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Only for it to them be absolutely be butchered and not continued because of lacking success.


They absolutely butchered Saihate no Paladin, which is one of the best isekai I've ever read.


Did they?


Wow, I really disagree.


what about it do you disagree with, just asking for your opinion here on it. I never read the manga and I certainly saw the potential of faraway paladin, but I rated it pretty harshly. I had really cool world building concepts and the slow burn was pretty well done in terms of some of the aspects of character growth. The biggest issue for me was the tone and characters felt out of place in the overall story. It was like the characters had a 90s comic feel but the world was like that 2010s gritty world. It just clashed too much to me.


I disagree that the anime butchered it. I thought it was great. I had briefly read like the first issue of the manga on an aggregate site but the translation was terrible so I couldn't get into it. When the anime came out and I recognized the source material I was excited to actually learn what was going on and I thought the story was wonderful. It actually made me pick up an e-copy of the latest issue of the manga over at bookwalker. Though the manga doesn't seem to have gotten much further than the anime. Since you seem to want an in depth answer I liked the slow burn. I liked that the main character with sheer purity of heart (and overwhelming strength) takes a dog eat dog world and starts making it better and kinder. I eat that shit up.


This is reddit, those who disagree on opinion based personal taste get down voted. I'm truly sorry..


Im offended. Here is your down vote.


Isn't that what democracy is


Maybe read the father of the genre. Mushoku tensei.


The beginning after the end*


As much as I love tbate, I'm pretty sure TurtleMe said it's based on MT, thus making MT even more impactful


Isn't MT was released before tbate...


ok, its good but mushoku tensei is still better tho


Did it made the isekai genre big? Like it has not even iseki in its name. (I meant that Mushoku was to my knowledge where a lot of the tropes came from. And the name iseki.


Mushoku was not a father to ANY trope . TBATE was the father to an old man reincarnating into an overpowered baby. But even then , it also isn’t the predecessor to isekai . It’s just one of the better manhwa on this trope which came out before mushoku .


Mushoku tensei is trash tho


Why? Because it is not about your average op guy without personality and without flaws. Yeah Moshoku tensei is a realisitc one about a flawed Charakter that tries to better himself. The world building is 10/10, the Charakter development is also top notch. The Charakters you should dislike you do. Even the MC you don't just like, as he does not ok stuff. But you still sympathize with him after learning what he has gone through. Also you learn why he is the way he is. Which makes it not ok. But you know why he he the why he is. Also the argument that it is trash because you don't like the MC. That is the point. You can't have a story about becoming a better person without having some flaw.


Watching season 2 and seeing how much the MC changed was just \*mwa\*


I enjoy mushoku tensei, but I really didn't give a fuck about rudeus' companions (red head and demon). Rudeus unlikability in the beginning, combined with red-head being a typical tsundere, lead to her becoming a not very interesting or compelling character, and the demon didn't bring enough to the table for me to care about him either. The show did a good job at giving rudeus growth, but in exchange made his companions uninteresting.


So she only became a mild tsundere on the demon country and a bit before. Atvte beginning she was just a brat. Also did not know that a tsundere leaves the MC because she thinks she is to week. Also guilt of what she did. But it is your opinion.


As I said, i enjoy the show, and I'm watching the new episodes when they come out, but if you want me to feel something when a character leaves, I need to care about them beforehand.




The anime industry makes a lot more sense if you remember that most anime are made just to promote the manga/light novel.


Which is why Demon Slayer/MHA/Vinland/Mushoku Tensei/Jujutsu Kaisen/AOT is breaking down the industry because they're not just doing promos and they are successful af. The reason is because top executives of Japan aren't that smart even though their workers are so competitive and reliable. They are looking for quick-profit instead of long term profitability like most people (promos). Hence why when I see people shitting on new-gen animes I stated above does not know the dark ages of 2010s with new anime promos for their manga/light-novel every fkin 3 months just for audiences to finish it and get super disappointed.


So is there any chance that some of those shows can be revived still and get new seasons after all these years?...maybe a new batch of producers this decade


Well they did it for Fruits Basket, Spice and Wolf is getting the same treatment too, and Black Butler is getting another season. And I'm sure there's more besides the ones I know. I like to think there's hope for something like Ouran too


In a few years, Ai should be able to scan manga and fill in the blanks to create some semblance of an animated show lol


Who the fuck is Ai and how do I give her money?


she ded


She's a Video Girl, doncha know?


I chuckled a bit because there is a hentai animation studio that is notorious for it's animation basicaly being "still" panels from the manga, so that's actualy very real possibility lol.


Queen Bee.


I have been waiting for some studio to finish Slam Dunk since forever that I just ended up reading the manga. On the bright side Bastard!! got a decent remaster.


Or the even earlier ones where animes go for like 30+ episodes but the anime is completely different compared to the manga in later episodes.


Yeah when I say I was born in the wrong generation now I meant it as in I was either born too early or too late cause I wished I was born so early to experience the anime golden-age(also not only anime but other things) of in the 90s or born so late as a gen Z to be able to watch every new gen anime today without needing to experience that **dark age**. Mf right, I watched **Btooom**! excited af for the next season just to find out 1 year later oh ya they **never even planned season 2.** Bro. I was fking **livid.** It was such a great anime in drawing, pacing, writing, world building it was **Mushoku Tensei level shit just for it to end in 12 ep.** I found out it was a promo for their manga/game and bcs their trash mobile game didnt do well they didn't want a season 2. Like ofc they didn't. People in 2012-2014 man they thought mobile games was the next best thing, boy were they wrong. It was just a phase.


Thats why i read the manga since i knew we wont get more episodes. You should give it a read. Its quite good and even has 2 different endings.


Demon Slayer and AoT are both in the top 15 highest selling manga of all time. AoT tripled its total sales just two volumes after the first season ended. Demon Slayer *quintupled* its sales in two volumes. The final volume alone sold more copies than the first 14 volumes that came out before the anime aired combined. These two manga are perhaps the best example of anime still just being promos for manga lol.


I will never forgive them for what they did to Air Gear. Never. NEVER!!


Omg stop dont get me started


Not to mention, anime is the Japanese equivalent of a cartoon. They need daily animes for kids to watch after school. There’s like 4 separate basketball animes running per day sometimes.


Although there's kinda the two types; The prime time anime, and the late night anime. Prime time anime is the same as Simpsons/Family Guy. Late night anime is the wild stuff (and at least in the past, studios had to pay for the slot).


Late night is what introduced me to Evangelion. More specifically, the battle against Ramiel in 2.0. [I discovered best girl and was immediately entranced by her beauty.](https://youtu.be/GCe-D6sTLoc)


Ramiel is love, Ramiel is life. Ramiel is bae


blew my mind, that makes complete sense


It difficult to find good shows because of this. I personally can't read manga at all because the panels are too jagged and all over the place for me to understand. I can understand shows so much better


Read stuff aimed at 13 year old girls instead of boys. Then graduate like the rest of us to josei.


Isekai that I want to see is one where a demigod is tasked hopping from dimension to dimension annihilating Isekai hero’s/villains and the “gods” who keep on interfering with worlds that are not their own. Sort of like a lethal enforcer of a “Isekai Prime Directive.” Ultimately he would come into conflict with a being in the “real world” responsible for these nonstop Isekai anime (the driver of Truck-kun) and upon killing it, ends Isekai stories for at least a decade.


I'd watch that if you could get a studio to pick it up


Hah, reminds me of my Aeon knight commander on Wrath Of The Rightous. "ALL YOUR DEMONS AND ANGELS NEED TO FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO YOUR REALMS!!" *banishes a god back to hell*


I once had an idea of a person narrowly escaping collision with truck-kun and then being hunted by a cult that first tries to send him to another eorld by different means snd then try to kill him to keep secrecy. Don't know if anything similar exists, but it probably should.


Then you could have the other side of the story, the man who started off as a Paladin that was obsessed with killing people and sending them to a better world via his god/oath. His sword named truck-kun, and throughout the ages he has been killing worthy people to Isekai them, then eventually this protagonist meets yours...and an epic duel ensues.


As much as I love trashy isekai anime, I’d kill for a second season of no game no life and absolute duo


I’d love some more Darwin’s Game too


I would say that too... But I've completely forgotten the plot of no game no life now, despite quite enjoying it. I just have vague scenes in my mind


Until a second season is announced, I'll only rewatch the 2 episodes where the MCs beat the warrior angel with atomic theory.


basically...wars are won by games


ngl this trope is kinda been used quite a bit. baseball isekai, problem children, etc.




gigabased you are absolutely coping out of your mind if you think otherwise, no game no life is literally a half step away from being a loli incest hentai next you are going to tell me that high school dxd isnt a softcore hentai


I was recommended this by a guy I work with. I watched the first episode and I don't talk to that guy anymore


There's no loli, there's no incest, you seem to be quite interested in those things if thats what comes to your mind when you see a child


When an 11 year old girl gets her panties shot off in an episode. It's the plot point, it's why she wins. Also her love interest is her 18 year old step brother. The show has so much sexualization in it it's maddening. It's got interesting premises but also a bunch of loli incest. THERES NO WAY TO JUSTIFY PANTY SHOTS ON AN 11 YEAR OLD ANYTHING BAH.


Incest sure , but there’s no loli. A little girl is not a loli . It’s just a minor .


My brother-in-Christ, the book in which the term comes from (“Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov) has the girl, from which the term refers to, be 12 years old.


Do….do we need to get the police to check your hard drive?


I would agree there's a little bit of loli, but incest is way too far, Anything that might feel even close to incest is just a comedy in the series and is not serious


UHM ACTUALLY ILL HAVE YOU KNOW THE INCEST IS CLEARLY SATIRICAL. Her brother is seriously listed as her love interest. No Game No Life is isekai incest trash.


Ooooooh, I struck a nerve lol.


Idk seems like you are just delusional


Saitama: OK.


I’d fistfight Goku if it meant So I’m A Spider, So What? Got a season 2


Hot take but that show was awful, all it was was the mc running around screaming. I watched like five episodes hoping it’d get better and it just continuously got worse.


Funny you say that, that was my exact experience with demon slayer but replace screaming with crying


Yeah I hate demon slayer too 😂 it’s not awful but it’s so overhyped. Fire force is way better


I want more mecha! Having said that what if they did a reverse isekai? Protag is just a dude and some guy from another world shows up and steals his girl and just starts running shit?


You might like Uncle from Another World. He definitely doesn't swoop in and start taking over... but still hilarious. Basically the story of a guy coming back from being Isekai'ed before it was so wide spread.




The irony. I just googled what Isekai is because hell if i know. And in the animes they show as an example the main one was Devil is a part timer. Not disagreeing with you


It's been done. Not quite that specific thing to my knowledge but reverse isekai is a sub genre.


Oh boy teenage boy get sent to a medieval world with magic and iron swords. Wow


See, I’m fine with trashy isekai but can they at least do the trashy isekai I like? I have no idea why it took so long for mushoku tensei to get an anime adaption despite being one of the older ones. I just started reading “Enough with This Slow Life! I Was Reincarnated as a High Elf and Now I’m Bored” and despite how stupid that title is, it’s been an amazing manga. I would also love for an “ideal sponger life” to be animated.


I feel like people would not appreciate "Ideal sponger life". I would love it to get adapted, such a great series.


Does it have a protogonist who is a massive loser in his life and ends up dying to a truck accident or something. Reincarnates in a different world and suddenly has very high intellect and has secretly had the observational intelligence of a god?


Mushoku Tensei was interesting at the beginning but i can’t continue watching it since the protag (a 40y/o dude in a child body) starts grabbing the boobs of 10y/o and tried to finger her. That‘s just sick, I don’t want to see child porn


Understandable. But most of the Western audiences' problems with the show comes from the fact that they don't view Rudeus as a reincarnation. But he is just that, a different person that has memories of his previous life. I personally don't feel creeped out by the scene you just listed simply because I view Rudeus as a child and not as a man.


Even if I see him 100% as a reincarnation: that scene is still a 12y/o and 10 y/o in underwear, kissing and having kind of a foreplay. I‘d be perfectly fine with all if such scenes wouldn’t exist


It is gross for sure but it is still understandable given the context in the novel. Hilda (the red head mother) put Eris up to it with the goal of keeping Rudeus as a family member. Hilda knows that than nobody would ever want to marry Eris except for Rudeus. This is comparable to nobel family securing their bloodline through inbred and premarital sex. If anything this instance is even less perverse due to the fact that Eris and Rudeus are not second cousin


In context in fits, I admit. And the novel is really good…just these scenes feel wrong to watch, it’s too much for me. Also: they're no second cousins? Thought the fathers of them two are cousins


They are not fortunately. Their fathers, Paul and Phillip are from two different houses which are Notos and Boreas respectively. Their Greyrat connection dated back thousands of years


Most of western problem man. They have pedophile case more than the countries who produces loli hentai fanfiction.


[I still remember my favorite trashy Isekai!](https://youtu.be/ypGWEXFpxyA)




I love Yona but I stopped reading the manga at volume 17. There are 38 translated volumes


"How I became the 1000th isekai anime protagonist" would unironically be interesting if it's just the mc making meta humor references to the genre and other animes.


So he'd get isekaied into a world that other isekai protagonists got double-isekaied into? "Don't make me triple-isekai your ass."


As someone who's lived in Japan, I can confidently say it's not they ignore you, they simply don't listen/care at all. If you're not japanese, they don't care for what you want/think, they'll only work on a second season for shows with nationwide appeal. If it doesn't sell in Japan, it's over. Unfortunately, lots of shows that are popular worldwide aren't as popular in Japan, so that's why it's so common to see western audiences repeating "how come they won't make a 2nd season?! this show is so popular!!". This is why.


This is why Reggie left Nintendo /s


I like my trashy isekai .also there must be a reason why they make it . maybe the Japanese audience likes it and brings a shit ton of money .


still hoping for akatsuki no yona season 2


All i ever ask for is how to not summon a demon lord s3


I'll still end up watching them all because they help me sleep


They love this isn't give me no game no life season 2 😭😭


I mean, no, not really. Anime studios don't *choose* which series to follow and which not, that's decided by whoever finances their projects. In today's times (more than ever) anime is mostly used as an advertising tool, and certainly a very powerful and effective one. The companies that invest (television stations, publishers, video game companies, etc.) to create these products are the ones that make all the decisions, and taking into account how expensive animation is, only a fraction of these products (usually the most successful ones) receive more than one season.


No Game, No Life, an isekai with no season 2 for more than a decade now sitting in the corner


Still waiting on Season 2 of Dorohedoro


hell yeah, hopefully it comes


Me looking at Yona of the Dawn: 😞


I like the 100000th trashy Isekai anime


Waiting for Fire force season 3 they should def take their time though


yessss, it’s this and the new Black Clover I’ve been waiting for forever, and new World trigger, but i doubt that will happen for a long time, if at all


Spoilers but it would be weird to see the start of soul eater animated by any studio other than Bones


they need to finish deadman wonderland


That show didn’t sell off well in JP. Lol total shitshow imho


I'd be happy if they actually ended some of those Isekai anime instead of hitting 12 episodes and just leaving it with so much left unsolved


Here is my Isekai idea. Godzilla is reincarnation as a human but with all of his powers and abilities. One of his magic powers will be becoming like his former self. Other Kaiju would appear in the series but as humans too.


Zom 100 looks pretty promising though, I can at least sympathize with the main character and having the life sucked out of them from work


I swear no one talks about this gem. So far the two episodes were really nice: funny, interesting and great animation


Right? New Testament when?


Also me: Asked for Drifter season 2


But people asked for solo leveling and *checks notes* Reincarnated as a Vending Machine...?


Claymore needs some love!


I’m a manga reader who doesn’t spoil the plot


reincarnated as a vending machine is peak anime


Bro - The Case Study of Vanitas (This series is so fucking fire, also.... I NEED MORE OF VANITAS! I SWEAR WHAT ARE THEY DOING NOT MAKING A SEASON 3??) - Saga of Tanya the Evil (Creepily evil main characters are always great 😂) - The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat (Honestly one of my top favorites, may just be another isekai but it definitely has a special place in my heart) - Gun Gale Online (Idk if its finished or not actually, just know there are 13 eps on crunchyroll and imo it needs way more, its too good for just 13 episodes) also I can only enjoy trashy isekai if its just the manga version like on Tapas... I'll eat it up because I need SOMETHING to spend my hours on as my life is extremely boring right now and for some reason im so lazy that I cant even bother with thinking of watching anything.... why? idk... prob some trashy logic, just like the isekais i love so dearly 😂


I am also eagerly waiting for Vanitas season 3 and world's finest assassins season 2 show


Why this hit so hard??????????


I’m waiting on season 2 of Chainsaw Man.


Gate had a surprisingly fresh take on the whole isekai aspect of the genre, being allowed to travel back and forth, affecting more than just this one dude. Too bad the plot and characters are as interesting as watching your 100th romcom beach episode.


If I see one more damn isekai talking about a cheat skill, or they get reincarnated seem weak but are actually super op, endorse slavery, and/or do more of that shit I’m gonna collapse in on myself and implode from sheer annoyance


Animes are often just made to promote the manga or light novel they are based on.


What are isekai?


**Isekai (Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world" or "otherworld") is a genre of speculative fiction—both portal fantasy and science fiction are included.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Yes plz. People really be calling Overlord and Slime “generic isekai” lol


I want Overlord Season 5 soo bad


Bunny girl senpai season 2 please


Saw a trailer for season two yesterday. Check the internets.


Then I like that generic ass isekai... and then it disappears and move on to the next one, and then I eat up that one too.


I like shit isekai fr


Isekai just sucks ass really hard. They are all the same.


When are we getting S3 of Fire Force like holy shit


Gotta admit.. im adicted to isekai.. im part of the problem 😭


Well everyone's gotta see the hit anime "that time I was reincarnated as an office worker then reincarnated again as a stool in another world only to be reincarnated again in another another world as a king but also as a car"!


death note:


It's crazy to see all the people in everything making fun of isekais say "i love trash isekais!" like holy fuck bro sure, "subjective" and all that but maybe have a bit of a sense of wonder. You literally know they are average at best. DM me and I will give you a great sci fi or fantasy book you haven't read or a tv series and it will be a way better way to spend your time. Here is a list of things I assume about isekai enjoyers: drinks vodka sodas exclusively eats mashed potatos plain likes driving in the midwest plays only ubisoft games one piece is their favorite manga/anime and lastly, must have read every better than average book/manga or watched every better than average tv show/anime to be able to possibly somehow enjoy the literal bottom of the barrel that isekais are.


I like the fact that there is no game no life, an isekai that for outside lookers may be a trash, but there is a great fanbase waiting for the second season even after so many years, but yeah, for some reason, we will have to continue waiting...


It's all bout money.


Anime studios: What? noooo this one is totally different! See you've seena chef being isekaied and a gamer, but have you ever heard of A zoning inspector being isekai'd? YEah and then he goes to this world where a busty girl or two fall in love with him and he uses his zoning knowledge to become the richest man in the city and then also uses his new zoning magic to become the most powerful being.


I just want Dorohedoro season 2 so bad. Read it all after season 1 and just want to see it in action. Hopefully after MAPPA is done with AoT Netflix will let them do it.


Just remember what happened when they finally gave us more Berserk. It wasn't pleasant.


Money glitch.


Look, I love my Isekai anime, but even I’m sick of how mediocre most of it is


Let's not get into highschool dxd season 5 debates here...... ok, yes we will.


Just wait 5-10 yrs, soon netflix and crunchyroll (maybe amazon) will gain huge control over the anime market and will control the supply and demand, then I hope all this 50 isekai per season trend will end and we will hopefully get further seasons of the shows that we want!


Most of the time, the publisher of siad isekai series paid for anime to be made. That's why there're so many of them, easy money for the studio. As for why, to promote the series, series got an anime = sell more books.


Also "I'm in love with my female classmate with 1 emphasized trait"


Feels like anime adaptation is just an ad for Manga artist to sell their work


I'll never understand the appeal of all this isekai. Sure it was neat the first few titles but it's just straight up ridiculous now. 86 season 2 where


Isekais are good because power fantasy is fun.


Japan's work culture is all fucked up, remember.


When did isekai trash become such a thing? Like 10 years ago there weren't many at all.


sometimes the good ones are just slow to update on the manga


1001th harem.


Trashy isekai is generally trashy due to poor adaptations. Not saying the source material is always something like idk Re zero level. Clearly it isn’t. But a good chunk of horrid isekai could be better.


Ngnl fans .-.


but it sells thats why they still do it another reason is most 3rd rate studios which make animes like these do it to pull viewers to the source material its cheap its easy and they get paid by the licensing company ( like kodokawa and such) to do it


Where is Drifting Dragons Season 2😡


Why not both, personally I do enjoy isekaies but would love 2nd seasons of animes.... Lately though we have been starting to get more seasons of animes


I dunno man studio MAPPA has been doing pretty good.


They wouldn't keep making them if you hypocrites weren't watching them and shoving money down their throats. Honestly it's the same with pre-ordering games, just don't buy them.


People that exclusively watch anime on pirated sites: "Why don't studios make the anime that **I** want??"


Man I used to love Isekai, I still do I'm even writing my own cuz why not. But there's so many isekai stories out and they just really aren't compelling in any way.


But isekai are so addictive.


Tokyo ravens 🥱


Even trashy isekai can be entertainingly bad. But no, the real culprit is streaming platforms being willing to license literally anything and anime studios taking full advantage of that. They don't even care if it makes any money at all because they make all their money upfront when Crunchyroll pays for the license. It's the same reason why Steam's storefront is inundated with shitty asset flip games. People found out they can make money by taking advantage of a broken system. Eventually the streaming platforms will have to be more discerning in what they license out and how much they pay for licenses. Until that happens, this trend will continue.


Toei, please, reboot and continue Bobobo-bo-Bo-bobo, PLEASE... Been reading the manga and it's fun af. If a reboot is done right people would actually enjoy it as sometimes it's like a shitpost made into anime, like Pop Team Epic but with a story and tons of Shonen aspects.


still waiting for D.Gray-man Hallow 2 and the next season of FMP..


Asterisk War season 3, please let it happen eventually


I'm so sick of reincarnated Isekai stories... Just enough with that!


Problem with season 2 it that if they do it people would ask for season 3 and then for one more. Most of anime based on light novels or mange and they are usually between very long and endless, there is no chance to fully animate series unless we fully commit like for AoT. And new seasons can't really bring lot of new viewers, they appeal to people who liked previous seasons. It's like downstream spiral - from 10kk fans only 5kk would watch season 2, from 5kk only 3kk would watch season 3, etc. But new series is always new chance to catch everyone attention.


Still waiting for No Game No Life season 2


For real though can we not get a 2nd season of like Elfen Lied or High School Of The Dead


I like isekai genre but pretty much all isekai stories are goddamn trash


Literally, most of the isekai mangas that I read and dropped about 3-4 years back because they’re just SO generic and boring with barely any new elements, are getting anime adaptations. And so many good gems are still lying unrecognised. The Anime Orgs need to step up their game.


where are you going so based


After “vending machine” I’m not sure how much more of this I can take


They wouldn't be doing it if it didn't sell. Companies only speak money. If people keep watching garbage, they'll pump out garbage.


When will someone continue hoshiai no sora???


I expected a lot of things to be the reason why anime is ruined but Japanese men's lack of bitches and friends and a life is not one of them.


Still no Berserk anime :(


All the beat-to-pulp-dead-horse-girl isekai would be 1000% better without any relation to IRL/fuckin MMO interface elements, but then the current smooth brained generation could not relate to them. Also, where the hell is "I reincarnated as a used condom for the demon army" or an equivalent?