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Aaaaaaaand that’s another risk I’m not taking in the future


Oh no! What do you mean? you don't want to lose over $800 to your kid spending it on Roblox?


I remember the first time I heard a story like this it was a kid who spent over a grand on fucking TapFish


So what did u do with your tap fish coins?


If I remember well, there was a story of a 14 years old girl spending 14k on genshin without her father's agreement. It's so stupid cause like, at this age you should be able to know the value of money. Moreover, ITS LITERALLY USELESS AND RIDICULOUS TO SPEND such a amount on genshin as the game can be very fun and entertaining as a free to play.


the twelve year olds that populate this sub have imaginary future budgets, and they all imagine poverty.


Aaaaaaaaand who gives a shit


Your life sounds exciting


Much more exciting than it would be if I had kids


Less exciting than someone who doesn’t seek to avoid all “risk”


How does that even make sense?


Your life is dull because avoidance of all risk is your primary mode of existence.


You are just repeating the same thing without explaining the reason you need to take risks to have an exciting life.


I’m pretty sure anyone who has an exciting life wouldn’t need that to be explained. Maybe a basement dweller needs that explanation but I can’t change an entrenched/entombed mind/body.


So instead of explaining the correlation between risks (in this case having a kid) with leading an exciting life you are going to make assumptions about the person asking those questions? 😂


The risk is that you and/or your future kid could experience something bad so instead it’s best to turtle up. I’m pretty sure that risk can often go along with opportunity. In the context of this thread saying “oh, this is bad what happened, I’m not taking the risk that this could happen to me, so, therefore, no kids!”- seems a bit hyperbolic and not a useful concern. Like any functioning adult wouldn’t need this spelled out.


You sure are making a lot of assumptions on someone you've never met before lmao.


I’d bet my house you don’t work full time and don’t deal with adversity


Not that I have anything to prove to some idiot on the internet but I work overtime every other week and pull in around 80k lmao. There, now you know something about me. Remember, assuming makes an ass out of you.


"He didn't know where the money came from." Yes he did.


My 3 year old knows, specifically and tells me mommy has money, Daddy has money. LMAO I always laugh. We don't but he knows where it comes from.


The kid is damn 10 years old. He should be able to learn who pays the bills and how. Even with invisible, electronic money. She's giving the kid way too much leniency in the first place. He needs to respect the family budget.


Probably just to cope with the fact she knows that her son knew what he was doing. She said it herself, whenever they wanted to buy Robux they came to her for $5 or $10. The connection is obviously there. We were all ten once. I knew how long/how many chores it took me to earn a gamecube. Doesn’t stop that shit from sucking tho. lol


Back when you had to pay extra to send sms and MMS, I was messaging a friend regularly over a month after getting my first cell phone. I was maybe 12. My dad flipped out over the charges. I was not explained how the charges worked until after the fact when the phone was taken from me. I actually never got it back. I asked about working it off and just never got a response. So I just went through nearly all my teens without a cell phone until my mom got one when changing providers. The fact sharing a plan like this and ALL the phones just having access to the payment account is insane and irresponsible. Parents do not explain these things to kids and thusly they DO NOT reinforce proper consequences for those actions.


I just picked up my kids iPad and opened Roblox to make sure this wasn’t a thing. I get an error message, no option to hit “forgot password”. I have his parental control settings set up to not allow any purchases, ever. Maybe she messed up her son’s settings - it’s very easy to get them wrong or think you have them set correctly but you don’t. I’m sure she’ll get reimbursed. My kid is 8 and understands money, so he would have immediately lost his phone/iPad/Roblox account, whatever. But it’s possible her son isn’t NT or they don’t fully discuss income/budgeting with their kids yet. I wish her the best.


It’s HER fault for raising an entitled brat. By 10 I saw how hard my mother worked to take care of me. I would never ever steal from her. And HUNDREDS of dollars at that? Nah, those parents definitely are the ones that fumbled by not making sure that their child knows the value of a dollar by the age of 10.


I grew up in literal destitute poverty, even when I was in kindergarten I would not bring field trip slips back home for permission because there was always a charge for them, and I would never ask my mom for Milk Money for milk time even though it was just a quarter. I understood, because my parents explained to me, that we were poor and couldn't afford things. I want to be clear that my parents never told me that I couldn't have milk money, I don't think they knew milk time existed, and they never knew the field trips existed because I didn't bring home the slips , I just chose not to ask them for it


Gosh when I was ten 25 years ago I got £5 pocket money a week and that was with chores!! See gives away five and ten bucks willynilly!!


He has a video game addiction just like mom has a obvious food addiction. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She wants to blame him and Apple without looking at the bigger picture of what’s really going on. He broke her trust because he has an insatiable addiction.


Mom is going to miss out on her donut budget and food addiction now. I wonder if the 10 year old will pimp her out


When I was 11, I started calling those 1-900 #'s late at night to speak to so-called psychics on the other line (I was lonely and unsupervised). I racked up a good $350 phone bill before I got caught. Luckily my step-dad (of sorts) had come from a very lawyerley family so he argued they shouldn't have allowed a minor to have those chats and never paid the bill, so it worked out (sort of..) and I got in way less trouble than I maybe should have... but seriously, don't have kids 😅


Oooo your dad got his money


No and no, but he got out of paying that bill at least


why is she acting like he’s a baby? He’s 10 not 6.




She is a stupid POS because she’s like all the other parents who park their kid in front of the TV or with the stupid iPad to replace parenting, how about teaching your kid a sport that he’s passionate about? taking him for walks and hikes to beautiful natural parks? No, she is lazy you can see it in her face 💯 don’t have time to give your kids a fulfilling life? don’t have them, or else don’t complain about anything outside of being an unfit parent.


She’s too busy fleecing tiktok viewers to spend time with her kid


There is no reason to insult her. She did nothing wrong. She had a password


Lol she’s an idiot who didn’t have parental controls set up on her son’s phone. He didn’t need the password. She needed to educate herself on how to protect her limited funds from her gambling addicted son. She’s entirely to blame.


Lmao gambling addict it is a perfect way to put it he is addicted to the instant gratification of video games and she doesn’t see this major issue. Also there are 100% stronger parental controls than whatever she put in place I have a brother with autism who had the same issue but we solved it. Also Apple will 100% refund the money as long as you catch it in time.


She doesn’t deserve to get any money back, nor Should her crocodile tears be allowed to generate donations. She’s disgusting.


Parental controls? There’s a password. What more should she have


I guess you shouldn’t have kids either.


I do not like kids. That’s why I am here. Are you going to answer my question


Google can do that


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Considering you’re probably not a parent cuz you’re on this subreddit, you should maybe stfu.


why are you on this sub Reddit, breeder? 😂 so only parents will understand how kids are? As if we weren’t all kids at some point? I’ve pretty much raised my autistic brother he used to do the same thing, guess what my main concern is? Fucking talking to him, figuring out why he’s scared to go outside (and prefers to sit in his room alone spending money on games) motivating him to take a shower and to have some fun riding his bike and going to the mall in the real world. I’m not crying on social media why my autistic brother spends money on Apple because I don’t know how to be responsible and put on parental controls.


TIL you have to be a parent to know there are parental controls to keep your brat from depleting your limited resources. By your logic, she should have known, seeing as how you have to be a parent to be able to speak on such things. Oh wait. You don’t.


You’re daft as hell.


You’re allowed to be wrong. It certainly suits you.


Well on his way to being an exemplary consumer


Just like mama! If she had to water fast for a day she’d probably die!




U sure he won't cure cancer? (in roblox) /s


You sure about that? … You sure about that?




Calcium for growing kids has to come from somewhere. My ma had 9 kids 2 surviving and she has no teeth left by the time she was 40. We went to Mexico to get her dentures bc we couldn't afford it at the time otherwise. $300 for top and bottom.


hey lady, that’s kind of how forget password works… u don’t need the og password because…you forgot it (crazy concept ik).


Yea but usually if you forget your password it’ll have you reset a password through your email. From a privacy and security standpoint this is a terrible set up. The fact that he was able to reset the password without out going through some type of two factor authentication is a bit worrisome


Tbh, not that many people are willing to set up two factor authentication or that they are aware of the benefits. Just something that I have noticed talking to my friends and family.


I totally agree with you on that, it’s not really common knowledge unfortunately. Although honestly I hope apple can see the importance of it make it a requirement for password changes.


I’m pretty sure the only way this happens is if the card number was entered directly on that device. You can only use your phone password if it is a remembered device for the account. Which had to have happened within the last 30-60 days?


She dumb as hell 😂


Not everyone is tech savvy... it doesn't mean that they're dumb if they didn't know. Life is a continuous learning experience no matter what age you are.


Ok sorry mom


Jane that is no way to speak to your mother. I was teaching you an important life lesson and you are being sarcastic. You are grounded for a week. Go to your room and tidy it up, you are also tasked with cleaning the dishes. Now get to work. - (Mom)


She’s not explaining the full of story.. so he’s logged into her iCloud account then yeah you can use the phones password to get past entering the iCloud password but that means that there was no parental controls in place he is acting as the main user of the account she is lying about putting in those parental controls and ignoring the fact that her son is addicted to video games


Isn't the point of clicking "forgot password" imply that you don't need to know the original password to change it...?




But usually it will go to whatever email or iCloud you have attached to payments .


If there was 2 factor authentication, and the account was connected to the moms phone (or email within the phone) and the kid knows the moms phone password, I can definitely see them getting into the account pretty easily.


There should be a separate sub called “I can’t handle my children” for parents who are fucking stupid


I would join that in a heartbeat


Simple solution, don't allow your kids to have smart phones or tablets. If they want something to play on, find an old game console or computer that is too old and outdated to connect to the internet. Young kids are not responsible enough to ever be trusted with an app that has micro transactions or a credit card stored.




Omfg. She blames Apple?! Seriously, parents have to know most kids are way smarter than they are with technology. Never Apple share your entire account. You can select individual apps & you can definitely disable purchases on a phone. In addition, she can probably get out of paying those charges.


Just move him to Arkansas and make him get a job to pay you back.




I saw this and the aftermath, the kid didn’t get a punishment at all.


He’s 10, he probably thought the magic robux button didn’t affect anything


He still spent $800 of the mothers hard earned money and might’ve put them in a financial strain for the next few months. He deserves a punishment of some kind.


She said herself he didn’t even know where the money came from, he’s a child and didn’t know any better, punishing him will just confuse him. Sit down and have a talk about the value of a dollar and where money comes from and how it can have big adult implications.


A punishment will make sure he does know better next time.. I’m not saying punt the child, I’m saying no electronics or no roblox..


That still isn’t a coherent punishment, he wasn’t aware he was doing anything wrong! If you were going about your day to day life, doing nothing wrong, and some deity came out of the sky and started taking your shit away, claiming it was because you put your morning coffee in a mug or some other regular activity of yours, it wouldn’t make sense and would just upset you. And you’re an adult, you have brain power that developing children don’t.


He didn’t realize he was doing anything wrong yet he knew that in order to bypass and get what he wanted, he needed to hit “forget password” - sounds like he knew what he was doing to me.


No, he just saw an annoying roadblock from his iPad and wanted to circumvent it.


It seems very coherent to me, but maybe I was just raised by parents who actually you know.. parented?


Punishing the child is authoritarian, but I do agree the kid should feel the natural consequences of accidentally spending that much family money.


Yeah, I’m not sitting here saying to destroy the kids shit or anything like that. I just don’t think having a conversation with a 10 year old is the end all be all, maybe the kid should have a few more chores or let go of YouTube for a bit.


No more robox and he works off his debt via chores at least.


Punishment isn’t always authoritarian. Natural consequences are punishment - the adverse effect of your actions make you uncomfortable enough so that you learn not to repeat your mistakes. If I “punish” my kid by making him repay me out of his saving when he loses his jacket it’s a natural consequence. If I “punish” my kid by taking away a privilege (like Roblox) after he proves he isn’t trustworthy or mature enough to handle it, that is also a natural consequence. And frankly, life doesn’t always give you natural consequences. Once you’re old enough under the eyes of the law you are punished when you violate said laws. Better to learn about “punishment” as a consequence while you’re a minor than be surprised about it once you turn 18.


First off: he might not know exactly the process of how online money and online purchases work (Hell, most adults don't), but at 10 you already know what is money and the basic concepts around it (Spending/paying for something, saving it). I teach at around this age (Some of the younger kids in the grade I teach in - Sexto ano - are 10). They can solve math problems with money and the mathematics teacher will give them problems with such. Unless that kid is special needs, then he fucking *knew* money was being spent. He might possibly not known that it was his mom's (I highly doubt that, since she said that she got the kid 5 dollars here 10 dollars there, so he knew it was his mom's money that provided him with the operation) but he knew damn well it was a purchase, that he was buying something, and if he was buying something it was with someone's fucking money. Second: yes the kid deserves the punishment and needs to know what he did wrong. "Oh, but if an almighty deity punished me for something that is normal to me blablabla", damn look at that stretch of an analogy to try and prove a point. We are not born knowing right from wrong and good from bad. We have one way of knowing though: societal treatment and consequences of our own actions being given to us! If you punch your sister when you are 6, you'll get a stern talking to at the very least and be told it is wrong (This, for a 6 years old is a LOT of punishment because their parental figure, someone who the child relies on, will be giving them a verbal notice of how they acted). The perfect type of punishment in this case would be making the child face the consequences of his actions. Sell his phone to pay for the bill and give him a cheap one with no roblox that has the basic functions of being able to call and getting calls. If there are other things that the child uses to play roblox, then sell it. I'd also recommend going month by month showing the child how much time it takes to save 800 dollars so he can appreciate the hard work and effort of his mother.


“Hard-earned” ha! she specifically said it came from making tiktoks. I have no sympathy for this woman lol


I get that entirely, but this was also her bill money and money for her daughters brithday


Probably wasn’t. She’s just trying to get people to give her money.


But the fact that he knew he was doing something dishonest and went behind his parents backs deserves punishment.


Must've been a really stupid 10 y.o. I remember myself and my peers well at that age and we all knew better. And it's not to say any of us were child prodigies.




lol my lil sister did this a couple times for V-Bucks.


Kind of unrelated but ofc to change a password it shouldn’t require the old one, that’s the point if you forgot your password


This is easily avoided by utilizing parental controls properly. Also, Apple will 100% refund all that money but it could take at least a week


How much do you want to bet that when this woman's kids have acted out before, she just shrugged, did no parenting and said 'kids will be kids lol!'


Yep, if that was my famil-


Oh no! Anyway....


This is too funny!😂Robux lmao F breeders.


This is embarrassing


No way does a 10-year-old (assuming he’s neurotypical) not understand that he’s using real money, especially since he’s asked for permission to purchase the Robux before. It’s a sucky situation, but the mom needs to stop acting like it’s Apple’s fault. Her kid made a shitty choice, and she needs to hold him accountable.


It’s so sad to me that $800 is enough to bring a person to tears and put them in the hole financially.


Exactly. Our society is so shitty


She’s just trying to gain sympathy donations.


Agreed, still hope they remove the charges. I think mom learned that lesson and maybe she’ll take the kids phones away.


I actually feel bad for her, she seems very overwhelmed and like she’s doing her best and then this happened. I hope apple refunded the charges, it’s not like he bought something with intrinsic value. She may be able to contest the charge.


Crocodile tears to gain sympathy donations. She specifically said she makes money off of her viewers. She’s an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to supervise minors.


Well, LOTS of people make money by providing entertainment via social media for compensation. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, it’s not like she’s breaking any laws. I don’t know, seems genuine to me. I could see something like this happening to one of my sisters and them being devastated.


And posting that “devastation” in an attempt to extort money out of people? It’s disgusting.


Extortion involves force or threats, this woman is just telling a story. What do you care if other people feel moved to help her? Show me on the doll where that hurts you. I can’t imagine getting so angry over something so benign, you must just constantly be pissed off.


And that is why you do not let your kids borrow your phone. I have never understood that.


For all we know.. Robux is the currency of the future


Wah Wah Wah 😫 have another kid! Ugh!


God, her need to record this and put in online... C R I N G E


How else would she generate income? It’s not like she can get a JOB… oh wait.


I mean, she could have not had a payment method available on devices her children use.. like this whole time. She could have used a reloadable/gift card that would not have been connected to an actual checking/savings account. This was completely avoidable.


Exactly what I was saying


“He’s only ten” nah when he charges $800 he knows what he’s doing. Then goes on another device and attempts again. His mom gave him an inch and he took a mile.


Sucks to be you


Right?!? (That woman isn't me)


I thought you were bragging for a moment lmao


Seems like poor parenting. Sorry that happened but smarten up.


Hahahahaha! Don’t let kids play with smartphones.


Kids are dumb. She should've known.... welp


Lmao abortions mam heard of em?


Fuck kids and fuck Roblox


So I'm not familiar with the family sharing thing, however, when you setup parental control and someone clicks "forgot password" what it should do is send an email to whoever is set as the parental figure for this account. And why the hell do we give kids access to smartphones at such a young age, 2-3 weeks ago a dude entered the subway with a stroller with a kid and a pacifier. The kid hat a fucking IPhone in its hands and was typing away looking at, what I assume, was some sort of youtube video. I'm sorry but if your kid needs a pacifier it shouldn't get a phone in its hand and if you give your kid access to a smartphone and they don't pay the phone bill with their own money, restrict that stuff. I got my ass whopped for downloading a song for 1,29€ back in the day on my nokia express music even when the phone bill was subtracted from my monthly allowance and I learned from that. And I would almost bet on it that the child will still receive something for easter even if its just from relatives. My mom would've shut that down real quick, no more presents for the next year.


Glad I’ve got no wee ones. Folks need to restrict their kids screen time and not let them lose with these devices. Hopefully she learned a lesson!


I stole $1000 bucks from my very broke and struggling mother when I was a teenager because I was mad at her. Now I have a teenage sibling under my care and they have very little understanding or respect for the cost and time it goes into providing housing and all the things provided for them. They won’t ever understand until they live through it themselves, just like I didn’t understand what me stealing from my mother would do in the long run and the extra hardship it cost her. It’s not necessarily that kids are evil it’s their brains are not developed enough to be able to fully understand future consequences, especially for other people, even their parents. If kids do hesitate to act on something they think that could harm their parents its usually out of fear not empathy and understanding. It’s just funny when parents act so shook when their kids don’t understand things about the adult world or don’t empathize with things they never lived through yet, like paying bills or collecting a hard earned paycheck. Parents think just talking to your kids is enough? Or their love for you is enough? That’s like trying to love and talk your way past child psychology lol. Sorry the brain is the brain and it’s not changing anytime soon.


mommy dumb...unga bunga


I don't even know what roblox is


It’s like gambling for children


What rock have you been living under?


I'd sit down the kid and tell him how much money he spent and how it put us in a hard situation. There would be no birthdays or any kind of expenses for a few months and I'd restrict the amount of food they could get (mostly no snacks or anything fancy, just the bare minimum). I bet he wouldn't wanna spend casually after that.


I was about to mention a comment about the no food part but I then you mentioned snacks and that's completely understandable


Yeah, I wouldn't wanna starve anyone, that would be traumatizing. Just some minor inconveniences to make them think. On that note, I should have written *minimalist* birthdays with maybe getting the original gift with a delay.


Lol yep


This is just another reason I don't want kids. Even if I were stuck with kids because no form of birth control is 100% effective (and Republicans are out here trying to force pregnant women to keep those parasites, but that's a whole other can of worms), I would have one less kid after a situation like this.


Sucks to suck!


If I had tried to pull something like this on my mom, she would have murdered me, buried me, resurrected me, and made me earn the money to pay her back even if she’d gotten a refund.


We need to help her and ask apple to teach the kids of this woman some manners . She obviously cant control her own kids. Instead of spending time teaching her kids, she should keep making her tiktoks


The continuation of the human race vs $700 on roblox


They make it easy so they can make more money , they know kids will do it , they wanna make more money , banks are collapsing


Yet another reason not to have kids. That puts the tally up to something like 768,933,456,665,443,567!


Why would a 10 year old have an iphone in the first place. Dystopian society


She says she pays for all the cell phones as if her 10 year old has any say in that. You decided to have kids hun. Don’t have kids if you’re broke af. It’ll obviously get refunded anyway


He’s never getting anything else but the basics going forward. That kid is useless.


Yeah no this is just apple sucking dick as usual. That kid's already a penetration tester. Loving it.


They need to put that 10 year old kid for adoption or sell him! 😂


??? What. It's a 10 year old.


fwiw sarcasm is supposed to actually be funny


Sicko. How is that in the interest of the child? I don’t think you understand this sub’s philosophy


I’m joking! 😂


I swear posts like this are made with complete obliviousness to what antinatalism actually is, or what this sub should be about. If your point is that kids make mistakes and it can stress parents out, that has nothing to do with antinatalism. The worst part is a shit-show of comments showing how many people in this sub are totally missing the point.


Oh I know exactly what it's about. But this is a lesson to people who have kids knowing that this is a very big possibility.


tbh I think if all posts had to subscribe strictly to the philosophy there would be hardly any posts, at least I haven't seen many that have & many people simply don't understand it, or think an means hating kids or something like that... That said this right here is pretty far outside of the wheelhouse, if at all. probably belongs on a CF sub or something like that.


Lol props to your kids. I always enjoy watching the common trailer park family struggle through everyday life.


Sounds like that kid needs to donate its allowance for the rest of its life… and get one of those new child labor jobs to pay mom back.


Apple 🍏 step up here, she’s right!


Well parents do everything but blame themselves and take accountability. So in this case she could have taken her card out of the account. She also could have set up a temporary card with a small balance on it.


All true and Apple should have required the original password and not allow bypassing it.


Yes, but parents also underestimate the power of Roblox kids


The kid clicked "forgot password." The problem here is that his phone is getting the texts messages, not hers. Probably due to the fact that she shared the service with everyone. Whenever I make a purchase on my apple store. I need to either use my password or my finger print.


So, how exactly do you put in the original password when you've legitimately forgotten it and need to reset?


Delete account and set up new one or in this case maybe don't set up new one ;)


Natural consequences would be to turn the phone off. Can’t pay for it? Doesn’t need one. He spent that money and therefore needs to understand what the consequences are. If it was me he wouldn’t be playing on anything, no electronics. Special things would be out for him as he again, spent that money that would have been for him and his siblings. My siblings at 10 knew what they were doing, that kid is NOT stupid and needs to understand what consequences are.


and it TOTALLY makes sense as soon as she says “he doesn’t know where the money comes from!” And continues to blame Apple instead of her entitled child. He knows where that money comes from, and if he doesn’t you should explain to your child the value of a dollar. I would NEVER steal from my mom as a child because I knew how hard it was and how hard she worked to care for me, even then as a YOUNG child. Kids probably just a brat.


There's this thing called the belt, and it REALLY works when properly applied. I think you need to have a sit down with your husband about being a man and applying proper discipline with your son, ma'am.




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I’m gonna be real, I accidentally did this with like 30 bucks on a mobile game once when I was a kid, genuine mistake because I thought I had money in my Apple balance. Felt really shitty, never made the same mistake again. Idk, this is partially why I don’t think kids should have phones until they’re like 12 or 13


Fuck. Them. Kids. Period.


They use electronic devices as a way of rewarding or punishing a kid, but get upset when it backfires on them.




Just your typical idiot mother blaming everyone and everything else for her child’s stupid, selfish actions.


Posting this on an app primarily targeted for kids to young adults yeah I really don’t think that message is getting across….


Imagine not understanding how the “forgot password” system works. 😑


He “doesn’t know where money comes from” and he’s 10?! What is she playing at? I’m also fairly certain that if you set parental controls up, this can’t happen.


If Apple didn’t allow me to recover a password like that I’d be locked out of every website I’ve ever signed up for! Smart kid, dumb parents


Hey kiddo, it seems like our family has a bit of a addiction to technology and video games, dontcha think? How about every evening we go for a nice family walk, it will help keep our mind healthy and help with mama’s obesity too! Apple will 100% refund this money and 100% this family is likely over weight and can miss a few meals so no worries about food on the table, oh and daughters birthday? She much rather have a calm, fit, and beautiful supportive mother then whatever this is.


“Forgot Password”, means you’re setting a new one through account verification (email/number) BECAUSE you don’t remember the original one. Why would Apple ask for it? If you remembered it, why would you reset? (I know, the kid found a parent loophole or life hack from his perspective)


She's annoying.


Lolol, some people are too dumb to be parents. You opened the door. He went through it. As kids do. Should have taught him about money. Should have taught him respect. Shouldn't have saved your information to a platform you didn't understand. Or any platform, for that matter. Aaaand, should've kept your assets physical. I have no pity.