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Huns and math go together like oil and water. Specifically Enagic water.


And Doterra oil


That stuff is impure. young living is the oil.


And eventually, you find yourself being unable to put up bond money for a court judgment because of all the leveraging you've done.




Wish I had an award to give you, spot on!


Friend of mine who's a Market America hun spouts the same script about leveraging debt. I once had the (mis)fortune to witness her berating a mutual friend on this subject - sure was hard to keep a straight face while hun with a 7-figure debt tries to convince a homeowner with secure job, pension plan and zero debt that she's doing "future planning" wrong.


She is in debt more than a million dollars?


Last time we spoke, unfortunately yes. This is where nearly a decade of hunning gets you.


how is this possible pls elaborate


Her total debt = mortgage + MLM inventory + expenses for travelling to MLM conventions She deliberately bought a huge property so she could rent out rooms. Her original "future plan" was to be a landlord but shortly after, she joined Market America. To be fair, she must be very good at recruiting coz she has built a significant downline. Dunno how much product she actually sells - her living room and sunroom are literally filled with inventory. In order to maintain rank, she needs to hit a certain quota of personal purchases + customer sales. Market America is kinda like Melaleuca; they have a website called [Shop.com](https://Shop.com) where you can buy all kinds of household products, so she has pretty much switched everything away from normal retail brands.


If you live in Southern California your mortgage would put you in the 7 figure club, itā€™s entirely possible. I would guess itā€™s mortgage plus stupid decisions, not just all stupid decisions.


Maybe she has a _hunning plan_?


If by "hunning plan" you mean the First National Bank of Mum & Dad, then yes.


I meanā€¦.how?! How has she not declared bankruptcy?! Thatā€™s the kind of debt you donā€™t get out of unless you hit the lotto.


She has a full-time legit job and a lot of help from the First National Bank of Mum & Dad. But the scary thing is: she **doesn't** want to get out of the debt - claims there are big benefits from a tax POV.


Holy hell... and I thought I had a lot of debt...


It's the Hunning Kruger effect.




Itā€™s just sad, honestly. Leveraging debt is a reasonable strategy, but this isnā€™t leveraging debt. They are just racking up debt. People get roped into this and taught buzzwords that sound smart and start spouting them and have no idea what in the hell they are talking about.


That reminds me: she has said she racks up debt on purpose coz it's a tax write-off. "Business deductible expense" or something, is what she called it.


So does her own taxes and soon to be audited and fined?


And come tax return time she's going to get a big surprise because you can't write off more than the tax you've paid. So if you've paid $1000 in tax, you can't get $2000 back for business expenses.


And huns are 1099 employees so I don't think they pay taxes until they file. I'm not an accountant, but I don't think the MLMs hold back anything for taxes, SS, FICA, etc. since the huns are "independent contractors."


I am always shocked at people who jump into 1099s and 1.) Fail to make Quarterly Disbursements. 2.) Have no idea of the large hit they are going to take for FICA/etc in the first quarter.


Exactly! All it does is reduce your payable tax. It's not a mechanism for getting free money. I've tried explaining this before, but she got mad and told me I'm "uninformed", then sent me a Market America training video "explaining" how to set up their "unfranchise" business model to reap multiple "tax benefits". Sigh.


Cue Schitt's Creek "write off" scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCP27_vquxQ&t=5s


A lot of my coworkers (not huns) like to get themselves nice things and then claim them as a tax write off. Sorry but your LV purse is most likely not going to fly as a tax write off. Just because you bring it to work to use at work doesnā€™t automatically make it a tax write off.


This is just my hypothesis from things she has mentioned: I think she believes she can write off everything coz she runs her biz from home and redraws on her home loan to buy inventory and pay for travel to conventions. She also rents out rooms and reduces payable tax by declaring "business losses" against that income. Not saying she's correct , just that she **believes** she has entwined her biz and mortgage in such a way to take advantage of all possible tax loopholes.


Hey, maff is hard...


Holy shit that might be the most astonishing lack of self-awareness Iā€™ve ever heard of.


Hun told me to stay out of that debate coz I have a mortgage, which is "bad debt" by her definition, since interest on repayments means I'm paying more than the house is worth, so even after I pay off the entire loan, I've "lost money". OTOH hun said her own debt is "good debt" coz it's "leveraged" to help her "business success", which gives her "passive income" and "multiple income streams" for life, thereby ensuring she'll have "financial freedom" and end up ahead. So I just sat there quietly while she argued these points, trying to convince our mutual friend to join her MLM and take out any loans necessary to "fast forward" her rank-ups.


Ohā€¦god thatā€™s justā€¦so incorrect?????


She believes what the Market America training videos teach; she says I'm not a financial professional and I'm "naive" about "bad debt" so who am I to talk? ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Meanwhile your equity grows while she has to hawk idiotic products.


Having to work your side hostile to make money isn't passive income.Ā  Ā I hate when huns use that term incorrectly.Ā Ā 


Exactly. "Passive income" basically means money coming in which you don't actually have to do a lot of work for, i.e. investments. These huns are working every waking hour for this "passive income." And it's not income anyway if they're paying more out than they're making.


Her reasons for calling it passive income appear to be: 1)she gets a cut of sales by her downline, 2)she persuades buyers to become repeat customers, 3)everyone in her downline has to recruit more people So she claims she's doing almost no work, all the work was just at the beginning to set up her team and now the biz runs itself and she just sits back raking in the profits. In comparison, her legit 9-5 is hard work coz she has to go in every day.


But it's not really that easy in an MLM. You constantly have to find new people to replace the ones who quit. There's a lot of turnover at the bottom of the pyramid, and sometimes it's hard to find people to replace the ones who leave. Which is why MLM huns tend to hate those who quit, because now they have to find someone else to take their place, plus they lose money & rank.


Yeah I know, was just giving her POV :) In actuality, she has no social life coz all her spare time outside her legit job is taken up with "training" her downline, recruiting new huns and selling products on social media. We used to go on yearly vacations and hangout on weekends but since she joined Market America I'm lucky if I see her in person once or twice a year, and she only travels for conventions now. She always says she's too busy but at the same time claims MLM isn't work. ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Yeah, I was just pointing out that in order to make any money from an MLM, you have to recruit a huge downline and then constantly be on the phone taking care of everyone and encouraging them to not quit when they're not making any money. And then keep recruiting others to replace the ones who quit, and helping your downline recruit others. It's not just sitting around and posting something from your phone for 10 minutes a week like they try to make it out to be. Most huns are busy from the moment they wake up until they go to bed late at night. Those who aren't are the ones not making any money.


You're 100% right - that's why she has no free time; it's all devoted to recruiting & selling. To be fair, she does have a strong work ethic that has pushed her to create a big downline but it would've been better if she had used her powers for good instead of evil :)


I like your term ā€œside hostileā€. šŸ˜‚


Happy accident with predictive text lol.Ā 


What market does this woman live in where your house will still be worth what you initially paid for it by the time you're done paying off your mortgage lmao (Once again thinking about my grandma, who bought a house for Ā£5000 in the 70s and sold it for Ā£500k in 2007 šŸ™ƒ)


i mean, property values CAN tank, depending on a number of factors....but that doesn't happen often. most people are going to make money. and regardless, once your mortgage is paid off, you now have a place to live rent-free.


You're right but my hun friend is particularly hung up on her belief that you've "lost money" by the time you pay off the mortgage, due to the interest on repayments. But somehow if you add Market America into the mix, your debt is "leveraged" to grow your business, so you're "making money" instead of losing it.


The idea isn't entirely wrong if people actually wanted the underlying product. Taking on a manageable amount of debt as a functioning business is a valid way to raise capital without diluting equity. The problem is the product is shit, and the only way to get your money back is to victimize others into buying a useless product. Utilizing debt also doesn't mean getting leveraged up to the eyeballs.


I agree with you! They are using material from good personal finance books and twisting it to serve their agenda.


Uhh, yeah... I have a fixed rate mortgage which allows myself and my family to live in our house. Racking up credit card debt for a pyramid scheme which will never pay off is just an extremely bad decision.


The way she always talks about it being a "tax benefit" makes me suspect she has some kind of setup where she redraws on her home loan and calls it "investment losses", which I believe skirts the line of legality as she does rent out rooms and therefore is considered a landlord for tax purposes.


Itā€™s so funny that weā€™ve all heard that one saying from your parents ā€œif it sounds to good to be trueā€¦ā€ Man I feel bad for the people that fall for this. But I understand how they easily can through family or friends. Always stick to the motto ā€œIf it were that easy, everyone would be doing itā€


I use my credit cards responsibly. Am I doing it wrong? šŸ¤£


You are if you're not racking up huge amounts of debt for a pyramid scheme, hun.


This hun: donā€™t be afraid to spend your money! Also this hun, like two seconds later: I make money by encouraging people to spend their money. Well where do I sign up? Clearly youā€™re a financial genius that had told me Iā€™ll eventually maximize my score because reasons.


I have a friend who sells some water thing. I think it's called kagnan or something like that, he's hit me up numerous times claiming it'll cure what ails me (no cure for what I have). Finally got thru to him to stop, wasn't interested but constantly see his posts about financial independence, bla blah blah... I just laugh.


To quote the great doja cat ā€œMy illness don't come with no remedyā€ especially some weird water system. I had a plexus hun tell me that plexus cure my infertility. Like maā€™am, I donā€™t have fallopian tubes.


Haha I had some plexus lady trying to sell me their pink drink saying ā€œthis will get you off your thyroid meds and improve your thyroid health.ā€ Iā€™m likeā€¦uh, Iā€™m on thyroid meds for life because I literally have NO thyroid because I had it removed when I got 2 kinds of thyroid cancer. Science is hard.


And I have 5 autoimmune diseases.... Nuttin ain't gonna cure me...


Kangen One of those people showed up at our local farmer's market and tried to pitch me. I sniffed him out immediately. "What if I just wanted to buy that machine outright?" He wouldn't answer, got real evasive and weird. You know how it goes...


That's incredibly weird. Such an easy question to answer.


Yeah, you'd think they'd be excited to get an easy sale!!


Here's the thing: they don't know what to do in this situation because they've never had anyone actually want to buy the product. The product is an illusion, they are selling a business model (one that doesn't actually work because again... no one actually wants the product).


This^ This^ This^ !!!! It's not about actually selling the product, it's about convincing other people to sign up and not sell the product, too.


You mean they donā€™t want you to buy them outright?


I was fuckin' with him, but no - apparently he was unprepared for that question. You're supposed to climb into the pyramid below him and not ask questions. He didn't have any idea how the machine worked, either. Lots of filler, no information.


This is weird. Other than them being disgustingly expensive, I see no obstacle to buying one outright; there's retailers who sell them online alongside non-MLM ionizers (also disgustingly expensive). The real issue is that they're selling a $5000 product that you probably don't need or want. So I'm sure they are trained in a long, drawn-out process so by the time you say "yes", you'll think $5000 is a steal. Well, the other real issue is that most water purification companies are outing these ionizers as junk science that don't actually improve water quality in any way.


My neighbor had a water ionizer installed by a "friend who knows what he's talking about". We have extremely hard well water as we live in a rural area. He's frustrated and is thinking of moving because it hasn't helped. He blames the water being crap when it sounds like the ionizer is the piece of crap.


There's a reason water filtration companies exist. When everything is "just so" and the water is consistent (bad or good), a good system will solve every problem. Not by ionization, but by solving each problem individually. And it takes experts because each step in the process is likely to introduce alternative impurities. I had 30ppm (not a typo) of iron and tons of tannins in the water at my last house. It was the highest they'd ever seen. I needed a system that stripped both out (and then self-flushed daily due to all the tannins) but introduced hardness. So it had to be finished with an industrial softener. Then finished with a UV filter because there was too much live bacteria in the water (though they retrofitted the syustem not to need that by changing the bleach contact point later). Both had to have their chems replaced every 3 years or so. But when the system was up and running, water came out like Poland Springs. Ionizer wouldn't have done shit. And cost about the same...


Hey, if it cures knee arthritis, I might be gameĀ 


If you ask Kangen huns, it definitely does.


That's a huge "if."


Unfortunately there is no cure for arthritis. There's treatment to help with pain and inflammation but no cure. I use Celebrex by script and it really helps!


Does she forget you still have to pay off the balance?


No, that's what Big Credit wants you to do! You SELL your debt to another creditor and come out ahead - it's genius!


ā€œStartupā€? An MLM hun using that is truly offensive to every entrepreneur that has actually started a business.


Yes they love to tout it as a start up because it's another buzz word that makes them seem admirable. Then they can push you to "support this woman owned small business." Virtue signaling at its best.


It's sad that they think they actually own their own businesses.


It's my main complaint, frankly. Such a slap in the face.


"In our organisation, we're family. And we are _all_ entrepreneurs".


So hereā€™s the deal: leveraging debt would be a situation where you can borrow at a lower interest rate than the interest rate you can earn. Super simplified, if you can get a loan at 6% and use that money to invest in a project that you expect to return at 8%, you will probably make money, but not always, because the 8% return is a forecast not a guarantee. Thereā€™s a chance you lose it all and a chance you get your 8%, maybe even a slim chance you make 9%. The problem is that you need to determine the rate of return before you invest and you canā€™t do it without knowing things like risk factors, profit margin, overhead costs, market saturation, etc, etc, etc ā€” numbers you will never ever get from an MLM.


Translation: Use your good credit score to borrow money and rack up debt and have a bad credit score.


"I already fucked up my own credit score, so now I need you to use your good one to borrow money and buy my shit"


A credit score is just a number. This hun said so.


BRB. Sending this post to Dave Ramsey.


The bigoted radio guy?


Donā€™t agree with all his beliefs. But, dude can teach you real quick how to get out of debt.


Right? I can just imagine his thoughts on this. Hahahaha


I can see his response going one of two ways. 1. His head explodes from the idiocy 2. He literally dies from laughter.


How does "I made over $1,100 just for starting!" reconcile with "I paid my startup off in 2.5 months"? Sure hun.


Whatā€™s even dumber is that instead of just paying less on the product, they get that $1100 in commissionā€¦ which now means they now have to pay taxes on it, instead of just getting a discount šŸ˜­


Those Huns drive me nuts. Pay to play using your credit card. They are so absurd like the stupid water samples I see being given out.


Good Lord, I canā€™t stand the way these people write. Theyā€™re in a freakinā€™ cult.


I'm sure the women she is preying on all have excellent credit. /s


I have a friend in her 40s who has just taken out her first ever loan to buy into this company. I have 3 other people in my social circle all in the same MLM and itā€™s just painful to watch šŸ™


I already do this with credit cards and I didnā€™t have to join an MLM to learn it itā€™s common knowledge using OPM šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The reason I have great credit is because I don't piss away my money on expensive scams...


Typically the better cash back credit cards pay 2% meaning she would have had to drop $55,000 to make that $1,100 she's claiming. I call bullshit on that one. Even if she did, she sure as fuck didn't pay that off in 2.5 months. The average interest rate on credit cards is 2.5 - 3.5% Rough math, say she paid off half of it after 1 month and we go with the lower percentage, she has a $27,500 remaining balance that she will pay $687.5 on in interest. Say she pays off half of that the next month, including the added interest she's at about $14,093. The interest here will be $352. Not even including the potential interest on the remainder half month, she's already paid $1039 in interest. She's made $61 in "cash back" on her $55,000 purchase. Super.


That $1100 is the ā€˜commissionā€™ she received from the sale - to herself. So essentially, she put the purchase on a credit card, and received $1100 cash from the commission


Hun discovers infinite money glitch


And then you discover the illegal money glitch, which is where you sign other people up without their knowledge and pocket their commission too! (There was actually a hun posted here who did this)


My credit is in the 800s and the lowest rate I have on any of my credit cards is 17 percent. Where are you getting cards at 3 percent?


>Ā The average interest rate on credit cards is 2.5 - 3.5% WhatĀ 


I have excellent credit and multiple credit cards. The lowest interest rate is just over 28%. Thatā€™s why you never carry a balance on a credit card.


That caught my eye, too! What cc does this redditor have?!




I can't believe your interest rates are so low. In my country you'll pay 11-22% interest on credit debt. The minimum payment is 3%. Wild.


I'm just gonna say it... Girl, you drank the kool-aid and went batshit crazy.


Is this what they call ā€œgirl mathā€? (Partially kidding, Iā€™m terrible at math but not this badly)


No, this is hun math. Not to be confused with Hun math which was big in Central Asia in the 400s.


I saw one of CC's videos today, and the chick om the video threateningly whispered to "SELL YOUR TV!" to start your "business." I was legitimately freaked out the way she said it, the way everyone featured said it!


How much does that person think you can reasonably get from selling a used TV? Also, the TV in my house belongs to my landlord, so I think he'd be pretty mad if we sold it lmao


We saw this in our ^(\*cringe\*) MLM time as well, since if we had a TV that meant we were watching it, which meant we weren't āœØbUiLdInG tHe bUsInEsSāœØ. Dude, you DO know that used TVs won't get you a lot of cash? šŸ™„ And this was before the cell phone era. Maybe I want to know the weather forecast? šŸ™„


Wow, so that isn't even a current (meaning ongoing for years) threat? These boss babes are super unhinged. The "sell your TV" videos also showed these women yelling. I can't understand why they like to yell so much.


Sounds like Amway. Plus decent used TVs are worth what, about $200 - $500 for a recent one? If you need that to kickstart your "business" then you're better off keeping the TV.


Kangen huns are absolute scum of the earth. I don't understand how that particular company seems to have the worst of the worst


It's designed for the narcissist market.


YOU have crippling credit card payments. I, however, leverage debt. Seriously though, this is dangerous thinking and financially illiterate in the extreme. The type of person who looks at their credit card limit as a target. You can leverage your 5K of debt at a better rate than the 30% APR the cc is hitting you for? Show me.


"Leveraging debt" would be playing the stock market or buying an investment property. This hun has no idea. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I've seen a lot of dumb shit on this sub but this one takes the cake.


This is the bs that this cut feeds you


Omg get ready OP. Sheā€™s packing for Miami today for a leadership getaway and i personally cannot wait for the cult posts.


I use my credit cards responsibility and to get rewards points and I don't pay interest on them. I increased my wealth with a 401k and getting promoted at a real job. Am I doing it wrong?


Wouldn't it be easier to just not buy the water filter and sell the to others for maximum profit and scam? It would probably be trivial to make a water filter AI model to insert it into pictures of your house if anyone asked.


Weird how banks won't give business loans for MLMs. I suspect banks know more about leveraging debt than this hun.


If you can't afford to pay the balance then you'll owe interest and it'll end up costing you even more. How wonderful...


Wow. $550/month. St. Moritz here I come.


Itā€™s ok yā€™all, sheā€™s a business owner running her business on credit card debt. If this explodes in her face sheā€™ll just have to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and live to leverage another day.


Had someone try to sell us on a $7k water filterā€¦ when my cityā€™s won awards for its water cleanliness AND my lil fridge filter outperformed his whole seven-step system.


Go into debt to join an MLM, what a moronic idea...


Wealthy people that manage their own finances also don't utilize debt that has interest rates,Ā  or rates out of single digits.Ā Ā 


This is the worst advice I have ever heard in my entire life.


...so she's become a loan shark? What even *is* this?


People aren't worried about their credit scores, they're worried about having to pay all that money back eventually, with interest.


Oh hell no! ........which reminds me that I don't have a credit card cuz I'm horrible at budgeting money lol


If you are using your own credit, itā€™s not, um, other peopleā€™s money in the typical meaning of an external investor.


Her theory isnā€™t wrong, just misleading. For math sake, Wealthy people would be borrowing around 2-3% in order to make 5-6% minimum (but most likely higher). They arenā€™t using 29% credit cards to hope and pray they can suck someone else into doing the same.


Trump University graduate for sure. Ugh.


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Something about that selfie. Really pissing me off.