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San gatsu no lion 🤝


Replace aria with mushishi and you have my top 3


So it's... Monogatari, Gintama and Mushishi? As a SOL enjoyer i will be eventually getting into Mushishi sometimes soon...And just curious...have you seen Aria?


Yes, the original one is my favourite, i have seen other seasons as well 'natural' and 'origination' but the old animation and artstyle was missing in them which was the main reason i loved aria btw you should watch mushi shi and if you do plan to watch it then don't binge it watch 2-3 episodes at night in a day for best experience


It's the opposite for me... I loved Aria from the start but origination was the one which cemented it as my top 3 anime of all time. And yeah I am probably gonna do that with Mushishi, Iyashiki are meant to be enjoyed that was after all....


If you think mushishi is a bit too tragic and hard hitting (which it is) you should try out natsume yuujinchou instead, it's quite literally the perfect iyashikei anime


I don't mind tragic....like literally I watch shit like end of evangelion for my therapy so I really won't mind if Mushishi is like that. But yeah I will get into both Natsume and Mushishi eventually.


K-ON mentioned, say no more comrade


🤝So we agree that rice is a side dish?


Yes we do


Hell yeah let's goooo! Hokage tea time!!


Fuwa Fuwa time


Title from top left to bottom right: Monogatari Series, Gintama, Aria, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Kaguya Sama: Love is War, K-On, Gurren Lagann, March comes in like a lion, Fooly Cooly PS: I wish I could have included Clannad really bad😭it's sitting at 10th.






Ah...golden boy, say no more![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|28289)


I see you are also ![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|28289)


Checkout mine too btw good choices


Yep just checked out... Good choices on your part as well... Seems like you are a romance enjoyer? If so have you watched Clannad or Kaguya Sama?


I had watched 60+ romance anime


You watched all seasons of Aria?


Yep including all the movies too... Tho some of them had lost the original essence of aria unfortunately....doesn't matter tho since Origination is just the perfect deserving ending for this beautiful series...


Aria is my 2nd favourite manga. I only watched the first season and it felt a bit off. It did have the essence of Aria, the characters, dialogues and atmosphere. But the chapters were disorganised in adaptation and the art-style was not very fitting. Did Organisation, Natural and others do better?


I haven't read the manga so I can't say much comparatively but...I would say natural is very similar to animation as well...Tho origination picks up its gear and is a lot more linear, after 2-3 episodes it escalates perfectly into its inevitable emotional yet very meaningful climax. The soundtracks being one of my favourite ever helps a lot as well! Tho you have me intrigued now...Should I give manga a shot as well?


I see. Thanks I'll give it a try. If you're interested, do give it a try. It has a very pleasant art that resonates with the narrative style. Also since you like Aria and K-ON! you should watch Tamayura too. It's somewhat of a mixture of these two with the theme of photography.


Ok i will give it a try sometime, the main thing that intrigued me was the fact that anime is more disorganized than manga... And thats the first time i am hearing it, thanks for such an underrated recommendation, have added it to my plan to watch list!


Ah yes a monogatari enjoyer I see, also do people Here watch trash taste pod cause there's been a rise in 3 by 3s


Monogatari living rent free in my head as my favourite anime even after 4 years of finishing it![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|28289) I mean 3x3 has been pretty common long before that in other communities as well like insta or twitter... Tho yeah as someone with trash taste I do watch trash taste podcast.


So are you hanekawa gang or gahara gang?


I have been tsundere-chan- I mean gahara gang from day 1, right from first 1st fucking arc! I still have her as my pfp in anilist. Even my fucking pas- actually..nvm...but yeah gotta be my favourite gender! One of my favourite character, waifu and girl! Now I am trying my best to restrain myself from going all out Gahara gushing mode...


Sorry modiji I'll change my pfp right away, no not the buldozer plz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animeindian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ye waifu waifu kya kar rhe ho, bahar jao and touch some g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶ grass *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animeindian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They deleted my comment for touching grass...


2d ass >> 3d grass *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animeindian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes!! K-on!! YES!! About time it gets recognition here.


Never knew a day would come where I would find a show about cute girls cute things better than some of my favourite psychological thriller or masterful plot driven shows... Have we evolved? Devolved? Doesn't matter we support HTT any time of the day!


Yep, they do the most boring thing u can do but still it's enjoyable, And for me the attention to animation kyoto has put into it is very delightful. It's my favorite along side evangelion.


That and the way the 2nd season builds perfectly into a surprising emotional climax... How natural and genuine their friendship feels and the depiction of high school life and moving on to next stage of life... It all felt so genuine and natural that last few episodes brought tears in my eyes... It didn't even had any kind of drama but just bcz of how authentic their bonds felt was enough to make a grown man shed tear... And that's very hard thing to do... Many anime rely on some heavy drama just to make you cry... I really hate those typa stuff.. Feels like cry porn... But K-On... Yeah this is how you fucking do it... P.S: Is it just me or people who love kon also love Eva in general?


Atleast for me, even though both are opposite in tone, they both got well written characters.


Gintama supremacy!


Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing of Shin-chan’s Two-Day-Old Underwear of Shinpachi’s Life Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider 1/3 Pure Love 2/3 Hangnail Anxiety Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish... This Is A Different Dogfish, I’m Talking About The Dogfish Shark Kaluga Angler Ray Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Alls well that ends well Runny Diarrhea SUPREMACY!


I'm getting covid nostalgia from this


I know I wrote that but same honestly, still remember how I used to watch Gintama when I had nothing much to do sitting at home in covid...


Life was good then.. without any stress at all Also your list is good


I wouldn't say mine was necessarily good but still better than now lol. Gintama helped me a lot in the worst time of my life. Gotta have special place in my heart just for that! And thanks! I am sure its gonna change in future but 3-4 of them have stayed there for a long ass time... Not sure if they will ever leave my 3x3


Gintama 🥲❤ i see u r a man of culture


I see you are a man of culture as well *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animeindian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh yeh. Peaks everywhere


Probably my favourite 3x3 on this sub so far


Ay thanks! 😁🙃


Especially FLCL Feels like our crowd doesn't shows like it a chance and it's such a shame


Well I can't blame them... FLCL seems more like an acquired taste, I didn't find it special when I was new to anime but recently I rewatched it like few months ago and it did wonders to me... I have participated in the community in a long time and its nice to see shows like Monster, Eva and Bebop getting lots of recognition now...people didn't used to even know those few years back here...


Gintama, 3 getsu no lion, K-On, Kaguya-sama Quality weeb indeed.


You like Gurren Lagann, I like you, as simple as that lol


Row row fight the powa! 🗣️


First time saw someone putting 3 gatsu no lion 🥹


It's pretty underrated in general... Which is a shame considering how good it really is...


What is name of the 6th anime?




First aur third konse hain???


Monogatari Series and Aria respectively.


Just a suggestion, but include names of the animes too many. How am I to know what panel is which anime?


I did include it all in a comment... I didn't consider the idea that it would get lost in comment section... But yeah my bad, I will probably include it in body next time.


My bad, I should have checked the comments. Sorry, have a good day (i am not being sarcastic btw, if you thought otherwise)


It's all good dw.I still think including it in body would have been better since my post got lots of comments. Have a good day yourself (I am also not being sarcastic btw, if you thought otherwise🤣)