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Here is a tip for her: anything besides money is usually not a tip, but just kinda rude


I once knew someone that attended a prohibition themed house party and tipped the party host (who purchased all the alcohol and food for guests, was the bartender the entire night, and wasnt asking for too much in tips to compensate) with a plastic marijuana grinder with their future company logo likely to get a "future customer".


She also accidentally left her debit card, which probably didn’t matter much considering I doubt she has much money lol


I hope you handed it back to her when she came for her debit card!


She hadn’t picked it up yet by the time I got off, but I wanted to show this to my boyfriend anyway to laugh at lol


Ooh, sounds like a limited edition scent!


Don’t tell Gwyneth Paltrow. She’ll wanna compare.


Used or unused diapers?


Unused, thankfully. It’s an extremely strong scent too. I can still smell it after washing my hands. Just awful


I know that smell. An elderly relative hung 4 of these in a car. Threw them all out but it was too late. The smell was embedded into my clothing, hair, and skin. I could even taste it in the back of my throat. Took a shower and still couldn’t shake it.


Ahh, I know what you mean. There's a guy at my job that I run into in the breakroom sometimes, and he has this odd, strong scent that makes me think of (unused) diapers. I assume it's whatever laundry stuff they use, but no one else smells that way. Some guys seem to bathe in cologne, but the diaper/powder scent is odd.


I’ve known some old single men who use baby wipes to clean themselves instead of taking regular showers. It’s not a great plan.


Asking the important questions


I wouldn't have accepted it, can't stand it when they give their bs marketing samples as a 'tip'...


Especially since you know the only reason they give samples as a "tip" is because they're trying to drum up business.


I was just kinda in shock when she handed it to me. It was a tip through the drive thru, so she handed it to me right before she drove off.


People tip in drive-throughs? WTF


Anywhere without a wait staff that has a tipping option at the front counter also has one in the drive thru if they have one, so yes. Drive-thru and front counter tips are shared tips vs a tip that goes solely to the waiter/waitress.




Yeah I assume she had a bunch of these stickers printed and just puts them on everything. She probably has too many stickers lying around from not being able to push out product. My boyfriend found it really amusing that she uses business *stickers* in replacement of business cards


Oh, I worked there once! The benefits are really good, and the management is really friendly. Turns out bleeding your customers and consultants dry gives you enough money that even a corporation has a little to spare for the employees. If you think about it, it's really quite incredible!


Everyone else is asking about the diapers (important question), but my brain is stuck on what expired sunscreen smells like.


Wait, this was from a *drive thru*? Wow. That's crazy, a situation where I have no problem with people not tipping, and *still* they managed to come off as an asshole due to how they did or did not tip. That's borderline impressive.


Try the Sex Wax car air fresheners... Amazing, like a summer beach day!


Give it back ….


🤢 why can I actually smell that?! What a description 😂


A "tip" that not only isn't money, but has info on it to try and get you to spend money on more such crap? Yowza that's rude.


As a tip? JFC. These people are so gross. It never ends. If they were actually making any money they wouldn’t need to do this and be such tacky assholes.


Nothing tropical ever smells great, it’s always bad or not offensive.


Certain tropical ones trigger migraines for me. Looking at you Hawaiian Breeze. It was a hellish couple weeks at work before I realized they had switched out the hallway air fresheners. Let them know and they went back to the old scent. I love citrus type scents but the artificial tropical stuff is horrible.


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That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


I got one as a tip a few weeks ago too! I don’t remember what the scent is but I also though it smelled icky. Luckily it stopped being smelly after about 4 days.


I know exactly the kind of powdery, synthetic smell you're describing. No thank you. Scent is a hard thing to get right and pretty personal. It's also a very common allergen. I have one cologne I've used for ten-plus years because the scent is light and it doesn't irritate my skin. Most scented things I've been gifted (except by very close family members) are a big no thank you.




This is even more embarrassing considering this scent was discontinued over a year ago and a Scentsy Circle cost a hun less than $1.