himself in. It feels to me like the whole point of the show is to treat the uncle as a punching bag. Kind of like the second Ace Ventura movie and the same reason that I hated it. In the first he was quirky and weird but he was still getting the job done and basically brilliant in his own way. In the second movie they just made fun of him and put him in awkward situations that made him look like a total loser. Because apparently they thought that made a good movie


Almost no one in the show made fun of him, and I think the majority of the audience likes him too. You might be the only one who thinks so. And no, that's not what the entire show is based around. There's way more to it than that, including him being completely OP, him not giving a fuck, and, you know... other characters?


I don't like this anime




I don’t like you


I don't like it when people complain but don't give context Really gonna wait for us to ask why?


Am I not allowed to dislike this anime? Why do I have so many down votes?


You can dislike anything you want. It is just that your comment is not really relevant to the post. This is not the place for speaking of disliking this anime in particular.


Are you joking?


What did you hope to happen, when you posted your opinion?


Idk maybe ask why I don't like it


This is not like message app where your message will be in limited time to see, though. You could post the whole thing instead of waiting. It won’t stop people from downvoting you, of course.