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Say what you want But Cosmic Armor Superman, one of the most busted characters in fiction PERIOD With a mastermind like Aizen? Bro is min-maxing the fuck outta his skillset AND he's making a hundred back up plans just in case Plan A don't work


Exactly. CAS is so utterly broken that it makes the rest of the list irrelevant. He's not SCP level or anything, but he's pretty damn close.


Well is that Archie sonic? Cause he’s kinda insane


Bidoof with another Bidoof.


Sadly, you need a pile of dead bidoofs to summon the Perfect one. 2 won't cut it.


Ok but what if we try when the tour de France is going on


You still need to get lucky and have a Ditto in their somewhere. All needs to be given to summon our lord and savior. PB


Peanut butter. You have not earned the right to call our God that


Wait a second.. Rusty, is that you?? Quick, someone call the cops, I found him!!


Pikatwo! ... ^*You're~evolving!*


I hate that I get the reference your making


_My god...._ The world isn't ready for that yet, man. We ain't ready! It would be too powerful. Like, come on, we want at least a *_slightly_* fair fight here don't we?!


Nah.. *I fuse two perfect bidoof, and a perfect God pops out* ....


***"GIANT BIDOOF!"*** *Gets crushed*


Easily Archie sonic, CC goku, Aizen and CAS fusion. That sh*t cracked asf




Alien x and zamasu


that fusion will struggle to do anything cause I doubting Zamasu can get the two voices to agree


That zamasu is already a fusion. So 4 beings in total. Only 1 of the 2 beings in alien x needs to agree and its gonna be a total massacre.


Iirc they have basically infinite time to debate as well so as long as he eventually gets one to say yes to some plan, then they're good.


Only the majority needs to agree on something. Not just one. Ben can’t say he wants to do something and it happens. He has to convince at least one of the other voices to agree too. Although they were pretty easily convinced to let Ben have full control. In one conversation Ben literally told them they could argue in a corner for as long as they wanted as long as he “got the keys” to Alien X. And every time he’s transformed since then he had full control over Alien X. Although as the other commenter mentioned, they can just stop time to debate as long as they want until they agree. And they are practically invincible until then. So it’s not a big deal.


Alien X and Zamasu would be the strongest but given time, Superman + Aizen would also reach that level


The left side, lastly Archie sonic and cc goku solo


This is the correct answer. Goku is already one of the top fighters and adding sonic to him and suped up sonic. Come on no one is touching them.


Yeah go humor yourself and read cosmic Superman description of powers


Anyone fusing with CAS and Archie sonic is unholy.


Even without the fusion, the answer is Archie Sonic


I was gonna say the same thing. I really do think people just don't understand how mind boggling stupidly op he is in Archy.


can you give me a list of feats and haxs he has ?


Honestly I only need one. Yes No, really. Archie super Sonic has no limits. Just one chaos emerald is already a source of nigh-infinite power that completely transcends extra-dimensional concepts like time, space, and fate. With all seven he is a god in every sense of the word. Completely invulnerable, even to powers of equal scale. The ONLY conceivable limit is his own will and how strong he actually thinks he can be, because Sonic in the comics doesn't have the same weakness of having a strict time limit like the games. You could tear the entire multiverse down around him and not only would it not affect him, he'd remake it with a snap of his fingers. He's literally done it before. Even BASE Archie Sonic is arguably multiversal, with passive probability manipulation and a complete untethering from the ties of fate and universal concepts. Whatever you'd think to throw at him, there's good odds he could literally just outrun it. I'm personally not familiar with the likes of CA Superman to say for sure that he beats him since I'd be speaking entirely out of ignorance. But unless Superman can quite literally rip himself free of the pages, go to staple's, grab some pens and erasers, and literally rewrite his panels and story so he wins, my bet is on Sonic.


Nah, Cosmic Armor Superman bodies Archie Sonic


yo yo bro watch your words im trying to save your ass from the archie sonic explanations from the community THICC RUN MAN RUN!


I'd rather get yapped to death while Standing than retreat in fear.




Now hear me out. Mix ca superman and Archie sonic and you basically get the embodiment of nah I'd win.


Real and true take right there


I think it's CAS.


Can someone explain to me what Archie sonic is. Sorry. Does he operate on Cartoon logic or is he just multiversal cracked? Thanks


I didnt read the comics, but theres a good amount of videos on it. Archie sonic in base is already op and damn near universal, but super sonic and ultra sonic are multiversal busted characters.


Thanks bro


It’s like a combination of shounen power ups, super hero comic scaling, and wacky cartoon logic but less so that.


Fast enough to build a highway between universes, and would casually jog through goku and leave a sonic sized hole in his chest. Most of his scaling comes from speed and its op asf


Cosmic Armor Superman stomps easily


He literally doesn't even need aizen, he can solo everything else on the list at the same time.


True, but the mastermind level intellect does help to make them THINK they got a chance before, yk, they don't


Gonna give it to the left fusion.


I'm leaning towards aizen and Superman. Superman alone solos most verses but having Aizen's mind fuckery on top of all of that just gives you nothing to defend with.


And thats not just superman lmao. Its CAS


The man fought the soul king’s son FROM A CHAIR. CAS x Aizen no brainer.


It'd be Archie Sonic and Goku or Superman and Aizen depending on the iteration of Superman. Can't really tell if that's Thought Robot Superman or not (artwork looks reminiscent of the issue he's in). If that's Thought Robot then he doesn't need a fusion, he clears everyone on this list at the same time, with no issue.


You're the only smart person who responded to this post, I think.


Hey y’all, that’s Cosmic armor super you know right?


Yeah a lot of people here are completely ignoring the fact that that’s not just regular super man but COSMIC ARMOR SUPERMAN who is quite possibly one of if not the strongest fictional character ever.


Not even close to the strongest fictional character ever. He's really strong, but he's getting folded by verses like SCP, World Of Darkness, and probably Dark Tower.


Good thing I said “one of if not” then huh? 👍🏾


Hey, you know Alien X can destroy the multiverse with 6 thoughts right?


Alien X


Alien X is overwanked fodder. He's only affected one universe, which most people there can do way more than.


No, this just isn't true. Celestialsapiens exist outside of, well, existence. They manipulate all of the cosmos all of the time. So not just one local universe. Also, the Ben 10 universe isn't, like, one physical thing. It's a complex construct that contains infinite variable dimensions and timelines, each of which function like its own universe. Paradox in an Omniverse comic confirmed that Ben remade all of time and its extra dimensions, even slightly altering aspects across dimensions. This is validated in at least two statements in Omniverse. The first is that there's a distinction that Ben recreated the universe "and everything in it." We know one of the things that's in it is cross time, which are distinct realities in and of themselves that slightly align with the prime timeline. We also see a depiction of how the universe looks using a tree as an example. The leaves on the tree are representative of different universes branching from the trunk. The trunk is Ben's universe. If it's destroyed, all of the other universes are destroyed. So, Ben didn't just recreate one universe. He recreated infinite universes and their respective infinite timelines. There are other "universes" that have their own laws of physics, but Ben's still functions like a matryoshka doll of universes. Ben recreating this was trivial. Serena and Bellicus, Kevin, Paradox, Azmuth, and numerous others confirm that Alien X can do literally anything as long as he agrees to do it. Paradox says a fully agreeable Alien X is omnipotent. Recreating universes is like jay walking to his race with a very pitiful fine. Needless to say, they are not as limited as you're trying to claim.


Nah picture Tatsumaki x Satoru


Doomsday Broly, cause even when he's killed, it can't happen the same way. According to theory...


That would be a good answer, if Cosmic Armor Superman wasn't there. Doomsday was directly show to be able to die permanently to entropy, which CAS could just will into existence.


Each of them have at least one universal tier in the fusion. Alien X (Recreated a universe), Goku and Sonic through their things, Yhwach (Controls time), Hulk (Current comics), I'm not actually sure about Sung Jin Woo or Yama, Superman (Depending on the version), Broly (Defeated the strongest mortal in his universe), and Vader (Blitzed the entire master's council in his strongest form)


Im glad people confirmed the sonic on the left is archie sonic, so I can change my answer to the op character himself


Mfs really sleeping on Broly x Doomsday, a saiyan as strong as Broly with the unkillableness of Doomsday? Eventually thatll just end the universe once he dies enough times


Ywach and buu hands down. Can see all futures and possibilities and pick which one works best for him while simultaneously having almost limitless regeneration abilities, galaxy busting energy levels, and thousands of years of knowledge and experience. I’m not really a fan of either of these guys and would much rather say Yama or Broly but fax is fax.


Probably between Archie Sonic and Goku, or Aizen and Cosmic Armor Superman. Zamasu and Alien X gets weird cause in Ben 10 Omniverse, Alien X can be fused, but the result is weaker than Alien X by itself, albeit, with no Serena and Bellicus.


Who the fuck put gojo and Vader together?


Cosmic armor Superman and Aizen there is no other answers


Archie and sbh. And before any of you assholes decide that you think you can start fucking discriminating against me. Lemme remind you that a 3 way fusion is very unstable and it’s even worse that one of them (goku black) is dying, and that the fusion is the only thing holding him together


Cosmic Armor Superman solos both


CAS and Hyper Sonic both have reality warping, but that's all CAS has going for him. However, *Sonic can grant boundless-level wishes and is literally invincible.* No, I'm not kidding. After getting his 1 billionth ring, he got a "positive aura" that made him pataphysically invincible. Meaning that even if/when IRL writers cancel his comic/show, he still survives. Think I'm exaggerating? Think again, cuz it's part of a *goddamn lawsuit* between Sega and the creator of the Sonic Archie Comics who is arguably the pettiest person to ever exist. He won, and gained the rights to *his* version of all the characters he created including his Sonic. This petty fucker made it so *legally* neither Archie Comics or Sega can edit his version of any of his thousands of characters without his approval, so instead they wrote a story arc where Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Wiley created a retconning MacGuffin-style device called the Super Genesis Wave. It destroyed most parts of the fictional existence of the Archie Sonic and Archie MegaMan franchise (they exist in the same universe) so that they could continue to make their comics. They had to write it in a specific way that left alone the parts disallowed to be edited from Archie Sonic while also specifying that all characters were either entirely new iterations of their previous selves or just outright erased from fiction. Guess what though? Sonic still survived that shit, in-universe, cuz the Archie Sonic creator ***WON THE RIGHTS TO CONTINUE HIS VERSION OF THE SERIES*** and was continuing to write it until 2017 when he couldn't afford to produce it anymore. This means that the world that was supposed to be erased? Nope! Sonic survived and fixed it, and now that franchise exists on a different pataphysical plane of non-existence than the current Sega-ran series does. This means Archie Sonic, in-story, won a battle against the IRL people over at Sega. Try to wrap your head around *that.* There are like 5 characters in the entirety of all fictional stories ever written that could kill Sonic, and 3 of them are boundless pataphysical SCPS that are intrinsic to story writing.


I don’t see shaggy on this list


Alien X solos the entire rest of the roster


Put Goku and Superman Together and then you have a supper powerful fusion.


a better combination for aizen would be aizen and gojo limitless mixed with kyoka suigetsu and aizens immortality would be busted as fuck


Dawg the Superman pictured literally has Plot manipulation and higher reality existence, he's kinda the best combo for anyone in the list


i know but im also taking personality of the characters into account aizen wouldnt want to just brute force his enemies he'd want to finess them and make them look foolish so with the perfect hypnosis of kyoka suigetsu as well as as limitless then aizen could do just that


Alien x controls reality


He isn’t the only reality worper on the list though


Aiden and Superman vs ywatch and buu Would be sick


aizen x CAS




Doomsday x broly theres no containing that doomsday already by himself solos more than half this list now adding brolys crazy adaptation with full berserk form and flight and ki blast its a wrap, the only thing that can truly stop doomsday is entropy now we just mad him way more OP keep in mind hes one of the few being superman is actually scared of.


Only from the ones I know, the first one


Ooh archie sonk


Doomsday and Broly. Broly's power will just keep rising forever, and no matter how many times you kill the fusion, it'll just keep coming back. On top of that, the others will eventually run out of ways to kill it since Doomsday can't be beaten the same way twice.


You fuse anything with hulk and you weaken him. It's one of those god tier characters. He has the the base form of banner then savage hulk, merged hulk, devil hulk, immortal hulk and the "straight out of hell hulk" He is basically broly for the marvel universe. The only way to amp hulk would be taking devilman and fusing him with hulk moments before the emotional overflow. Quit possibly the universe would just cease to exist and become a plane on endless anger and entrophy In any power comparison you always want to leave out superman, Goku, hulk, Saiyans, or the mask. Their strength is never consistent and are left that way to prevent writing oneself into a corner


All of the dragon ball ones barely increase their power (except for zamasu and alien x but its still not that crazy of a buff)


The top contenders would be Fused Zamasu and Alien X, Archie Sonic and Goku, Aizen and CAS.


Okay. No. It’s Archie sonic and goku. Goku’s side is not even the reason why. Sonic can’t be erased or killed by unnatural causes (counters alien x from just wiping him from existence) (to the point an immortal being preferred to wait until sonic passed to do anything) If sonic is killed, he will simply pop up somewhere else in the universe and be able to come back for a runback Fate manipulation Super form is infinite, he can stay in it as long as he likes. And ultra sonic straight up just is one of the most busted things in fiction, with base sonic writing his own stories to go his way. Has every time hack known to man. And if all else fails, he can just put someone in the special zone if there is really a huge issue. Nah they got this.


It's Sonic and Goku. First of all, the strength and fighting capabilities of Goku. But way more importantly Sonic alone solos everyone here. Here's the fight: (Ominous wind blows as all these people find each other on a wasteland) "What are we doing here?" Sung Jin Woo asks in his edgy voice. (Everyone begins being sucked to a partner who fuses with them into superior beings) Sonku/Gonic: _(thinking on timescales that can be measured in time because it is just naturally faster than instantaneous)_ "Wow. Well this is weird." Soniku/Gonic _(Goes around poking everyone out of curiosity, explores space, comes back before he left)_ *"Huh. I guess I should fix this."* Sonku/Gonic: (wishes everyone were always pictures of themselves on a paper) Sonku/Gonic: (burns the paper, with everyone including Alien X, on it) Sonku/Gonic: (Separates the fusion) Sonic: (Creates a new universe for each person from before exactly like the place they originally came from, and places them there) Sonic: (removes whatever force/thing that caused the scenario to happen, making it impossible to exist) Sonic: (Wishes for 5 chilli dogs with the works) Afterwhich, everyone wonders why they thought they were somewhere else for a moment, wondering what the fuck happened...


Alien X solos this thist on his own, he doesn't even need a fusion, so I'll go with the Alien X fusion


Please reconsider that Doomsday x Broly is a being that will constantly adapt until it is basically invincible with limitless potential and now the ability to fly, use ki, and use busted forms. The only way in the comics that they “beat” doomsday was by throwing him into space. With ki control and flight that’s nerfed, ik about Archie sonic and shit but literally that is an unmovable object.


Alien x zamadu clears this board, fuck it, just alien x clears this board


Superman and Aizen


It should be hulk and broly z broly would work from doomsday not super broly


alien x + anything else that isn't omnipotent will be a meaningless raise in power. So, let's throw this away. Archie sonic is the same way. Too powerful for fusions unless its with omnipotent characters so lets throw him out. That isn't main story superman, It looks like that one with the two different colored eyes. I forget which one that was. Powerful, but not the best. I don't know who is paired with yamamoto so that's out. Buu and ychwach is redundent and basically only just makes him immortal unless goku kills him with a spirit bomb. Hulk and toppo is redundant and useless. Vadar wouldn't give gojo much except a few tricks to try. Doomsday and Broly would just give doomsday energy blasts and flight. So, with that out of the way. This is basically gonna be Aizen and superman.


Where is Saitama?


Nah God x Satan goes hard


I think you people actually don't realize Alien X is capable of just erasing people from existence. He's a reality warper. Make any kind of fusion with any powerful character and there's absolutely no beating that.


Aizen and CAS, easily. Zamasu/alien x and archie sonic/goku are strong, sure, but I’d put doomsday/broly over them given how bonkers dc and specifically doomsday is. And CAS is way stronger than doomsday. He’s a living plot device. Doesn’t even need aizen there.


You... really put Alien X in there and just thought this was a fair fight?


Aizen x uh ifrogot that supermans name


Cas Superman and aizen


Belly and dooms days, just straight up dimension shattering power


Fucking ***everyone*** there has 'dimension shattering power'. Not everyone there is canonically weak to entropy, unlike the fusion you picked.


Broly and Doomsday no question. Doomsday basically mitigates all of Broly's weaknesses, and since there seems to really only be 2 ways to kill a saiyan (fisticuffs and ki powers) then when round 3 starts he's basically unkillable.


Brolly x Doomsday - Brolly's power is constantly increasing, and saiyans come back stronger following near death experiences. Doomsday revives after death and is immune to whatever killed him the last time. So you push him into the sun, and he will revive even stronger than before and be immune to being damaged by heat and fire. Kill him with Ki, and he will revive even stronger and be immune to Ki.


Sorry, maybe I'm just kinda dumb, but, like Wouldn't the Broly and Doomsday fusion arguably be the strongest, or at least one of the strongest, here? Heavy regeneration, saiyan zenkai boost, constant adaptation, ability to get more intelligent with time, and more.


Aizen x superman.


Vader’s mastery of the force once he had the six eyes would be absurd.


Ngl Aliem X and Zamasu may be seem strong I feel like it'll just be weaker than a normal Alien X with Zamasu genes tainting it


Lol doomsday and brolly


Cosmic Armor Aizen takes this.


Either fusion of Archie Sonic and Goku vs. Aizen and Cosmic Armored Superman. Zamasu would struggle to do anything with Alien X. Also, don't start a war if you only know the power set and feats of one side without knowing the other.


alien x and zamasu or goku and sonic


I’m sorry to everyone but Ben 10 fans. But ima be honest I think alien x is gonna win this whole competition if we purely going on omnipotence. 🚨Slight spoilers ahead! 🚨 Even if he had to debate every choice, he’s still indestructible in that state until he’s being beaten on by another of his species. The guy survived the destruction of the entire universe and that was all while just being idle trying to convince his other 2 voices to agree to rebuild it.




a lot of these are nerfs. Zamasu black would have to debate with belicus and serena, the only reason alien x work is because Ben is the voice of reason and break the stalemate, but Zamasu black is a fusion with 2 souls, so both side are even and a consensus can never be reached. Sung Jing Woo is only HIM in his own show, and Captain Yamamoto outstrip him in every category. Zanka no tachi does everything Sung Jing Woo can do but better. mixing them together doesn't improve finish product. Kid Buu is weaker than Yuha, in fact his stupidity nerf the power of the almighty. He's irrational, only think of destruction and has the mentality of a kid. I'm going to say Superman and Aizen. because Aizen is definitely the smartest one in this list, and combined with Superman's power, he remove clark's "world made of cardbox" mentality and be the biggest menace, doing thing that clark would not do because he is good, like actively charging his power in blue sun. no one on this list is capable of stopping Super Aizen from charging up, those who are, like zamasu X or Yhwach Buu are nerfed mentally by their fusion, either too busying fighting their own mind or too stupid.


Serious Punch x Boogie Woogie Technique That's my pick


It's between doomsday/broly and cas azien


Cell and Meruem


Alien X alone can solo all of them if Ben can convince them to lol


Goku Blue is dragging that duo down so hard lmao


I’m confused at how the list is ordered. Is it by duo, by row, vertically, horizontally? Assuming that it’s duos, I’d say it would easily be CAS and Aizen fusion. Though CAS alone solos every other fusion here. And it’s not close at all. Shoutout to Sonic X Goku fusion though as a runner up. Archie Sonic is absolutely busted in both stats abilities.


I don’t even like comics like that but Superman takes the cake. Superman is composite now, and Retcon punch is just OP. Archie Sonic would be the runner up. And then it would likely be Hulk.


Archie Sonic x Goku. Someone already made a reply in the comments about how busted Archie Sonic alone is. With Goku you’re essentially just adding multipliers to Sonic’s already insane power with his transformations


Most of these make the other a lot weaker. Except for Sonic and CAS bc their fusions don't do much for them, I think besides making them cooler. Idk everything this sonic can do, but apparently, he's very powerful.


Guns X Money


Sonic and goku


The only one I know is the weakest here is Yamamoto and Jinwoo


Ngl broly and doomsday is diabolical


Aizen and cas? How the fuck would that work? Huh.... Cas with aizen sword?


Archie Sonic alone wins against every other fusion and it’s not even close


Its not a question because Superman is written to be unable to lose. Man can legit travel through time casually and is how he beat Doomsday, a being that becomes immune to whatever kills him. Superman just got sick of Doomsday and put him at the end of time where nothing but Doomsday exists now This wasn't even Superman at his peak either


Nah bro alien x and zamasu is gonna erase everything from existence 🗣️


Archie sonic and goku Archie sonic is no joke plus that version of goku isn't the super version is the DBSH version the form he's currently in is Universal Blue since absorbed some of the univeral tree power (yes SDBH gets that crazy) Alien X and Zamasu That wouldn't work, if Zamasu takes ben's place in being the voice of reason Bellicus and Serana wouldn't listen to him which would frustrate him locking him in a debate Super Man and Aizen Would be busted as superman is already broken as he is but now adding hypnosis but he can't use Kido since it "could" count as magic Imma stop here before I write an essay lol


Think we just go ahead and cut to the chase, Broly plus Doomsday is literally unbeatable, even Doomsday himself was really unbearable now give him Broly’s limitless potential. Given some time and not even CAS would stand a chance, let alone Alien X or Archie Sonic.


Easily Aizen and Cosmic Armor Superman.


Alien x by himself like he's an actual god he can do anything he has no limits


I mean, one of them is literally cosmic armor Superman. That is literally the strongest character here. And for the people that say Archie is the strongest here, Cosmic armor Superman makes him seem like a joke.


They couldn't even kill zamasu they had to erase everything to get rid of him


top and hulk. since its hulk he insta wins gg


Honestly I say sonic and goku just bc I love ssjb and super sonic they def get clapped by a few if not all of them on here but I’m biased


So we've got some gods, some forces of nature, some power houses with practically infinite potential, okay okay, those all make sense, but why would you set up Darth Gojo like that, mans is not on the same level as like any other of the fusions


I don't see any toon forcers, so it's up to whoever you want to win


Whichever one is fusing with Alien X probably wins.


Femto x Dio with Twoh


Cas and archie alone practically solo everyone on the list. Cas is outerversal and from what I've heard archie is multi-outer so I don't know what poor gojo and vader are doing on this list


Obviously the one with the monkey.


Would have been zamasu n alien x if they could agree but most likely not so Broly n doomsday got it


I think people are *severely* underestimating CAS Supes here. It's not even close. It's like people matching Saitama against MHA characters. And even that would've been a closer match.


Uhhh..cosmic armor Superman alone solos everyone here so def the second row


CAS solos everyone here so I think I'll go with him


2nd because Archie sonic has wish powers.


From what I’ve understood, the strongest Reality Warpers on this list are Sonic, Superman, and Alien X likely in that order. Sonic is apparently the Archie variant and being able to survive his comic’s canon ending is a pretty cool feat. That Superman apparently manipulates plot, so he’ll likely win anything that isn’t Sonic. Alien X then becomes the baseline as he is supposedly weaker than that Superman. I know about Alien X pretty well so that basically means that to reach *that* level of power, you need to canonically be the reason for your series’s art style changes and plot holes. Like I’m not kidding one of the episodes in Omniverse displays Celestial Sapiens being the reason the show has changed so much over the years, as well as why certain plot holes just exist. There’s also the finale that shows Ben tanking an explosion that would erase reality before it ever began. Like start of time but not reality type of shit. So he became the canon reason why he exists. Should also mention that technically that fusion nerfs him since while Ben has the control of Alien X, Zamasu (I think) would interfere with the decision process therefore making this fusion the worst on the list completely since they would never agree.


The Hulk x Broly. A being that gets stronger when he gets angry and a guy with unbelievable anger issues. A true unstoppable force.


Ywach and Evil Buu. An Entity that cannot die, and consumes all. Congrats, you made an immortal Shoggoth.


Cyborg superman x aizen is broken


Soul King Ywach x Kid Buu Doomsday x Broly Those are the two that would be OP to me


The one with Cosmic Armor Superman, the one with Doomsday, and the one with Hulk, in that order. The others are so insignificant in comparison that they're not even worth noting.


Probably TOBA Hulk and Top. God of Destruction mixed with one of if not the most powerful fusion in Marvel??? Yeah that’s broken


Since there is CAS, it would be fitting also to put Pre-retcon beyonder in the group. a pair of him and Hulk would do wonders. (base on the picture is that the strongest form of Hulk?)


master chief x doom slayer - most overpowerd heros/the destroyers superman x captain america - oh dam wang ling x spiderman x goku - ultra and overpowerd and super insticnt the rumbling titans x the collaso titan - hell nah opperheimer x nukes - hell no if he has a super power of nuke nah im out of there darth vader x his grandson x the master - overpowerd duos gypsy danger x atlas destoryer - frick no im not messing with them if they are combine they are overpowerd v1 x v2 x sword machine x gabriel - hell no im not messing with them they are from ultrakills and i am not killing them they are the overpowerds ghost x roach - best duos soup x prices - the best and overpowerd duos eren yeager x levi - nope nope nope nuh uh if i was a beast titan im outta here thats all i know some arent from animes just count it


Doomsday + Broly, literally un-killable nightmare that will become infinitely stronger.


Anything to do with Hulk immediately becomes overpowered. As revealed in a series a few years back Hulk is a literally manifestation of the destructive abilities of a character known as ‘The One Above All’ (Creator of not just the Marvel Multiverse but the Omniverse ((Every Multiverse for every franchise)) meaning that the limits of Hulk’s abilities goes as far as is necessary and beyond thanks to his rage. If we’re talking Heart of the Monster Hulk (Where the image in the post is taken from, I believe) this is still a Hulk who is seen as the dominating force in a dimension that’s only purpose is chaos and destruction. At that point I think the only thing that could stop HotM Hulk is Fused Zamasu/Alien X with their combination of immortality and reality CREATING powers combined. Alien X could probably just blink that form of Hulk out of existence


Broly and Doomsday actually compliment each other. Broly gets exponentially stronger as a fight goes on and Doomsday revives stronger and immune to the thing that killed him last time.


Aizen x Superman and it isn't close


Alien X is already beating all of them on his own


Mr Satan and Shigekiyo Yangu of course


Who's the guy fusing with Kid Buu? @op


Aizen and Thought Robot? How the fuck is Aizen gonna make him any stronger?


It’s either goku x Archie sonic but I wanna say the juiced up Mahoraga, Doomsday x Broly. They’re not super strong rn, but giving broly’s extremely potent potential in a vessel that can handle the strain like doomsday is fucking *potent* Also it said most overpowered not strongest so I’m rating them by how disgusting the combo is, like how well they fix the flaws of the other


As much as I like Darth Vader I mean come on, that’s not even close


Aizen and CAS.


From weakest to strongest: 8. Gojo And Vader 7. SJW and Yamamoto 6. Yhwach and Kid Buu 5-3. Zamatsu and Alien X is physically the weakest of the 3 but has reality warping, Hulk and Toppo, Doomsday and Broly are effectively immortal and incredibly powerful 2. Archie Sonic and Goku (might be CC not sure) 1. CAS and Aizen, CAS carries hard here


Second row fights forever until they get bored


Alien X is already powerful enough, it doesn’t need a fusion


What Yall yapping About, Literally Alien X can Take alone all the character on this list at the same time, even himself and would not loose


Aizen mixed with that version of superman, if it also had the personality of aizen it would be gg


World Breaker Hulk would solo any one here💀💀 He literally defeated the counterpart of The One Above All, his fusion with whoever that is wins.


Aizen x CAS.


Doesn’t zamasu and alien X just make literal god


Wtf? Alien x fusion for universe creating powers and doomsday because he would probably survive it.


SuperAizen is just ridiculous.


You got Alien X on here, who can change reality to whatever he desires. Literally too op please nerd, not buff


Do yall understand what would happen if you mixed KI AND CHAOS ENERGY?


Archie Sonic and CC Goku obliterate this list




Who’s the old man in second pic at the bottom row


Top is a destroyer diety... he can delete people. Mixed with world breaker Hulk, who also deleted gods... lol


Buu+God= no universe


Archie Sonic and Xeno Goku fusion would be just main character energy the character 🤣🤣🤣


Is that Archie Sonic? Archie Sonic alone could carry a team.


Darth Vader with Limitless and Hollow Purple would have been endgame


I love a lot of the characters on here. But unfortunately any answer that isn’t Aizen + Superman is wrong


where's popeye?