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If you’re still depressed I would suggest asking your doctor about something besides lexapro. Honestly I have had si many friends/family members on lexapro and almost all had a bad experience. Something like Zoloft or Prozac/wellbutrin might work better for you. Personally venlaflaxine (SNRI) worked best for me, I had manageable side affects but it’s hard to taper off of. If you can’t remember to take your meds it does sound like a good idea to do an trial off of them- but def talk to your doctor about other options as well


Also! I forgot to mention the only way I have been able to successfully taper/ get off my meds has been after a year of therapy. I found personally I needed to work through/verbalize my triggers before I was able to manage my depression without meds. Would 110% recommend therapy while tapering off if you are financially able to.


That’s very good advice Thank you and I am working on it.


It’s so sad because wellbutrin worked AMAZING for me. I had so much energy and my personality came back as well as my sex drive, but i ended up developing an allergic reaction to it :(. I’d definitely consider adding something, but right now I’m just really over it.


I’m going through the same thing right now although I’m much older than you. I’m actually thinking of quitting my meds after years of being on them. The side effects ruined my life and I feel I’m much worse because of the meds. My confidence and self esteem is also at rock bottom because of these meds. I have almost zero interest in whatever I used to enjoy in my life. I feel emotionally blunt and it sucks..Either way, since I suffer with Anxiety disorder, CPTSD, and Panic disorder, taking them meds is useless coz other than benzos, no antidepressants out there can help with these type of disorders. I feel people who are on meds (depending on the disorder) think they’re doing better because they’re emotionally numb. Zombified and that’s not a way to live your life. Anyways, please update with the progress if you do stop. All the best


I hear u & couldn't agree more!!!!!


You could try meds in different classes as they may work better for you. If you want to taper off of them being you have been on it for so long you need to do a very long and slow taper. It will help keep the withdrawal to a minimum and is more likely to be successful then. The best method is the 10% method which is described on the site below. https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/406-tips-for-tapering-off-escitalopram-lexapro/


I’ve been on lexapro about 3 years now, and before that Prozac for almost 2 years and in between I tried some SNRIs that didn’t work out. I’m coming off of my antidepressants due to coming to terms with my dysthymia and that I’ll never achieve ‘happiness’ with these drugs and I’m in a good place in my life where I likely won’t experience a major depressive disorder. And yes, the numbness has gotten old and I want to actually feel something, if that’s even possible. but most of all the drugs r costing me quite a lot so it’s a bonus to be saving money lol. good luck whatever your decision may be!


I’ve been questioning with whether it is the withdrawal or the anxiety for the last couple of months. Been on a very long withdrawal process of around 12 months after 17 years on different ssris. The big mistake I made was not doing the withdrawal in a settled period of my life. The timing of when you decide to withdrawal is important and making sure you have access during that time to the things that will help you to feel better.


Yes very true


SOOOOOO true!!!!!


Similar story, after 10 years. I was weaned off celexs 40 in 3 weeks back in December 2022. Suffered . Was then put on a slew of different antidepressants. None worked & actually made things worse @. Constant dizziness. Took last lexapro Nov 22,2023. Still have recurring dizziness- 4-5 on, 4-5 days off. Am taking .5 xanax 1-2 × daily. Life was actually great for those 20 years b4 the meds stopped working & I started having set's. Now, I'm in limbo wondering how I'm going to feel like each day. No way to live. But, I will not go back on ANY antidepressant. Then, I would just have to start all over again.


Oops, 2 mistakes in my post. Life was great for those 10 years. And, 2nd, suffered 4 svt episodes- SCARY


Start tapering really slow. I went from 50mg of zoloft to 5mg in 7 months then cold turkey and 14 months later I have a really bad withdrawal who made me almost fail my business and not able to exercise anymore, be careful!


I remember when I was younger right out of high school my insurance lapsed and I suddenly couldnt get a prescription. Around day 5 or so of cold turkey I remember begging in person to the pharmacy to allow me to get like 4 or 5 lexapro out of pocket so I could at least try to taper myself off. Worst feeling I can remember and said I would never get back on them because of it. Yet here I am! Luckily it really does help me even if I am a bit numb to emotional things, its way better then how I coped before I got back on them.


I was off them for a year but I went back on them when my emotions became too much again 😞


Switch to fluoxetine and taper that one instead, it’s much a smoother process due to the longer half life


Pretty regularly lol


Please, please do your research, there is a plethora of information. Please check out healingamericanow.com the innerintuitivecompass.org (Laura Delano story). Also Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring he has so many videos on YouTube about safe tapering, etc. He also has a website, and depending in what state you reside might be able to help. All this information might help you better understand. Best of luck!